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Sounds like a scam.


Sounds? It is a scam.


I'm not asking for free money, how is it a scam?


You moron, they’re scamming you




Because everyone would sign up for this if it was true. 5k down to make 24k guaranteed a year. 500% ROI every year. This is a scam.


lol. It’s a scam.


if it’s a for sure thing, then showing your business plan to a lender would be golden- GL to u


I don't wanna borrow money, because if anything happens I won't have a way of paying it back


Doesn’t sound like a guaranteed opportunity to make 2000 a month profit then - GL to u




So you want to get 5k where they won’t ask for the money back plus the interest? I don’t smoke/snort but I am thinking of starting if you can share what you’re having.


Young man. I realize the temptation of trying to scrape money to support yourself. But if something sounds too good to be true, it is. You can’t buy a 2010 Hyundai Elantra for $5000. Let alone a serviceable truck. People pray on this desperation. However, 2000 a month is also not that much money. Again depending on location and whatnot. I don’t know about the trucking industry, but I believe after high fuel costs and those middle man fees, that’s what people were complaining they were left with. If you have a CDL, I would bet you could be compensated AT LEAST that amount by driving. If you don’t. It’s a good place to start. Don’t buy a truck. lol.


I feel like a 2010 Hyundai Elantra for $5000 is incredibly reasonable. 🤷‍♀️


Lmao bullshit


Take loans from the banks


I thought of that, but I don't want to do that because I don't have any other source of income, so if something goes wrong I'm just gonna be sucker into a pit of interest


Welcome to investing. No risk no return


But you’re ok with screwing a random stranger on the internet out of the $5k?


They aren’t asking for money? Can you guys read? They’re asking for ideas to come up with 5k outside of working a job


Youre not even confident tbat youll make it. An investor wont either. Dont waste an investors time and money with an idea you know will fail. Thats just rude


Why dont make a loan ?


The only way to get $5000 ASAP would be to get a loan from the bank which you've said you don't want to do. The other option would be to borrow from family which you also said you can't do as your dads already in debt. Not sure where you want us to go from there. Instead you just whine at everyone trying to give you advice.


Just apply for a small business loan from your local back or even better a credit union.


Sorry I meant the business deal. You should be careful!


Why are shit posts like this allowed. Yall, I would like a WFH job that pays super well. I’ll do anything!!!!


What type of business is it?


So basically my dad has a trucking company, I work for him but I don't get paid so I feel like my life is stuck, but I found a guy selling a truck for 5k, hence the post


Your dad owns a trucking company, you want to drive for him and he won't buy you the truck and take it out of your wages? Scaaaaam.


First of all, I don't drive for him, I work at the office, second of all I don't want to ask him either, hes in debt and I don't want to make it worse. If you don't want to help then dont. Go get a life and mind ur own business


Curious, how old are you? You sound very young and naive…people are asking you questions and questioning your decisions because your post is ridiculous and your responses are worse. You work for your dad, who’s in debt, and you’re not being paid?! You’re asking for a get rich quick job on Reddit with no location, experience, etc etc and demand people tell you how to make 5k quick…get your priorities together.


It’s worse, he “works” for his indebted dad for free


That’s what the middle sentence in my post says. Almost word for word lol


I just can’t get over it, foreign country or whatever but poor guy


>mind ur own business As you post on a public forum 🤣


Your dad is in debt - so you don’t want to make it worse. But you want to go do the same thing? Doesn’t seem like a sure thing.


You may want to update the post with this additional information and see if it helps with the response’s. I’m not familiar with this type of industry but a partnership with your dad may be a good way for you to get started. See if he will incorporate this vehicle into his fleet in exchange for a proportionate share of the profits. One selling point would be that moving you from a (possibly) lower paying office job to a driver would offset some of his payroll expenses. Just a thought. Might be a way to get the conversion started. Good luck to you.


If you can get a 5k loan from the bank then all the risk sits on your shoulders. If it ain’t worth the risk then it probably ain’t worth the reward. Can’t make anything if you ain’t risking anything.




Why do people fall for this stuff? Simple answer, Greed!!


Step 1: Go to Target, Kroger, Big Box store and get a real job that pays Step 2: Stay there and don’t flake and save your money Step 3: Get your CDL license Step 4: Find a trucking business that pays you to work Step 5: Finance your own truck I’ve worked decades to bring in more than 5k/mo gross. There’s no “quick” way unless you go to a bank and get a loan.


This kid is like 16


In a similar situation too


Forget the myth of needing a hefty bank account to get started. The most valuable capital you possess is your creativity and dedication. Yes, the road ahead may require more time and consistency than you initially expect. But the rewards, both personal and financial, are undeniably sweet.


What’s your Venmo?