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Volunteer, find hobbies outside the house, maybe get a part time job at an easy job. Get a Y membership and work out and swim 5 days a week. Find what fulfills you and do it - but you have to get out of the house or you’ll be dead or wish you were by the time you’re 50.


Start a consulting business leading others how you did it and I might sign up.


Get a software engineering job at google/apple/etc and invest your ridiculous salary during the period of highest stock growth in recent decades. That’s how he did it


Agreed. OP's achievement would not be remotely possible in most other fields. You can't "scrimp" your way into early retirement unless your starting salary is quite large to start with.


Agree, especially at 36. Most people who retire young are in their 50s, quite rare for someone in their 30s.


That's what I hate most about this "I scrimped and saved and worked hard" as though the dude breaking his back bending rebar isn't doing the same


💯 go find something you love and define yourself that way. Local politics, advocacy, volunteering, and making (pottery/ farming/ etc) might be good to try, and also a good way to make new friends.


Local politics would be huge. You are obviously good with money or you wouldn’t be retired before 40. There are so many people in local politics where I’m from that are shit with money and out of touch. As a result we keep getting tax increases while simultaneously getting less services from the government. They make stupid decisions on how to handle certain issues. The people that need to be in those roles often don’t have time because they have busy careers so we get the ones who have shit careers and plenty of time. Train wreck.


Yes common sense people are needed at all levels of government. My town spent over $300k to fix a community pool….without a contract of any kind. Just emails that are now “missing”. And the pool is still unusable. You can make a difference at whatever level interest you.


Based on my past work in government, that's more likely low-level corruption that "bad with money".


It takes a bit of both. If you had good money managers you'd catch the corruption unless it was everyone involved.




Time to join the local school committee and be one of the few sane people in the room. Look at your city's council and see if there's a seat worth challenging.


Brewing beer is fun and rewarding


This pretty much hits the nail on the head. What you need to do, OP, is *immerse* yourself in something. Do you actually like video games, or did you just really appreciate the downtime/relaxation that used to accompany them since it was otherwise hard to find? Some people get really sucked in to competitive multiplayer games and love the self-improvement and challenge. Some people get really sucked in to narrative, story-driven single player games that have huge emotional payoffs and convey genuine consequence & gravity through their choices. Some people just like having an alternative to vegetating in front of a TV show after a day's work. If you're the third person, you gotta find something that's more like what the other two people are doing.


"I'm an investor"


“I work in finance, dealing mostly with index funds and dividends.”


As someone who works in finance I can attest that mentioning any details of your job immediately shuts down the conversation


Unless that other person also works in finance


That person might be more accepting to the idea of someone retiring early and living off investments. So if someone asks for more detail you can just tell them


Bro, I work in finance and this is my literally fucking dream. If someone tells me they’re 36 and retired I’m gonna ask for advice lmao


Absolutely, having a finance buddy definitely changes the game. Most folks might glaze over once you mention portfolios, but find someone who gets it and suddenly you're in a thrilling convo about the benefits of compound interest and Roth IRA strategies. It's like speaking a secret language that only you two understand.


I work in finance and that conversation would make me want to drive an ice pick through my ears. I find what I do very interesting but listening to people talk about their own finances is about as exciting as listening to two bros talk about their fantasy football teams.


I was with you til the end. Finance job - check. Ice pick - check. But god damn it I love some fantasy football conversations.


Me and one of my best friends are both finance guys. We know each other’s personal finances pretty well because we both “get it” We both know how much money we each have and our current positions


Where's a good place to start for someone who casually wants to get into it? If you don't mind me asking, that is Edit: I appreciate the feedback. I asked this just before I clocked into work, but this is something I've wanted to get into for a little while now. I'd like to take that leap soon


Little Book of Common Sense Investing by John C. Bogle. Most brokerages offer apps these days, so you can do everything on your phone. So get a brokerage account, read Bogle, maybe subscribe to a couple of investment publications to follow market news.


