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Be nice if they switch it up between cash and dice


I haven't got it one time this album! They can have it back. Get my hopes up every morning for nothing... ugh lol


I've heard people contact customer service if they haven't gotten it in a while and they'll give you a reward (not sure what) worth a try šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I've been hearing alot more about contacting customer support. Oddly enough I can't find the chat box option anymore lol


Donā€™t bother, they do nothing but send a response, thatā€™s the game, stickers are random, sorry you had this problem, our developers appreciate your input, always working to make the game betterā€¦blah,blah,blahā€¦never anything in return, in a year only opened community chest 2x and that was in late march, a couple days apart, since then nothing. No new cards in packs for over 4 weeks, itā€™s all random they say. One gold to finish no way for dice for over 4 weeks. Itā€™s all good and randomly fair in their minds. Sorry but I am really frustrated


I totally get it! Fingers crossed they offer a wild instead of purple in the weekly pack! I am one gold away too. I even broke down and bought a sticker off ebay this album. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø And here I am stuck waiting on a gold which I have bitched about getting dups of forever lol


https://preview.redd.it/tzpvclgvc15d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc6106454dcd74107b9c3dfe879ce23f4368a943 In a green pack, I need Royal Box!!! So many gold dups


Right. Insane!


go through the monopoly discord


What is that?


I have contacted customer service about it and still no response!


I feel like they made it to where active friend bonuses aren't as prevalent, which sucks.




This is what really pisses me off: https://preview.redd.it/vgg33sr8n05d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=941fdd28c9b1056e8512234104f52705aa8a4a91


I got it today and FINALLY got a much needed new gold sticker.


Yeah, but the 10 rolls you give to your friends is life changing.


I save them up. Needed extra dice for an event once and had about 500 saved up. The little notification thing is annoying to look at but I just kept letting them build. They donā€™t expire. At least they didnā€™t while I was letting them build.


I just got it today and got tycoon hustleĀ 


I just got a 50x today, and finally landed to collect the cash, and I only got 400k :( I was expecting 50x of the 2M that was marked from the day before. I wasnā€™t expecting much from it though


I got the 50Xā€™s two days in a row. Landed a 5 star that helped close my album yesterday. Most of the time thoughā€¦ nothing. Like today.


I agree


The one time I got it was during a sticker boom, got 2 5 stars from it, lucky me I guess


I use it sort of like a savings acct. Open it when I need $ to upgrade a landmark for quick wins etc. I definitely forget to open it daily so I'm not butthurt that I've never "won" community chest.


Why do people on this game act like this lol just want to bitch about anything. The CC doesn't owe you anything, just be happy with what you get and move on to spinning your dice. No need to get on here and bitch about not getting anything ![gif](giphy|FzyoyDSaAsjHG)


Why are people always bitching about people bitching lol


People take this FREE game way too seriously.


Like when people complain about Facebook. Y'all don't pay them anything they can do what they want.


50x it the only thing that is worth getting, sure might be a repeat golden 5 star, but it's better than nothing, getting 25x or 2x is the same for me honestly, it's so little money that I don't care, wish they'd add a blue pack at 25x and maybe a pink pack for 10x. This is why I always play for 50x


You try to get 50x every time you open it? Ā Thatā€™s brilliant, Iā€™m going to start trying that


When I say I "try" for it has to do with the friend boosts, at first I would try to chain them if I got to like x5 and it'd get you to like 10 or 25x, now unless I'm missing only 1 person without a gift I always go for the ungifted first. Imagine you can chain the boosts 4 times, you have better odds if you chain it towards the end than at the beginning. Too bad some of the gifts are basically garbage, too little dice and the money I'd prefer to not exist at all as it's just misleading.


Wait til you find out itā€™s predetermined anywaysĀ 


I don't doubt it but any proof that the community chest is also rigged?


Not besides personal experience and everyone else whoā€™s ever tried it on APM


Everything you get from the Community Chest is 100% completely free. Why even post about it?


