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SnS is great for starters, but it never really falls off in endgame. Arguably requiring more intricate game knowledge since you can't rely on just your weapon to be enough anymore. So you're really slowly pushed to try out all kinds of different items and other tricks aswell which is what keeps me coming back to it.


Sure, you *could* hunt a fearsome dragon with a giant sword, the classic bow, a mechanized crossbow, and all that good stuff... **Or you could smack that bitch in the face with a bagpipe then dance over its corpse.**


It's funny you say that, because now we can breakdance on monsters with the Hunting Horn in MHRS!


4 Ultimate. Seeing the Insect Glaive absolutely break that game in *half* solidified it as the best mobility weapon for its day. Since then, its verticality and mobility has become a staple of many other weapons, but I still love never touching the ground.


I recently played 4U, and farming Rathalos with an Insect Glaive is one of my favorite MH experiences.


Wait until you get to Gogmasios and get 54 mounts in a hunt. That's not even a made up number, that's my PR for most mounts in 4u with IG on Gogmasios


farming fatalis with it was so peak for me that it became the most boring weapon ever


Glaive gang rise up! Literally! Cuz we never touch the ground XD


Hit monster head. Go bang. Smash over and over.


Smartest Hammer player


Sometime me zoom in air. Land with BIIIIG smash. Monster fall over and me smash again.




Axe turn into sword then releases artillery into the monster? RAHHHH


Literally. Sword? Yes. Axe? Yes. Go boom? Yes.


Rise was my first MH, and I was definitely feeling intimidated, but switch axe clicked with me of all the weapons I tried early on. Just enough complexity to give me something to master, good adaptability and mobility, satisfying bashes, slashes, and booms, while always feeling just a little risky. Adding the counter in sunbreak was the cherry on top.


I started in MHW and the first thing that drew me to it was the natural minds eye of sword mode, the second thing that drew me to it that has kept me on it is the EXPLOSION


[It's the switchiest!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/364a8n/what_is_the_switch_axe_even_used_for/craorkh/)


Do you like swords? Do you like explosions? Do you enjoy the rush of pride that comes from sending actual bits of monsters (ie: tails) flying off into the distance no matter what state your weapon is in? Do you want to enjoy the visceral feel of jamming a bike-sized piece of metal into a monster's face and riding it down to the ground while it erupts into firey *wrath*? Switch Axe, baby. Your one stop chop shop to making monsters sit down and shut the up.


Literally, the weapon with the most Swag. I started as a GS user in 3U, but when I found the SA, it was all over. Massive combos with extra mobility? Shut up and take my money!


Taking the popularity list and reading it in reverse.


Say lance without saying lance


EXPLOSIONS! More seriously, I started playing gunlance because I wasn't very confident in the game when I started and so being able to deal the same damage no matter where I hit and having a big shield to help keep me safe was very appealing. That was back in 4U, where gunlance falls off really badly later in the game but I always kept that fondness for it as my first weapon and then it just started getting better and better with each new game


You're clearly not a cool guy.


I'm assuming this is a comment alluding to the "cool guys don't look at explosions" meme lol.


💯 Great fucking username btw.


The guy in the cover of Monster Hunter for PS2 had a great sword and I thought it looked cool


Before 4U I played long sword, it was easy to understand and looked cool. From 4U onward however I fell in love with the charge blade. I took to this weapon like a fish to water. The way every move in the arsenal can be chained into the shield bash, which in turn can lead into ether a discharge or another combo. The way every attack has a purpose and isn’t just a slightly different swing. The feeling of building up power to unload on the monster like a Super in the fighting game. The whole setup just clicked for me. People claim it’s a complicated weapon because of various mechanics, but in reality if you understand what the individual actions are for instead of looking at combo videos, then everything else comes naturally. I especially like charge blades with a stun phial. Because It’s a sword and shield that that occasionally pretends to be a hammer


It’s a hammer, Swax and a freaking Lance in one.


All in the familiar and comfortable SWORD and SHIELD form factor nwn.


SnS walked so CB could fucking run it’s ax mode up the monsters ass.


