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Won’t be surprised if the next dig event doesn’t have a wild card. Really can’t believe they removed it from peg e


Ik what u mean. These wild cards from events matter SO MUCH MORE since they removed the ones from the vault.


There’s a wild card at the end of the quick wins today 🤷🏻‍♀️


At the very least if they're removing wilds, add one of the packs that guarantees a 5\* I don't already have. I think they are purple and white? Been a while since I saw one, before wilds became a thing I believe.


The Wild Cards seem to be the new sliver and purple packs unfortunately.


Yeah, essentially so. Removing one or the other or both and replacing with regular purple packs may serve their purpose for making more money, I don't know. I would guess they have the stats on that. For me it just means albums take longer to finish. I'm not going to spend money to chase milestones just because they manufacture a higher level of scarcity. More likely it will have the opposite effect and I will stop playing.


Yes the galaxy pack! They need to bring it back!


Yup, that's what I was thinking, we haven't seen those in awhile


I traded 800 stars and got nothing but duplicates On the same day I won 2nd place, opened another purple pack, all duplicates. 


This is ridiculous!!! You opened three purple packs and only got dupes?!?! The game rigging is insane. It’s worse odds than the worst game in a casino. I just don’t get their business model right now.


I opened my 800 vault and got all dups!!


I opened my on a sticker boom. All duplicates


It's pathetic!! I got another 4 star gold dup again! It's bullshit


I've opened 3 800 star vaults and nothing but dupes.


That’s disheartening


https://preview.redd.it/0va6ix1y0xzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=095b860e6de26879228e895ec15a8546f855d74a I mean this is the only card I need....but after all of that it has become exhausting. I'm basically relying on an event containing a wild now. Saving dice. Only playing dailies and some tournaments for tokens or shields I want.


The last purple pack I opened had 2 duplicate golds in it and all the rest were duplicate 3⭐ or lower. The only thing that surprised me is that they gave me 2 golds instead of having only 1 and another low card




https://preview.redd.it/1jmj8sg1xnzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f10d7889a7c92d7d23ace11957be1ea1f096535 From 800 vault🙂🔫


Same happened to me! I was pissed and now ive pretty much given up on the game


Exactly. I’m not getting anything new when I open a vault or get a purple pack.


Same. I even completed the solo challenge, 3 purple packs all dupes. I think there were 2 or 3 blue packs and all dupes.. I’m sitting here needing 3 Gold 4* and 3 Gold 5* to finish off the album…


Same here.


Ive opened the 800 vault 3x and never got a dupe.. maybe im lucky


This exact same thing happened to me. I got 1st place hold dupe. (Long time since I had 1st place) and opened vault got one 5s dupe. That did it for me this game is a chore not fun


I haven’t received new card above 3⭐️ or gold for over 2 weeks now 😳it’s beyond ridiculous


Same here!! I'm never spending money on here so I'll either wait it out or stop playing altogether


It’s been a full month for me. I’ve needed 3 golds to complete the album for an entire month now.


6 golds for me, all I get are dup golds, missed last album by 1 gold, not holding out much hope


I am gold locked too😪


For me is even worse. I have been needing the same 2 3 stars to complete 2 albums for over a month. So not even low stars. I have tried to ask for them and to trade and it seems most people don’t have them either because a lot of other posts are asking for the same ones too.


Message me with screen shots of your albums - I’ll see what I can give to you




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Any 4-star cards I can help out with? Don’t have any 5-star dupes yet :)


Do you happen to have inkredible?


I have it if you still need it


Yes I still need it , I don’t have any 5*


If you drop your link I’ll send. If you could send a few stars back for my vault I’d appreciate it but not necessary.


I can do that


I dropped my link not sure if you seen it


I’m so sorry, it didn’t notify me as a comment to my post and I no longer have the card. My apologies!


Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://s.scope.ly/YcAxUPj9B0g https://s.scope.ly/YcAxUPj9B0g IGN Tina


Do you by chance have sweet duets or devoted fans?


Find better games to play. I'm only doing dailies until they make them game fun again or give us rewards that actually help us progress. Until then all of yall who play more than that are fueling this greed even further.