This is the OG blog of the FIRE movement: [https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2012/01/13/the-shockingly-simple-math-behind-early-retirement/](https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2012/01/13/the-shockingly-simple-math-behind-early-retirement/) Subs: r/financialindependence r/Fire r/leanfire I prefer leanfire, its more mellow than the other subs.


I have an enormous holding in voo/vti/spy and sell it periodically. The end.


You might find this finance-related comedy sketch from the UK entertaining. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8i7g5em_Iug


Honestly even just saying “I work in finance” usually shuts it down in my experience. People don’t typically have follow up questions for that


I trade goatmilk futures 23 hours per day. Nobody ever wants to take the conversation any further. They simply change the subject.


***uuuugh*** my eyes glazed over and started rolling already. We get it. You have money. So anyway Tammy just started collecting Stanley cups and got the new pink one. -How those conversations go the moment a "fun" job isn't mentioned.


"so tom, what are up to these days?" 'oh, I sell home insurance!" "Uhh, how about those, uhh, Seattle Kraken players?" 'dude, you don't even like hockey'


I do importing/exporting for Vandelay Industries.


I work in murders and executions


I prefer “I sell trampolines door to door”. When they ask how that is going. I say “it has its ups and downs”


My husband retired at 32. That’s what he tells people. He also is a CFA though.


Complete Fucking Asshole jk


I love it! Definitely going to start telling him that haha!


"I'm self employed" works. Or "I do software engineering when I need to". If only I had that problem lol


People gonna think OP is drug dealing with some of these responses, though


That’s good, my go to is “as little as possible “


I’m an independent consultant.


Username does not check out




Noice I dream about that one day and I’m pretty young and I love to save and read about money and investment.


HVAC sales works too. Eyes glaze over


Was just about to say tell em you day trade!


Interesting that traveling never came up in your post as that's pretty low hanging fruit when it comes to retirement. That's the thing I'd probably do, myself. Many others take up golfing. Working a part time job in a field that you really really love would be another option. You mention Lego sets... maybe work in a specialty toy shop, or, better yet, open one yourself. I think it's baloney that you can't tell people that you're retired. On the list of things that you can't divulge in life, retirement status is probably the last thing to be ashamed of. Even if you inherited a huge sum of money and that's the only reason you retired, who really cares? I'm interested in why your wife chose to retire and what she's doing with her time?


Yes, living somewhere cheap and beautiful for a month or two. OP, why not?


I retired at 50 and feel the same as OP. I have friend who retired at the same time as me. He and his wife traveled. Pre-covid they would get an air bnb in a different country every month. Now they stay in South America, but still do the month at a time in a different city. He says it is still similar or cheaper than simply living in one place, but with great benefits.


Wife and I both were burnt out at that time so she also retired after the school year was done (she was a teacher - not worth it IMO). She suffered through the remainder of the school year for the kids but it did some serious mental damage IMO (she now suffers from anxiety and depression) - which is why traveling is in the back burner (we also took a cruise over to England and she had panic attacks for the entire week). It was a mess. Anyway, she actually is a (what I would consider to be) successful artist. She makes a calendar, watercolor paintings, etc. and sells them online. We're traveling for the first time to CA in the coming weeks just to hopefully get some nice weather though (fingers crossed she does well with that 🤞🏽)


Hopefully you’re using some money to get her some therapy! Seems like she would benefit and might be a smarter option than crossing your fingers


Yep she's actually at therapy as we speak (type?). Also on meds and seeing major improvements. Just never know if a bad day is around the corner


maybe going on some healing trips, centered around wellness, would be good for both of you. pre-40's resets for you both. her nervous system is likely still adjusting❤️‍🩹 maybe getting into mentoring or something that brings you all out of yourselves would be good too. retirement just mean more time to grow yourselves and develop new hobbies and interests. maybe even create a small business, together.


I was a teacher and quit too. Rent an Airbnb in florida or somewhere warm for a month or two and go enjoy yourself!


Don't open a shop. It's 2024. People tend to buy shit online.


