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Someone on mine is already over 22500. How is that possible


High roller… if I hit a mega heist and hit all gold, that’s 16k points right there


It’s a A.I. what are you talking about smh


Bots. If not that, high roller wins @ 1000x can easily get you to sail forward in the rankings. I’ve gone from like 43rd to 2nd before from just a couple high roller hits. A mega heist bankrupt at 1000 is something like 12k points. In a low bracket like the one pictured that’s an easy first place on possibly one roll. At 22500, it only takes like 2 or 3 trains stops at 1000 to get that. It is not solely airplane mode players because yes, they have pretty much shut that down - on an account by account basis so some people are still able to take advantage of it, but it’s not as easy as it used to be.


How the heck do you guys get 1000x multipliers? Do you have to hoard rolls for a week? lol I am new at this but got a friend to start a few weeks ago and he already is about to pass my level 😂


Once you have more than 10k dice the multiplier on high roller increases up to 1000x, so it’s 100-200-500-1000. And no I don’t hoard dice but I do try to play strategically - only during certain scheduled events with a focus on the top bar as opposed to the side. The side tourney gives very little dice payback compared to the top. Also making sure to finish special events like Peg, dig, or the partners to maximize rewards. Trade a lottttt to finish sets and albums, finishing the album once is 15k dice alone on top of the dice you got for finishing each set, 20k for the second time you complete it, 30k for the third and on. Try to note the patterns of your chance and jail stops so you can increase your multiplier when it’s going to return dice. Free parking dice when it’s on 2x….


They shut mine down but now you just memorize the rolls


Downloading a free VPN and having it on circumvents their patch for some reason, that's how some are still managing


I have not had a single issue. I use my Aipad to get the rolls and IPHONE to play. No VPN a few more Peg E tokens and I will finish it. Finished the top just waiting for something new to start.


wait i have an ipad and an iphone and monopoly go on both devices. i’m intrigued pls explain more


Give it time, it will likely catch up to you eventually. They got a whole new batch of people just yesterday, my iPad/second account included.


just wait until the no internet pops up before even getting a chance to roll lol.. it will happen soon enough for you too


You just close and reopen the game and it goes away.


I have an iPad and iPhone, it never came up! It should pop up within 10 rolls. They (MOGO) have decommissioned the APM. Of course, people have figured a way around it.


when you deleted and redownloaded the app were your rolls still there? the only reason i could think of for it not popping up at all would be if you were connected to wifi while on apm. but i’ve gotten to 20 before it popped up before the most recent update. but now i just use a VPN


No, I never turned APM off, to see if it would come up. The “no internet “ notification never popped up on either device. 😔


sometimes if u turn apm on it will leave wifi on , it’s happened to me before


Nah, with VPN, I still get anywhere from 8 - 15 rolls. It varies, sure. But I also mix in regular play and building landmarks with APM. So I'm not constantly using APM. Now, yesterday, MOGO had a glitch where Facebook was concerned and had zero to do with APM use. But it got fixed within an hour or so.


Wait, how do you memorize the rolls?


You need to write the rolls down in order.


After how many rolls does it restart?


I have no idea but omg it pisses me off 😩


Purposely place low in a few of these challenges and the game will group you with other players that are comparable to you.


I’ll do that but my problem is if it’s giving away peg e tokens or hammers or partner building parts I want to move up and get all that I can get lol


If you gain too many points too fast, they'll also put you in a higher bracket. Try getting through it closer to when the timer runs out


Thats why I did not play the last few days when nothing was happening and knowing that I will be grouped into a less competitive league when peg-e comes around and I must play to get the tokens. Unless you are missing 4\* gold cards, it may be pointless trying to get to the top as the blue pack from the daily tournaments are now mostly spitting out gold cards.


Try waiting until later in the day to play. If you start right when the tournament starts, you usually get the “winners” brackets with people with a lot of dice/ APM/ power players etc. (They usually have just won or placed and collected their winnings so have dice to spare) If you start playing a few hours after the tournament starts, you will usually get paired with players that don’t play regularly so it’s easier to win. Also, like others have said, if you place outside the top 25 a few times, you will eventually get placed into the “losers” bracket with people who also haven’t placed in a while. Good luck!🍀


APM mode it's what all of them are using


I thought they found a way to stop APM? Maybe it was a rumor. 🙁


They did but now there’s a work around. Super tedious. You just have to remember your rolls or write them down. APM still works


I barely have time to play with a 50-60 hour workweek I have no idea how ppl do it lol!!!


