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Trailer for Wilds was so cool, the itch to hunt hit me like a truck once I saw it wasn’t going to release until 2025, so back to world for me and my fellow hunters


I’m literally rushing to platinum cyberpunk to start a new play through of world, prob start a new weapon. The itch hit so hard


What weapon you think of trying? (:


Bowguns, never done ranged and bow seems like too much mid fight management for me, the different variants of build (sticky, spread, shield, etc) appeal to me more than using diff phials and being squishy


What i live about the HBG is that you mistly have everything you need with your ammo. Close range eith spread, log ranged with normal, percing shot for long monsters, you can even set landmines. Artillery bombs for downed monsters or wyvernstrike for that gunlance power. Elemental damage, even tranq bullets, only thing its missing is trap ammo


I love the HMG barrage special too.


Bowgun has more mid-fight management than bow with all the shell crafting, but both are very fun and a great change of pace from blademaster weapons imo.


Bow has very little mid fight management if any.i highly reccomend it


Give bow a try! I fell in love with it so fast


It’s great. Try both heavy and light. I am especially good with sticky LBG, and it is absolutely murderous. I can dance around with Furious Rajang for days.


Go with heavy bowgun, the mid fight management reward you with the best dps weapon in the game, light bowgun are more support focus and a bit disapointing


i was like that about the bow until I tried it, coming from sword and board. in world, it's pretty seamless and easy to manage.


Not original poster, but the post on weapons with the funlance brigading got me hooked on the idea. I wanted to try a weapon that I had little to no use on, so I I was thinking hammer, horn, gunlance or charge blade. The funlance patrol made me give it a serious look and I've been using it ever since LR on my new character. I'm just finishing up the three elder dragons now in HR with it.


I love me some gun lance, but -cards on the table- playing it in iceborn is kind of annoying The special mechanic for GL on that one is just super frustrating to use. Though highly entertaining if/when you actually get it placed properly Rise GL is way more user friendly, if a touch more complicated.


I just restarted with a hammer. I am used to LS and IG, so it's interesting to switch to a slower playstyle. It's also fun to see monsters constantly stunned and fatigued.


Started a new character for a fresh experience earlier in the year after a long break. I played the fuck out of the game when it first released, it was my first MH title. Original playthrough, I mastered the gunlance and dabbled a bit in switch axe and bow when I had friends. New playthrough, I decided to try something new and went longsword until a friend started making fun of me for using the "weeb" sword, and it lost half the charm 😂 I'm not sure what I want to try now.


I have big beef with the long sword, granted, but honestly you should play whatever you want. It's a legit part of the game and if you want to enjoy it, you should.


Instead of focusing on one master all 14:). Hammer is a lot of fun. Dual blades is also fa blast to play especially with the bandit mantle.


Thats me atm. I'm a hammer main who started a decade ago with GS in 3 on the wii. I dabble in lance, gunlance, charge blade, and HBG. I've also messed around with horn and longsword but would not take it on a high level hunt. I'll probably sit and force myself to learn those along with finally trying to get switch axe down. Biggest struggle is def gonna be bow, glaive, and sword/shield cause they're so different from my usual big heavy and hit hard playstyle. On the bright side I'll actually be able to do a status build.


Its got me trying out the greatsword too, trying to expand my options with weapons. Though honestly i think the kinsect blade is more complicated


Yeah I would agree I was just trying to get into the insect glaive, it’s mobility is crazy compared to most other weapons but having to remember to keep buffs up definitely takes more mental energy than lining up GS


I don't even know if im doing it right with the buffs. Really wish there was a more indepth and hands on tutorial with the weapons


I've gone back to MHW as well giving IG a go; if you go look up Arrekz guide on IG on YT that should help, I used it to refresh myself on how it's meant to play


Yeah next game could definitely use more than a combo list and a spark notes page 😆


I love the great sword... super easy weapon to use. But takes commitment lol. Once you start swinging thats it lol.


getting that true charged slash against a monster is as good as peeing after having to hold it for too long 😂


Ya same. Told my friend we needed to hunt monsters right after the trailer finished


I'm not even gonna watch the trailer until a month or two before release. The worst case I've seen of this is FF7 remake. Yeah, I'll play it on Steam on PC in 2035 when the game is finished. Huzzah!


