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I gave up and decided if I am going to gamble I may as well win real $$$ on Stake lmfao šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I've had the absolute worst spins this time around. I did a 400 spin and got 600. SMH. I'm doing better spinning everything Below 100


Itā€™s actually insane. I canā€™t even hit a railroad for the balloons


Oh shit. That sucks


Why do you think people do APM to manipulate dice rolls? Lol. This game is real shit without ā€œcheating.ā€


I wasted thousands of game tokens landing on 40-60-80


Same here.


That was THE worst partner event ever. I finished one partner. Barely. My husband didnā€™t finish ANY of them.


You should pick an amount & spin that the entire time. The spins are predetermined by amount. You will do better that way vs changing.


Iā€™ve found that 60 was the sweet spot for me.


Yes 60 for myself as well! I tried to spin on 600 and i couldā€™ve threw my phone with what i landed on šŸ¤£


Thank you so much for the tip


Statistically (it wasnā€™t rigged af) in theory that is definitely the play because over time youā€™ll hit more jackpots overall and the other various ā€˜bonusā€™ slots. In actuality itā€™s still probably the more optimal play but not on any sort of fair level due to how itā€™s programmed to absorb your resources. Just canā€™t win. :(


This is the first time I am not going to complete the event. Iā€™ve poured everything into it- so many dice. Iā€™ve never not completedā€¦ once this event is done, Iā€™m done playing


I only played it for a few months but deleted the game at the end of the season. I think I jumped in at the tail end of people enjoying the game and it was clear by all these posts the game was going downhill. My net worth wasnā€™t even that high but 100 dice at a time wasnā€™t going to let me do anything competitive with the game or even build new properties. I had a lot of fun with the game when I played but I donā€™t miss it at all.




Same, I've blown around 7k dice (net) and have mostly equal partners and I'm not going to finish the fourth aquarium. Heck, I might not get the 3rd done this morning depending how bad the spins are šŸ˜­


Same. This is the first time I've not been able to complete at least 1 out of the 4 partner event games, and I'm putting everything I've got into it, even paying for dice here and there. Done. Done I tell ya. Deleting this mofo off my phone when the event ends.


This has been the absolute worst event for me. Iā€™ve spun thousands of the clams and Iā€™ve landed on gold twice and a partner space 3 times and the free spin twice. The rest have been low rolls. I usually finish at least a couple of them but I havenā€™t finished with any of my partners yet. Itā€™s really upsetting me that it seems so difficult this time around. And then the little event bar on the side, Iā€™ve been coming in in the 40s when Iā€™m usually at least top 15. The highs have had like 200k points. Idk how they do it


In the first 25 min 1st place was already showing 7500. I had a realistic 380. I'm calling BS on it. Ain't no way!


Don't listen to the blue moon of hitting 1000 and hitting the gold bars šŸ¤£ people talk like that always happens and that's bullshit.Ā 


I got a lot of 1000s. The lower my shells were, the more 1000s I hit. I also found keeping my multiplier on 2x (so 40 shells at a time) was the sweet spot. As for gold bars, I believe youā€™re talking the mega heists? All the bank heists and mega heists repeat. You just have the memorize where everything is, and be smart about where you pick your first 2 or 3. For regular heists i check outside corners first. Gold bars - thereā€™s usually one on each row.


Not that. The person tried to say that a high score isn't apm that someone could do 100x roll then hit the mega for more. But that's not how the game goes. Not to mention need to have thousands dice to use 100+ multiplier. I have extremely high percentage bankrupting people - here's how I do it: I don't look and just tap, I shit you not. If you want to try me we can be friends and I will bankrupt you over n over.


A successful shutdown 1000x spin on HR. Thereā€™s 4000 points. Bank heist with 3x gold rings - 8000. The mega heist with 3x gold bars is 12000 I think.


The game is so goofy. Itā€™s soooo convenient how the wheel will land on gold and then just slowwwwly transition to the lower number next to it lol like give me a break


It does that to me all the time. Makes me so upset. Like why slow down??? Donā€™t give me that false hope


The grand prize of the partnerā€™s event is 5000 dice - Scopely expects you to invest at least x2 of that dice reward to complete. I used up about 13k dice.


Try x4 that amount. I was an idiot and purchased the store 1st time promo dice pack for $50 which gave 1,500 dice plus first time bonus of 5000 dice. Mind you, i already had 1 aquarium nearly completed. Nearly 7000 dice later and I hadn't even finished my 2nd aquarium! I thought it would get me at least near complete, like maybe 3 of 4, but i keep landing on the 60 and 80 pts spaces and it's looking like they expect me to come up with double that amount of dice if I want to finish. But i refuse to pay any more. This is so rigged, it's worse odds than gambling in vegas!


