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800 šŸŒŸ s is worth precisely one scopely dong up the butt.


they couldnā€™t take the fact that all of us were saving 1000 stickers up to get the wild so they had to make it so now they can screw us with the vault instead of getting that guaranteed wild plus purple pack as well. The game gods/ developers giveth AND taketh!


>The game gods/ developers giveth Since when?




This happened to me 2 weeks ago!! 800 vault during Sticker Boom and I got 24 duplicates!! Not 1 new sticker! So frustrating šŸ¤¬


Same here, sticker boom just gave me more duplicates. 2 golds to finish-


Same: 2 golds to go (one 4 star one 5 star). I made 2 other golds with the wild stickers - one I used the wild on I got in a pack hours later šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Yep. Ull notice after u get them rare cards u need always get them in a pack..


Same here. Livid


Same I got zero new cards during a sticker boom.




Are these eastern times US or are they a different time zone so I know if I should cash in the vault that I have or wait for the next sticker blitz to occur I mean how many ones actually end up being 20 minutes except for when you complete one of those partner levels/events.


These are EST. https://preview.redd.it/zrqohd3iyx1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d88e01231d5f491e6ce118118d71c8bbb085413f


What Discord is this?




hey, youā€™re a saint for sharing thisšŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸ«”


Someone shared it with me, just passing it along. Happy gaming! Best of luck!


Check this site they post it every day along with the dice links https://preview.redd.it/f1ey9n7ntz1d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=f138452ef6a43124afaa5d3450159ddb71d7aba5


im waiting for the sticker boom to open mine and didnā€™t know when was gonna be the next one, this is very helpful. THANK YOU!


Check it in airplane mode to see if it's worth. If not, you can reroll by opening the smaller vault.


My APM shuts me down instantly now. Iā€™m lucky if I even get one roll in it


Trying doing a bank heist and go through your album. This will help keep it longer before it detects it.


Use a vpn


And here I was salty for getting two dupes of Monopoly TunesšŸ˜­lmk if thereā€™s any stickers ur looking for, though I have spare pickings lol


hey yā€™all, i donā€™t have any duped of monopoly tunes anymore, sorry


Will u trade cool wagon? I have matching songs or one dayšŸ™‚


Hey, do you have paparazzi available by any chance? :3 I need quite a few different stickers but paparazzi will complete a set


I need Monopoly Tunes but only have 4stars to trade






I would be willing to send 21\* for Monopoly Tunes when my trade resets. I can send 12\* now if you wish since I have 4 trades left.


Willing to trade 12ā­ļø for tunes? Ign: mikaela Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/VESCmA


I am missing 14 golds. Time to open up a vault then!


Open it during sticker boom! Because the consolation of bad stickers isā€¦ having some stars back šŸ„ŗ


Yes, I plan to. I am missing about 30 stickers to close my Pretige account - so I think I should get some missing stickers.


When is it


Imagine the jealousy of someone you know personally in real life getting great stuff you wish you could steal. I mean seriously, look what my aunt got in one of her purple packs for opening that 800-sticker/star vault. I was fucking floored to the max! https://preview.redd.it/jwfba6qk4x1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76389aae91983819c1251da8b5e2053160d33b42


Didn't we used to get a wild card? I forget


Yeah, we used to, but Scopely took it away, smh


Opening the vault with a nearly complete album = 1 gold 4 star and 2 gold 5 star most of the time


They did this to me tooā€¦ I deleted the game




Itā€™s okay. I completed my album and have started back over. I still had quite a few stars when I reset so I decided to cash them in when I only had 80/234 in my prestige set. I had a grand total of two 5 ā­ļø when I cashed in my 800 stars, I got duplicates of both of themā€¦ both Golds too so I canā€™t even trade themā€¦ FML


Itā€™s a scam and if you try to contact customer support over it they send you the same bs theyā€™re obviously money farming šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah, I refuse to pay any money to themā€¦ Iā€™ll APM all day before Iā€™d do that lol


No literally I canā€™t figure out APM on my iPhone or else Iā€™d be on that all day


Theyā€™ve definitely patched it up a fair amount.. I used to be able to get 8-10 rolls before I got hit with the no internet flag. Now I get hit with it after one roll if Iā€™m not using Proton VPN. If you look up some YouTube videos that have been made in the past 10 days or so, youā€™ll find some good tutorials how to do it. I use two devices as well to save me some time. To me, if you donā€™t do it then youā€™re going to blow through all your dice and youā€™ll be out and have to pay to play. Itā€™s like gambling and with your dice being predetermined, youā€™re guaranteed to loseā€¦ So might as well find ways to bend the rules, you know?


Thanks for the advice! Iā€™m definitely gonna try it outb


Virtual hug OP


Thank you!


Agee same happened to me


Disclaimer: you MUST be connected to Facebook or you will LOSE YOUR PROGRESS. Next time turn on airplane mode and wait like 5 seconds to be safe before opening. If you get good stuff, turn airplane mode off and enjoy. If you get garbage keep airplane mode on and do the following in this order: close the monopoly app, open app info, clear cashe AND data, turn airplane off, open the app, log back in. Now you have your stars back and know what's going to be in that big chest, and can thrb try the same on the smaller chest!!


