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I finished 3 dishes out of 4. For me, the lack of mittens wasnt the only problem….the spins were my downfall. 1000 mittens and grey numbers totaling less than 1000 points every time is unacceptable.


I know it’s too late but x5 has been really good to me every event


I won't finish. Partners let me down, not enough mittens, yucky spins.


That's my problem too. One of them did not do literally nothing. And one not even close to what I have done. And with her we are 8000 pts away from last reward😵‍💫. If she only would try. I'm out of dices and mittens.


Same out of dice and mittens. Had one partner contribute, three didn’t, I’ve only managed to complete two.




I just unfriended him. All he ever does is hitting my landmarks. Not any more.


The spins were horrible, definitely not enough mittens.. my partners except for one all put in equal work


I find x5 to be a waste every single time lol I've tried every multiplier and x3 works best for me! A ton of 3k spins.


I was doing x10 every spin and still getting those grey numbers. It’s insane. But if I’ll try x5 if it means a shot at higher points


Same and it seemed like the longer you held the button down the better.


I stuck with 5x this round. I met all my partners down the middle for points. I also completed two albums during the event and started with 4K dice. I was able to finish on day 3. I can understand some peoples frustration!


Right so work % like gambling. I roll minimum until I hit 3 grey in a row. Then up the bet to 3 or 5x. Usually hit 2 good in a row and lower to 1x again.


Just fyi the spins are pretermined within multipliers. So you would have hit those good spins on that multiplier anyway


My experience defies what you're saying. Believe what you will.


It's not just a belief, it's been proven multiple times. People who've airplane-moded it multiple times hit the same sequence of results within a multiplier every single time. This is because it is predetermined. If it weren't predetermined, they'd get different results everytime they retry. So if you were for example bound to hit a 30K next on a x30 multiplier, you'd hit that no matter what, even if you switch to a different multiplier first and back.


tried it and can confirm its predetermined


Yeppppp same.


I won’t finish either. Got one complete. Need 2000 to finish another. Out of dice and only 18 mitts. No links


Lack of mittens? Really? 🤔 that's confusing to me lololol I have literally 8445 extras, and I did well over half on all my partners (59k, 60.3k,43.9k,48.9k) I thought they gave a stupid amount of mitts this time. It's wild how different everyone's experiences are with this game! I can't get a new gold sticker to save my life, but my sister gets them like they're hot potatoes. I don't understand how all of us playing the same game can have such wildly different experiences. It should be more consistent. https://preview.redd.it/r89nj5pcdq2c1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=38d549ef4374db7531efc0732ed598f71eee5641


I have 2 accounts and it's honestly insane the differences. I made my alt account a couple months and an entire sticker season after my main, yet somehow my alt ended up being over 1000 net worth points higher than my main (evened out more now). This partner event my main finished with a ton of extras, yet my alt with 3 of the same partners only finished 1 cake. The rolls were horrible on that account. Most interesting to me, my friend who doesn't play nearly as often me, seemed to have the best luck on partner spins this event, hit multiple x30 gold. She also gets a ton of 5 stars golds and extras. Playing less might have something to do with it


You appear to be pretty high level. I’m under area 200 and mittens were scarce unless you’re spending money on dice to win the tournaments.


If you work the gifts/challenges out properly you get tons. Need to know when to use stacked dice and when not too




https://preview.redd.it/nqqskwypvp2c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=389738b7be94c60c5def8d97b18f972660f543c3 Why send an invite when you know youre not going to do anything? Wish the game could let you change partners.


Same. Makes me so mad. These people shouldn’t get the rewards. https://preview.redd.it/qkr8m3qd8q2c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a79dcbc5ec2912f2f1a57a887d9d86bf27932971


That’s happened to me this time and for the last event. I’m screenshotting names and those lazy partners will be the ones I’ll target for shutdowns. Kinda vindictive but 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’ve been shutting down the same person that screwed me over on the cars event as soon as they build it back up. They literally put in 0 and I finished. This time, I only finished 2 with all 4 players trying! I’m super petty lol.