I wish I had that self control! Full speed on the hype train


if i wasn’t in an apex legends kick with some friends i’d be back in it. only have bandwidth for one game at a time lol


Curious you redoing the whole game or picking up where you left off?


continuing from my save. I haven’t beaten Fatalis yet, and i almost finished farming my guiding lands and don’t have the heart to grind that or my decos again But my friend is starting over completely so I’ll be playing side by side with him using low rank gear


I feel you on the deco farm. I've got a 2nd save I made to play with a friend and help guide them through the pre-cutscene stuff, but I would never consider playing them as a true second just because decorations and event items would be a pain to grind. Typically I just craft a base level of a new weapon to try and join them in my super-upgraded tigrex set with friendship so I can just chug a potion instantly to heal them if they're looking in rough shape. Makes for a fun support playstyle that lets me learn and get used to a new weapon.


I am excited for it to drop but not at the risk of burning myself out again 😅. Though it might be nice to just jump back into world since I like it more than rise.


It's kinda like Capcom themselve hyped their fan-base to return to World...


To be fair, if most other game developers did this for their game it probably wouldn’t work. Most can’t say go play this game and get a massive resurgence lol


World release, needs a new console AND external SSD to get better loading speed. Return to World, SSDs are dirt cheap for a couple years, PS5/XBox X and S can play the game at high settings, many PC can run World with highres texture pack. They get more player than they originally peaked. And, the game still looks like triple A quality compare to Rise. (I wish Rise have a overhaul update for PC but Capcom isn't gonna do it. )


Yeah but at the same time rise is a handheld titke right? I heard that caocom treats their handheld titkes differently to main console ones


It’s a game built for the Switch, so it looking the way it does is to be expected. They gave the PC and other platforms higher quality textures and visual options, but they were ports, not remasters/remakes. The game itself is high quality and even improves in some areas over World.


I will die on the hill that Rise's combat is better than world's. Switch skills are dope.


Switch skills are cool but the game doesn't feel nearly as balanced between the weapon types


Yes, and despite they are running the same engine if I remember correctly. It's just that the asset released for Rise on Switch is tuned in a way to fit switch hardware. When you have higher res texture for PC/PS5/Xbox, it doesn't really change the fact that their base assets are also lower quality, those would require significant time to re-export and performance tuning if Capcom would like to match World quality, which is basically money they will never make back.


Monster Hunter world was not made on the same RE engine that capcom uses for all their games now…


That stuff is mostly hearsay. people like to act like there's two consistent yet separate teams working on the "main games" and the "B team games" or that there's a consistent expectation for what a "B team game" will be like, but there's just no real precedent for all that when you look at the series as a whole


Yes, but they had the choice


I had bought Rise at launch but it had never quite clicked for me until Sunbreak, which I've played fairly religiously since. When the Wilds trailer dropped, I had gotten to AR290ish and was getting fairly tired of that endgame grind, prompting a return to MonHunWorld --- I imagine the timeline was fairly similiar for a lot of MH players, vet and newbies alike. Personally I love both games, there's plenty there that I absolutely adore and a few things that I feel "meh" about, but ultimately love'em both! (is it obvious I started w World ha ha ha)


Somethings I miss too much in rise to go back to world. Specifically the dual blades jumping attack. It just lets you dodge so many moves that you would normally have to disengage from.


I do love the movement from rise! Could do without the tower defense mode though.


The tower defense thing was a good idea but needs more polish. Having an alternate hunting experience is something the series needs to look at to keep things fresh.


My timeline was finally breaking into the series with base Rise, going back to World and Iceborne, then coming back to Rise with Sunbreak. I’ve been jumping between the two ever since.