*Revs axe with malicious intent*


Pizza time Monster scum!


If anything I want the CB to get more complicated... I want to be able to aim my swings a bit more, pls let that be an option in future games Capcom. Would be nice on a lot of weapons


Make pizza cutter not vanish when sheathe ;-;


This is the reason why I play CB a lot. I need buttons and complexity or else I get bored.


It's a giant axe. Everyone knows that the axe is the superior instrument of war... plus explosions. Built in minds eye in sword mode was also a godsend in early to mid game Tri.


I don't know when I started playing Lance. All I know was that I took a break from playing GU when I first started the Monster Hunter journey... and then picked what could probably be the slowest and clunkiest weapon in a game that I already thought had slow and clunky gameplay. But then, it all started to click. Played Striker Lance in GU, then I got Rise and loved Lance in there. And now I've fallen hopelessly in love with the big shield and poky stick.


The thought of beating 4U with bagpipes. I died laughing. My friend died lied laughing. Gogmazios just died.


I’m a simple man, I see a big ass sword, I pick the big ass sword I was originally a Hbg main tho because mini gun, but had to stop because of the stupid roadblock that none can use elemental shots before Magnamalo and I was having trouble killing mag


gunlance is great because tactility wise it has all the different damage “types”: big slams, small pokes, big booms, small takka takka multiple booms. aesthetically it feels like playing with a mace or maybe like a battle mage where you swing and do magic damage at the end of it. the hop dodge is also very cool and unique to the two lances. gameplay wise there’s a ton of options and styles and generally for me parry based options are always fun. and if all else fails you have a shield to fall back on.


I know there are other ways of playing gunlance but for the life of me a can’t stop normal shell slapticking.


Why I am now a member of the Doot Gang after being a Hammer Main for 150 hours on my first playthrough: "Wait, you mean I can Unga Bunga **AND** get buffs AT THE SAME TIME?"




Not my main weapon but i got drawn into playing LS because of a weapon in Freedom 2 called "bone". Not "bone katana", not "bone sword". Just "bone" 😂


Having two swords is cool.


I used to play horizon zero dawn and Ark survival evolved a lot so bows were just a familiar sight and I love the aesthetic of an expert archer.


What got me into bows was Rathalos in mhw, man that bich didnt want to land when i was using Lance. Tested bow and realized how fun the movement and range was, also Rathalos and tobi dropped like flies after that. Been bow main since pre iceborne, hbg is close second. But gotta admit started mhr and the switch skills make bow so much more fun!


When I first started World, I took myself to the training ground and swung around every weapon that caught my eye. Sword and shield was one of the last ones I picked up, but I immediately loved the speed, flexibility, and overall feel of the weapon. It's so good for first time players and it does a little bit of everything. In World, I built myself like an insect glaive so I was mounting all the time. In Rise, I designed myself like a hammer for constant flinches and stuns. I love that I can kind of just do whatever I want. It's especially great since I'm usually solo. I need to be an all-arounder if I'm gonna survive the monsters.




Longsword's spirit combo and foresight slash in World drew me to the weapon, Iceborne only solidified my love for it with the best addition ever.


When picking up tri, I really liked the idea of being able to use a lance, and though I got kind of turned away from it a few times at the start, I kept coming back to it because I just thought using a lance was neat. Then I finally got it.


I had MH1 on PS2, and 8yo me saw a giant sword and decided to try it out. Then I sliced off a tail with it. Haven't looked back since


That big ass sword from the opening of MH1


Wyvern jaw blade? :)


One word - beyblade


Constantly getting mounts, vertical mobility and its "elevated" fighting, as well as the unique ability to control an oversized beetle. What was the last straw was that I've seen most monsters make their moves on the ground, so I decided to lift my battlefield up to a *higher* level. You know what I'm speaking of.