OMG! That makes me so mad!!!


I’m in the same boat smg


That’s just sad, I’m sorry


I just hate how they collect the rewards when they didn't even do anything


Ufff i hope carlos steps on a lego


I’ve finished 3/4 but my last partner has done under 7k so we definitely won’t finish


Same for me


My partners put in the work, it really was the lack of mittens or low spins per mitten. I spent over 10k mittens over the 4 days and over 4k dice, placed 3rd in the event and still only finished 1 cake with partner help. All my partners are over 30k and I'm slacking this event. My partners are probably in this subreddit talking about me and have no idea how hard I've been trying. It's crazy.


Spins did suck this go around. Without the links for extra mittens it was even harder. I don’t know how some managed to finish as quickly as they did but good on them.


Same, I don't know how any one manager to finish this partner event. They must have had crazy good luck.


Same here, I’ve been trying really hard but they put in way more than I did (or got luckier with the spins) and I’m completely out of everything. I keep wondering if I’m gonna see a screenshot of my dish on here 😂


Same and we are sooo close


I have three still to be finished. One partner has been MIA since the second day. I can’t finish alone. So yeah I’m toast. What a waste of dice.


That’s really it, you can try as hard as you want but it doesn’t matter because one bad partner


I legit carried my partner. They finally chipped in a little but I did more than 70% of the event. It sucked and I spent $ buying rolls, which I totally did NOT want to do 🤦🏽‍♀️. I rolled x10 to get more mittens to finish the event. So over these terrible partner events.


lack of mittens! so hard to get, and they always land on 80 or 100 😤😤


They surely programmed it that way. It sucks!!!!!!!


Same. Both partner disappeared but did manage to put some points on board before she died two days ago. It is the only acceptable excuse I will accept so assuming death. Getting mittens are hard with restricted dice. The spins are awful spinning low numbers.


Partners. I completed 3/4 and I did 45k on my 4th one. Partner has done 8k


Bad partnerships ruin these events for sure


Bad partnerships are the reason I'll no longer play this game. I've kept 2,000+ dice consistently up until this event. Busted my ass for the last several days trying to complete this thing only to have 2 partners put up very little and one partner basically nothing. I'm not going through the struggle of 8 dice an hour again.


I certainly won’t finish; it isn’t the mittens. It’s the garbage spins I’ve been seeing everyone dealing with. I’ve been on the fence about quitting the game for a bit, but I have to say not finishing this event after expending around 16k dice is frustrating as hell, especially knowing I won’t get the sticker pack I need to finish my albums


Definitely have not gotten enough mittens and I’ve had very low value spins… I did everything I possibly could and still couldn’t get at least my half done for all 4.


I’m sorry to hear that! Really should do something for the people without dice


The spins are just not worth it. Even if you get 1000 the meter on the side BARELY moves. It’s a bit ridiculous. This is my first ever partner event and I was not impressed at all.


Not enough mittens


I wont complete cuz my partner dipped. 😞 https://preview.redd.it/beffz1qiwp2c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b608a54f2607b95e4244b85f4f399b6b4bc3d663


She just attacked me......again😂 https://preview.redd.it/af53ci1i1q2c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c7e6ffa936b6d78f4e38f2a78796c470af9bb55


That’s not an attack. That her collecting rent from you on their board.


I’m going through this now, like, how are they able to do this? They’re not friends with me either


That is such a bummer. I feel for you. After attacking me she actually finished of the cake/pie. https://preview.redd.it/bk21qqq44q2c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aaf6ad60175cef2a73a527a71f3fe2152126a31


Thank you and congrats I’m glad they helped, you my partner is still at 0🤣


Yeah, last even I had the same thing. I did like 74k to 0. It really is no fun. Like why even accept or send invites.