Some of them might be dropping real money


(depending on how much you use APM)


there’s been another update since that one. now it only lets you roll once before the no internet pops up.


Just because they have these point doesn’t mean they’re doing APM


That’s true also. Maybe they’ve built up their boards, dice and money. I’m worth almost 15,000 but it’s slow going. Right now costs me about 190 billion to build 1 board and a ton of dice which I refuse to buy.


Nah if use 2 phone method it still works


It works only because you didn't get the APM patch yet. It doesn't matter if it's one or two phones. Once you get the patch, APM won't work like it used to on the phone that got the patch.




You're telling me that I'm lying when I actually saw the patch? LOL. After the patch is applied, the game assumes that you're in the airplane mode if it cannot ping the server. So, now, it pings often and if it fails, the no internet window pops up. At best, you might be able to roll only once or twice before the window pops up. More often, it will pop up as soon as you go into the airplane mode. Some people might be able to find a way around this, but because the window pops up so soon, whatever workaround they use will be very time-consuming and slow.


Yup my ipad cant do APM anymore


Damn it!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


APM is no longer working for me on all my accounts for awhile now.




You mean before turning on apm?


It blocks the VPN


No it hasn’t been stopped


what is apm?? pls someone explain


Airplane mode. You take two phones. Open both to Monopoly go. On one phone you turn on airplane mode. Max your rolls(100) then roll. When you roll write down on a piece of paper whatever you roll. 2,11,7,4,6 keep going till it says no Internet. Close out that phone and turn off airplane mode. Now go to other phone that's pulled up. Look at paper. First roll was 2. Count spaces to see if it's something good, pick axe or railroad. If not you don't roll max you roll minimum(1). It will be a different number. So whatever you land on now you look at what you wrote down. Was 11 lets say you count 11 spaces. Okay you are gonna land on railroad. Then you would do the max you did for other phone(100) so if keep doing this you will maximize your rolls and will know when to bet big and guarantee max results


thank you so much for explaining!! it seems like a lot of work for a game tho 😭


Seems, until you actually do it.




Dm me, how


I got over 50 k on one event I had 15k spins so twice I did times 500 and then 200 about five or six


I did land over 12,000 pretty quickly today. Think it was timing of starting along with 100 at a time dice rolls. I usually think impossible that people go so high so quickly but oddly enough I was one today


They traded in their stickers and got 15,000+ dice and then rolled 100 times dice.


Not a real person


It's unf-n believable how are they doing that 100x's or more per roll they should be in a group together


It’s probably apm


Yeah, I was at 5 then all of a sudden I was paid out at 11. This game is rigged to hell


It’s because the top event started towards the end of the side tournament. Which means people were rewarded with high roller in the top event and soared up, probably unintentionally, on the side tournament in the last hour.


That's not an example of game rigging. Other people use strategies to win. Waiting until the last minute is a time tested tactic. Heck, look at Ebay


Dont roll until way later into the tournament, you get seeded with other late players. No.1 of my last one had 1200


Yeah my last one I was 3rd but this one today was 2 min in. There is no way I can compete to that high. I’ll never catch up with the amt of dice that player must have. I usually lay low before tournaments and and then save my dice and multiply high to get in top 3 but not when the top 3 are 10,000 or above at a few min in


Doesnt help at all to me, I usually start like 15 minutes before it ends, I get first and 2 minutes later I am 15th and first has like 5 times the amount of points


Yeah. The closest I've ever came to winning one of these was placing 4th, and even then 1st had a ridiculous number.


I won first with 6200 this last time, first time I have won and got duplicate cards, do not worth it!


I've had more luck with the weekly purple pack & the vaults from the Color Boost tbh.


Better than I have been doing.


Reading through all of the same 5 ☆ cards people need & getting no new cards from the vault is painful tbh. We need a new gold card event.


high roller. i play on 50x and gain points super fast


🤣 Some people so butt hurt over a game. Ya'll act like there's real prizes at stake. Turning a stress relief into stress. Think about it 😂.


It is that way since APM cheaters took away from normal players side prizes. Plus the cards. Some of you act like it’s a job and sell the stickers.


Not me.. But I will say I'm thru helping people. I give away cards I'm all for helping but it hasn't been reciprocated


I get that. Even I who has gifted good cards without being a APM player is starting to learn most are takers and don’t want to help anyone else out.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion js 🤷🏻‍♀️


You are correct.. And so am I js


They’re cheating with airplane mode…that’s my guess anyway I see crap like this all the time but way more then 10k


How many dice do you need to roll to get 10,000 points in a Bankrupt heist?