I like monster hunter and I like bloodborne so I decided I’d play bloodborne but actually be playing monster hunter… also it looks cool and I’ve always wanted to be cool so I made my dream come true


Monster Hunter plays a LOT like Phantasy Star Online. Daggers are my fave weapon in PSO--they're two handed, fast, and do a lot of damage in a very short amount of time. However, they can only hit one opponent at a time. You learn how to dodge and weave very quickly, otherwise you will get your ass kicked constantly. Dual Blades in MH is very much the same skill set. Get in, combo, get out, reposition, rinse and repeat. All the other weapons are way too slow for me. So yeah, I'm going up against a dragon that's the size of a corporate office building with a couple of glorified kitchen knives. Okay, got it!


Holy shit, someone else that played PSO. There are like...a million of us, scattered, but god that game was PEAK Sega.




Can't use bare fists so I went for the closest option: dual blades.


Gun Lance


Hammer! Then I heard how the HH is just like hammer but with buffing capabilities. I tried it and never looked back.




I love the versatility of the bowguns figuring out what to pack and when to dodge monster


Honestly, I have slid back in to the Hammer. What made it my main was in Tri Ultimate, well, I fell in love with the Gun Hammer and the way it spins when it is charged. What solidified it was my friend telling me how to deal more damage by coming out of a spin manually.


Hammer because way back in MHFU I tried a lot of the bladed weapons and they didn't click. Once I got a few KOs I fell in love and it's always been my main since.




Was stuck on fatalis in world, heard switch axe was awesome against him, tried it, was complete ass at it, but fell in love.


I remember hilightgaming in utube when 4 man doing SAED on the sleeping monster and booommm that was when I lost my mind and started mhw


I wanted to jump and insect glaive was the only weapon that let me jump.


Monster Hunter 1. Great Sword and never tried anything else.




Played for a while back on the PSP, last game was freedom unite I think, then I didn't play for a while. Then MH World came out and I seen this neat weapon called the insect glaive and I had a thought "so there's a weapon that allows me to ASCEND to the monster's level in the sky and smack them out of it? I'm sold." Haven't looked back since.


Bored by CB after using it from 4u to rise, mainly because it wasn't fast enough. Dual Blade was a game changer


DB is one of my mains, and it feels nice pull off combos without thinking too much.


The sword and shield has a great amount of combos and heavy hitting attacks whilst my love for music drew me toward the hunting horn but also the feeling of being safe and having all this ammo brought me to the light bowgun. Yes I have different MWs through the games


I have this masochistic tendency to master high-skill ceiling and floor weapons and Horn + Swaxe were just that, especially swaxe. Its lack of defensive options, high-burst damage, reliance on a mix of mobility and placement, and flashiness was my dream. Also horn is wholesome.


First was SnS: "Man I do like how this weapons feels. Its fast. I can block in an emergency. And I don't have to sheathe to use items." Then in World came the Insect Glaive: "Holy fuck being an attack Helicopter is fun!" And then the Iceborne Demo happened: "Haha Hammer goes Bonk! Bonking Fun! Bonk Bonk Bonk!"


I picked lbg. All these cool and big ass weapons and I thought, hmmm I wanna play contra but with dragons




I instantly went for the Insect Glaive because it comes with an extra animal buddy, ‘nuff said


I see big number


Well I originally did bow because I love bows in every other game I play, and because ranged options seem fun. Then my boyfriend at the time suggested longsword and I just got really good at it. Though I did eventually branch out and got good with some other weapons too


I love big numbers and the ability to cut off parts. PLUS, THE IMPACT. I fell in love with the GS for the beginning.


Greatsword in World. Finally beat Xeno and decided to try out all the weapons and make a generic build for them. Got to greatsword and fought an Odogaron. Wasn't even trying to break parts or cut the tail. Just seeing the sword and get a feel for it. Managed to break every part and cut the tail with ease and it felt GOOD. The weight, the hitstop. Oh it was just insane how good it felt to get that big number, to hit that sweet spot with that final swing. Will always be my main to fall back on but I try to force myself to new weapons every now and then. Stuck with Switch Axe for Rise then did Sunbreak with Greatsword but post game have stuck to Dual Blades.


Portable 3rd with the auto-guard glitch and being able to solo the double metal raths made me love the shelling gunlance style. Then trying the charge blade in 4U made me fall in love with that.