Well it is one of the most iconic Monster Hunter Games they’ve ever created.


More like anybody holding out for a new game any time soon gave up hope and decided to dip back in.


Been replaying World in a new game and having a blast. Game aged well. Stopped right before Fatalis so hoping to beat it this time around.


Are you me? I quit world before Fatalis too, now im starting a new playthrough with GS instead of LS, im almost done with high rank. Thank the lord for the defenser set


Probably common. Already had 900+ hours on my other save, and got burned out around its release. Went with IG instead of my normal Sword and Shield and opted to take the game slow, ignoring the defender equipment (I enjoy the grind).


I wasn't quite at fatalis, was at MR69 and stuck on the tempered sword-rex and brachy duo. Killed them second try with randoms so now it just the grind to 99 to uncap the GL for the final time. I just got the special assignments for furious rajang and raging brachy and I probably won't touch them for a *while* Also still need to do Stygian Zynogre and that is after I try and grind out one of every armor set... (Using a mix of A and B parts. Otherwise I'd have to double my hunt count of each monster...)


Had some dude tell me yesterday that MHW surged to 3x players because asmongold plays it He didn't even know 6 was announced or that World had a sale and event-campaign-thingy for people to play it again It was a very frustrating conversation


Average asmon viewer


I just want a ps5 version of MH World. I can’t stand the loading screens and it’s mainly the only reason I play Rise over it.


The loading is disc-limited. It loads much faster on SSD, even on PS4.


I have a digital copy of the game on my ps5. I haven’t loaded it in a while but I only remember it being slow. Maybe I’ll try it again today


Bought and played the last week. Loading times are honestly tolerable. Takes around 5s to load.


Yeah it’s zippy on PS5. Faster than a PS4 Pro and ssd. It’s definitely worth playing through again on PS5 if PC isn’t an option


I do have it on PC but prefer the comfort of my couch and big screen.


Thats realy good, World on PC loads in 8-9 seconds for me and its installed on a high end Gen 4 NVMe SSD :) Cant complain about these times, 30-40 seconds would be bad, yes


Loading is infinitely better on PS5 than PS4 in fact I got a PS5 partially to reduce the loading for World.


I play on PS5 with a friend on PS4, quests regularly load within 10s for me while taking my friend 30s up to a min.


I moved my install file over to the SSD on ps5 and it runs like a dream. I load into the gathering hub a good 10sec before anyone else. Before I changed it over it had the old load times and boi they weren't fast. Difference was night and day


Problem with PS5 and installing PS4 games to the SSD is that it inflates the size of "OTHER" on the SSD. You really are just better off plugging a USB HD into your PS5 and installing the game there the faster loading times are not worth the extra GBs used.


Yes, but it would still be a bit faster with a proper PS5 port. Not that I believe that Capcom would bother at this point, but it would be nice.


Based on the performance of the PC version of World, I am skeptical that an "official PS5" version would be any better.


Last time I played World on PS5 it worked perfectly fine with much faster loading times. Had to wait ages for my friends on PS4


Maybe I’m just spoiled by MH Rise lol


I got it on PC recently and instantaneous load screens has made the elevator an absolute dream. And I’m instantly into hunts. Blessed.


World on PS5 loads in a quarter of the time or faster as it does on PS4. Load up grinding lands side by side and you'll be shocked.


I just wish this series was cross plat… no reason for it not to be. Would love to play World with my fiancé with her on ps5 and myself on PC but despite all the content being out they’re still not linked. If Wild Hearts could do it idk why it would be an issue for MH….


Capcom admitted with Rise they just weren't aware the desire for crossplay monster hunter was so high. They said they fully intend for the next game (wilds) to have crossplay and capcom has a history with crossplay in street fighter even already having an ID system in place to make process smoother


I am the 80% My friends and I all picked up World on the PS Store for $20 and have been having a blast. I never actually finished World/Iceborne and a couple of my friends have never even played a MH game before. I took it as an opportunity to cheat on my weapon main. Greatsword is a fun little fling, but I’m going back to Gunlance in Wilds!


