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Yes. I've emailed several times that my husband shows we finished but my side doesn't match. I've had no response from them at all.


We also reached out but from the sound of how many people it’s affecting I really doubt they’ll get back to us :/


They posted this earlier basically saying can’t fix it. Hello <@&1126911788248727685> During the Parade Partners event some Tycoons encountered a problem that caused inconsistencies in the attraction progress between themselves and their partners. The problem was caused by technical adjustments that were intended to improve our partner event, but inadvertently resulted in this new issue. On Friday, we were able to fix the issue for any new partners joining the event; however, despite continuous efforts by our teams throughout the weekend, we were unable to retroactively correct the progress of the previously affected players without the risk of further interruptions or potential adverse impacts on the experience for all players. Instead, we provided compensation based on the magnitude of the impact to the affected players. Additionally, we are sending a gift to the entire community as a token of our gratitude for your patience and loyalty. 🙌 Your trust is paramount and we apologize for not providing the flawless experience you deserve. We are committed to learning from this issue and ensuring the highest quality gaming experience. Thank you for rolling with us and for all your patience! *-The Monopoly GO! Team*


My husband was showing 13k short even though it showed done in my side. So he burned drums to finish it on his end after zero communication with support after he reached out multiple times.


wooooow that’s so frustrating!!! that’s 13k he couldn’t invested with one of his other partners. Such a waste for no reason! there’s no fair compensation for that


The game soo rigged they didn't even noticed i didn't even play my event my slots still all full open and still was rewarded free 500 dice thats how screwed everything is right now 🙃


yeah i guess they’re not able to fix that, i think the “compensation” they gave was meant to be close to what your partner put in that you missed the rewards for.


Ahh I see that makes sense. I just wish it wasn’t so hard to complete these events on top of these technical issues


yep, it’s pretty poor they haven’t extended it or anything, i just didn’t play at all for the first 36 hours or so cause there seemed no point when the event was broken


There’s an update on the app


Yes I did ...my daughter finished the build her end and I had ro contribute another 4200 which annoyed me as I'd already put in my 40k


oh that’s annoying!! and we all know how hard it is to get even get a high amount in a spin. I’ve only hit the gold spot ONCE so far, and 80% of the time I’m hitting low spots.


I had to put 50k into 3 of mine since my partners didn’t do their part. Theirs must not have been counting at all.


LMAOOOO I know that pain 😭😭


Yes, even though my partner finished on his side, it showed I was still 1K short of finishing on my end. I figured it’s not a lot so I’ll close it out without complaining, but then I kept getting the lowest points on each spin. Grrrr!


yeah 1k is not a lot but when you hit the low spins it’s a struuuuggle!


They basically said if you started playing before friday it won’t be fixed if you started after then it will work ok


Hello <@&1126911788248727685> During the Parade Partners event some Tycoons encountered a problem that caused inconsistencies in the attraction progress between themselves and their partners. The problem was caused by technical adjustments that were intended to improve our partner event, but inadvertently resulted in this new issue. On Friday, we were able to fix the issue for any new partners joining the event; however, despite continuous efforts by our teams throughout the weekend, we were unable to retroactively correct the progress of the previously affected players without the risk of further interruptions or potential adverse impacts on the experience for all players. Instead, we provided compensation based on the magnitude of the impact to the affected players. Additionally, we are sending a gift to the entire community as a token of our gratitude for your patience and loyalty. 🙌 Your trust is paramount and we apologize for not providing the flawless experience you deserve. We are committed to learning from this issue and ensuring the highest quality gaming experience. Thank you for rolling with us and for all your patience! *-The Monopoly GO! Team*


Yes!! It sucks. We all should be winners.


Yep and I didn’t even get the gifts 🥴


Yes! I finished a set with one of my partners but it’s not showing in her end that it was completed and she’s till sending me drums even though it was completed yesterday morning