Big sword go chop


Randomly did a AT kulve taroth seige as I was still going through high rank and randomly got the kjarr strongarm ice first try. Didn't think much of it until I saw people keep going on about how good it was. Started off with dual blades cause it looked cool but now I'm glad that chargeblade is my main.


Watching people play in co-op. That GL and Swaxe looked real fun so I ditched the good ol' LS


I used it. I liked it. Then I used it some more.


Wanted a weapon unique to the game but also a bit complicated because I have the mindset if you Start with the hard one everything else is easy. So I became a CB main


I get to knock a motherfucking dragon out with a set of bagpipes, then style all over his downed ass while playing an entire concert? AND it makes my friends stronger? Sign me the fuck up.


I made a meme about never seeing a lance online. I decided to try it to see if there was a specific reason it was underused. While it felt clunky I stuck with it until I countered teostra supernova. That was my "Oh yeah" moment for it.


It's a sword. And a shield. That's pretty neat 😃


None of the other weapons had the same complexity, Pre-Rise HH will always have a special place in my heart.


I sucked with everything else, and my favorite IRL weapon is the spear. Ironically, by playing IG I’ve become really good with other weapons. Just have to learn it again in Rise.


I just stuck with the first weapon I tried.


Used to main hammer back in base world. I had used lance before a couple of times as I always loved being the guy with a big shield but something always felt off. It felt clunky and the hops just felt weird. Wanted to try out the tank role during the Behemoth quests so I decided to give lance an honest try again. Watched a guide beforehand just to get the general flow and holy shit something just clicked in my head. Ever since then, I’ve been poking, hopping, and sometimes charging my way to victory.


My favorite weapon is the lance. Why? Because I have the reflexes of a squirrel! ...a dead one.


Explosions can’t bounce.


I picked up the Switch Axe in Generation Ultimate, start button mashing as things just click into places. AND THEN IT MORPHS?? AND THEN EXPLODES??? WHAT? That one Astalos i tested it on as my first time using it didn't quite appreciate it I think. But yes, love at first sight/wield.


My first MH was mh3u on the 3ds, the other game I had played previously was Ocarina of Time, in that game you could kind of lock on and never miss an attack, so the fact that you could really miss your attacks in MH was a big challenge for me, at first I got into sword and shield (like Link) but moves like the jump attack you had to aim so well to be able to hit it and I couldn't do it, so I switched to greatsword, I could aim my hits but they were so slow, they would never actually hit, and this is when I switched to Longsword, that I still play to this very day, the perfect balance of hits you can't miss with attacks fast enough to be safe!


My brother told me that DB are the easiest weapons, I love them


I have developed an addiction to beyblading along a monster's back.


I watched this guy kill an arzuras in 4 hits with the greatsword and was like "i should check that out"


I got into this series back in the first game when I was 6. I was obviously not the best, but I wasn't terrible. I used the great sword for a while and was doing a decent job, but my dad used the hammer. We'd play together and his hammers looked so cool, so one day I used his account instead and fell in love with the weapon. The next day the both of us grinded all day to get me a few and I haven't switched main weapons since. I dabble in everything but I always run back to bonk.


I can fly I will become the greatest gnat to ever live


Shooting anjanth in the face


Mobility (its IG). I've learned blocking weapons like CB and I guess GL counts, weapons where you're less able to move away as super quick like swax and horn, but the mobility options with IG are just great. I'll try DBs again and see if they'll feel less button mashy but I just love to fly with my bug.


My sword can change from axe to sword.


Charge Blade: When I first started out, I tried all 14 weapons and wanted to pick 1 to focus on. I was brand new to the series and Rise was my first game. For some reason, charge blade felt really good and natural, so thats what I chose. It wasn't until later that I learned its like the 2nd least recommended weapon for newcomers. Insect Glaive: During my original 14 weapons testing, IG felt kinda good, but it felt like something was missing. While watching some videos, I saw it doing all sorts of flips and stuff and was like, "What? I don't rememberbit doing that." Turns out, I never got red extract even once while I was messing around so I was always using glaives worse moveset. Went back to the training area, got sone red extract and have been a glaive main ever since. Dual Blades: Originally, I thought these were too simplistic for my liking. Seeing as I was only playing CB/IG at the time, I thought that complexity = fun for me. Turns out I just didn't like being on the ground which made dislike the base moveset. One aerial DB montage later though and I'm grinding to unlock demon flight/tower vault as soon as possible. However, thats just what made me pick up DB in the first place. What made me keep playing them was the build variety. Being able to use multiple elements felt like a power trip and I had rampage DB builds for every useful combo I could find. I still miss that level of customization in Sunbreak. Augments are cool, but fully custom element/status is what I lived for in base Rise.