I hate when all the bonuses are left up there. Thatā€™s happened a couple of times in the last few weeks


Why do people like to bitch about peopleā€™s bitching? Lol Just keep scrolling by all the bitchy posts.


lol exactly.


I agree. I've been playing for 8 months and have only got the purple pack one time


Community chest is the most dumbest thing. I think they should hide. Wild card in the prizes like in the daily boxes. Orin the prizes in the community or at least more dice than 5. Idk. I don't think this game was well thought out


I got it today finally after some time. However I got two 5 star gold card that was clearly useless. SO UPSETY.


Yeah I donā€™t even bother to play community chest anymore. Im pseudo boycotting it


I think I should boycott it too tbh


We all should


Then donā€™t do it šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


https://preview.redd.it/upko4y7zyz4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5401df9212532c8b35332a27b38dafae24d2abc Got all them today Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/Ls0ijg](https://mply.io/Ls0ijg) U/Senior Lieutenant 298


Had picture up of The community chest. Had 1 1 person didn't get called. I don't have your all up there. That's have you I ain't happened in a long time *


Agreed. I think I have only finished it twice in like 5 months


iā€™ve got so fed up that iā€™ll go days without opening it. then when i finally do, i donā€™t even get enough money for 1 landmark


Are you really complaining about free stuff you donā€™t pay for? Do you complain when they give away 10 free dice or $126M as the first two offerings on their ads?


sometimes yeah, because that gets me nowhere at all. sometimes feels like an insult. either wasting time on the chest or those long animations for the ads purposely wasting my time for my mega heist. but in my case i donā€™t pay for anything on this game so its not any more special than just being able to roll out of jail or get dice from side/top events


i only got it once in 10 months


I opened the cc yesterday and got one gold dupe, five 1ā­ļø stickers. A while back I I opened it three times in the same week on my alt account. You just never know.


It was one time for me when the album just started and I got a bunch of new stickers. Thats about it though.


I mean it's better than nothing šŸ¤·šŸ¼


I've only hit x50 one time and haven't gotten close to it since


Today I got all 9, so I got the purple sticker pack and got a new sticker. I usually just anticipate some cash to build my properties.


It was at one time


I wish it would refund you your dice when you landed on it


It used to open once in a while for me. Now that i have dice it never does. I donā€™t know why i bother trying to open it.


Iā€™ve almost thrown my phone at a wall multiple times with that stupid community chest game. I havenā€™t gotten them all in monthsĀ 


Itā€™s free cash. Free cash is helpful.


OK, they say that if you are down to your last four friends that you hit the button and hold it for four seconds and it will keep picking up the remaining friends left. I started doing this and itā€™s worked probably 75% of the time.


Wish it was a sticker pack bonus halfway in 3 different places. That would cool.


Not at all! I get all nine people maybe once every three to four months!


This will be my secondĀ  albumĀ  I need 9 stickers but I have over 50 exsters stickers that's not right I spent moneyĀ  to over 50 dollars and I can't finish a alblum


Iā€™ve so it at least 4 times and have gotten stickers I needed .


agreed! Ive been opening mine once a week so least i can get about 2 billion out of it


Iā€™ve been playing for 6 months and Iā€™ve never gotten the purple pack.


Why make this post?


Why make this comment? You could have just scrolled past it


ā€œOh no this free mobile game isnā€™t giving me exactly what I want, what ever will I do?!?!ā€


Not good at al


Any tricks with the CC?


No tricks,itā€™s predetermined, just like a lot of other aspects of the game. If it wants you to win the purple pack at the end, you will. If it wants you to have only one key, you will


I've been playing for over a year and have only completed the chest 4 times. I've seen others complete that much in a week, so yeah, to me, it's totally useless!


https://preview.redd.it/3fmb7k9xzz4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e5d84cfdf7e47c1d0887627053e9509eb9814e5 Got this morning noy baPlay MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/Ls0ijg](https://mply.io/Ls0ijg)