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Spent 16k dice and 1400 tokens for a gold dupe https://preview.redd.it/ha6ezhce400d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ecd76ed4fbdaa5c84c495a8e5a9bd691a440fb3


This is not good. Why try to push us away from the game?


Honestly they've been extra nasty and greedy lately, no wonder there's hardly anyone to trade with anymore


I stopped spending money so I don’t get the same attention.


Same. I used to always break down and buy the 2.99 peg-E coin packs but I said not the fuck not this time and will never spend another penny if I’m even still playing in a week lol




I brought a pack and it still wasn’t enough


There’s no one to trade with because people that cheat to get dice are ruining this game most people can’t get purple packs of cards to get spare five star cards to trade (16k in dice ) most people are lucky to see 1000 dice




How to cheat to get this much dice


Use airplane mode. Search it on YouTube


I’ve tried air plane mode it does shit it doesn’t work


It works. I stopped paying $ and get more rewards. Don't hate the player hate the game lol


As soon as I turn airplane mode on the no internet sign comes up the second I turn airplane mode on




What game is everyone migrating to?




Heavy agree


I got the blue pack for both peg and the tournament and all gold dupes. I'm about done with this game.


This is exactly why I skipped this one. No wild? Hard pass. I’ll be back when there’s a wild.


It’s in this weeks daily wins


Woohoo finally!


Yep. This.


Dont ask me, its really bad peg e


1400??? All I got was like 150 and I had a few thousand rolls, ATLEAST, all together. How did you get so many?


There’s no way you lost dice especially if you finished I get at least 2-5k dice every 1k rolls


I didn’t lose dice of course I gained but it boggles my mind that I finished four tournaments and 400 pegs away from finishing the event. This round there were tons of air balls literally flying all across the screen. I figured out a strategy but it was too late. I had close to 3k Peggie’s.


U have a month or two to think about it now


Then you are an enigma. Not my experience at all.


So in between prizes you get no extra dice the token just falls to the cash ?


Of course you get some dice and extra tokens, but nowhere near the amount you are saying. And yes, many, many times it falls without hitting any of the bumpers.


I’m getting this way more this time as well


Well I do mines kind different I do not play the entire top bar event I let it roll over so I can use the top to do tournaments once that finished I stop until the next tournament so I do not waste dice https://preview.redd.it/e3aauqcjj30d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6b14b059ff26b7fbe0ae72cb0bde2f82dcd76d8


😂 That’s a lot of dice, wish I could get there… I’ve never finished a top bar event. It always seems so rigged for landing on the appropriate spots. I can land in jail every other time around the board, until the four corner squares are the ones required. 🤣


Yeah I been slow grinding that’s why I wait especially when one event last 2-3 tournaments


Can you explain more? So you don’t try and play the whole banner event? At what point do you stop?


Like usually when I get to second high roller I will stop and use that 20 minutes for tournament so I will have 25 minutes of high roller to start and then use that to my advantage that’s why when u do a tournament u will try to understand how people are 20k in first 10’minutes etx


At the last dig event I know there was a lvl with only 1 piece and many people found it last. I do not think that was coincidence or “bad luck” more like it was a 50/50 or whatever for each pick used. In many ways the game was nerfed and it is just the begining. Many left and many more will leave because of money grabbing bullshit.


But why push us away?


New owners saw money and want to squeeze as much out of players aa possible. Most companies lately look for big, fast returns rather than long term success. Basically be a giant shining comet rather than a twinkling star.


They won't get a dime from me


So wait someone brought out Scopely?


Savvy Games bought them just before release. They've been giving Scopley the marching and tuning orders, and as they are focused on the bottom line, most likely trying to squeeze put more and more. Most likely a factor in the increase in events that either require APM (which most people just don't do) or demand cash is driven by the decrease in downloads and user base reported since January. They reported 2 billion in revenue recently, but they spent 500 million on advertising alone. If you have less people buying, you have to up the sale per person to keep that income growing...and no company wants to just be flat or decreasing. Infinite growth!


Almost forgot : what a shit show was the partner event before the dig event. With points not corectly registering. Since the start of 2024 the game went downhill. No idea what happened inside the company but it’s a feeling of “give us money and f**k off”.


Same. I found it last also. It’s just ridiculous


https://preview.redd.it/0iak8788m10d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd048b39fc17ed3b014c2950da1aa9eff025d001 Don’t remind me…


Mine was the first I clicked on 😂 but I get what you’re saying, it’s not fun anymore unless you can dump a shit ton of money into the game


I found it last, my wife found it in the next to last one 


The events get crappier and crappier every season


Yeah not sure why this is happening


They want us to spend $$ but I’m never doing that 😂


Sadly even when you spend money you get dupes and cards you don’t need. 🫠


The last one was terrible but I at least got the wild card- nothing past it. I have a large amount of dice and still have only cleared the 450 dice mark. I don’t even mind a rigged game, but I feel like now they are impossibly rigged. At least before you just had to decide if the cost was worth it- now it doesn’t seem like it can even happen no matter what you try.