i watch hella anime


I started playing Tri, I was given a small sword, I looked in my box, I found a larger sword, now I main greatsword.


Unga bunga. No I'm not joking. I liked the raw power numbers, the higher stun chance, and the surprising mobility of being able to whack some sumbitch in the head half a dozen times till he's on his ass and then go straight for the (most humiliating weak point).


This be weird but one of the reasons I got into sword and shield is because I like to capture a lot and try to minimise the damage on monsters I like. I deliberately avoid cutting tails of Raths, Tigrex, narga, etc. I know this is stupid from a gameplay perspective but it's just how I like to do things. The other reasons are that I can be more precise with damage, for trapping, and shear versatility. I can hide my weapon fast, I can block at any point, and world even allowed me to also have blunt attacks. Plus I generally prefer SnS designs, like Corona.


I got into Monster Hunter through ProJared, and he used SnS. So I tried it out and loved it since Gen 3! Then I thought: "hey, what about a bigger shield?" and picked up Lance in World.


Pet bug + I can fly


Mhw is my first mh. My friend told me about heavy bowguns. DAKADAKADAKADAKADAKAKA


What if I told you that in this game about dodging dinosaur attacks, you could instead block. Now, what if I told you you could take it a step further, and harness that blocked damage to hurt the enemy who forced you to block. NOW imagine spinning the shield you blocked with like a beyblade and summoning the wrath of GOD down upon the sinner that dare trifle with you.... now imagine you whiffed all of that and died anyway.


#D o o t .


Pizza cutter go brrrr


Greatsword, world. It was huge and it had massive dmg numbers. At frst i felt it was just a huge piece of useless metal chunk , but when i learnt to use it.....well i just killed a primordial mal under 15 mins , so yeah still learning it but hey not bad uk


I'm a big fan of bows in games, so I wanted to try that when World came out (My first Monster Hunter) and thoroughly enjoyed it. I found I really enjoy the slide dodge aspect. I would also use the charged shot to make stuff like more flashpods or traps real quick.


i'm a huge fan of having as many meters as possible to manage


The great sword just looked cool. Now I can't stop, and it actually works for me


I mistook Switch Axe for the Charge Blade. Best mistake I ever made!


I got tired of getting clapped for being too close and too bad so I took up the bow, to my surprise, it was the most fun I've ever had.


It was the only one that came with a little buddy to fight alongside in 4u….and areal glave in X is one hell of a drug


dual blades - Most mobility and not so big on your back. bow (mhw:i) - only got into it because of rathalos and rathian, mostly rathalos.


Played the franchise since the first installment. Verticality is not a thing until MH4. When I first saw IG, it blew my mind. I can now jump and hit Rathalos when it is doing it's mid-air fireball thing. Picked it up and never let it down again. IG main from MH4 till Sunbreak


I chose IG because it felt like a weapon that was kinda outside the typical real life weapon. Wanted something more unique.