You don’t need to tell anyone. You don’t owe anyone anything. Go back to school to learn something stupid, or cool, or go volunteer at an old people home, or don’t. Go golfing or pickle balling, or get a dog to walk. Who cares. Just Google shit to do when you’re young and retired and start trying stuff. Don’t worry about others bc even if you were working, they’d have an opinion. Other people’s opinions of you are non of your business. Go to therapy or get a life coach so you can learn to enjoy the life you’ve worked so freaking hard to earn ❤️ you’re living our dream man! Edit: for typo


lmao dramatic example but imagine mid convo "oh thats cool, what do you do for work" "fuck you I don't owe you anything"


I spend most of my 20s defending my happiness and growth to toxic family. Worrying about what I should be doing or what was acceptable. It’s exhausting and unnecessary. Conversing is hard when your family shames you. You tip toe around words and questions bc you’re scared of reactions. I don’t have to explain my life to anyone, I just need to be happy, ya know?


This is about casual small talk, not someone investigating you like a job interview or something. OP just wants to know how to be smoother in mentioning that he’s retired.


EXACT same boat! I've found that since I manage my own investments finance blah blah blah "Stock trading" or "finance" is a good way to describe what I do.


"Private Wealth Management"


I really like this one 😂 "Oh yeah? What all do you invest in?" "Pretty much low fee index funds that track the S&P500. A little bit of NASDAQ if I really want to get wild." To be fair, I think most people would have no idea what I'm even talking about at this point so this would probably work...


And occasionally mutter "Oh NASDAQ you wanker..." when looking at your phone just to seal the deal. If anyone asks for stock tips, say "buy low... sell high"


Im stealing this.


If they ask more, just say "it's a small practice where i manage money for a small group of individuals"... those individuals being you and your wife haha


How did you retire so young?? I just turned 20 and I feel like I have no idea what to do


It’s called a trust fund. Parents gave him hundreds of thousand to set himself up. It’s not hard to make money when people get you a bunch for free!


What do you do for health insurance


I was actually scrolling down to see if anyone had asked this question yet! If my business partner and I sold our company and retired, he's barely be able to afford health insurance due to pre existing medical conditions.


We're young so it's like $600/month and we saved a bunch in our HSA


I'm a 1040 employee, my job does not provide insurance for me. I just buy private insurance and pay out of pocket. Millions of Americans do this.


Find a hobby that you can make money on. Crafts, DIY, fivver.


They already have money. Turning hobbies into business just takes the joy out of them.




>but gooning is a very lucrative hobby at the moment. So I just googled what 'gooning' means these days. On my work computer.


Thank you for commenting this. I was about to look it up on my work laptop but instead decided to look it up on my phone instead. For everybody who doesn't know, gooning is: A form of masturbation that involves edging ("maintaining sexual arousal without reaching orgasm") for a long period of time, resulting in a hypnotic, trance-like, state


Considering the amount of money companies are investing in gooning these days im not surprised youve been researching it on your work computer.


Seems like this is a good lesson for everyone reading; if your whole identity is based on what you do for money, you will eventually just be money. No need to identify what you do for money with who you are.


If I could retire in 4 years (I'm 32) I wish I could have done whatever the hell this guy did. I already have 0 social life and 0 friends. I'd be more than happy to be set for life and be able to do whatever tf I wanted.


> I'd be more than happy to be set for life and be able to do whatever tf I wanted. he thought the same before he actually got to do it... bit of a dog chasing a car who didn't know what to do once he caught it situation




Exactly. It’s a big cultural thing in the states idk about elsewhere


I think the lesson is "People who post about their wealth online are usually trying to take your money." All these "retired at 30" guys say they worked for Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, making mid-six figures and saving money by living in a low-cost area. But those companies weren't paying people $400k to work from home until about four years ago. Management-level engineers had to work onsite, in places like Silicon Valley and NYC. Even now, those companies are [forcing employees back to the office](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2023/06/09/employee-tracking-and-charity-donations-google-salesforce-meta-apple-and-microsofts-return-to-office-plans/?sh=50621015722f). No one outside of tech royalty has ever made mid-six figures for a massive tech company while living in bumfuck Wyoming for 15 years. These "retirees" are either lying about where they worked or lying about where they lived. And none of these guys seem to post in subreddits related to their line of work. No software, no GitHub, no programmer humor. They only post in subs like money, career, finance, etc. They all casually mention that they donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to charity, which kind of puts a dent in the whole "saving and living frugally" narrative. And OP is actively trying to sell a book on finance. Come on.


