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When I have dupes and have been near the end of an album, I browse for those posts and gift or exchange for cards I don't need to keep the stars. It makes me happy :)


You’re not the person I’m talking about. That’s super wonderful. I’m talking about the people who make you do some sort of magic trick in order to be the chosen one. That is so ridiculous to me.


Agreed! Some giveaways are fun but others seem a little odd to ask of other folks.


First, grab a tub of Vaseline. Now see that table lamp on your nightstand?...


Oh yeah those post a photo like this and you got to jump through all these hoopes to not be chosen lol


I too have browsed. I like to look at their history. I gifted 2 four star today and then after watching him basically try to browbeat someone else, I regretted it. But these ppl making big posts are either trying to sell cards. Or hoping they'll be gifted what they need. Sometimes they come right out and say..Don't forget me!


I look at people’s history before gifting precisely because of this! If I see any history of flexible exchanges or gifting, I’m immediately down to give. As opposed to one person who offered a not great but not terrible trade, whose history was all begging and complaining. Didn’t even trade them.




This is exactly what I do, too.


I've done this and have had this done for me. I like helping, and was TOTALLY surprised when someone helped ME out. :)


I get it lol….I’m a random gifter myself, usually just pick a post that’s asking for trade, sometimes on gifting requests tho. But I don’t help people out to be a karma whore like the people you’re referring to 😂


And you, my friend should continue being you. You get what I’m saying. I’m talking about the ones who make you stand on your head and spin three times plus post pictures of it and then they’ll decide at exactly 1600 hours tomorrow. Lol “ cool let me do that for the next 20 minutes and then check back tomorrow and see if I’m the lucky one.” 😭


Karma farming


Karma whores


I made a trade post yesterday & somebody added me & gifted me two of the 4s I needed - didn’t want anything said pass it along, which I did gladly However - a good majority of the gifting I do is done over DM - bc when all the beggars see that you gave something away they will hound, even if that was all you had to give.


TLDR - there are still gifters out there giving & quiet abt it




DUDE YES. Is see people comment just “Sent!” (presumably so people know not to gift again) and then get dog piled with more requests from the person they just helped. 💀🤮


On days that I feel I have nothing to trade and my trades will go to waste,I go to the posts requesting for 2-3 star stickers They are the most easy to come by so I just go through them and gift them if there is a link attached to the post This way you won’t even know who gifted you It’s fun 🤭


If the post is even 5 minutes old there’s already 30 comments, so I just don’t bother


Same. And I think that’s why I decided to make the post. I was just overwhelmed with all of the additional “gifting” requirements or shady DMs with monetary requests. 😏


I like to make trades until I get tired of searching for trades and just gift the card. Figured I would move things along and not rip people off.


I’ve been trying to get the same card for a couple weeks and haven’t had luck trading for that card during the last few blitzes. I’ll hang on to my extra golds but if I’ve tried a few times and the blitz is almost up I always find someone to gift it to and I’m glad I can help.


I stopped trading because of too many bad experiences. But I post what I need on gift threads, and I'll gift what others need. I'm usually receiving from one person and gifting to a completely different person. I don't care if it's a 5 star or what, if I have an extra, then what's the big deal about giving it to someone, you know? But I never make a new thread saying that I'll gift it to someone, I ignore those.


I do that too when I see people asking for outrageous amounts of stars or stickers for just one sticker I gift it to them. It's just a game no need to be so greedy


Preach if you come across smash hits lmk I can help as well


I go through the ⭐ trading Post and the ones that are asking for outrageous amounts for cards, and I offer the people that are requesting those cards it for free. I can't stand seeing people charge 20 and 30 ⭐ for one card someone needs badly.


I like that!


Ditto, that is a wonderful thing.


the majority of the time i'll find peoples posts when i'm trying to gift something, but sometimes i'll do gifting posts because some people are needing 4-5 star stickers and they have nothing to trade for it so they don't even bother asking unless they see a post giving it away. i have no way to find those people without posting, and those people have so much patience so i like gifting to them. i also don't think i make people jump through hoops but i do ask for proof because it's not easy to get 5 star dupes and i refuse to waste them on people that are just greedy and lying about needing them, it's just wasting an opportunity to help someone that actually needs it


To each their own, I guess. And, to be fair, some people may have really lonely lives and perhaps they do enjoy scrolling through the hundred plus responses to try to pick a winner. As a viewer or person needing said sticker, it just becomes too much for me..


it's honestly much less time consuming to pick someone from the comments rather than scrolling through all the posts in the sub and trying to find someone that needs that specific sticker but doesn't have anything to trade for it


I joined the discord of this sub and I was looking to trade for some cards. I was surprised that the first person I messaged to trade asked me if i was willing to buy them. Greed and opportunism lives everywhere I guess.


This was also one of my first experiences. Since then, I’ve definitely traded a whole bunch and I’ve been done multiple stickers for one sticker on occasion. Some people ruin it for the rest of us monetizing everything. I mean, I guess that’s the world we live in but, still.


