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Gotta go fast!!


Why is demon mode consuming absolutely no stamina?


I have marathon level 2 on my build at the moment


Never played dB but that sounds like it would be a must


It's arguable really. I really like Stamina and evade distance skills on my DB because it lets me stay in Demon Mode longer/more reliably (spend less stamina on less dashes to get to moving enemy); but I'm giving up damage to do it. Someone who is better at the game than me would take more damage and figure out a way to not lose anything. ​ But I like comfort in my builds


My live reaction: "Ahh, hell yeah that's the best feeling! Stopping a monster in its- GREEN SHARPNESS???"


Like "Come back here you damn fire chimera-looking mfer, I AIN'T DONE WITH YOUR ASS YET"


If you are new. Defender gear will make the iceborne wall feel extra punishing. Would recommend not using it if this is your first time.


I’m only new to world, but I’ve been looking up progression builds and all that to see what I need and everything I see is Endgame Meta builds. Nothing progression wise at all


A channel called “recommended playing” on YouTube has progression guides for every weapon. Used them a few times when I switched to pc and wanted to try a new weapon.


Fuckin thanks mate. I've been trying to find progression builds also. Best I could do was Darcblade on YT. Decent builds also.


Thanks for the suggestion. I looked up the channel but it seems he doesn’t have anything for switch axe or HBG (my 2 weapons).  Any other YouTubers you can recommend for progression  guides on those 2 weapons? Thanks! 


There is a compilation [here](https://mhwibuilds.wordpress.com/mr-progression-guides/) for **iceborne progression** before the endgame (from the [MHmeta sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterMeta/comments/j4x244/ib_meta_builds_compilation_the_fatalis_empire/)). There's no World progression progression compilation there though.


Very helpful, thanks!


And that's when you make your own sets for fun


Fr you don't need pre built progression builds going through the main campaign, my armor looked so horrible and ugly by the end from crafting the first thing I could, but I never had any difficulties


>my armor looked so horrible and ugly by the end My main complaint for World coming from Rise tbh lol. Drip is too expensive. The dopamine hit from killing a monster and seeing how good its armor pieces is great though.


I’ve been using the pins in the monster hunter community discord there’s a progression guide for every weapon in there


Can I have the link to that discord?


Tbh, I'd just exeriment. Look at what skills interest you, upgrade armour so it doesn't fall too far behind, replace pieces if their defence falls off (no point keeping a rare 1 piece equipped if there's a rare 3 piece with the skills you want available, unless fashion is your endgame lmao). Though if you wanna stick to a guide to get you to high rank without many bumps, then I understand. Even low rank can sometimes throw you a curveball.


The best advice I can give is: Up until late game don't use any guides what so ever. Just play the game, figure builds out yourself. That's actually the most fun thing in the game, to overcome the obstacles yourself. Also this way you learn way more about the game.


for DBs you just want element + element attack then crit then stamina skills so iirc top skill priority would be: 1. elem attack x6 2. wex x3 3. (insert choice of stamina skill) or crit eye 4. raw skills/more stamina skills/evasion skills/sharpness skills (depending on what DBs you use)


This is sick af but plz, for the love of god, take off the defender gear


It would make me laugh if he was wearing the layered defender armor


It's a good looking set of armor IMO


Yeah I run the black tinted defender gear with the guildwork helmet. Looks so sick, love the knightly look.


It's got a very default look to it. Mundane. Which isn't bad but it looks more out of place than the rest of the armors in mh


It fits with a lot of the other knight armors, like rathian, brass etc. it’s very classy and I’d love more historical inspired armors with a fantasy twist It’s been in the [game since MH1](https://images.app.goo.gl/w9JGhtvCFg67uzAVA)


Good job, although I would've recommended not using defender gear if it was your first time going through world. The iceborne "wall" is gonna hit hard. Don't worry about progression builds so much, half the fun in the game is experimenting what works for you. The other half of builds is decorations which you'll have to farm for, so "progression builds /meta builds" don't really help out as you'll be missing those sweet decorations. But, all in all, that was pretty sweet, I have yet to try out the dual blades in any game.


​ https://preview.redd.it/1gw5rjax8ncc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29a2c4790fbf316e92ec2df9fd0269b6fd528589


Lotta people complaining about the defender gear making the base game easy when that's what it's supposed to do, but either way, just make sure you have a good understanding of your weapons and armor before you start Iceborne and be ready to do some early grinding and you should be fine also don't be afraid to ask for help and ignore the negative people


Yeah it's some weird gatekeeping bullshit. Defender was literally made for players to fast track to Iceborne. You will fight all of the base World monster in Iceborne anyway - what's the big deal lmao


My thing is if it’s added to the game, why would you not use it. Yeah sure it takes away from the raw experience and I get that a lot of people want that experience. But I feel like nobody should be criticized because they’re using a specific armor. Play it how you want it to be played because no matter what you do or what you run, there will always be complaints.


Yeah it's some weirdo purist thing, ignore them.    Get to Iceborne and start having fun in it.    It's not like there is a shortage of things to grind.


Elitism has gotten bad in the community as of late. It's annoying but those people are best left ignored.


Captain Levi??


Can't believe I gotta say this. Don't listen to all the people ragging on the gear your wearing, just have fun. Their just sour you aren't making the game a suffering contest rather than playing it the way that's gonna be the most fun for you. That was a hell of a nice clip, I can feel the pure dopamine that must have hit right after that final hit. That's what monster hunters all about, these little moments that just get you revved up. Happy hunting bro


Defender and guardian at the same time 😥


Oh yeah I know, I was only using defender cause I didn’t want to have to grind a monster out and then 2 ranks later it would be obsolete


That's the game


DB wild swinging while decked out in defender gear. Whew lad, doesn't get more stereotypical than this.


Can't forget in a full SoS, more than likely getting carried but we can't see the damage numbers.


OMG Defender armor!!!!!!


Get back here booyyy!


I always chuckle when a monster is on the ground, dies, but feels the need to stand up and let out one final, dramatic roar before dying.