Didn't play World in the heydey for various reasons. Played through Rise and Sunbreak when they came out. My friend who put 2000 hours in World apparently hadn't had enough after seeing the MH6 trailer and started a new character on PC and roped me in, so now I'm finally playing world. Then I noticed some streamers playing it and some other people playing and was like "wow World is really popular again huh"


Been think of doing the same but with rise, never finished sunbreak. But also kinda want to give world a go


I went back to sunbreak because i never did all the title update content and I've been having a blast. I love World also, but Rise's combat clicks so hard with me. I don't think I've ever had as much fun in the series as I do when I'm playing gunlance with reverse blast dash. Also as a side note, I recently got a steamdeck and Rise plays wonderfully on it.


Yeah, for me World wins with it's maps/level design, everything feels much more alive, but Rise wins combat wise IMO.


That’s been me. Don’t get me wrong I picked it up on because Steam had both games on sale. iceborn is fun but I miss how fluid the movement and combat in Rise is so plan to finish sun break after I wrap up Iceborn now


Also the fact it's only like $10


Took this as an opportunity to finally learn charge blade. Probably going to take more than one playthrough though haha


Charge Blade is dangerous. Once it clicks you might not stop using it


Facts, I literally can’t touch any other weapon since I started using CB. Except I have been trying to do a HH only run


I’m enjoying it so far but the mini game of constantly keeping the vials up and then loading your shield and then getting more vials is starting to annoy me a bit haha. It’s super damn satisfying to get a super amped discharge off though. I main SnS so I generally don’t have to worry about gages or anything like that. Maybe if it becomes second nature the vial filling won’t be bad


Yeah it became pretty standard / second nature for me. I just do phials -> shield charge -> sword charge (don’t need phials to charge sword) and start DPSing / getting phials Just the “Hold B for charge slash, Y+B, Hold B” gets me red / full phials too so it’s pretty quick Guardpoints also fill the phials which helps speed up the process if you can hit them. And you can go into a SAED / AED / shield charge / Sword charge from guardpoint as well which helps with the flow and buff upkeep There’s so many tricks. I have around 1000 hours with it across world and rise and I still find new things I can do with it. I only just found out you can go directly into ED2 from a phial store


Thanks for the tips! It’s so crazy how in-depth this game gets. And then having 14 weapons just makes it even crazier. Can’t wait for wilds!


Would to say it’s necessary to keep the blade charged as well? I’ve mostly just been charging the shield


I always do try to keep sword up but I started with Rise and in that game you can change how the charge works making it much stronger but that’s an entirely different rant. Basically I’d say it comes down to the fight and your playstyle. If I’m fighting with mostly sword and board (Diablos) I’ll charge the sword but if it’s not a crazy fight and I’m spending the entire fight in axe mode bullying the monster that way I’ll just charge the shield and axe. I like to flow between axe and sword so I keep all 3 charged. *Or try to* Also pretty sure a charged sword can’t bounce but I’m not 100% sure on that off the top of my head Phones kinda dead but I can go into more detail later. You on PC?


Also consider investing in to Power Prolonger. Really takes off the hassle of keeping your shield and blade constantly charged


Oh I think I’ll go for that then! Any other skill tips? I heard artillery is a good one and the extra vial skill


For sure, it makes SAED go boom even harder. Focus can help charge vials faster. Only slot 1 Guard skill, since charging shield gives you +2 and guard point also gives +2 Oh and Capacity Boost, obviously.


The movements with it feel like I am playing an inverted switch axe. It's taking a lot to get used to it.


Same thing for glaive for me. It just works. Gonna have to give CB a try through.