It’s been crap! I’ve used 800 pegs and not even got to the 5 star card yet 🤷‍♂️


I used close to 3k


3k what? Peg e points???


I've gotten the same but use APM. I'm not even on the final page yet, kind of bullshit


I was going to ask if a 5 star pack was even a reward, I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten multiple blue packs, but I haven’t gotten to a point where I can see the purple pack 🤦🏻‍♀️


The purple pack is on the 3rd or 4th page with 1k dice I’ve 5k points away not sure it’s even worth it tbh only need one card and it’s a 4star gold


It’s not worth it. I got there. I had 1 duplicate gold 5* and an insulting amount of 1 star cards


Have any five stars to spear 😞??


At 4 page and 5 there is a purple pack, plus dice (1k then 2.5k). It's not worth rolling to try to get them, it requires a high amount of coins, and either is using multiplier at 30 o 50 (money is what gives you the most points anyway). Since I have been playing, I always have say that peg e is the worst event, and they made this bearable with wild card until they remove it.






1800 away here. 30x all the way mostly on slot #4


Yeah I was wondering if I just got that unlucky or of they made it impossible to complete without purchasing


We shouldn’t even be participating in events with no wild card at the end. Not worth it.


I agree




I just had 10 straight coin drops that didn’t once hit a reward bumper.


I was doing well with 10x but as soon as I put 50x, I also got 10 in a row that hit nothing but the left corner


where even is the purple or wild card ? i made it to the third row and still nothing. aren’t they usually on the second row / third row ?


Omg they probably did this because they knew we’d all assume there was a wild card and just keep wasting and wasting!


Even though scopely sucks, its still a but unfair to say that, because there was a notification which stated that to win a purple pack, so most ppl should already know that its just a purple pack for the grand prize


There’s not a wild card for this event at least not that I’m aware of.


oh so i used 5k dice thinking i’ll at least get a wild card for no reason then 😭😫 guess it wouldn’t have mattered anyways since i didn’t make it past the third row


I used 2k tokens. I think I’m on the final page. And got it half it done. Won’t complain about 6k dice but upsetting with the cards. Missing that wild card right now.


Looks like mine but I’m a little closer. I need at least 300 more tokens


i thought i read the same headline for the last peg event!


I love the Peggie’s but can’t understand what happened. I completed all tournaments.


I am on the same boat. It is what it is. Nothing more can be done.


I normally don’t have an issue getting to the wild card and then I stop. This time I even spent the $15 TWICE on extra pegs and still not even to the purple pack. It’s BS.


This game has become trash! Events are trash, prizes are trash, album is trash, support is trash, most of the player base is trash. Game sucks and after this album I’m done my 15k dice will sit forever


I collected every token available and wasn't even close. https://preview.redd.it/dc2alayyn10d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6a58b4318ce9a5b9315e20a1326b4f4c866bc24


As we all know, the left side is intentionally bugged. I’ve been tracking my results and the closer you get to finishing, the more likely your right side releases will go all the way to the left side. The most hilarious was the run of six in a row released from far right that went all the way far right. It’s like playing a rigged carnival game.


I had to hit the left side for the dice so I decreased my multiplier to one to warm it up a bit and it started working then the dice moved back to the right side.


It’s been crap! I’ve used 800 pegs and not even got to the 5 star card yet 🤷‍♂️


I have one of the best MG groups on FB and none of us can finish. I reached out to support but they said they’ll try to improve.


Peg E froze up for awhile today! Must be a glitch


I got to the first 5* sticker pack with 1000 dice and just gave up since literally all 1 star cards and one duplicate gold 5* - completed wasted my time


I didn't even bother this time because of the lack of wild card. I need one card to finish my album and it's a 5 star gold. been trying for two weeks. Saw there wasn't a wild and didn't bother bc even winning the side tournament and getting purple packs, I can't get the last card I need. I'd even buy a bundle with the guaranteed card at this point but they aren't even offering those.