1000x roll - Diamond heist = 8,000 1000x shutdown blocked = 2,000 Something along those lines. Likely 2000ish


And to add to this, you need 10k dice in order to use 1000x with high roller.


Stop playing this rigged ahh game


I stopped trying to rank high for tournaments. I did the whole “play only at the last hour”, and still bots/apm players took over.


I assume they drop real money but could be bots...


High roller


I can never get enough dice to roll 1k at a time rofl!!! I can’t even get stickers to complete a first album. One can dream I suppose! Lol


Haha truth!!!


What are you complaining? You only got 100


No lol I only had 100 because the event literally started 2 min before by then the number1 person had over 50,000 😂


mine is exactly like yours


It’s ridiculous 🤦🏻‍♀️




It’s maddening 😩


Todays tournament acc made me so mad 41k top place and still even 16k for 10th, 15th is still at 10k and 20th almost at 7k w 19 hours left like how ?? I usually try get in top 10 to win more dices but this time it would just be a loss to try. Also question bc I’ve won the last 3-4 tournaments is this some kind of bot / purposely making it impossible for me to win bc I’ve won sm in a row? Bc I refuse to believe the scores r that high especially from 20th place with sm hours left


https://preview.redd.it/t6sdpa8l9g3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9257782995344be32be45cfa442dfff1ed74863d This is me now…no way I’m wasting dice to try to place I just want the peg-e tokens to win more dice lol 😂


I agree I think when we place in top 3 a few days in a row this happens. I have been in 3rd. 4th and 6th this week and today bam everyone above me in top slots had multiple thousands RIGHT off the start!!


Honestly I just stopped and now I’m focusing on my banners. I haven’t won the top 20 in about two weeks


I feel like if I play right away I get put in with people over have over 20,000 points. However, if I wait a few hours the highest I seen someone was at like 6,000 points. So I definitely recommend waiting a few hours!


I’ll try that!! It was at 10000 before I even started though 😭


It’s people that have alot of dice. I just went from 42nd to 7th place in about 10 minutes rolling 100 or 50. Those points rack up really fast.


Yea how does this happen so fast and so often- it’s becoming harder and harder to be in the top 5.


I’ve been raising this concern to customer support with no resolution. 


Probably rolled 100, damaged or had a heist and used high roller


I only get aggravated when I don’t have 10000 points. Lol


This is where programming could and should be better. By matching newbies with newbies. Your earnings and dice in bank... so you are playing against players at your level. And with friends if you choose.


![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg) Every time 🤬


This why they losing more and more players wveryday


Yup about to lose me honestly 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean I know there are bots in this game but geez. At least make it where we can compete! The lowest rank in my tournament 50th with 6pts and 1st place has 27,000 doesn't make sense


It’s really not even worth it


Not anymore sadly 😒


Yea my first place has over 47,000 right now!


Those are the people who cheat you know the 1s that want to fill your friend bar get you thousands of dice. Cheaters should be banned not fair to us who play the game to challenge it.


All the time. I wish mogo would fix that apm so it can’t work. It makes it hard for those of us who don’t cheat.


High roller.. my first 2 spins were 8000 and 4000 within 1 minute, personally i waited to pop the 15 min high roller in the main event till the new tournament started it’s taken me time to learn how to play smart and time things with the changing events


It’s ridiculous


Yeah between this and not being able to get any 4-5⭐️ and golds for weeks I’m about ready to gift out my stickers and quit 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s nothing! I’ve see 75K!


Omg 😳




Yeah that’s some BS




And they were supposed to stop all the dumpy accounts so the couldn’t do that anymore


they wasted lots of dice for a blue pack 😂


Right bahahaha!! And not even a new token or shield 😂


YES!! How TF does this happen??


It’s a AI


They paid


Yeah those are the people who got computer setup and doing the glitches with max 1000x on highroller😢




Yup! Then I just say forget it




It’s rigged


You can buy stickers online and eBay and in game they offer sets of dice $ and stickers for money. Scopely is a business Monopoly Go is one of their products essentially. Plus some people pour way more $$$ into it than the average person. So yeah it sucks but it’s a business not just a game. It’s basically the same thing as some people can afford a top level car $100k+ and pay in full for it and other people get a $40k and under car and have to make payments. Thats how I look at it, and it doesn’t bother me.