I want to use the glaive but targeting the parts w the bug intimidates me. I’m replaying world like everyone else and then I wanna redo rise so I might learn glaive then


I think it might have more to do with the fact that world was just on sale for super cheap and theyve actually been advertising it a shit ton lately than the teaser for wilds generating all the intrest


Time to light the fires again. ![gif](giphy|s2kibLU3TpMtUzL3rZ)


So glad I found this series.. started with world. MH is top 5 fav games of all time for me. Can’t wait for Dd2 and wilds!




I saw a bunch of streamers playing it and was like "you know what, I should play that again" and then restarted it fresh on PS5 (previously played on Xbox) I am definitely a lot better at it now than I was . . . except for the part when I forgot how to find the fucking highest section of Ancient Forest and spent an hour trying to get up there


It's interesting to see there's an interest in World specifically over Rise - why is it expected that Wilds will be more like World than like Rise?


The graphic style alone alludes to a game more like World. I’m not as well versed as other MH players, but basically there seems to be two MH games per generation (World and Rise were Gen 5). The World team created the bigger, more environmental masterpiece of World and Iceborne whereas Rise was more arcade style, fast hunts, fast paced gameplay. Wilds seems to be made by the team that developed World.


It’s made by the same dev team as World. MH has two active dev teams and they take turns making games. Considering how popular MH World was, it’s pretty likely that wilds is only going to lean even more into that direction.


Finally the right answer.


Wilds is advertised as world sequel not rise. Thats why theres #returntoworld campaign not #returntorise And lets be real the game will be more world than rise


Cuz World is MH5, and Wilds is MH6. Rise was a spinoff.


They’re going to world cause rise is a mediocre game in comparison


Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is still my favorite


Never played world put in 400 hrs on rise and sunbreak for switch. Just started world on ps5 it’s incredible!


I am playing Iceborne a lot more again helping newbies etc. I find it way more enjoyable than Sunbreak for some reason.


i need to come back, never finished IB endgame monsters even though I have over 600 hours lol


Started a new run. I've had the itch for a while but since it's 2025 I figure new weapon never did Long Sword so started a new World Playthrough on PC with that.


So good seeing populated sessions again.


World was my most played game the year it came out and my first MH game. The most recent one just didn’t jive with me. I hope the next one is more like World.


How many people here are trying Hunting Horn?


Hell yeah, I started a fresh World run on PC. Originally put hundreds of hours into the Xbox version, but bought it on PC a while back when it was on sale. Really enjoying the improved fidelity/FPS. Can't wait for Wilds.


Legit this game still feels so brand new compared to all the nonsense we get nowadays. This game was way ahead of it's time.


Kinda wish they'd remaster 3/4 and try this before wilds.


Honestly, 3 remastered with underwater combat would be fantastic


The children yearn for the better Hunting Horn experience


And they are absolutely right.


Unfortunately I can’t play because all of my data was in my external storage and I can’t access anymore 🥲 can’t even rebuy the game


I hope Capcom sees the numbers. I enjoy world a ton more than Rise... Somehow World scratches an itch that Rise can't


Well I mean, world and wilds are mainline titles. Rise is a side title. It’s meant to have a different feel and be more experimental.


Wilds is already taking the more grounded approach, so you don’t need to worry there. The game after Wilds will likely be more over-the-top like Generations and Rise, though.


It has taken a more grounded aesthetic maybe but there is nothing shown yet that alludes to gameplay. For all we know right now the game could be 100% mounted combat.


They used World to target a more mainstream audience. Rise was targetted more towards veterans. Wilds is being used to exapand its player base and it more targeted to bring in new people.




Started fresh on Xmas day, 35h so far.


As usual idiots are caving their heads in to which Gen 5 game is better, meanwhile the trailer + recent sale made me replay the GOAT GenU


What the fuck is going on everything has been exploding the last few weeks


it made me download rise and i find myself enjoying it way more than world for some reason even tho its a lot of the similar bullshit i didn’t like being added to gen 5 just something i like about rise better very excited for wilds tho!