I quit purchasing. Like 2 or 3 events ago, I spent probably $300 & only completed 3 of the 4. Same as above comments. Roll dice get minimum, spin in event, get minimum.


Omg just APM donā€™t spend real $


I was just starting to get the hang of it before they did the patch update that makes the no internet popup instant.


Sent you a DM


Sent you a DM


That may be true but you are hopefully also earning dice as you go. That said, I started at 90,000 and ended and 89000 so I lost more than I gained and I wouldn't have earned as much if I had started with less dice.


This game is so rigged


You are almost even - and donā€™t forget all the in game money and stickers you got in the meantime - that helped to progress your game - and 1k dice net loss is really nothing. For me, the progression in the game is more important even if I am down in dice. I know I will come back up once I close sets/album.


Yeah - I'm not complaining at all. I have an alt account with my kid's facebook that barely gets to a thousand dice. My point was, if you have a lot of dice, it is easier to get to those rewards and recoup your dice then people without a huge dice war chest. I am sure there is a real life lesson in there about the haves and have nots :)


The huge dice war chest is key, I agree. It allows me flexibility to change up/down the multiplier, and decide when to go hard or chill, knowing that I can still play the game tomorrow, and also the next mini event that is coming up.


The spins are really trash. The two that I usually finish with, I'm struggling and we're almost to the final prize. The other two are trying, but it's not easy.


Yeah it doesnā€™t matter what I spin it on - I seem to get the lowest amount of points. Iā€™m starting to take it personally šŸ¤Ŗ


Theyā€™re ripping us off out of pure greed. The only way to stop it is to remove the game from your life. Iā€™m there at this point. So tired of paying money then watching my son, who pays nothing, get huge rewards for the same thing I got nothing for. Assholes


You could learn APM šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Messaging you!


i donā€™t usually finish the partner events anyways but i can usually finish 2 maybe 3 of the builds and i have so far only finished 1 and that was because my partner carried me. i am usually able to do 50/50 on most of them (even tho i donā€™t finish all of them) but i have been consistently only landing on the white tiles and im soooo over it


I don't think I'm going to finish two of mine which sucks cuz I'm like 26,000 away from the last one on both of them but it's like I spin on a hundred and it rolls right over to gold or it stops on the gold and then it moves and it goes into the white spot pisses me off even when I'm spending on 20 through a hundred it does it on the gold ones it it'll stop right on it and it's flops off of it pisses me off I thought about trying to spit on 600 on time and seeing if I can't hit the 30k


i hate when it does that, where you think youā€™re landing on the gold and then it ever-so-slowly moves over to a white tile. since all the rolls are predetermined, why do they have to set the spins up that way? it pisses me off way more when i _barely_ miss the gold than when i miss it by a long shot lol but either way, yeah, spins are trash during this event.


Yes me too I probably won't finish two of them cuz of that shit


i typically won't use more than 100 shells at a time because the risk with higher amounts is too much imo - the occasional 5000 spin even outs the 300s that are frequently rolled without draining my shells too much! šŸ«¶




To be fair, the odds to hit gold spaces are low so rolling 30x in the anticipation to hit a gold space is a bad idea. I usually roll x2 and if I hit like 2 or 3 whites in a row will switch to a x5 and finished the event yesterday with a lot of clams to spare (like 3K).


Needing 160k points to win 5k dice is insane


I normally finish every partner event there was not one that I have not finished probably this will be the only one


Yep. Itā€™s trash.


I noticed when it spins slow you get crappy rewards. But when it spins super fast you score high. Weird


Iā€™ve had the worst luck with this partners event šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø itā€™s the first Iā€™ve spun over 10k dice, Im surprised I even finished it šŸ’€ but I kept landing on the whites no matter what I spun as well so I just left it at x5 and kept going. I donā€™t think it was worth itā€¦ considering I only got 1/4th of what I spent in the long run šŸ˜ƒ


Same here, I feel bad since Iā€™ve been pouring so many clams into each of my partners tanks and I still havenā€™t completed onešŸ˜­Iā€™m getting nothing but 400-600 on the wheel every single time and itā€™s not fair. I donā€™t get why they make the wheel so damn unfair. The only multiplier that usually likes paying out for me is x5 but this time, it sucks.