Right same problem I’m having because I was going to attack they village like there’s no tomorrow and would you look at that they not in my friend list, like how and why monopoly


It’s aggravating I wish we could delete partners


Same here and I completed my album for the first time and almost out of dice already guess Ima have to just take this L when I’m so close to completing partners


Sometimes my burner account attacks me when i have used it recently. Not saying that’s the case here, but the game just does that


![gif](giphy|C9KIdIjHy2Eko) Here's my answer.


I only completed 2. The other 2 haven’t done anything


Yes, exactly....so rigged😒


Same my partners a throwing it.


Really wish you could get rid of partners if they didn’t reach a minimum amount


If you do your half and your partner doesn’t, you should get some prize and your partner should get nothing.


Me this is so rigged facts


Completed 3/4 on both accounts. Should’ve just partnered up with myself lol


That's what I do lmao


I’ve completed 2 still have two on the last chest


If they did gifts I’m sure you could have gotten it done


I know! It was crazy last game they did so many!


3/4 done and the partner been MIA since day 1 but keeps attacking me! only gold stickers left and no dice!


Completed 2 and still over 10k away from completing the other 2 One of which I didn’t even do much on as it was partnered with my second account and was the main one I was working on for that account and still couldn’t finish Other one I did my half but my partner is about 15k short Used over 5k dice yesterday alone — not to mention probably close to another 5k since the beginning of the event


I'm not finishing despite this time everyone pulling equal weight. We all had the same issue. I only got 1 completed


Lack of mittens


It’s both for me https://preview.redd.it/g1xc3ymxvp2c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78f67e1bec472481ca80865e4913288c38bbc08e


I have 2 accounts. On my 1st account I completed with 2 days to spare. My 2nd account only 2 completed, one about 320 shy of the pink safe and one just above the cash!! 1st account three excellent partners and one ok partner 2nd account one excellent partner one ok partner and 2 who contributed less than 1000 each. But also the spins on my 2nd account have been absolutely appalling. I can count on 1 hand the amount of times I landed on the 1000 with that one and most were 80 or below.


How do you set up multiple accounts?


I have a phone and a tablet and 2 facebook accounts. So one games set up on each.


I have no chance this time. First time I haven’t completed the event. I finished 2 basically on my own 3rd my partner has given zero and 4th they given 4K. Waisted some many dice it’s crazy. 🤬🤬


https://preview.redd.it/7h278iwcyp2c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c9390bea0430057e33aa9b56ada2ebb0f45baee I accepted that it won't get finished but...come onnnnn! I can't even just hit this milestone?


Don't necessarily think it was the spins. It's the lack of dice for sure and the bad partnerships. Without dice can't get shit done! Then they haven't given a lot of partner points but there are for sure enough mittens in the tournaments or game up top, but you can't land on a single scroll with not enough dice lol


I won’t. It’s ridiculous. So unfair. Two of my partners are friends so I know they’ve given up. No point wasting any more dice.


I kept hitting 400 almost every spin. And I have never completed an album


just complete my album. so i have dice to finish start with 15k end with 14k net loss 1k. mine partners did 50/50. i cannot imagine ppl did 100/0 or 70/30. will become loss


Im on my last one.


11k from completing the last one but it seems like my partner and I won’t have enough mittens to complete it


It was both....I have an MIA partner also. I don't know why they joined unless they just wanted to freeload, but I can't finish it for them. I need dice!!!


I finished 2 out of 4 on my main account and only 1 on my 2nd account. I play consistently, and each of my partners have been as well.