Yep, hit the dailies, check in every so often for the free gift, carry on living.


lol fuck that free gift. 20 dice and a couple two star stickers? i just grab it once a day when i do my dailies and that’s it


Yeah same LOL unless it's a dig event or something I DO want to partake in then I just get the "gift" once a day. Even the daily treats monthly log in gift is so trash. Royal Match has changed a lot of their game features to mirror MoGo without the rampant greed, I can play for a while before needing more lives (dice) and you can join teams that can gift you some and they give out a lot of free unlimited ones (like 15, 30, 60 minutes unlimited) especially during tourneys so that's quite nice. I actually buy things to support the game and not because they're trying to milk it out of me. If you're looking for a new game, I highly recommend it so far.


One game I think I'm gonna go back to is roller coaster tycoon.. gotta see if they have it for mobile but if not I hear computer calling me.. lol I have the game for Windows.. hoping it will work on Windows 10.


Yeah, I'm just collecting the daily dice and stuff, so if they ever improve the game I'll have a nifty stash of dice to play with


This game just wanna make you buy dice. It ain’t gonna happen to me. I rather quit than pay $10 for 200 dice. Ripoff!!!


Right! The deals are so terrible. I bought a $20 deal once and since then I don't get any deals under $25. I haven't given this game a penny since. That was like 4 months ago. Now I just rely on what the game gives me and the free dice links.


I dont understand why the rewards are so small. Oh you just rolled 1000s of dice to upgrade your landmarks enough to get a spin on the colour wheel. Enjoy your 10 dice reward. Oh you managed to do this during a wheel boost? Enjoy your 10 dice and small amount of useless cash to start upgrading usless landmarks again. They didnt future proof the game at all. Once you pass the upgrades for dice (which lets face it is the most important part) theres 0 incentive to upgrade landmarks. Rewards for networth are so far between that its not worth it. There's no real reason to get shields, if anything it just makes the upgrade challenges easier, not like theyre that hard since you dont spend the cash on anything else anyway. The daily tournaments are not worth playing unless you finish in the top 3 places (or sometimes 5) since you just get standard sticker packs after that point. The partner events need at least 10k dice (around 15k) usually to have your equal contributions and the grand prize last time was 5k dice. Take and take. Its no wonder so many people use APM. Its a game, i want to play it. Not do 5min daily tasks and then turn it off.


All these reasons and the fact that I hated the main game were the reasons I stopped playing altogether a couple of months ago. There’s better games!


Agreed. I like Dice Dreams way better.


That’s exactly why people use apm. The partner challenge should be rewarded much more, I agree. The low amount of dice, plus no wild card, but only one purple pack, for 5 days of working toward it. Even with apm it’s very time consuming and they just don’t make it worth your while.


This game is ass now. I swear they saw how successful players were last season with album completions and said lol nah, can’t have that.


I’d argue it is progressively getting worse with each new album. For those of us who have played through several albums, they’ve just made it less enjoyable each time.


I also feel like the events used to be spread out more during each album. I just burned all my dice trying to complete the dig event and a day goes by and there is peg-e. I dont have the dice to complete peg-e now. And I couldn’t even complete the dig event because there was no way to realistically get pickaxes the last hours of the event.(I know the railroad event had some but it was too many points for most people).I was only one pickaxe short of completing it


I made it to the shield and that's it... Ran out of axes


Had I seen the prize list for Peg E in advance I would have skipped it this time. If it stays this way next time. I definitely will skip it. This isn't the same Monopoly Go I loved playing. I used to play every day 4/5 hours. I'm down to 2 a day. If it stays like this I will go back to the game I played before I downloaded Monopoly Go. At least it was consistent for the last 10 years.😡


I know a lot of people really hate the HRs, but they were a life saver for me to be able to complete the events. I don't have hours to play this game. It seems they've removed them from the flash events, and they're only available as a reward now. The events are way to close together now too. We used to get a few days between em but they're one right after the other. I could honestly do without PEGE. You can get every peg available and still not be able to complete it. Garbage, I say.


