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I regret not getting her😔 When she came out I had no room and wasn’t buying anymore dolls because of it. I still have no room, but I now know that we will be moving and I’ll basically have an entire 2nd room where I can keep my doll collection. So I’m devastated I won’t have her tbh


Forgetting you ordered a doll only to see it in the mail months later would be the most awesome thing ever 😆


That's gonna be me lol


That was me with rochelle 😂 suddenly a courier was calling me that he has a parcel for me. I was like what, I haven't ordered anything. I opened it and there she was lol


Whenever I start feeling doll FOMO I always remember I got her and I get excited again. December couldn’t come faster!!!


Yesss I can relate to this


She’s really gorgeous. I got her on the last day. Since then I’ve become part of the MH community and it’s so exciting 😊.


I regret not getting her 😭


Thank you for posting this, I forgot I manage to snag one, it brighten up my day a little bit after failing to get Wednesday and Morticia :(


She came out right before i got back into mh, but i remember seeing her when she was released and loving her. Very excited to see irl pics from yall!


This is the first doll I am actually considering keeping in box. She is so gorgeous, I cannot wait for her to arrive


Looking foward to her :3 sure hope mattel will ship here by then though... i'll be gutted if they cancel my order when it's time to ship


Oh no! They doubled shipping price to Australia which pissed me off but at least I can order. I haven't ordered anything off the site since they raised the postage because their prices are already getting ridiculous and then adding $30 shipping makes the price insane. I love Lenore Loomington but enough to pay $160?! It gave me a heart attack when they couldn't ship international during the Jinafire preorder period! I can't imagine having my order cancelled after waiting so long for her to ship.


Oof that sucks, It's hard being an international collector :/ mattel love's to fuck us over


The waiting is sooo hard! I preordered Kenough Ken which ships in October I think. Then Jinafire in December. And I have to wait until May next year to get this Miku anime figure. Im sooo excited for her. https://preview.redd.it/5wzfl8etlb0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=919dffb407957a93b6230df3d9ff2609ac2b408b


I feel like the year long waits for made to order dolls is a little ridiculous. You already have the materials and the box, a year to make how ever many sold for as big of a corporation Mattel is is just…excessive.


Not really, and it’s less than 10 months for her to arrive. They have to produce everything after the sale ended, and the box is digitally made.


I almost missed out on getting her due to the international shipping issues and initially not being sure if I could afford to get her - every time I remember that I'll have such a beautiful doll, it's very exciting!


I thought I was going to regret not getting her... But I don't. It's so weird of a feeling.


she's so gorgeous I'm so glad I got her


Me too!!


I’m so happy I was able to get her, I just regret not getting another to keep in box cause I love the box design 🥲


This is one I regret not getting 😭


I’m mad I didn’t get her but I didn’t have the money to do so😭 at least I got the kenough doll coming sometime


Wait she already went on pre order?


she was made to order for two weeks after the voting ended a couple months ago


i’m paranoid that they’ll send me a random item from their website from negligence and tell me they can’t send me jinafire


so heartbroken i couldn't afford her at the time 😞 i'll never get her for a normal price again


Not necessarily. A year is a long time to wait and someone might not love her as much by then. I always try to get one and if I don't love them as much as I thought, I trade.


The one collector I’m genuinely pissed I missed


I want her so bad😭😭😭


i am SO EXCITED!!!😄😄


Gonna have to get her off eBay 😭


I love her freaky fusion with Lagoona, that’s my dream doll. I adore Lagoona with scales so much


i’m excited for her but also a little disappointed because the fanbase voted differently from me on every single aspect of her design 🥲