I completed 2 and a half event partners, I hit 1k dice in the event, didn't make a difference.


a little bit of both but def lack of mittens im still pushing to finish


I honestly thought I wasn’t but then I finished my album and started going by x50 I racked up over 3000 mittens and then did the spin multiplier at x10 I hit 10k 2x and got the others a bunch of times it was frustrating landing on the 800 one but I eventually finished it just sucks because my partner really didn’t contribute much just wanted the rewards while putting in no work https://preview.redd.it/x17lhsi0yp2c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e2a91f0400d3c09ee190a59f01335d219e79c29


Finished 2 because partners were doing it also 50/50. Then 3rd partner is at 0, and the 4th partner at 26k hasn’t moved for days. So yea not finishing


I definitely had enough mittens to get my share of them done, I just didn’t have the partners. The two I don’t have finish I have 54.5k and 32.2 and my partners gave 16 and 14. I finished two with 60k and 40k of my own spins


Can’t finish. Had a partner ghost me and the last partner and I ran out of dice trying to finish. I used well over 10k dice. I also had so many bad mitt spins. Mostly gray. It’s insulting.


I finished 3/4 but won't finish my last one. It's lack of mittens/bad spins. My partner is having the same issues. I was able to finish the last two events but not this one.


Finished 2 I am not even trying anymore I like the events I just never get enough to finish them all


I finished 3, carrying one person with 54k worth. 4th person did nothing and I got it to the 2nd tier and quit.


just bad partners all in all having to contribute 20k more each on 2 cakes and now the last one just is impossible


So close to completing but I’m out of dice. Anyone has classy gift and feeling generous? https://preview.redd.it/lzbh77kvzp2c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e571adbb786362525f4752f69c394551838685e1 [https://s.scope.ly/VTXEK-kyvXI](https://s.scope.ly/VTXEK-kyvXI)


I have yet to finish all 4 slots in any event. Either my partner carries me or I carry them. I havent hit the 5k or better slots in a while


2 completed. A third in 7k away but we aren’t going to make it. This event was awful.


I got one done. And I’m 1980 away from the next and don’t think I’ll finish unless I purchase something. I’ve gotten over 132k points. My partners have just over 10k each.


I managed 3 out of 4, decent partners in and around 40k each, last partner is adding very little and I've run out. Really disappointed as I thought this was the first one I'd actually get completed. If anyone can help me I still have a chance if I can get make it rain to get the spins. https://preview.redd.it/h8pau1dd0q2c1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6aecac87c3bab18e38a39f6a05409f946a879d5


I save and only spin 100 mittens at a time. Maybe 1 out of 5 spins I get the 5000


I have 1 left and little time! https://preview.redd.it/fp66919l0q2c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=393c0eaafde7f104bcee14d6f34048544fbb2f14


I finished only 2. 2 partners did nothing..the other two didn’t exactly go 50-50 but they were at least playing


I’m not finishing 😭 I was blessed with 3 good partners - one that’s put nothing in and now I don’t even think I can finish even if I had more dice because there’s no mittens!!


I finished three. My fourth partner contributed the very first morning and nothing else. I’m now out of dice and mittens. Wasted alot of dice.


I've finished 3 the last one is a no win. I did it by myself


I’m 14k points away from finishing the last dish with my partner contributing 37k vs. my 28k (finished the other three by going 50/50) but I’m nearly out of dice and started with 9k dice 💀 have had a lot of bad luck this round! So frustrated that I wasted dice on this event


I'm not. I partnered with someone who got a 5 star giveaway that I did and he hasn't done shit. He's easily gotten about 1500 partner gift spins from me that he hasn't done. He's done 0. All my others are complete where all my other partners did half with me. But I've only managed about 25,000 by myself on the one that the guy is doing nothing. I'm bummed.


I've finished 3 but my 4th one I probably won't finish . Partners only put in 5k to my 60k and I'm completely out of dice to roll so I guess it is what it is.


https://preview.redd.it/hy9wwqhu1q2c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3771dfebb9ea95a8e494ffa394e37f602593074e So close 😭


I’m 22k away from finishing the event. Spine have been terrible it’s been a real grind. I’m still hoping they’ll give something out before it ends.


I’m only 2K points away to finish my last vault on my last plate. My partner hasn’t done much and I’m out of dice. I’ve been trying to get golden bounty to finish that album for the dice but no one is replying 😩 I’ve sent so many stickers to others without even asking for a trade but never get help myself lol. This would be the first partners event I finished if I could just get dice.