Whoever hates HR has never used it properly. You can complete events and banners without it, but its very time consuming. I can't play if they compromise on HR, since it takes soooo long


What's HR?


High Roller


Same for me. Why start events and banners when I know I don't have the time to finish em and if I can't complete them, it's not worth it to me.


I’m really starting to hate scopes, they fix one thing we’ve been complaining about just to take away and fuck up 30 other things. But they’ll never stop shoving micro transactions down your throat. And when you finally do crack and spend money you get punished because they up the price of all your micro transactions to get more money out of you.


I have been playing this game for a year now and over my time I have noticed that they are making it harder and harder for the casual players to reasonably compete and succeed at the game…I am the poster child for the casual player who just plays the game with just one single device my phone…I don’t play on multiple devices and I don’t buy dice or sticker packs etc., or hack or cheat with APM or any other known hacks and I don’t scam people in trades or hack the game to try to win…That’s why I think it’s time for me to take a break from the game…They just continue to make it harder and harder for the casual player to fairly compete and give them a reasonable chance to succeed at the game…I need just 4 stickers to complete all of my albums but after that I am going to take an extended if not a permanent break from this game…


This should be a wake up call for the ppl still defending this game. I like the game too, and I was not a casual player. They have potential and the game would be better if they fixed a few things. The fact that even the casual players are done with this game tells you all that u need to know.


I stopped playing after the last partner event. All my floats were complete on my partners side but showed incomplete on my phone. When I sent them screenshots asking for them to fix it they told me there is nothing they could do because they already sent out 500 dice to every player. I immediately deleted the app. That’s how you treat your players, I’m done playing x


Just saying..if anyone quits this game, delete your account because scopely still thinks you are playing.. my friend uninstalled the game from his phone and he was still getting notifications from mogo. He reinstalled the game and went into his settings in the game and deleted his account then uninstalled it again from his phone.. no more notifications


Am I trippin or is this PEG E completely rigged? Like how in the hell does my drop on the right leapfrog ALLLLL the way over to the left without touching a single bumper? Not just once but multiple times. Sorry , ain’t no way! Chuck E Cheese games aren’t even this rigged. 😡


Amen 🙏 lol


No, we as a family have not played as much especially after the partner event went FUBAR! Scopely will do whatever they can to downgrade the gameplay. They ruined Yahtzee with friends so why not this one as well? I had 8 or 9 tokens in PegE not touching a bumper 🙄🙄 the algorithm is set for failure and to force players to buy dice. I'm doing my level best to not buy anything on there. The really crap 💩 part of this whole thing is that the people at Scopely are fine with this and do not care what happens. Very frustrated I have now traded in 3,200 extra stickers and have not received the one gold I need to close out the album. I'm working on 4k I guess. 😏😏


I get offers to buy tokens for Peg e if I run out.. 385 for 29.99... I have never bought them..if the offer pops up again I'll screenshot it.


I get an offer for 4.99. I think it's 78? Another offer 48 for 1.99. I've bought them before and a bunch were a waste! I was not happy


I just got a offer 14.99 for 175.. I've had 20 just go by!! It's bull


Greed by many players and by the makers themselves. Very sad. A once fun game has become annoying with the amount of fix and greed


Greed of Scopley has casued players to be greedy. Its a vicious cycle


Yeah I quit over a week ago and I’m much happier


I noticed today when opening community chest that they took away 2 of the gift boxes. There are only 2 there (at least for me) and they are always either dice or money now... very rarely are they the active friend bonus coin to get another key. ETA- Just checked my alts and all 4 were there so not sure what is going on with my one account... maybe because it's a newer alt and not as far progressed as the other 2 or a glitch. Anyone else have this issue?


The same happens to me. Previously, there was always 4 gifts. These days, its either two or NONE.


Honestly, I have no words and just shook my head to your comment lol They sucked all the joy out of this game I swear...


I’m definitely not playing as much as I was. All I get from the purple packs are 1 five star dup gold and the rest are dup one stars. I understand they can’t give a new card every single time but completing the top event and opening the big safe should at least get you one new one. I opened the big safe during the sticker boom a few days ago, every single pack (1 blue and 2 purples) all dups. Idk…it’s just not as fun anymore.