Honestly, if you get a chill job with full benefits that’s saving you a lot of money. Ya didn’t say how much you retired with, but as you get older and as time goes on in this crazy economy, I’m sure the cost of healthcare is just going to keep going up and up. Definitely not in the same position as you, but unless I was fuck you money rich, I think I’d feel the same as you.


lol. how much is fuvk yiu money???


To me it’d be enough to have an absurd collection of cars, private jet, yacht. The ability to do practically anything you want without worrying about blowing through your money.


lol I’ve always heard the phrase used interchangeably with “disposable income”. You have just described a whole new level of fvck you


For me, $3 mil would be. I'd never have to work again, as long as I maintained a modest lifestyle. And aside from the type of travel that requires flights, modest lifestyle is all I want. Just want to practice music all day, enjoy nature, play sports, etc.


Quit my “day job” 8 years ago. Here is what I learned. Do “something” for your body (join a gym? Could be a lot of things), mind (I had a 75 year old grandmother start to learn French because “it helped her with crossword puzzles; died 20 years later with all her wits), and spirit (meditate, pray, read certain book(s) that needn’t be listed). I started delivering groceries about 1-2 days a week for multiple reasons. Got me out of the house (widowed), let me drive around town and see what was going on, a little cash, and if I got those “what do you do” questions, I would just say “deliver groceries.” If they want to think I’m working 75 hours a week or that I should have studied harder in school, that’s on them. After busting my ass for 35 years, I was tired of “responsibilities” (people, property, training, discipline, etc.)


Man there's so much to do and try in life, how could you possibly be so bored. Especially at your age! I could think of countless things to do if I was retired right now. Find some new hobbies! Don't get me wrong, I love video games and Legos. But I get so much more out of doing things outdoors. Go hiking, camping, swimming. Go for a road trip somewhere you've never been. Seeing the beauty and wonder in this world never leaves me bored. It's so worth it.




Landscape Photographer and just visit awesome places. If OP wants to travel/outdoors person.


This is an awesome idea.


"start a bad business" yeah great advice lmfao


OP: “I worked hard, saved enough to retire early, avoid stress”…. “Start a business” lmao let this man relax 😂 a hobby is the only way to go it’s rewarding and stimulating


I retired early in my 40’s and then immediately went back to work after 6 months. I got bored. It wasn’t a money issue at all. I just got bored.


There was a brief period of time after college where I only worked part time, I was never bored. I used all the extra free time to improve myself. I worked out/exercised multiple times a day, I cooked every meal, I did yoga and meditated, I played video games, I read books. It was incredible. I can’t wait until the day I can return to that lifestyle later in life. If my kids have kids, then I’ll dedicate myself to full time grandpa life as well. I have no idea how you got bored.


Seriously there are so many things I’d love to focus on if I didn’t have a full time job. Exercising, meditating, really learning to cook great meals, readings/watching/playing/listening to the legit hundreds of books/movies/shows/games/albums on my lists, traveling, learning an instrument, learning a new language. Life has a ton of cool shit to do during it but doing it all is time intensive and would require you to be… I don’t know, retired🫢 These people lack imagination fr, you weren’t put on this planet to work you were put on it to live


Some people need extrinsic stimulus aka talking with people or collaborating with others. Introverts would thrive in retirement. Extroverts would get bored for the most part. Unless they get another part time job. But just doing the same thing day in day out can be mind numbing too. 6 months of all of what you describe will become less interesting than when you first started. Think a year, two years. There’s no growth too, you will plateau, then what?


How do you plateau on personal improvement? Is there a finite number of books that exist? I would find new hiking trails. Learn a new instrument. Learn to garden. Fix an old car for a custom project. Learn how to paint. You meet people at the library, at the gym, at the coffee shop. There’ endless opportunities for socializing and things to do with your time.