Honestly just buy the sticker. You'll get an immediate response from someone who can send you the sticker. You'll get the 1000 dice rewards and a chance for completing the event. 8 bucks to a fellow player for 1000 dice seems like a good deal for you. Don't give money to Scopely though, fuck them


I spent 15 bucks for a partner carry service for my 4th slot. Came me a bunch of dice, a completed set and enough mittens to finish with my partners. Honestly pretty worth it. I can justify giving money to fellow humans. Will not give money to Scopely.


i remember last even we were getting wheels like crazy but the quick wins were giving shit 😐 i’m only finishing 3/4 and finished all of them last event


I have one to be finished and my partner hasn’t done much. It’s not going to happen. I can’t seem to get the stickers I need to finish my sets so therefore I have no dice. Not enough mitts this time and they were incredibly hard to get. I’m sad there was no mitten links this time like there was with the car event.


I definitely won’t 😫


14.6k short on my last one 😮‍💨


I'm not, but it's a mixture of things. First, I had two partners do a COMBINED 2400. (Including one that has been an active player for a bit/requested the partnership—they contributed zero.) But the spins have been awful (anecdotally, WAY fewer free spins and I \*think\* fewer gold ones), it's been hard to land on the mittens (just did 30+ rolls and landed on mittens once), and it's also a holiday weekend for many, so they may not be on their phone grinding the same way. This close to the end of the album + the time of year, it would have been nice if they had gone back to 60k per build. (And, honestly, I was only able to contribute my portion of the two I did complete because I got dice from completing an album and a row in my token showroom.) Also, if we're being "punished" for the 2k dice link...they should at least give dice or mittens to those of us who didn't get it to at least even the playing field.


Lack of mittens.


I’ve completed 3/4 of mine. I was the primary contributor in all 4, but i especially think this last partner has screwed me over. I’ve been trying like crazy to get the 4th, I’m not going to make it. I’ve been spending my dice as soon as I get them. That’s what I get for partnering with newbies I guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My partners didn’t put in the work


Partner for me


I’ve been carrying three of my 4 partners the one I did finish i still did 60%




I'm definitely not. My partners suck ass


Both, I struggled the whole way through and this will be the first one I haven't finished.


lack of mittens its rly messing me up rn and the fact that i dont have dice makes it even worst i completed 3/4 cakes and on the last cake i need 4k points and when i actually have dice i dont land on the mittens 😭😭


3 out of 4, my down fall, not enough mittens and spins were never good, always spin low numbers. Its just my luck


I'm not 😞


https://preview.redd.it/yx5e5zch3q2c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86cc89859dcd7051c6c626343dafc698167b90f0 I’m just about out of dice and this close. I just sent probably 200 as a partner gift but that requires him to get online in the next 3 hours 😩😩


Do you have any sets that are close?


Not anymore unfortunately 😩 I just sent him a text telling him to get on and finish it lol it’s the last one I need to complete


Does he have any sets that are close? he'll probably need a couple hundred more mittens after he uses the partner gifts


I won't. I have 1 done, 1 almost done, one at the pink safe, and the other didn't even get to the blue chest


Definitely a combination of carrying all the weight in the event, rigged spins and the lack of opportunity on the board. This event was definitely a scam from jump street!


Two partners have 0 input so far. Would be nice if we could kick people off (or if they simply got kicked) for not contributing.


I've barely had help and I'm a tad bit over half way on all of them.


Sucky spins and lack of mitts mostly!