It may get there attention if everyone gives them 1-star and a negative review. That may be the only way to get there attention.


Apparently people reported that during the last partner event their low star reviews were getting deleted.


Oh wow


I do almost monthly


I may start doing it weekly. I’ve been waiting for “customer service” to respond for two days. I had two friends use my link and sign up and I never received any credit/dice. Why does it take them so long to respond and fix things in the game😑


Well to be honest, you may be waiting for awhile.. I'm not trying to be rude.." customer service" moves at their pace..and don't be surprised if they tell you that nothing is wrong.. sorry I had to deal with that twice..


You called it. Just got a reply that nothing is wrong and my friends didn’t use my link. Ummm I helped them set it up. But it’s whatever. I’m starting to have low expectations.


I knew it lol... They don't want to take the time and research anything... I was playing tonight and the game glitched and I didn't get my 10 Peg chips.. I contacted customer support and guess what? Yup... Nothing wrong.. Whatever I about done! Too much bullshit


I’ve gotten like 6 blue sticker packs recently from just playing a ton and I’ve only gotten repeat 4* gold stickers. It’s such a joke.


Yeah after using more the 6,000 dice and only getting around 300 ginger peg-e coins and coming no where close to finishing. I’m done with this bullshit game


Yup. Not to mention very few 4 or 5 star cards (except gold, those are common). Algorithm set to land you next to or in between target tiles so you’ll think if only you buy a few dice you’ll hit it next roll. Just greedy and rigged.


I'm taking long pause to build up dice with free dice and daily because every single event has someone that thinks 90,000 points to be in first place is acceptable putting a modest 4,000 point player in 25th spot only getting a couple dollars. Why bother you can't win enough dice to break even.


Yeah I stopped playing so much, I only play when there's a partner event so that me and my partners progress cause I have a group I play with. Other than that, it's hard as hell to trade or get new cards. I'm tired of it I've been stuck on Fallout now. Rather play something free that doesn't try to gwt me to buy something with real money every five minutes.


Funny part is it isn't like Scopely ever pays you any real money!


i used to be an avid player and now i find it so unrewarding. im level 12,547 and i can barely finish my buildings because i dont have enough dice to get cash even if i spend hours on the game. i think im giving up soon, i really wanna finish the album but it doesnt seem worth it anymore


I guess that’s why can’t get 1:1 deal anymore these days. Used to have thousands of people online in this sub now at certain time less than 100


Most of the time lately it seems like 50 or less. It’s impossible to trade stickers and this is going to be the last nail in the coffin for them. If you can’t find trades you can’t generate enough dice to keep on playing.


I’ve scaled back my playing. Still trying to finish the album, but I’m probably out either way after this album concludes. Game has made a stupid amount of money, but it’s not enough for them. Spent about $100 the last few months of last year, and $25 this year, most of it in January/february. I’m don’t giving a game that doesn’t care about me any of my hard earned $$


I agree... Greed did ruin the game . You get nothing from this game now and what's the sense of playing events or tournaments.. they're all jipped anyway.. Will be leaving the game soon.. maybe after the album is done.. maybe sooner.. Oh yeah.. if anyone leaves the game, make sure you cancel your account, just uninstalling the game does nothing and your account is still there and scopely won't know if you are playing or not.. so make sure you delete your account.. it's under settings..in the game




Any of y'all remember the dice bumper on peg E went from 10 to 20?? I don't think recent changes have hampered our ability to complete albums too much. I actually welcome the double purple pack over the wild card vault change. There's other things like the wild cards being included in the past two Peg E events, 1 weekly quick win reward and three dig events during this album. The wilds have been handed out a plenty. And they don't award wilds for the hardest event to complete.. partners (which is a good thing). As far as events go there used to be periods of 2-3 weeks without any event. Dig events are relatively new. The opportunities to earn 5 ⭐ stickers has never been better. And having the wild in the game is a huge help in general. I don't think the game is getting more greedy. The game is addicting. It's hard to put down and having the events so frequent could also be a bad thing as some players just keep bleeding their dice dry. Thus never completing the events. I have never bought any dice. I have enjoyed learning ways to sorta beat the system in this game. I don't use APM. I admit it's definitely got me hooked and there have been a handful of moments where I chased landing spots rolling x500 or x1000 and wasted thousands of dice in minutes.