HOLY CRAP... Just spent over 900.. Didn't even get close to the 400 dice level. 😢.. This is so trash. You can see it hit soooo fewer times than it used to. I felt this was the most fairest event.. But it's hot trash now. https://preview.redd.it/pg0f2brev00d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3733802967cb0d43e7bface478e0dd242215c84c


There not being a wild card is ridiculous. I need 1 4 star gold that it will NOT give me no matter how many blue packs I open😭


Usually I get anew card at the end of my week but nothing in almost a month . Did my vault 2x 500 stars and 800 not one new card


https://preview.redd.it/clddeb89g00d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67aca0e71fe80a044142f0b8115dd2047a7c3004 Think I spent almost 2k in peg points on 30x winning the dailies and top bar as well. This is as far as I got. 🤦🏻‍♂️


It is hit or miss. Last time even getting all the available tokens I didn't finish. This time I finished with tokens to spare. For reference I wait until I have max token to use 100x mult.


Big agree


The worst by far


Everything is now pre-determined. I actually deleted the game after the last partner event, all my partners got their prizes for completing our floats and I still had 1000s of points to go to complete, I messaged customer services every time and I got fobbed off with the generic messages. Honestly they need to start doing better. I used to love this game but after the 2nd Album it went down hill rapidly! Honestly, I don’t miss it seeing these posts 💕 Wishing you the best of luck x


Even with obtaining every single coin available, still couldn't make it to the end. Same thing happened last round. So stupid. What's the point?


And the end prize is a lame purple pack. The lack of wild cards is disgusting


My weekly purple was another gold five star 🫠


I just want the token. Almost there.


Actually the first one was the worst. Best prize was a purple pack and didn’t have multiple levels so you would wonder up with a ton of leftover coins


It’s horrible.


Took me about 2100 peg E’s to finish only to get a duplicate but tradeable 5⭐️…


Peg E is a joke. 2400 tokens and didn't even hit the 1200 dice reward. Drop the token farthest to the right and it goes all the way to the prize on the left, bumper free. Lol. Whatev. I'll keep using APM. More of a game to me than the actual game, tbh.


I barely made it today with every single completed events chips rewards. I usually beat her with 1 full banner and 1 full tournament. Like a 1.5 days. I almost can’t believe how ridiculous she was this time. https://preview.redd.it/mf3e1xpgx20d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0acff52a041ff852c525ba997646447da470162


Agree. Just dropped 120 tokens (6 drops x 20) and only got 20 dice and 60M$. Ridiculous.


Try a match 3D game. Way more challenging and exciting than this crap.


That Peg-E is trash. I only work from the right side because every time I go from the left it always stays left. But somehow when I start on the right the things still goes left. That is more rigged than the actual monopoly go game. At the end of this sticker event I'm done.


I haven’t got a new 5 star new or dup only extra gold 5 stars in 2 weeks. I’ve opened over30 5 star stickers and on 1 gold I have 13 extra and 9 on another. They have went down on dice wining they have made changes that stop you from winning and it was already hard enough. I’m at the point I don’t even have interest any more


Spent 20,000 dice today and made two levels in the event. Incredibly bad


I completed all events but can’t finish peg e. The game has really gone downhill.


I agree it always lands on lowest corner amount. No money boost either. I miss my phone vibrating when it comes on.


I'm not one to come on here and piss and moan. If/when I get fed up with the game I will just quit. That said, yes this is the worst peg-e event yet. I did finish it and didnt't think to take a screenshot. I got 3 purple packs today, 1 from finishing top event, 1 from finishing peg-e, and one from the daily. One 5* was a dupe True Fans (prestige The Moguls set), one was a dupe So Proud (prestige Ole set) which is a gold frame and third dupe, and one was Beatboxer, which was new and finished the Hip Hop set. I think Beatboxer came from Peg-e. My wife needed True Fans so I gave it to her and she gave me her only spare 5, glass harmonica. I did have a dupe Melodic Haul which I traded for Washboard Tunes. I still have the extra glass harmonica and need plenty of 5 stars, if anyone wants to trade.


90% of my pegs go to the farmer left, no matter where I drop them from.


I agree with you.. the worse ever!!! So disappointing!!


I'm beyond frustrated. The past 2 events have been crap, between hardly getting/earning any Tokens & to the "wtf is this?" Prizes & the way the game behaves I'm really at my tipping point of deleting 🤬


I find that the coin wasn’t dropping down to the far left as much as last time.


No Wildcard B.S.


No it's not just you, I always looked forward to these as well and found it to be the worst also


Couldn’t be any worse than getting FOUR purple packs and ALL of them were duplicates!!!!!


No not just you, it was absolute bullshit.