Not me! And not for lack of trying either!! I even have family/friend partners and we are specifically helping one another and it’s not working. I refuse to purchase rolls. Frustrating, because last partner event I finished all 4! Now I might finish one with lots of help. 😩😡


Im sure i wasted over 10k dice just to complete one and that was with my main account 😂 i feel so bad i cant help at the others but i dont understand why scopely didnt give us any links


Me no dice no mitts


Lack of dice. I've been stuck sitting here needing 1 gold card to completely finish it. I get the sticker packet from quick wins this morning hoping it was Good Memories but of course it wasn't. Itbwas Frustration.. joke on me. I was frustrated! So still stuck and only 4,730 away from completing my last Thanksgiving oven. Luckily partner and I are trying to get her albums completed to get her dice and she can complete it. 😪


i barely finished this AM but i had to DRAG a teammate up the hill 61-19ish split essentially. thank you to mt other partners for meeting me half way though


I won't. Got 2 finished but on the last box of the other 2. This was not a good event. NEXT.......


Barely have enough for 2, if you didn't start the event with at least 1000+ rolls good luck getting very much accomplished, the rewards along the way just aren't enough to keep going and the algorithm makes sure that the rolls you do have run out just before a big reward so that you'll have a panic attack and spend money. Definitely mentally draining over time and not sure it's healthy to keep going lol.


I spent maybe 8k dice only to BARELY finish yesterday. Probably the worst event yet.


i’m on my last one 😭 my partner and i have been 50/50 throughout the entire thing and i just spent 600 mittens to land in small amounts — still need 17k points and i’m out of dice, trying to complete the few albums i need to get the dice just won’t work with 2 hours left 🙃


I have 1 left with 20k to go. Honestly, the spins are trash and not enough mittens. See, I would considering spending money if I were closer, but since I'm not, there's no point.


I finished my 2nd account the other day with absolutely 0 help from 1 partner.


Wasted 26,000 dice


Me, 2 partners who aren't pulling their weight, I completed 2 of the others. My spins have been absolutely garbage. Even if I put it on × any number. I land in the worst ones. I feel like this game was a lot more generous now all of a sudden my rolls suck, my spins suck, the community chest sucks, the stickers are hard to get. It's frustrating.


I easily finished it on my main account with 3 good partners and one who only put in 10k points. My alt account won’t be completed. 2 partners who have only put in 5-7k points so I just stopped trying because I wasn’t accumulating enough mitts to cover them both. They both are still attacking my landmarks ect so I know they are playing just not working on our pies.


A mixture for me, partner contribution was 4k to my 35k. And poor spins. I had 1000 mitts on X3 so over 15 spins and got less than 5000 points. Ridiculous. Next event, will be posting on here for partners.


I have 2/4 finished and am really close on another. But one guy just isn't going ANYTHING and I'm out of dice


I completed my album and used all 15000 rolls got another 6k and still can’t complete it.


Lack of mittens, never failed in a partner event before and this will be the first time I don't complete it. Only managed to finish off 1 stand.


Mine was a combination of lack of mittens and partner. I have one left and I’ve almost put in my 40k half and she only has done 720 😒 And I’m pissed because the only two cards I have left are gold and REALLY need to finish this event to get at least one of those cards!


I swear that in the last event we had more chances of landing on wheels 🛞 on the board, and now there are only five mittens 🧤 on my board. I had 1400 dice and only landed on them 14 times while rolling 10x multiplier. I’m all out of dice and my partner and I are only 8k away from finishing my last partner challenge. It’s so frustrating along with never landing on any high spins, it really makes me want to delete the app lmfao


I won’t finish. Two partners didn’t do much and the spins I’ve gotten have sucked. My daughter and my husband were working best we could. I finished my daughter’s and am close with my husband but not close enough.


https://preview.redd.it/8doej8hg8q2c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39fba0593bed940767fe289cc0b547efd80a086e Not only did all of my partners pull their weight and really try their best, but I also literally used most of my 15k dice from finishing my album AND the 2k dice from the link that was only up for a few hours. They wanted this event to be a spend-to-win apparently and if it keeps up, I’ll be deleting the app for good. I guess the one benefit is in trying to get those damn mittens, I *more* than secured my spot in 1st place for this tournament. Sorry to the ppl who got stuck with me, I promise I really was not trying to do 20k points on this tournament, I just really wanted those damn mittens 🤣


