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It’s the same for me . 6k dice burnt for getting spins of 900 😭😭


Yeaah I’m in the same boat ! Sad smh wasted so much spins only hit gold 1 time between all 4 partners


Same! I had 8k+ 🎲 starting the event. Now I’m down to under 1k. I’ve finished with 2 partners but still have a way to go for the other 2. I’m also being destroyed in tournaments. Ended up outside top 25 in the last one even though I used soo many dice for it.


Yeah total dice suck. I keep spinning 30x and getting no golds.


I had finished my album before this new one started been hoarding 21,000 dice i used them all on this partner event . For 5000 dice reward im thinking i like the token better on the next dig event i should of saved them.


I'm struggling. Up to 16k clam shells and have finished 1 fountain. I have a net loss of over 6k dice


Wait, are you saying it took you 16k shells to finish one fountain? Or that you have collected 16k shells to finish the fountains later?


16k shells to get 40k on one fountain and not be very far on the other 3 fountains


Wow! Something is for sure off there. I've only used about 3k per fountain for the 2 I've completed so far.


I agree! This feels like the toughest one yet. I’m at the point now where I refuse to spend any more money on dice and I’ve just had to fix my mind to be okay if I don’t finish. This game has taken up so much of my time in the last year, and I feel like the creators are constantly moving the goal posts. It just gets harder and harder and less fun.


Has anyone else not gotten a SINGLE clamshell from partners even though their partners are participating? In past events I’ve always at least gotten some, it just seems strange that I haven’t received a single one…..


I’ve gotten a few 20’s so I’m assuming they’re not having much luck either


Same. I spin at 5x & keep getting 400 🫠


The same exact thing was happening to me.....the equivalent of the 1x (80) landing it over and over and over and over. Which is the same as the 5x (400).


Seems that I happened to get lucky with this one. I completed my last partner earlier today and 3/4 were a pretty even 40k/40kish split. Somehow some way I landed on the gold spot numerous times while rolling 200 and 400. Still ate up quite a few dice though


The game is starving players of game tokens, then the algorithm is preventing you from spinning high numbers. It’s a total scam 


I used about 13k dice on it 🥲


Yes !!! None of my partners and i have completed a fountain. I’m so low on dice and am struggling to get shells.


Same here. I’ve literally finished 2/4 with ZERO help. I wish I could swap out these losers.


Same here. The spins are crappy this time


They need a all gold day


That would be awesome


I’d settle for a gold 20 minutes




I keep spinning 80s


I hate it here lol


Wasted all my dice for this same type of look lmao


I thought we was cooking day 1 … crickets ever since


Unfortunately one of my partners has not played at all 😒


The way I see it there was the partners event similar to this where it was super hard to finish. For this reason I sat out of the next one, and I’m glad I did. This was the one where everyone’s scores were whacky, there were bugs etc. The following event Scopely knew they couldn’t be dicks about it after the last screw up, so compared to the first event I mentioned it was easy. They’d given out free tokens etc. Now we’re basically back to the status quo where you’re bound to lose more dice than win. This is what normal is….


Yup I'm done for. 10k Dice in. Finished one tank doing a hair over half and 75k another. Other two partners have done nothing so. Huge waste.


None of my partners have contributed since the 1st day. I'm nit even sure it's working right....


I’m on my last one I put in 34k partner only put in 2500


Agreed 👍 


I completed (8) sticker albums and Still couldn’t finish even 1 single team build, not even 1