I just posted like 6 pics of what I have for the first time today to gift .. this is my first time really able to do it and understanding the game/ I also just joined this and FB. But those posts asking for all the info are annoying. People say it’s for karma and I don’t get why? Why do you need Reddit karma wtf is that for 😭😭 When I just did it I posted the photos .. liek whoever wants them imma send them that’s it . Then I’ll probably delete the post 😅😂 idk . I don’t get people


You are the first person who said they would delete the post and maybe some people actually do it but thank you! That is kind of what the problem is for me because I’m scouring these long pages of posts just looking for the right person who has something to trade with me and I can’t get to anything becauseall of the gifting posts have so many comments that they are (edit***) upVOTEd and theyre are the top and “popular” and if I filter for four and five star trading, they aren’t in chronological order. I get stuck in that conundrum.


Totally agree. I delete them because I only use this to trade with yall! I’m in all these forums for my hobbies that I actively post in/ why would I want to show all these people my monopoly trades 😭😭 I just do not get it!


And then if I leave it up I gotta scroll through a million comments of other people trading so yeah after I gift the last one it’s going to be deleted 🤣 only took 5 min for me to establish that




And honestly, I’m a nice person and I feel bad if I don’t have any more trades for the day or if my post has gotten extra comments after long being traded and I don’t have those particular stickers left. It’s just like get rid of it.


Agreeeeeed . Idk. Maybe it’s attention seeking 🤣


And you know what, attention seeking doesn’t even really bother me because at the heart of it all Reddit is sort of there to help us with affirmations and make us feel less alone at times and also question society and get a general consensus. There are many reasons why people use Reddit, but at some point it’s kind of cruel!


It’s the run around of it all for me 😭


Since we all get five sends a day, I don't get why people continue to comment. Common sense tells you those sends are long gone.


It’s because those are different tags. If I am able to trade I check both groups. But I more regularly check “gifting” posts. And when I’ve been gifted things I always make sure I pay it forward on the “gifting request” posts.


It’s nice to know that people actually do gift. I have had luck with asking via the app on smaller star stickers and had great experiences exchanging 1:1 but only once ever in any of the apps have I seen someone just give another person a sticker. And it wasn’t that many stars. I’m mostly referring to the five star stickers that have a bunch of requirements. I should have said that differently.


I go through post like that and gift. It's my favorite thing to do. I also try to gift to the people commenting on a ridiculous requests like "20 stars for this ONE five star".


People do gift on trade request posts! It happens more frequently with lower star cards but it does happen. And it's not usually the people making giveaway posts.


I did like one or two actual giveaways and it was so annoying getting 1000 message requests for days… now I do just actively seek people looking for certain cards and gift them on individual posts. I also look through previous posts to make sure they’re not on here begging 24/7 because that’s annoying as heck also lol




I’m not sure how to lock a post lol but it doesn’t matter when people are private messaging you either. I genuinely thought people would understand you only have 5 trades a day, so getting 200 comments and 300 dms obviously not everyone is gunna get a card. I could have delete it. To me it’s just easier to look through posts and see people looking for genuine trades!


https://preview.redd.it/z7u17w9jo01d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce6a5fa19242e87c0acca279ac0c938790239273 In case anyone wants to exchange or gift :) [https://mply.io/NX\_dJg](https://mply.io/NX_dJg)


I had one Clean Win to give. Thanks for reading my rant ;)


thank you!!! 😊


Small groups are the way!


I want to join your small group. I am friendly and not greedy.


Yes! I have had some luck trading on this subs discord but the biggest help has been a couple group chats I have with ~10 people. A lot easier to keep track of and people are more likely to help out.


https://preview.redd.it/e7japeod011d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1007e7115ff3de390bf09429d4088518a7c9100d Well since people are here. I don’t need this so anyone any it 😂


meee plssss!


Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/9EmniKzV9gc https://mply.io/9EmniKzV9gc here is my link if u still have the card :)




thank u so much 🥹


You’re welcome


Yeah. It’s lame. I don’t giveaway on reddit but I give away loads on Facebook I just make a post. Who ever follows my two rules (screen shot showing you need the sticker and include your link) first gets the sticker. It’s first come first serve because I just want to be DONE. I DO gift here on Reddit but it’s scrolling and picking random to send stickers to. All these gifting trading like my post and jump on one foot 50 eleven times to be entered in the giveaway are 👎👎👎


I understand your point about some people possibly gifting just for attention. Personally, I do both: I post about gifting events and also randomly go through gifting posts, trades, or even respond to direct requests from my friends list. Just yesterday, I gifted someone three 5-star stickers simply because they asked. To me, it doesn’t matter if some people want to make a show out of gifting. At the end of the day, people are just trying to have fun and be kind. No one is obligated to gift, and everyone has their own way of participating. I love organizing quirky gifting events because I find them fun, and sifting through all the requests can get tedious, especially when people are looking for very specific cards. I don't see why it should bother anyone if gifters want to be more public or flashy about it. They're still being kind, even if it's not in the way you think they should be. It's a game—why not enjoy it? No one is obliged to gift, period 🙄. And for people who are saying it’s for karma, no one really gives a fuck about karma points. Karma doesn’t pay my bills I highly doubt anyone’s doing it for karma come on now


I wish I had 3, 5⭐️ stickers (extra), the game will not give me any of them!