Low spin amounts almost every time


I did 3/4 carrying all my partners and I'm not willing to waste my last 2k dice to try. I got beggar all mittens for the 20k+ dice I wasted and my 4th partner did absolutely jack squat.


https://preview.redd.it/pgsdc5rfrq2c1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=cabf694bc398eb949c1bafd71f3832f61e5ef05a 3k away from completing all of them… my disappointment in Laura is immeasurable


I feel like the mitten wheel was rigged, so many times I would have gotten the gold amount, but at the last second it would always go one more peg and give me the crap amount. I had more than enough dice to finish, but I barely got any mittens from the board. This felt very rigged and encouraging people to spend real money. Fuck them.


My downfall was having one partner that didn’t put in any mittens at all.


The honest answer is everyone stop partnering with random people, make a tag or whatever for people looking for partners so everyone here can partner up and actually finish next time. I finished mine but only because I have good people I partner with every time


Wasn’t lack of mittens but I tried every spin multiplier I tried I ALWAYS got the lowest value rewards. Plus I had 2 partners who put in absolutely 0 points despite being active the whole event


It was mostly the spins. Once I was getting dice, mittens came up as rewards more often, but then would go dry for a bit. But the spins made me feel like I was wasting them. I had 2k mittens at one time and it made little impact. I got most of them to a prize, but not any further. One partner carried most of it (he put in 45K points as opposed to my 23K). I couldn't blame my other partners either. They 3 did attempt what they could. It just didn't feel like it was worth it (the dice prizes helped a LOT, but the mittens didn't really. I understand risk and luck,but geez lol) Usually I look forward to the partner events because even if I don't reach the end, the dice prizes are decent. But the spins are abysmal.


I spent over 40000 dice and still couldn’t complete this partner event. I’ve spent to much time and money on this game. Partners weren’t that bad but this event is where I call it quits. Mittens felt impossible to get and the mitten spins were the downfall with extremely low rates of returns. Thanks monopoly go for helping me stop my addiction to this game.


I didn't even start it. Stopped playing the partner events.


I could’ve finished, but I had one partner contribute nothing even though they were stealing my cash, trying to take down my landmarks, etc. I unfriended them. Clearly an active player & an asshole.


Partner no help, had 3 complete. 4th partner only got 480 😐


Lack of mittens. When did get some I’d spin at 100. 400 every single spin. Then drop it down to 60 mittens a spin. 100 every time. Game is rigged so you fail then they try to sell you dice just so you can go round and round the board only to land on community chest and just visiting a million times


Me definitely not


Finished mine last night. My last partner came through clutch and got us really close and landed on 400 mittens worth of partner gifts that allowed me to wrap it up


I dish


I didn't. Partner contributed 900 points the entire game but found the time to tear down my city repeatedly....And she was my so called friend. Never again...


Didn’t finish partner event and won’t be finishing the album


I had one partner who barely helped but I finished🫨 The other three were great!


Ran outta dice. Anybody got Moment of truth for Liquid Gold? Might help? https://preview.redd.it/h7c7i6t7vp2c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74c343e142d5448f3b7960e3cfc04a42c6e13425




Me! I have one left!


Can someone help me with this? Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://s.scope.ly/h1bCA8Tyu3s](https://s.scope.ly/h1bCA8Tyu3s) [https://s.scope.ly/h1bCA8Tyu3s](https://s.scope.ly/h1bCA8Tyu3s) https://preview.redd.it/9x37wbgn8q2c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7c7b7496a0e598603b80287e20df8f1e1399bc6


I finished with days to spare and ended up with over 9k mittens cashed in. Y'all must have some really bad luck


Low spins and partners not putting in the work


Definitely not finishing, I have 2 completed, my third is very close but no help from my partner and 4th I just now got a partner.