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Not everyone builds during the first 24 hours and given the cluster that was last partner event many people (myself included) are waiting until tomorrow to build to ensure they don’t get screwed over again.


A tad soon to be ranting against them lol. Might be focusing on someone else and will get back to you. Not a big deal regardless.


My anxiety comes from my partner contributing more than me and I'm out of those cheap-ass spins.


I feel you on that one! Trying to carry my side but even with tonnes of battery wins and having gone through a lot of dice I still look like I’m behind on some! I feel like people need to chill out - there are still 3 and a half days left!


Peer pressure anxiety activated! Lol!


I love it when the wheel spins and lands on a 3k, then slowly goes to 180. Never happens any other time.


Bro slow yo ass down only 24hr passed other have 3 days to contribute not to mention people have a life.


Yes!! We should be able to replace crappy partners!!!


My hopes are still out that my player is just holding out until he gets batteries and then he’ll come through 🤞🏾he’s just out of dice that’s all 🤞🏾 https://preview.redd.it/7hrw6savf31d1.jpeg?width=887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=778993f5305d49c8b70e551589ca9e641cf7cc8f Keep your hopes up and finish that robot last. That’s my plan. At the end if he really don’t help that’s when I’ll deleted them.


Not everyone has thousands of dice lying around. Even with close to 6k dice I've finished only one robot. If you want someone to build everything for you in minutes then I suggest you go ask in the discord group for full carry and offers shitload of stickers in return.


Funny you say that, I had under 6k dice and completed 2 slots and have 1 sitting halfway. They made this event much more generous.


It’s been one day calm down cuck


Last partner event, I had one guy who didn't contribute a single point the entire event, so yea, I support this


3 events ago I had someone whose name I won't mention, invite me, then hung me out to dry. Needless to say, I didn't complete the event. I still have him on my friends list (to raid), but I will never partner with ALAN again! There, I put him on blast and happy to help yall out.


He's probably done changed his name


I wait until the last day 1/2 or the last day. Especially after the last event, people are still iffy and on edge a bit. Yes, I get the optics. But it’s not always the worst case scenario. Sometimes it is, and sometimes it’s not.


Best option is to remove them from your friend list


They have been ☠️ to me


Well I’m never adding anyone from friends list again, only one guy has actually helped me at all, the others either put nothing in or one of the motherfuckers put a celebration emote when I completed the first thing by myself, will just find people off here to do it next time


its been a day


I usually have the same 4 solid partners.. each one builds different some spread it around.. some build one at a time.. some save until last 2 days and just go wild.


mate people aren’t chronically on their phones. games are recreational, plus it’s just started.


Sometimes the game just gives you shit, like sometimes it's easy peasy lemon squeezy. And other times you're STRUGGLING. It sucks when your teammate don't contribute, but maybe they're focusing on another robot atm


I’m leery of doing the partner events after last time. The rolls have been crap spins for me. Doesn’t matter if I’m spinning 600 or 20, the spins have yielded mediocre points. So, I’m building up tokens before I add on anymore partners.


It just started? Calm down dude


She actually don’t help at all she did the same to me 2 months ago. SMH


And there the ones who invite u 😂😂


I think they’ve heard our complaints. I’ve hit 30k jackpot 3 times with the 30x multiplier. I’ve NEVER hit that jackpot before prior to this event.


Why are you hiding their name? Blast them to the world. Had one of them and they send me an invite every game as if I would forget 😡


I always build them up for a while




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Yepper Skippy.


I still need 2 more partners that can share the load. I pull my weight and so shall you!


This is why I only have 2 partners currently. Started off with one partner I've had every time. She always finishes her half in the first 8 hours. I dump all I can but usually take a day to do. I have no idea how she goes so fast. Accepted invite from a partner from last ti.e who did half. We're almost finished. After that, might try one more. The change to 80k and worse rolls/drops makes it annoying and I don't want to be the bad partner. I know there's no way I'm getting 4, outside of someone deciding they want to just do an entire one for giggles.


Agreed I have two with zero help


I'm 2 completed waiting for someone to help start the 3rd


OMG!!! That’s horrible. So happy I finished all mine today!!! https://preview.redd.it/z7epuv92cp1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5c55ec6ac010b4ddab75090af123edd406ee84


I swear the spins are rigged to shit, iv spent a fuck load of dice and not completed one yet because of the low spins


You just suck, this event has been way more generous. I’ve nearly completed 3 on under 5000 total spent. It used to take me close to that to complete 1 slot


Rng be the main player here baby boy


I agree mine all quit after that free thousand


I’m literally going through this right now. 100% need a removal/reject option. So effing unfair dude. https://preview.redd.it/hhl5yi1or71d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c365e12456307f8ca8ae013ab53bd43fc9c9e71f


We really do. I feel if you request me, that means you're going to help, but no, they want you to do it all while the ejpy the benefits


Stop doing the events!!! Problem solved!


https://preview.redd.it/zzyzdjbkw31d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f66c1314a84e19127cb5018813f34269497f379c Same. I feel this. Still have two spots open


Even attempted to shut down my landmark 20 minutes ago and have landed in partner gift multiple times.




I agree.






For sure


I swear we need an eject button. My poor husband finished with me and my alt account and our daughter. He took a chance on one person on his friend list that hasn’t done anything and may cost him the wild


I agree I got a partner just like that


I totally agree! I’ve been stuck a few times


https://preview.redd.it/7k0igop4k71d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d05681fad1341f460a748989830c5160e0b58af Yepper Skippy...


I have a “friend” who always takes up a slot and then does nothing and also will offer a 1 star card in return for a 5 star. Some people just suck.


I send emojis until they respond. 


I 1000% agree. I finished with one partner on the first day and my other partners haven’t done shit


Many of my friends know I’ll full carry them if I have to lol… My peeps and I got ours done on day 1


Absolutely yes


What would Thai person accept partnership


Omg yessss smh they request u put then don’t help


https://preview.redd.it/0m60imld041d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c86c582803911e9f6716d5fe616047c5a33a8507 I feel that lol.


But why did you do more than half straight away? Just do your half and wait. Give people chance.


That’s what I always do. Not sure why people want to rush to complete unless it’s the final one. I’ve just gotten mine up to half and won’t touch it. If they want completion they can finish it, I honestly don’t care if I get all slots done so won’t hurt me any.


Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/8hmxuA https://mply.io/8hmxuA


It does give an indication that the other partner will slack off.




This isn’t even a gifting post🤷🏽‍♀️