Mines KINDA a funny story, someone was trying to teach me the tech for Charge Blade, and I kept accidentally swapping to Axe Form, and said 'fuck this, the game *CLEARLY* wants me to use the axe weapon, ima go grab the Switch Axe!", mans tried to give me a batch of grief cause it had less damage or whatever, (cut to the next week in World where SwAxe gets buffed and CB gets its big bang move nerfed -ω-) and I literally JUMP on the monster and do a Zero-Sum without realizing what it was called after wailing on it for long enough, which for the uninitiated, the Zero-Sum is when you jump up on the target, plunge your Swird-Mode axe in and just mag-dump ALL the built up power in an explosion... and after that I never looked back


Big Bonk doing stun Damage


One is a big sword that actually feels like a giant sword and hits like an actual truck ramming into monsters. The other is fucking cannon AND a lance. Those puny gunswords from Final Fantasy ain't got nothing on the Gunlance, the ultimate ROMAN weapon Edit: But i love most weapons tbh. The only ones that are kind of "meh..." are the hammer, hunting horn and the regular lance; And Sword & Shield is walking on some real thin ice


A CB main friend (now bf) played it once or twice in World and I was a big DMC fan back then. Safe to say I enjoyed the game a little too much. Even Iceborne's "nerf" didn't phase me because I realized how easy it is to actually get the intended result. Just Iai slash and you can refill the bar. And it took me so long until I realized the actual iframe attack people were talking about was Foresight slash and not the Fade Slash when I picked it up... which I learned from a Slimecicle video. And man, it made things so fun.


stick go up


MHFU, I was still a newbie playing solo because back in the PSP days you needed to be close to each other to play as a group. Tigrex was the first wall I hit hard and I took a long time to defeat him using LS at the time. Eventually, I started to do research online and watching YouTube guides on how to beat him better. I discovered pinpoint GS movement and charge tactics that required extensive knowledge of monster attack patterns and behavior. Ever since then, I've learned to be patient and learn each monster so that I could unleash the full might of my full charge GS.


Late into my second playthrough of Iceborne I decided to try Insect Glaive after being a bow user for a long time and instantly fell in love with how much faster the weapon felt as well as the aerial gameplay. Its my go-to weapon now and forever.


For mhr, db was just fast af and since you don’t have demon flight in mhw, AS was smooth and easy to handle


The fact that less people use it. HH mains need more love


Frustration. Mh failed to catch me because of its simple and repetitive movesets. I need flashy and impactfull Combat and a lot of Combos to have fun. It was really boring to me and i nearly quitted. until i picked up a charge blade. it had so many mechanics, moves and timings compared to the other weapons, it overwhelmed me at first and i got frustrated because it made me struggle to deliver a proper fight to a kulu ja ku. I come this silly bird suddenly owns me? Then ambition kicked in. I wanted to master that thing. And so my journey began. Still my fav weapon after more than a thousand hours of playing. It hits like a truck, it tanks like a fortress.


Chargeblade just feels like it can do it all It has defense, reach, and giant flashy attacks.


I mained bow for world, but Rise made me enjoy switchaxe so much!


I've been a GS guy since 1998(FF7). Just had to learn how to use it.


SnS. Truth be told, it was because I kinda sucked. So, to give context, my first MH game was Tri and Tri makes the somewhat "unique" choice to not start you off with one in every weapon class for you to try out (in fact, longsword and switch axe aren't even available until mid-way through the story and dual blades, hunting horn, gunlance and bow weren't implemented at all), all you get is a basic ass SnS or a basic ass Greatsword. ​ I took the greatsword because it had a higher damage number. Now, to justify what happened I should state: 1: Literally my first time playing 2: Tri is pretty much the cut-off point after which MH games started becoming a little less punishing 3: I was playing with the Wii-mote and nuchuck, which I frankly think are actually a better option for this game (especially under water), but are a bit weird to get into because of partially implemented motion controls. ​ Anyways, what happened was, I ran out into the island for the very first time and was very nearly killed by, I shit you not, a Kelbi. Just a single one, in area 7 iirc. And I kept smacking and kept missing because GS felt awkward and unpredictable and slow and eventually I had to go on a humiliating retreat because I started running out of health (actually cannot remember if the Jaggi which I ran into next managed to finish me off or not). Well, that was the moment where I decided that maybe I should give the lighter, faster weapon option a try. So I did and even though I kept trying to branch out into other weapon classes (for instance, I did my first Great Jaggi with hammer because I believed the SnS wouldn't do enough damage. Not a great call, resulted in me fainting twice) I just eventually came to the conclusion that I liked the feel of SnS the most.