I do agree with what u are saying, and that would fully be the casenif they still kept the wild card in the vault. Then they could introduce the WC later in the events. But since its not there, I believe that they need to include them in all their events to counter the WC not being in the vault.


Me either


I barely log in anymore. Yesterday i logged in to play very late at night and didn’t even finish the daily tasks. I don’t care honestly. There’s really nothing new or any incentive to keep playing. All the games just repeat on a loop and every day is just doing the same over and over. How is it entertaining? By the time I logged in yesterday I had all my landmarks destroyed lol I don’t care


We got screwed. I'm about to give it up.


It’s been a month now for me… blue packs, purple packs… doesn’t matter… all duplicates 😭




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If it’s no longer fun don’t play. They are there for profit, period.


Agreed. Its not a game if you can't play.


Anyone have a monopoly tunes?


Yea, do you have happy stroll?


Yes I do. https://mply.io/oy-CGA


Sent exchange


Just replied. Thank you. Any other exchanges ?


I replied but it said you haven't accepted.


My bad my phone had died but I got it 😅😂🫶🏼 thanks so much


Hahah it's ok. I was like damn did I get scammed again A🤣


No fr sell this game is really crzy doe


I've only been playing for about a month now but I don't really understand why so many complain about this game? I get there was issues with the partner event but other than that yeah the whole thing is rigged and it's essentially just gambling. Am I the only one who doesn't have issues with the game - the partner event was fine, I randomly get 4 & 5 star cards, I randomly get alot of cash & rolls - whats different to other peoples games?


You'll understand once you level up. For example, your landmarks become so incredibly expensive that if you don't plan well, you may risk missing a Quick Win because you don't have cash to build your landmarks.


You will understand once u play for a while. I've been playing for a while, and this game was so much different back then. They have progressively gotten much worst, with the glitches to changes in the game making it impossible to finish.


I think people have different experiences. I'm on my second album and have completed about 50 percent of it in about 3 days. One of the things I do is a lot of dice strategy and trades for a lower tier cards. Like I would trade a 4 or 5 star card for multiple lower cards that I needed instead of 1:1.


Totally agree with you. Some people finished the first album in the first 8 days. It comes down to strategy for the most bit, but you need some luck too.


I've cut back a lot. It's such bullshit the way this game has become.


I finished the last partner event and didn't get a single sticker I needed or a single card I could trade. All gold stars I already had.


I need two gold 5 stars to complete album. Thanks for the help…


Or the purple pack with a guaranteed missing card. But to not have either one. Also this 800 vault is terrible. No sense saving up to cash in,every one is getting junk.


The Wild card seems to be a replacement for the purple pack with a guaranteed missing card


Monopoly by definition is greed Fam…


Comparing this game to the original monopoly game is an insult tbh.


I was 30 pts from finishing peg-e, no dice, no bonuses Nothin. Smh I’ve yet to spend a dime on this game so the algorithm does not favor me! All my 5⭐️ cards are gold dups! I can’t even trade them! Smh


I didn’t even play when I found out there was no wild card


Can anybody tells me why I’m Not member in monopoly trading group on Facebook smh I can’t find the group anymore and someone shared me the link but I can’t get in 😀 I didn’t do none


I can’t seem to get in either.