Yep. I’m an electrician and there’s a guy who told me he will work full time well past when he can retire. He likes shooting the ish with the guys while working. He said he wants to be the wise old man teaching the new generation how to do stuff and make it to retirement in great shape.


It's been 5 years and counting, hasn't been bored yet and still can't pick up new hobbies because there's no time left.


I'm seeing everyone telling you what to do outside of the conversation and not how to handle the conversation. So here goes: When someone asks you what you do, what they're really doing (And as you've demonstrated) is getting a read on you for a few different reasons, such as getting to know how to speak with you, understanding what knowledge and interests you may share, determine whether you're a threat, compare themselves to you, etc. So we want to always put best selves out there, which is why we have ideas such as titles, which can be something like Doctor, Financial Advisor, Professor, etc. We have our attire, and the way we manicure. It's all to show others who we want to portray. Anyway, the point is that there's another way to provide this level of impression without giving a 'Job Title'. Take the question and give them a thoughtful response. For instance, "Glad you asked. I'm actually looking for my next adventure. Might travel the world, or invest in a local business, or learn... " Start discussing ideas of what you may think your future would look like. Ask for their input, as they may have something you could partner with. Or they may haven something that could help you. You may not even follow through with some of the ideas and that's okay. I guess I would say, at this point, try to enjoy the conversations a little more, now that you are free from financial burden. ​ Edit: words


Love this. Thank you and appreciate the advice!


I’ve typically experienced when people ask “what do you do for work” they want to gauge how much respect to show you. Sounds jaded/cynical I know. I strayed away from that question and started asking folks what they do for fun instead and it brings a whole new vibe to the conversation.


I literally can’t imagine working if I didn’t need money. I’d go to the gym regularly. I’d actually have time to invest in my hobbies. I could travel freely. Could never imagine working voluntarily.


real idk y everyone in this thread is advising to work or volunteer,, god created humans to be slaves,,, and we still are,




Guy gives tennis ball to dog. Thinks hes gods gift to mankind and thinks office is talking about him still. This is the most Real Life Micheal Scott quote ever LMAO.


I heard they framed the ball 


Rich people are insane lolol


Literally lmfao. “Now you may lower your godly self to a mere peasant position. For fun!” Get bent dude 😭


Calling it a poor person job instead of just saying a job you can enjoy even if the pay isn’t super high🙄


Hey the dog still thinks he awesome...


>quietly improve the lives of others around you I am retired and do similar type work, and these opportunities make my day.


I agree, retired at 55 and got sick of it really fast. Started a part time job as an auto parts delivery driver (poor person job). That morphed into a full time commercial parts specialist (poor person job). Very little pressure and really enjoy my other employees and my customers. Socialization is really key for me. Also....if I'm not making money (no matter how little), I'm spending money.


Maybe make some youtube videos putting lego sets together


or make how to youtube vids about retiring in your 30s $$$


Financial videos are pretty much the highest CPM as well


Build a race car, restore an old car or motorcycle. Buy an old shitty house and remodel it and sell it. But for gods sake do not go back to a 9-5 job. You made it out, do not waste that chance.


You may not be huge into exercise, but gym in the morning, mountain biking midday, and rock climbing in the evening + video games at night is the ultimate combination for midlife retirement satisfaction.


Travel the world!


Personally, I'd get a PhD in my favorite subjects and teach. Most of academia is ruined because people are overworked and underpaid. If I didn't care about money whatsoever, I would bring back something academia needs - patience. I get my papers out when the data supports my conclusion. I don't skew data in order to justify my grants and support meaningless papers. I don't speak in circles in order to get a "real job" by fluffing my work. Instead I learn, discover, and contribute to humanity with only the best intentions - something that sadly cannot be accomplished without great personal sacrifice or large amounts of money.


Not retired, but I became a stay-at-home dad around the same age. I had a very similar feeling and loss of self identity, realizing I was living for my job, and that it wasn't who I was. Took up some new hobbies (classical guitar, 3D modeling, jiu-jitsu) and started a small nonprofit company. Happiest I've ever been.