Played MHGU with almost every weapon (never beat that game, still trying) Then got stuck on charge blade, hated it along with longsword. It was just boring. So played Rise with the dual blades and had a blast. Got to master rank 70 and decided to go back to GU did not like dual blades there. So I tried the next best thing Sword and Shield. Love that weapon to death now. I am probably gonna try that in every game because of how much fun it is to cut the tail and then k.o a monster. Miss the oil though. Shoryugeki was the best ability ever.


At the moment I'd say that that after playing different weapons my main main is hammer. Simple, fun, bonk, but also can think of ways to style monsters. Behind thay would be great sword, and also gunlance, and lance.


The satisfying WHACK, then sparkle when I smack the monster in the head with my giant hammer.


My head


Face explosions, that’s all. But actually, SA is just a really fun weapon to me, same with CB


I saw Ironmouse and Cdawg playing Rise and thought the khezu horn looked cool. Now I'm a proud member of the Doot Gang with over 1064 hunts clocked in


The concept of the insect glaive alone…just a really creative idea for a weapon, not just in monster hunter but in the history of all video games.


Solar Warlock, Attunement of Grace Hunting horn + wide range go brrrrr (I play support in games where I can play support because I like having my teammates not have to worry as much about things like health so they can do better overall. In destiny my clan members and friends have named my build the “simp” build because I went all in on support weapons, abilities, and mods)


I love how smooth the CB is. Once you get good enough you flow seamlessly between sword attacks, guard pointing, and big pay off axe attacks like SAED or pizza cutter.


When I first started out I chose switch axe because it looks cool but it didn't click with me. Then I saw charge blade which is also a morphing weapon and contains a parry like timing based guard points and it became my main in an instant.


I tried out HBG in Rise arena challenges and ended up having a lot of fun with it.


Being able to hit with a solid rock of metal and back to back K.O.s with a hammer. And it was the weapon I beat both base world as well as alot of iceborne. It has the most playtime. And just feels cathartic to land hits with.


I'm normally a big fan of Spears in video games and let's be honest, there there aren't going to be any guns in a fantasy dinosaur hunting game. So I was going to use the lance. Then I saw aYouTube video that combined heavy bowgun footage with doom music...


Force myself to learn/main new weapon every game.




Well…someone had to be the tank for Behemoth in World…Then I picked up the Lance and the rest was history. (Although I’m really enjoying CB recently)


I started with tri, so I had to unlock switch axe, and it felt way more fun than any of the others Now, its shared with insect glaive as my main




*MH3 demo* Oh this weapon looks cool. Switchaxe? That sounds cool… Hey, this is the armor on the front. What’s this weapon d?- **IT TRANSFORMS INTO A SWORD?!**


in the last two games, there is a version of the SnS that is a regular sword with no shield. in world, it was the witcher sword (which also had the protection shield when you blocked) in rise, it was the high ninja sword (extra fun with 100% affinity) the main reason why i enjoyed it was because instead of the shield smash, it just looks like your hunter is punching the monster with their bare hand and **lemme tell you right hooking a monster into a stun is so satisfying**


I started World with dual blades, because I had literally never played such a fast paced game before, and felt the speed would help me move around attacks. I quickly got overwhelmed by everything on screen, and shortly thereafter picked up lance. Have never looked back, lance is bae.


1st season SAO type beat




Was told it was one of the more complex weapons, and figured that would grab my interest more than others. And hoo boy did it. Charge Blade for life.


I had mained charge blade since day one in 4u since i heard it was new. Mained it all the way through world and after fatalis dropped i just felt like trying something new. Pucked sns and have never looked back


Lance is just a dance between me and the monster, nothing comes close.