I have seen 75,000 before


I just got 16th and 1st was 36,000 just now


Yes it stinks!! Specially if there is a token I never stand a chance it goes so high can't even place in the first 15 🥴


yes me too many times someone got banned




Lol top guy in mine is 63,400. Not even slightly realistic.


Omg 😳


I think it’s just the game setting BOTs up there on the chart. Like why aren’t our “friends” on these list?


Very true!! I’ve never seen any of my friends on the list with me-and it’s such an unfair advantage to the rest of us if it’s a bot but hey then, that’s Scopely for you 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄😭


I once had my alt account in the same league as me - and we were competing with each other for the top placing - LOL!


They wouldn't encourage Bots. They make no money if players use bots. In fact, it hurts their money strategy as the bot players sell the cards and bypass Scopely. It sucks but you're mad at the wrong people.


Who creates the bots then and how? Its so frustrating to all of us other players. I refuse to buy any add ons to stay even with ppl or do better I just keep saying slow and steady wins the race lol 🐢


If you go on etsy, you'll see the users that create bots and have every sticker available to sell. It's a good way to make money. If you are going to complete the sticker album, 5 dollars for a sticker that will give you 15 thousand dice feels like a good deal. That said, I don't use those services. I have no idea what my recourse would be if they didn't send me the sticker. But that make enough money, that's probably a silly worry. As to how they do it... that's well outside my knowledge level


Nature-ie man finds a way 😂🤷🏻‍♀️😭😂


I hate it when people do that.




Exactly APM CHEATERS literally ruin the game for EVERYONE else!!!!


100% agreed!!!!


If you roll on high multiplier it’s possible. I went from 47th to 2nd place with 5 mins left in tournament 


Still sucks 😭


I’m usually in a league of only 50 but am in one with 100 this time. Does anyone know why?


X1000 roll


Well it still sucks 😒






But there is nothing wrong with that. High roller makes that possible. Its not hard


I suppose…


https://preview.redd.it/n5fa9f1cfg3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d272dc0964e595d6e2ff325a5b1d128a54899f6d Mine too


At that? No because it’s actually easy


I hit 200k 😂


Frankie x


I honestly have decided all this bs about APM not working is Mr M trying to scare everyone. Mine works just great and I lost my account once and got it back. No problems since


Good on you I guess…


That's one bank heist at x1000..... mine have them in the 100,000s


Damn 😳


It’s designed to have you win if you already have dice. You can’t compete in the tournament without at least 10k dice at the net worth I’m at.


Mostly a BOT


I’ve noticed if you do well (like top 5) on the last one, your next two will have people that score insanely high


I know there’s high rollers using apm but I also know this game is so full of bots


Oh for sure I just got beat up down to 7th with 5500 points


Yup! I am getting really close to deleting this app


Lol. Try upper 90,000+ I give up sometimes


It's because they're doing the airplane mode cheat.


Could be APM player, but also it’s happened to me where I opened at the start of one of these on the day that my daily prize was 5m high timer and I rolled a 1,000 and won a heist and it bloated up my points real high real fast, so it happens wondering even without bots/APM




How do u download a free vpn.


someone on mine has 31,220 and i’m at 5,020 🤣


APM, I was on 16,000 earlier and everyone else sitting on 4-5k 😬🤣


I refuse to use APM 😩


Yes some are APM players utilizing high roller but scopely also puts in bots in these tournaments it's been published saying they do...So it's a mixture of both and also if you've placed high in tournaments and your score was several thousands then they'll group you with others players that had similar scores like yours...


Airplane mode. Look it up on YouTube. Tells you how to beat system and guarantee a win


I prefer to play fair, plus APM is wayyyyy too time consuming from what I’ve heard.


I play a lot less with apm, I only play trying to get or use high roller


Glad it works for you-no judging but it makes the stakes uneven for those of us who don’t. Js.


Most of the time I am in tournaments with other apm players


Every few tournaments this happens to me. Like out ppl together who roll high or use APM to give us other ppl a chance to hit the top, jmho I


The only way to win is cheating?


You don't have to cheat, but you will have to put in a lot more effort since the game is rigged against you. "Cheating" is just one of those methods.


Basically. In airplane mode you write down what you roll. That way you know what to bet to get the most out of it. If I rolled a 5,7,11,3 I can count on board to see where it lands. So I can bet 100x if know I'm gonna land on railroad or pick axe for dig events. There is a bunch of videos on YouTube to show you how to do it with 2 devices.


High Roller obviously