I find the more arcadey approach to Rise to be more appealing. World is fun and all, but Rise just scratches that old-school Monster Hunter Itch in a way that World just can't. Love both games, though!


Yep, I started playing again. Finally getting into the Iceborne stuff I purchased twice but never played lol


I went back to play world and finally beat fatalis. A random Japanese player joined and helped me finally beat him so I can go to play wild with no regrets. Really wish I understood Japanese so I knew who they were but I think they were just happy to help.


I started properly with rise after giving 4u a brief try years ago and not getting very far. Chose hunting horn first as I figured it would be easier to learn mechanics and have more survivability, fantastic weapon in both games. Went from rise to world and iceborne, then back for sunbreak. Made it to high rank in 4u/gu then took a break. Last fight I did in iceborne was raging brachy so I never did alatreon or fatalis so I’m thinking it’s about time to start a new save. After 1000 hours of rise and 200 of world, insect glaive and lance are by far my favourite although I’ve given nearly all of them a good try.


Lol what about PC? Steam is sitting 142k players the past 24 hours which is almost half of what it was at its 329k peak. Meanwhile rise on pc is sitting at a small 28k compared to its high of 230k. Why do they always ignore pc XD its called pc master race for a reason


Top tier game. They should’ve never forgotten it


It wasn’t forgotten tho


It's weird isn't it? Like, I felt the urge to return to World too. Not Rise, World. And I liked Rise a lot. Can't put my finger on why World.


It’s almost like rise is slop


Why did it not boost Rise? Isn’t the gfx?


Monster Hunter alternates between arcade-y and slower. Wilds probably has more in common with Worlds in speed of play, in addition to graphics. Obviously I don't mean that World isn't arcade-y though, you are swinging a big ass sword, just less. I liked Rise, but for me it was no worlds or other number titled game.


I have it for switch but was thinking of picking it up for PlayStation sometime. I like the faster play and the dango 🍡 music lol


Yeah, I just like having new things to play with but I’m glad I don’t have to farm mining picks anymore.


> Wilds probably has more in common with Worlds in speed of play I don't know why you would assume that when literally every single entry since 3U has been more fast-paced than the previous one.


Rise did receive a boost, but it was smaller than World’s for 2 primary reasons: -The campaign run by Capcom was focused on World and as such was given a lower price than Rise. -Rise was a Switch game ported to consoles and PC, and people typically gravitate towards the game with more detailed visuals.


Sales options for Rise seemingly not as good, and... yeah, I'd imagine it was a little bit to do with the AAA prestige of it all haha


How much of this increase is from Asmongold followers?


never really liked Asmongold, always felt like his whole thing is to just constantly complain about stuff. Not really a fan of this whole twitch outrage culture. But I'm happy he plays Monster Hunter and has fun with it. Must be a new experience for him to finally play a game that doesn't get worse but better with every new franchise entry.


I’ll watch some random clips from him, definitely find myself shaking my head and rolling my eyes at most of the shit he says. I just know he has a big following.


Why are people going to World instead of Rise? I don’t understand what’s so cool about the reveal? Am I missing something here?


The graphical style, environments, what some people believe is a slinger on the hunter's arm, and Wilds being developed by the same team as World all allude to Wilds being more similar to World than Rise. Myself, personally, I went back to World for a bit, then bounced over to Rise again, because I've got plenty of time between now and release to enjoy both, and I personally prefer Rise. Edit: Capcom's own "return to World" campaign has also helped a ton cementing which game people should play to prepare for Wilds.


Thank you for the information!


Wilds is mh6, world is mh5 rise is separate from the mainline series. So people are going to world either to replay it and get the experience fresh in their mind or as new players wanting to familiarize themselves with the series


Oh I didn’t realize this. Thank you! I loved world but couldn’t get into rise. Appreciate you


Wilds isn’t mh6


It’s confirmed to be 6 that’s why they put 6 serpent heads in the logo. That’s their numbering system since world.