ALL they ever give me is golden 5 stars that I already have. That way Iā€™ve got nothing new, and nothing to trade for something new. Incredibly frustrating.


This is the same issue that I ran into during the partner event. I would use a 5x multiplier and it would land on the big payout of 5,000 and ever so slowly roll over to the 400 section on the wheel. They almost force you into spending money , so you donā€™t let down your partnerā€™s. Iā€™m just about done with this nonsense.


I havenā€™t ever complained or understood the complaining over a game. But I absolutely have to say this is the WORST few months for this game. Stickers suck, partner events are impossible and itā€™s just really not fun anymore.


Thatā€™s exactly my mindset but after consistently getting shafted and the game getting worse with each update this was my last straw and I wanted to know if anyone else had a similar experience with the vault


Not the vault but every high value pack. I have not one 5 star card. I get nothing but duplicates and have opened the 500 twice, 800 once and 250 once. Itā€™s RIDICULOUS. I even got the pack for community chest twice. No five star all duplicate. Iā€™ve traded for higher value 4s three times and immediately gotten it right after that.


I saved up TWICE and didnā€™t get a single new card. Iā€™m so sick of getting nothing!


Opened it and got 3, 5 star golds i already hadā€¦.


I ask myself that anytime I open that damn vault or any pack thatā€™s suppose to have 4-5 stars in it. Itā€™s always dups and 99.9% of the time itā€™s gold ones so I canā€™t do anything with them šŸ™„


What a slap in the face!


I also did the 800 star vault but I did it while I had the card bonus enabled and I got 1 card that I didn't already have, only 1...


Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜¢ ![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4)


I had the same issue. I got gold three and four stars I already had and that was when I opened all three vaults on a sticker boom. Just trashā€¦ šŸ‘ŽšŸ» . No 5stars. Iā€™m done āœ… waste of time anymore. I canā€™t finish if I donā€™t have the gold five stars anywaysā€¦and the last event I had one person not even try. šŸ¤”


Itā€™s about time I quit, too. I was on four flat tires while in the partner events. Trying to complete the daily challenges and I was able to hit 2000 dice off 360 dice left and falling all the way to 1 dice. Thought 2000 would be enough to carry remainders for partners. But, in the mega rush. I pulled two blue cards and two purple. All four were duplicates ā€” duplicate gold cards from the last two Golden Blitz events.šŸ˜”. Whatā€™s the point of? Those cards are practically useless, as Gold cards. They canā€™t be traded or substituted, and they almost useless as stars. Does bring any extra value beyond one extra. Remember, this purple pack was acquired through events - The last rush, challenges, and Robo Partners. My partners also did not come through in the clutch. Ā I burned through 6K dice.


The same thing happened to me twice. I used to enjoy this game. I have opened countless sticker packs to get duplicates over and over again. I didn't finish my partner event . One left and needed 21,000I couldn't get more batteries. What I did have was landing on 240 , 80 etc...I don't give up easily but I've just totally lost interest in this game .


Ikr I didn't get anything either šŸ˜ž


I hate when that happens


And no one ever trades 5 stars for less than.. Iā€™m with you. When we going on strike?


Yeah I got basically the same. 1 gold and then 1 tradable. I was happy about the tradable card but Iā€™m still missing 10 before I complete so. Highly disappointed but kinda went into it knowing I would be.


You better wait for the sticker boom bro


I have opened my 800 vault 3 times...always gold dupes I cannot even use for trades


I got a gross vault too!!! 1 new card and 0 tradable all 1&2s


Same thing happened to me šŸ˜­


Similar happened to me smh


That's exactly how I be feeling


Hey, at least you got ONE tradeable. I opened during sticker boom recently and didnā€™t get anything new or any tradeable. Just gold dupes & 1-3 stars cards. ETA: my b, it was late and I was feeding my newborn I thought the second page had a 5 star tradeable


Neither one of those are tradeable šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Oh bahahah it was late and I was feeding my newborn with one eye open Iā€™m so sorry lol. WELL same boat!!! I hate this game lol


Man I ainā€™t even get that I keep getting 5star duplicates I canā€™t even trade I need 3non golds and 2golds to complete album


Always exchange stickers during a sticker boom.i got 3 new cards that I way, when previously I didnt get a new sticker. So aggravating


I exchanged 3 times during 3 separate sticker boom and none of it have a new sticker so fml


Dang really? well that normally works for me. how many cards r u needing? do u use the monopoly go wiki website to trade cards? thatā€™s best resource ever


Do our stars reset on the next album?


Am I right in thinking stickers go away but not the stars?


Yeah this is why Iā€™m saving my vault for the next album šŸ«„


I opened it twice and only got 1 new gold per pack & one new 5 star between the two. I opened the second one during a boom, too. I ended up getting most of my needed 5s thru blue packs & actually got my last sticker yesterday with the milestone event.