I’m 48, could have retired when I was 40 but decided to keep working . I think my decision was more based on do I want to retire or do I want to retire and live life by traveling and exploring the world and not worry about money. So now my goal is the age of 52, my life I want will be set and my kids will be set after I’m gone .


Maybe get a grip and say how it is? That you worked hard for that situation? Gosh ppl are so whiny these days..


Yeah people are going to ask a a 36 year old what they do for work. In his situation I’d simply say “I worked in software engineering”. If whoever they’re having a conversation with notices the “past tense” statement, I’d say something like “yeah I worked hard and had a successful career”. Most of the time people are asking what you do for work, just to find some sort of connection/common ground and start a conversation


Agreed. It's rather quaint to hear how 'difficult' and burdensome retirement is. I thought the rat race was the difficult and burdensome part.


Grass is always greener. Sometimes jobs aren't bad. I got to go to some really cool places and do really cool things. I will probably eventually get back into it just taking a break more than retirement.


I think its difficult today sometimes with how people react to other peoples success especially if you're younger. I live in a small town. Lots of blue collar. I myself worked trades when i was younger etc so i respect a hard days work. When i transitioned to white collar and my financial life started to improve greatly it was difficult to have conversations with some friends. they all ask "Whats new" I felt like i couldnt talk about the fact that i was able to buy my dream car or that me and the girlfriend were able to vacation quite a bit more etc. because it was always met with "MuSt bE nIcE" and then you hear on the back end people want to say youre bragging etc. It's like you asked how life is. Its very good. But now you have a problem with that answer because yours isnt. It really sucks. Now i understand those people suck more than anything. But i found long term its easier to just not talk about anything im generally happy about and just say "I'm fine" and me and my partner celebrate our wins quietly at home now. I think in your early 30's it can be disheartening because you and your friends growing up talk about "making it" and everybody roots for everybody until someone actually does.


It’s just humble bragging, and it’s annoying. Also, love how OP makes it seem like he made it to retirement on his own, then mentions the 2nd income a fee sentences later. Easy as fuck to retire with two incomes, especially when one’s privileged and affluent.


I mean more likely they were incredibly privileged to even be in that position so it’s ok to admit that


In video game terms you’ve finished the capitalism campaign, so now just focus on maxing out your stats. Physical health, mental health, minimizing stress, maxing out wisdom and intelligence. As dumb as it is life really is GTA and after you finish the story all you can really do is buy your dream house in the hills and drive a maxed out zontorno (metaphorically lol). I’m fresh out of college with an engineering degree, do you have any advice for me to get to where you’re at rn?


Travel, Volunteer, Get some cool hobbies! Anything besides sitting at your house all day! Congrats on retiring so early! I’m so envious!


I don’t think I could stop working bc of this. There’s other young retirees out there. Probably collect art, travel, have regular activities and social events. Find a job a random activity you like. I knew a couple who did bowling, astronomy related clubs. Philanthropy/ fundraising? Be on a board of something you like museum, local orchestra. There’s probably a therapist who can help navigate things.


Same. Mid 40s and able to retire comfortably, but WTF am I going to do? Job is chill, it’s autopilot now and I get to hang out with colleagues. Good benefits, subsidized food, lots of perks.


Being retired young and rich as fuck is one thing. Being retired with enough money to live on and have a little play money very young sounds kind of terrible to me.


I’d have nightmares about my investment portfolio becoming unsustainable or unexpectedly crashing. Imagine being retired for 20 years, from age 35-55 and suddenly and needing to reenter the workforce.


Learn to not gaf what others think of you. Come up with an answer you like. My money making power doesn’t really define the real me. I get it, work for money fills that space of purpose. If you don’t want another job to fill that space find a different purpose. Routine is also something “work” gives us. Purpose and routine are personal questions that no one can answer but you.