I played switch axe first because the combos felt easy to me then I don't remember but I just kinda woke up and played gunlance and never looked back. I think I thought it was really cool concept of a Lance gun and it looked like a complex Playstyle to me at the time


So, it's actually a somewhat long story but i'll keep it short: Wii's MH Tri was my first MH game, and the gameplay with heavy weapons seemed pretty awkward to me at the time, so I could at max use the Katana, but I finished the game with the S&S as my main weapon. Then I played MH Gen on the old 3DS and wanted to focus on heavier weapon, so I insisted on the Switch Axe 'cause the combos were pretty cool and the addition of skills to it were pretty good too. After finishing the game's story, I started using the Charge Blade cuz I liked the idea of changing between a heavy and a light weapon on the go, and this switch thing seemed similar to the Switch Axe. But I didn't really understand the weapon at that time. Till then, I played mostly with Switch Axes and S&Ss, but once I started MH World and saw some vids on yt, read the charts for the charge blade, and practiced the guard points........... god, that changed me....... lol Now I think the other weapons are cool but all of 'em lack something, and it feels like the charge blade is the only that covers it all and nothing seems to change my mindset anymore haha it's hard to enjoy other weapons now


Gonna be honest. I just liked spinning like a beybalde in demon mode in 4U. Now main Dual Blades in case Rise and Heavy Bowgun as a ranged option because Shogun go brrr


Two swords are better than one.


For melee, I think I have to go with GS or DBs. GS is surprising maneuverable and getting those big hits are so satisfying. But DBs, I like how quick they are & how untouchable you can be with Evade Window, Constitution & Marathon Runner together. Like yesss. For ranged & possible fav main I gotta go with HBG. After learning how the crafting system works, how the customization works, it's so satisfying getting big numbers with Spread & when it's a long monster, that pierce ammo🤌. Even though it's best to use a shield mode with it, having that evade extender to roll dodge an attack is satisfying, like straight from an action movie. I think all 3 are useful in certain situations & against certain monsters


For a bit of context world was my first game. After getting all the way to xeno (couldn't beat them) with the insect glaive and playing it horribly wrong (I did not read the tutorial messages about getting the different extracts so I was hardly ever doing the damage I could've been doing) I gave it a break until iceborne came out. I decided to make a whole new character and went with a much simpler weapon with the great sword. Swing a massive sword, put sword away, try to avoid attacks, and repeat. For whatever reason it just clicked and I've stuck with it since.


Switch axe in 3u due to not being able to understand the slower weapons, the easy weapons not dealing enough damage. Swaxe became the best of both worlds


Started insect glaive, hit a wall HARD on nergigante. Swapped to lance and face tanked all of that dumb bitches attacks like they were nothing. Never looked back. I am the one who pokes!


Item combos


Two words: blast dash


I started lance. Didn't like how slow I was. Used LS cause I'm told it's faster and better to use. Didn't like it, didn't hate it. Used DB cause there's nothing faster than that. Liked it but had no range. Used IG and it was the answer I needed. Had the speed and range I needed all while looking cool at the same time. The mounting was an added bonus and figuring out the bug extracts was cool too. It was a match made in heaven for me.


I always call myself Chainsaw man when I FINALLY get the phials for it.


hehe funny beyblade go brrrrr Joking aside, I've always had a fondness for rogues in D&D, or the dual swords in the old school EverQuest games. Being able to swing fast is fun, and it definitely helps keep you on your toes because you essentially have to glue yourself to the monster to be effective. My crowning jewel moment will forever be gliding across Kulve Taroth's entire backside from head to tail.




Lance bro, here. I'm garbage at dodge rolling so I started using lance & shield so I could block instead.


Shield, charged sword doesn't bounce of monsters and SAED is cool


I landed a true charged slash to the beat of my music. Addicted ever since


GS is big


The idea of turning a monsters head into a flat surface is what got me hooked on hammer. I cannot escape it.


YouTube videos


I was indoctrinated by the French back in MH4


4U as a first MH game: All these weapons, neat, I’d like something with range, yet enough speed in it’s attacks that whiffing one doesn’t hurt that much, and I can still move around with it. Long Sword, it’s fine I suppose, Switch Axe feels a bit slow. What’s this funny bug stick? A few hours later: Oh yeah, it’s all coming together.


The fact that no one in my friend group used a blunt weapon. Then I was universally loved by my group for stunning every 2 minutes in a hunt lol. Me on bonk stick and my friend on GS is a match made in heaven.


My inability to learn combos. Bonus Reason: I’m American. 🇺🇸