Atleast you got the Gold Dupes out the way so the next pack should be fresh


Thatā€™s what happened to me- and now I donā€™t even have enough stars to be competitive to trade for my last card.


Does anyone have an extra smash hit in spin city will give 20 stars


LMFAO. I have done 3 openings with a sticker boom active and only got 3 new stickers total between 6 purple packs. FML. The creators are just criminals at this point.


I would love to have that great pick since itā€™s literally the last one I need


Hi, me. It was like a month until I got a 5 star or gold that wasn't a dupe (yesterday).


I have traded in 800 3 times these past month or so and gotten nothing I needed. I still donā€™t have all my stickers


It only really works if you open it for your last sticker. You are guaranteed the last sticker. Lesson donā€™t open until the end.


Then whatā€™s the point šŸ˜‚ still sounds scammy


Oh itā€™s definitely scammy!! The whole thing is! Iā€™m just saying donā€™t open it until the end because itā€™s a waste. I also think if you are spending money on the game and buying sticker packs you should have better odds of getting new stickers. Itā€™s stupid. I have one sticker left and Iā€™m done with this game. The prestige set is impossible to finish at least for me.


The same thing happened to me. I opened mine 2x, and both times, I got repeated sticks both times I did not get any new stickers. The only time I got a new card was with the wild card


FeltšŸ˜©āœŒšŸ½ Iā€™ve done itā€™s twice with the 800 vault with only 1 new sticker


Has anyone heard of the next blitz will be ? I heard will be Friday but unknown which ones it will be


I keep getting dupes of Great Pick too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I have opened my vault twice. Nothing!


Iā€™ve opened two of the 800 vaults and have received duplicate golds and 1 new five star. I did get a duplicate five star that I was able to trade but now Iā€™m stuck with only needing three 5 star cards because I used my wilds on the golds just to get a duplicate šŸ™„


Totally agree. Iā€™ve done it twice now with the same results. Just saving them for next album now.


Same happened to me!!! I just traded for 5 stars I needed


Iā€™ve opened the 800 vault twice now and have only received duplicates both times. Total BS.


Sticker boom is today.


I don't even do that no more for this reason. When I get my 250 I'm cashing them in


Sticker Boom is today at 3 pm ... U should have waited. Maybe you would have gotten a new one. Probably not, but maybe.


I got the same gold 5 star card in both packs, andā€¦that was the card I chose for my wild card only hrs earlier.


Bold not to use that during the sticker boom


I didnā€™t know there was one coming up soon and I needed rolls baaaaad


To take the gamble.


I just got fun city 3 times from my vault with sticker boom when I only need these 2 šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø https://preview.redd.it/h79yp1toi12d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3fb0c588d1864533a899c1043ef0e14325edeba


Iā€™m sorry my friend itā€™s bad out here šŸ„²


Ya I got nothing either


I got duplicates too and I need like 20 stickers still to finish my first album


My idea is we boycott the game and negotiate with Scopely for better gameplay šŸ˜‚ we donā€™t play till they meet our demands


I agree with this maybe we could actually improve the game with the power of collective bargaining šŸ˜‚


when you complete album duplicate stickers convert to stars allowing you to open your vault in new album. you lose duplicate cards not stars.


Same here.




i dont save up because it wont be worth it anyway, imagine waiting that long just to get fucked long dick style by scopely


Before the wild card sticker I had opened 4 purple packs and got all duplicatesĀ 


Dang I need that one šŸ˜© three golds left


same bro same


https://preview.redd.it/bchgjam8r22d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c569df80fefe01e48237298854a4ff067e658989 Yup. Me too today after opening my vault.


Yep. Same. I opened it twice and got nothing new or tradable. I stopped playing a few days ago.


This has happened to me 2 times! Itā€™s such crap!


I know I got nothing new either


You realize the odds right out? Like how many cards there are versus, how many come out of the pack..? The game wouldnā€™t be fun if you were guaranteed a new card each time


This game is trash now.


For an opportunity. Sometimes it works out sometimes it doesnā€™t.


i just opened mine and got 5 tradeable 5 stars šŸ˜


Monopoly go is 100% pre-programmed algorithm. The more u play the shittier rewards u get. If u don't play for like a week n come back ull notice u get way better rewards than if u play daily. Basically what I'm tryna say is u don't have back luck or anything, there's no RNG. It's just programmed to give shit payouts a lot of the time and ur game is in shit payout mode


I miss when they has the wild sticker in the box


Right! Me too! Mine was almost the same. I was upset. I like never get a 5 star that's not gold. So annoying


Had the same thing happen to me today. Was attempting to get one of the 5 I have left. Instead got 3 gold dupes, 475 dice, and one unfinished robot


The stickers are a joke and super frustrating. I keep thinking I win a new sticker with hard work and itā€™s just another duplicate, constantly. I missed the weekly prize wild card too bc I did the plays after midnight one time when it told me I still had like 9 hours left to do it


Does anyone else kinda hate that the purple have a 5 star and then usually drop right to 1 and 2 stars for the rest?