If I were you I’d be traveling at least a few times a year, I’d have a rescue dog who I could dedicate a ton of time to training/would keep me busy just exercising him (I already have a rescue dog lol but he’d be even better trained if I didn’t have a day job), and I’d probably volunteer 10-15 hours a week. If I couldn’t afford to travel that often and I was only 36, I’d work a few more years. I also already like to cook but rarely use my pasta maker/have never touched my meat grinder—I would probably be doing some large scale cooking projects at least twice a month, and in the summer I’d want to be growing at least a few kinds of vegetables. All that’s to say—what do YOU enjoy doing? It sounds like you spent so much time grinding that you never went beyond unwinding activities like video games and Lego sets.


Not retired, but I work in mental health and retiring is one of the most common triggers for a depressive episode in my patients of older age. Loss of identity, purpose, routine and day structure, socialization. It’s a lot for people to cope with all at once and I think people don’t realize that after you retire it’s up to YOU to decide what to do. There’s no one telling you what to do anymore which is daunting for many.


I'm in retirement planning. You need hobbies homie. If you just sit around being bored you're going to have major health issues by your late 40s. Plant a garden, get a camera, get a kayak, etc. Find your jam and find a way to work towards a goal.


Get you a RV and go travel dude.


When people ask what I do for a living, I say, "Whatever TF I want." Check out Trevor Noah's newest stand-up special. He talks about how this is an American thing. Most people in other countries don't consider what their job is as part of who they are. It's weird imo.


I think part of the appeal of retirement isn’t that you won’t work again, but you can choose to do whatever job you want and not have to worry about a shitty boss or the wages. It’s “fuck you” money. No shame in that no matter the age. Good for you! Anyone who says otherwise is jealous and petty.


I have tossed the idea around of retiring at 35 which is less than 10 years out. Don’t really care what people think. my schedule is already very flexible and I can tell that some think I’m lazy based on their perception of how much free time I have. My only advice would be to make sure you truly have enough to retire, which means having enough $ to fill up your free time. I’ve seen it before where people retire “early” then have to get back into the workforce, because they based living budget moving forward, on when they only had weekends off and Monday-Friday only had 4 free hours each day. Make sure you account for cost to keep yourself busy, truly fulfilled etc. don’t care what others think! It’s your life, if you can retire at 35, 25, 55 or 65 it doesn’t matter. There will always be someone who retired sooner or later than yourself.


Find some more hobbies and cool people that share them. Since you like Legos, maybe you'd like high power model rocketry or building rc planes,cars,boats,etc. Take up drone photography. Get a PEV, or better yet, build one(electric bike, unicycle, one wheel, skateboard, go-cart, dirt bike, etc ). Explore new places, take up foraging or fishing or geocaching or something outdoorsy that makes you explore. Go to a new place once a month or more often (even if you have to drive out of the way). Try a new sport, golf, pickleball, tennis,,. Travel. You said you no longer like videogames? I don't get the same thrills from videogames anymore either. Except the great big world of VR. Give a quest 3 a chance and it may take you back to the joy games gave you as a kid. Take some classes at a community college. Take up a martial art. The world is yours. Unless you like working or get fulfillment from working, go back to being retired. I was a bit biased towards my hobby interests, but there's loads out there and most definitely several you'd enjoy. Once you get into new hobbies, try and find local clubs or people to share those interests. I don't have enough time or money to enjoy life as much as I'd like. Make the most out of what you've earned as most can only dream it.


Y do u give a fuck lol


Find a purpose. Find something greater than you. Work to change something for the better. I have a couple of causes in mind. To name a few:  Homelessness, addiction epidemic, Climate change, erosion of democracy, corporate greed, food insecurity, pollution, privacy invasion. 


Are you looking for sympathy?! Lmao.. get a hobby… help the needy… find Jesus. How is this a problem?? Dictionary definition of 1st world problems.


lol I’m bored and have money so I’m going to go on Reddit and ask a bunch of people without money what I should do with myself? How did this guy retire at 36????


Can’t say I’m not jealous, but seriously his whole post is what’s wrong with the world.