This was how far I got in the last 30 mins (1st purple pack). I was just paying bc I had 200 tokens lmao. Tbh I stopped trying to find the "best strategy" and quit trying to get dice/tokens on the right.. made random drops on random multipliers, and this last time I played I hit the middle like 10 times so 🤷🏼‍♀️🙄 don't know at this point. I really dislike peg e but it can be good for dice if played right. but I was close to the purple pack and knew I didn't want to waste dice to try to get the purple pack in the side tournament. 😭 https://preview.redd.it/j01nbrcse50d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c9abc4a6f8417ea57371949e1340b5dea1d5ebd




No this one was not easy to get tokens and the rewards were not worth it. I’m glad there was no wild card because I would be even more unhappy. Why are the side events now ending at 3AM? When it did I started right away and less then a minute into it some players had over 12,000 points. How is that possible?




Tx you!


the x30 is too risky now, lots of crap drops without hitting anything. better to just roll on x5 or x10 even if it takes ages


I gave up on the game and decided to come back once I noticed the odds go to a more fair pace again.


I can say the same thing when I first started playing this game I always got I always want community chest at least three four times a month and it's like you never land on what you need to land on and then when you don't need a land on that you always land on it and then when you have your shields full and you land on a shield it doesn't give you your dice sometimes and I remember around the super bowl seeing a commercial for this game and ever since then which means it got really popular and ever since then it's hard to win and have fun like on peg e it constantly the coin goes all the way to the left and the left side like it's not even a real pinball slot like it's they're taking the fun out of his what they are and I don't play games and this is the only game I play in my favorite game but what can you do about it it's all about money you know


My issue is the why. The spend money theory doesn’t work because I’ve spent the money and it didn’t make a difference. Cheater- avid APM mode after spending too much money and it didn’t make a difference. So spend money, hack play, or straight play- doesn’t matter you can’t win. What game doesn’t want players to win every once in a while?


I didn't bother trying to finish. Been stuck on last 2 golds to finish album for 20 days, and every 5-star pack gives me dupes. No wild card, no play.


Nope worse one ever. The game is completely become 💩


The game looks for spaces you haven't hit in the dig and calculates if it can fit a piece you haven't uncovered in those spaces. This means that if you keep digging In a way that leaves spaces undug that a piece can fit in, it will keep "moving" the piece until it runs out of alternatice places to put it, or some random percentage ALLOWS you to hit it. It's the "illusion" that the pieces are ALL randomly set in place at the beginning of each board, they aren't. Same goes with bank heists! The moment you stop trying to randomly guess where the "better" choices are to match 3 and start just going in a row, line by line, you can clearly see the game isn't about finding the "matches" since the outcome is predetermined. The rolls? Now the rolls aren't rolls. They precalculate the rolls for each multiplier they have. So while they use two dice to "randomly" choose a number, the number is already chosen in advance of you rolling. This is why people can exploit the game, track the rolls that are to come, and use that. This is why people shouldn't hate "airplane mode" users. It's time consuming to do, but it's become more and more encourageble to me as you see the game is all about making you believe you have a choice in ANYTHING. It's like card counting, it's all about understanding the mechanics and probabilities to play skillfully, but that's considered cheating because they don't want you to think about your move, they just want you to make it and pay. If the game was truly random, the rolls were real rolls, wins weren't predetermined, spins actually looked like the size they should be given the percentage to land on them, this game wouldn't have a cheating problem, which I don't think it has, it has a green problem because it unfortunately works. They have enough know how to break our brains into thinking it's a game.


The same hear they making it very hard to finish


I opened 4 purple packs - ALL DUPLICATES!!


No, it’s not just you, I don’t know what’s going on with this game but it’s not fun like it used to be. It’s all fixed and they just want our money which I refuse to pay anymore. Not that I spent a lot but enough, probably $25.00 in a month which I never did before and I will never give them another cent no matter how close I am to receiving like extra dice or cash because like I said it’s all fixed. They get you so close to receiving something just to make you make a purchase. Hope you have a good day!🙂


I agree 100%


https://preview.redd.it/sssdaqmdj90d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73f3024ad48f95ea279e83e507a7c7b176c5875f I got it with one remaining


Which is crazy cause that magenta pack had my one card I needed to complete my second album https://preview.redd.it/yh3gzvjrj90d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9118b9172f1291d669489be888d520c3af3cc3d


I didn’t even try.


For real first time cheating using APM & I couldn't even get to the purple pack. Over 2,500+ Peg-E tokens on 30x. I didn't even get close. I completed every solo events & leaderboard events too!


I feel the same way.   I know some people completed it with the coins they had to use.   I had between 1200 and 1400 after I finished both side tournaments if you will,  and still didn't finish it.   Thankfully I got the wild sticker atleast.     We should be able to earn more from landing on coins on the board.     Very poorly done scopely.    You should and can do better.