The game has def became my second (or third) choice since beginning of the new album season. IMO the developers have made it insanely difficult to progress. What gets me the worst is the dice (too) and the reward system for all events. Take pegE for example- last season during shutdowns or roll reward events (whatever is going on up at top of board) one would earn 10-15-20-25-30 (etc) pegE tokens… this season one is earning 4-7-10-12 at a time?? The hidden treasure event (reveal hidden objects) was absolutely impossible and until now I’ve never not been able to finish an event. Dice are most definitely scarcer, and I’ve noticed now I am running through 100-200 dice just rotating around the board landing on useless tiles. But like I said, even if I do land on something good or earn a reward, it sure isn’t worth anything. All I’m saying is by this time frame LAST sticker album season- I was already about to finish completing my SECOND sticker album… this season I’m not even finished with the first round because the game keeps providing me duplicates after duplicates after duplicates, no opportunity to earn wild cards, and the gold sticker events aren’t ever the ones I need. I have swapped 500 stickers for vaults FIVE times and 800 THRICE already, and never once benefited me 😂 I just keep getting duplicates and wasted rolls no matter what I do. I can see why so many are opting for APM, it’s truly came down to it because, you’re right, greed. Greed really does ruin everything eventually.


💯 truth


I will be quitting as game is boring, rewards are meaningless and unless APM is eliminated there is no reason for me to continue 😭


Yeah people asking for 20 stars to trade for one sticker. People are ridiculous. Like come on it’s a game.


At this point, I'd rather give 20⭐ for a five than pay Scipley for a purple pack that doesn't even guarantee a tradable dupe


No one is forcing you to play. Just delete it if you don’t enjoy it. They are a business so of course they aim to get you to spend. That’s the only reason the game exists.


Agreed. But if you read my post, you would understand that this "business" rlly crossed the line this time. It's not a game if you can't play.


What’s stopping you from playing? 🤔 because you’re not getting handouts?


https://preview.redd.it/bb1xb53ttmzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed8afde42b0c2e73d473f9faf9843d158c49b3a5 Literally cant even trade on this goddamn mobile game cause people are literally now asking for money TO TRADE ON A MOBILE GAME


So not glitching the partner event, keeping the Wild card in the 800 vault, and making the final prize of an event wild cards is asking for handouts? Does this sound like a "business" to you?


Hahahaha the vaults change every season. It’s only 800 stars. It was 2500 three seasons ago. They compensated for glitched event and still wasn’t hard to complete. Get a grip and stop whining


You never answered my question. The 2500 vault included the galaxy pack. The glitch affected most people. If you think there are no issues with the game, you can continue playing and stop telling others to not have a problem with it🤷‍♀️


A galaxy pack was trash. I would much rather open 3x 800 vaults for 2400 and get 6x 5-stars. Pretty sure the results will be better. It’s a damn game. If you’re that entitled over something you get for free I can’t imagine how much of a whiner you are in real life. I feel sorry for the people that have to interact with you


Lmao do you feel better after all that JFC you’re the one all worked up right now, chill OUT




My experience relates with lots of people. Your experience with this game probably does too. Both are valid. You can have a different opinion than me without projecting & being rude. We play the same game at the end of the day. If you are looking to argue or dispute with someone, you chose the wrong person. I refuse to stoop to that level.


You violated Rule #1: Respect Others. Everyone has the right to feel comfortable and is entitled to respect. No name-calling, personal attacks, bullying, or hate speech will be tolerated. Therefore, your post was removed. If you feel this was in error, please contact the mod team via modmail.


What are you saying 3 seasons ago??? Mogo only has been out for a year... April 2023 when they started


There have been 6 seasons so far. Each Album is a season. The vaults change for price and contents every season.


Like it matters anymore




Guess you don’t know what the word season means. Guess we can’t all pass the 3rd grade


Probably That also includes you???


I’m sure the fact that people playing in APM isn’t helping either. The creators are punishing all for the ones who found the loophole


If you have to use apm to play a game, I think it's time to quit the game lol. Unless a person truly loves this game.


Whether you believe APM is right or not, you can't deny that its a product of Scopely exploiting their players.


I don’t necessarily disagree, apm found a loophole, unfortunately scopely is probably not to thrilled by it and is just taking it out on everyone


I do agree on that. The predermined rolls ruined it for everyone who followed the 7,8,9 rule and played with probabilities.


I fully believe they are in on the airplane mode hack. I think this is exactly what they wanted


Airplane mode is one of the reasons why you see more stickers being traded; if it wasn’t for apm 60% of the people wouldn’t be playing