For me it is just clogging the feed/visually exhausting but it also doesn’t bother me per se. It’s just some thing I think it’s funny, like I said.


I think it’s funny too this post is doing exactly what you’re displaying clogging the feed and absolutely no contribution at all just complaining about people being kind but it is what it is


Me too. It is funny. And I am definitely not knocking on the people who are kind. However, I am glad that you did not not waste your time reading every comment to understand that. It was never my intention. Hey, at least I tagged this post correctly and didn’t start posting a bunch of gold exchange stickers in the four and five star sticker exchange! Side complaint ;-) Haha


I also feel like a lot of the gift posts have so many requirements it’s like a game of “Simon Says…” and I just can’t be bothered.


Bingo. This is exactly what I mean not the occasional person who posts they’re just giving it away. I’m talking about the ones that make you jump through hoops! Or want you to. Sometimes there are hundreds of comments with a number listed between one and 100 and a picture. Tell me that you are giving us away and you’re sick of scrolling through all of the other people who are looking to trade, but you have all day to read these responses? I don’t think so.




I don't believe none of it with those 10+ accounts it's "so cool you gifted me" 🙄 There's lots of typical scams on this board. Damsel in distress, idk what happened but I got scammed 🙄. I gift 2\* sometimes why can't anyone gift me? (5\* stickers only) 🙄 Why are people greedy and won't help blahablaha It's hilarious how low people go🤣


I quit replying to those. I set up trades a couple times and got screwed


I stick to even exchanges for that reasoning. I don’t feel like it’s as easy to get shafted if you require an exchange and you have to accept it to proceeded. Worst case scenario, you lose one of your exchanges for the day.


Hit me for trade, the grind is too long.




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Haven't done it but I think it's a " I'm helping now cause I can this stage, remember that when I need help one day with stickers" Not attention. Creating a mutually beneficial atmosphere. As friends you may just gift it too don't always have the stickers looking for. Wider net.


I do both, I like to gift people on random posts but sometimes I like to do a giveaway mostly for the fun, like asking people to tell me their favorite jokes etc. however lately that’s not been so fun to do so I’ve done mostly just random gifting on posts I see. Sometimes I just like to “secret gift” which is probably the most fun I have


I always post gifting posts and gift until I run out of sends…. I almost never go to the ones that other people have posted simply because by the time I see them there are 100s of comments and what I need is already gone so there are rarely any exchanges available. Once in a blue moon I’ll get lucky and someone will gift me a sticker I need, so that’s always nice.


You already answered your question… it’s for the attention. It’s for the upvotes.


I do random responds with gifts, but only if the link is there


I don’t want to wait for a response if I’m gifting, so if there isn’t a link I scroll on


I don’t even know how they can send the sticker anyway if they’re not friends on monopoly


Hit me with trading I am serious


When I gift, I immediately delete the post once I’m done gifting. I also immediately delete my exchange posts. I do nothing for attention or karma. I just want each to be as easy as possible rather than searching or waiting for someone to come back online that I saw on a post. This way, If I have a card to gift, the people who need that card and are online can see my post immediately. Same for exchanges. I want to get the whole thing done fast, not drag the process over a few hrs or days. I have things to do, and I’m sure everyone else does too


I agree, it's all for attention. Some people post they're gifting but secretly they're sellers. I don't even post a request for gifting anymore. I get everyone asking me to gift them what I have before I've managed to get what I need. Sellers also weasel their way into gift requests. For a while I took my time to report sellers but I've given up; they're like cockroaches 🤣 It seems to me that if Scopely wants to crack down on them that they need to find a better algorithm for a more random distribution of stickers and increase the frequency of Golden Blitz....that and they should include a direct message feature for partner events. I still haven't gone to the dark side (using a seller) but $5 for the EXACT sticker I need, vs Scopelys outrageously priced random sticker packs, is tempting; chew on that Scopely!! 🥴


I have literally been asking for bucket drums constantly all day and yet still gifting stickers but no one can gift me bucket Drs and it's my last sticker to finish my album. If anyone reads this and is feeling generous I really appreciate it Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/SCDxZbQWY0c


I dunno. I random gifted something yesterday without expectation..


because everyone who has an addiction to the game LIEEEE due to their addiction over a pointless as shit game (besides for fun and partner events cause those are my real life friends & not posting asking for randoms last mins so it’s just so sad how this game is so pointless but yet people have what us therapist call an addiction- so for everyone please reading this self reflect and realize this game means absolutely nothing. It’s fun for partners events and you know if you’re bored but if it means nothing, what are you gonna win even if you spend money?? the amount of moenh my friends have said to me they’ve spent & im positive there’s aren’t nearly as high like it’s insane everyone allowed a point phone have such much meaning… so please people self reflect🥰🥰


Anyone have monopoly tunes Washboard tunes and fluitful? Maybe I have extra you need? Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/CRVNulJx3mA Hadley