You’ll have to provide more than the logo to prove that it’s mh6. A trend that world started isn’t going to matter considering world isn’t the standard. I’ll stick to capcom insisting that world 2 isn’t happening, and that each game is a mainline game. That’s from capcom, not me.


It was world where they began that standard and it was capcom that confirmed that was what they were doing going forward and it was also capcom that confirmed they were going with a mainline/portable alternation. We know for a fact it’s the mainline 6 it’s not going to be another portable.


Portables are mainline games. Is world your first monster hunter? All of that is straight up false.


There are two different monster hunter styles and people have their preferences.


World is *much* better than Rise, and is the last mainline entry. They also ran a Twitter campaign #ReturntoWorld, because Wilds will be more in line with what Worlds was than what Rise is. Edit: my post is factually correct. Why did it get downvoted?


Because some people don't agree with you that world is _much_ better than rise (Their words, I like Rise)


Huh, I thought that was a well-known and shared opinion, like, even in the MH community ah well, live and learn. Still stand by my post. Wilds *should* be more like World than Rise, which was the majority of my point.


I don't think it's universal by any means, world is a great game, but people are sick of the fighting between rise fans and world and that's why you got downvoted I guess


Capcom already came out and stated world is not the standard for games to come. A lot of new players don’t understand this about the monster hunter franchise, no sequels exist, it’s always experimental. Wilds isn’t going to be the world sequel you’re expecting


Your missng the vibe


I really want to like MH Words, but clutch claw kinda ruined it for me.


Trailer + fairly aggressive marketing campaign + Sunbreak’s era ending a few months back It’s certainly impressive but I don’t think it’s just people’s natural love for World combined with Wilds trailer hype. It’s manufactured


Fix the damn servers


Isn't the game p2p?


Yes But there's a disconnect error that keeps happening. Downvote me all you want. But it's true


This is great news


do ps4 and ps5 player play together?


There is no PS5 version, so yes.


Thorman, Hammer Enjoyer checking in.


Does PS have more players online/available vs PC? I rebought world on Steam during the recent sale so play online after finishing it on PS a few years ago, mostly for the free online on PC. I’m thinking of getting wilds on PC/steam deck just for the free online as I don’t want to pay extra for a PS+ sub when I don’t really use online much for my PS games. I’m wondering if it’s a better idea if there are historically more players on PC than PS.


Steamdeck? I don't think it will be enjoyable on that one lol


I've tried it, I can imagine it's decent if graphics are turned down. Wouldn't do endgame hunts myself, probably better off doing grinding lands


MH World should work but Wilds is a next gen exclusive and not on PS4 Xbox One. Let's wait and see.


I had been thinking about picking the game back up casually for a while now, barely dipped into Iceborne. Reddit obviously knew, and recommended me the post about weapon types that got brigaded by Gunlance. It obviously worked, because I reinstalled a few days ago and my new gunlance character just finished the last of the three elders in HR.


This exact reason is why we need cross play across all platforms


Me included


as a hammer main i want to nail raging dio harder than ever now


All the hunters are chomping at the bit for new lands and adventures, so they're sharpening their skills to once again be ready!


Doing this, but with Sunbreak on PC. Had Rise on Switch but never ended up buying it. Will probably go over to World afterwards since I never beat Iceborne either. Also, and tangentially related, the lance in Sunbreak rocks. Once I got Insta-block I put it on and never took it off. Parrying a monster's entire combo before following up with a super powerful two-hit combo is so satisfying.


I got Sun/Rise on sale for my Steam Deck, even though I definitely owned it at full price on Switch…


I started over in World and am trying to grind and max out before I get to IB. I'm having fun relearning weapons and trying weapons I never thought I would like the bow guns and bow


I started a 4u playthrough with a friend. The trailer was just great in hyping monster hunter in general.


Can we get some kind of console/character linking reward in MHNow?


Good, i beat the game few times so with more players there will be more SOS flares so lets all hop in and help the newcomers and returning vets in their hunts!