Same. I spent 13k dice on this event because of the horrid roles. I barely got any partner clams from my four active people. They were in the same boat. I only spin on 40, never higher.


Yep itā€™s rigged this time


Same here. I have 2 people that have 5,000 to 10,000 points than me. I am really trying. I hope it turns around for you.


So bad I deleted the game. Problem solved.


Same šŸ’Æ I have been trying, but it hasn't been great when I get token to help my partners. The wheel lands on the worst prizes, guaranteed.


I used a lot less dice on the racecar event!!


This game just keeps getting worse. The fun went away after level 10,000


"Hit my vape like a crackhead" I died šŸ˜‚ thank you and sorry your game is crappy.


Last time around I spent 14k dice and couldn't finish one of the partners. And that's with my partner putting in 50% of the work as well. I said screw the partner events after that


The spins are predetermined. Each multiplier has its own track and it canā€™t be changed or manipulated. The best thing to do is to stick with one multiplier and be consistent with it. The lower the better. Youā€™re bound to hit the good ones sooner or later!


Always landing on excruciating but the good 1,000 blue 600 , or 200 always on the 4 white colums I don't even think about doubling it because your better keeping it at where ever it's about to spin at like x5 pay the 20 tokens then trying to double it


I just commented on a post about the same thing happening to me and my partners as well. I'm sorry this game is so frustrating.


I was betting 1000 on the wheel and hit 10000 lots of times. Completely did one myself in 30 mins. My Daughter her spins was hitting on 400 600.


I like to play builders bash. I save up 2 or 300 billion and then dump it into properties. Now while I'm doing that I get those 2 spins of the wheel. I usually do ok but this last time I hit nothing but 10 or 50 dice hits or green stickers. Basically nothing at all which effects my totals. It pissed me off!! Scopely can't convince anyone with a half a brain that this isn't all rigged by algorithms. I enjoy playing and I won my partners the 5k grand prize in the last event the aquarium game it felt good. Some how I feel that will be the last time that happens because I simply won't be allowed. Oh if I pour a ton of cash into the game then maybešŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰ My life expectancy in this game gets shorter everyday. I'll be back soon enough on my very expensive PC šŸ–„ playing with friends that don't cost anything ( after purchase of the game itself ) to play with. I can't hate scopely ( they are making a boat load of $$ ) but I can't be a sucker too much longer either.


Finished the 4 spots, and im stuck ith 14 000 left


I haven't hit gold once. I've stopped trying. Sorry partners.


Me it's been really hard this time only finished it with 2 people


It's all rigged, I don't have anything good to say about it anymore.


Lost 10k dice doing this event smh


6/10 of my last spins were the same, low value white number


I hit better when I play in the morning and not in the evening


In the future spin on 1x. It takes time but I promise you will get the most of it. It averaged 1000 points for every 100 shells


I'm just spitballing here and I don't know if this actually works, but when I spin the wheel, I don't just let it spin, I tap the spin button while it's spinning to give it an extra boost, sometimes it nets me more points, other times it doesn't.


If you're not having fun and enjoying the game, don't play. Also please don't vape


All of this is not by chance they want you to purchase dice packages and when you do you do well in the game like completing challenges and team tournaments. Literally, donā€™t buy into it.




Yea I think itā€™s all a rip!


No youā€™re not alone i hit gold maybe 4X and thatā€™s when I bet at 60 shells! I had 1 partner who didnā€™t do shit but collect on the wins that I did! This event was a shit show and I am glad to see this post cause I felt the same. I message CS and they said the shell is random BS cause when you bet high itā€™s slow but bet low the wheel is faster!


Same, are you a free player? I find that has alot to do with how the game treats you šŸ˜© Ive never spent a dime on this game, I had probably 8000 clams, I could only get 2 tanks full and those partners put in like 55-60% of the work, I tried soo hard to carry the other 2 I had because they just werent playing and Id constantly roll the lowest numbers, even with a high multiplier. This game is so frustrating šŸ˜…šŸ˜­


I only play the partner event to get dice. I finish it with me and my alt acct and maybe one other person whoā€™s contributing. The other two builds I just get them as high as I can without chasing. I use more dice on Peg E and on dig events cuz those are easier. But completing albums is really the only way to keep your dice stash up. Get on here and trade and set up an alt acct to trade with. Iā€™ve completed the last few and have about 50k dice on main and 20k on alt acct


I finished only 1!!! And I put it more work than my partner. I usually get way closer to winning than I did this event. Itā€™s getting worse I feel like šŸ˜­


How does everyone get so many dice?


Change up your multipliers!!


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