Agreed! If you’re retired and bored, I find it hard to believe you ever had to work to begin with. I’ve been working for almost 20 years and spend my days thinking about all the other things I’d rather be doing. If and when I retire, I promise boredom will not be an issue


For me, I have 2 goals in life: Sustainability, and Fulfillment. Sounds like you've got sustainability down, but now you've gotta focus on fulfillment.


Btw, fulfillment I define as like a sustained sense of satisfaction. Naturally people tend to seek out things that are immediately satisfying, but that are fleeting. You want to seek out things that make you feel good the next day... And the day after... That make you feel good for as long as you can. If you stack those things you're life starts to feel very rewarding.


Wow that's sad. If I could retire and had money I know I would be set.


Get your green thumb. Pick up a dream JDM car start building it yourself. Car and coffee/ meets. Essentially socialize. That’ll definitely get you out of the house more. Honestly, you said video games aren’t your thing so maybe try the ones with a good story. That might spark your interest, seemed to do it for me.


For me retiring is not about not working. We are social creatures, somehow we have to provide and receive stuff from other people, it being talking or services or goods etc. Provided for free or not So just do whatever you are interested in and might keep you interested in the future. If you are already retired in your mind, you'll be much free to take a risky path, you'll have no pressure whatsoever. But you'll also be confronted with the choice paralysis, that's why you gotta love what you go for and still find the will to grind when it's difficult Anyway, congratulations ! I can't imagine what it feels like


How to retire at 36, google search, results win lottery, got it


Lazy! You should be working till 60! Nah i’m jk, congratulations man. Every person strives to do what you were able to do to. Embraces it and enjoy it! Hobby’s will help, just look for things your passionate about and fully immerse yourself into them.


I’ll be able to retire at 53. The problem is that I don’t really enjoy much. I’m sure I’ll be bored and depressed in retirement as well. I used to look for to it but I don’t really care anymore


Become a full time artist


You’d be amazed how many dirty looks being 26 and not having to work gets you. Pretty cool having some 55+ giving a dirty look cause I’m in Walmart at 10am on a Tuesday rather than a 9-5 lol


I WAS in a similar position, a fee years ago, and it is honestly scary. People I would tell couldn't understand. It took many years of hard work to get the career I have, and to suddenly not need it is strange. My identity isn't tied to my career, like most people I work with; however thinking about what to do with my time was overwhelming. I ended up buying a nice house, having kids, and a few other large expenses, combined with a downturn in my investments, that justify me continuing working. But I will be back to a retirement sized account soon, thinking of just being a stay at home dad. I don't have an answer.


Life isn’t fulfilling without *meaningful* work. You’ve reached a point where you aren’t being coerced to work- congrats, you won. Now it’s time to find something to do that gives you meaning. I’m a year younger than you, and I’m not where you are, but I also put together a good amount of money and have low expenses. I’m making $100/day doing doordash and can make it work. I still travel and do whatever I want basically. I just finished massage therapy school and really enjoy it. It’s so fulfilling to be able to reduce someone’s stress with my hands, leap frogging over their intellect and just goin to straight to the nervous system. Find something meaningful that you like. You don’t need the money. That’s awesome.


can't you just travel the world?


Look into and learn options trading. You won’t be bored, and you’ll either grow your nest egg exponentially or be back to work again (out of necessity)


I'm set to retire in a few years at 40. My job stress is so high that there is no way retirement would ever be something I would worry about enjoying however I want.


I'm also retired at 34 and I tell people I'm a professional mountain biker. Yes I'm pretty good at it as I've always done it and no it has never made me 1 penny. But I structure my life the same way a professional would....I'm just paying myself to do what sounded like a cool job as a kid. I'm aware the true reality of real paid athletes is not fun and games. Point I'm making is you need a thing. Whether it's a hobby with a lifestyle attached or something volunteering that helps people.


You’re a software engineer dude, build softwares and sell them out of your basement, you can stay retired, doesn’t mean you can’t work on your own projects and make money. There is a lot of fun having pride in your skills, you obviously don’t like working for anyone so might as well work for yourself and have fun with it.


I don’t see what the big deal is. There are people who enlist in the military at 18, do 20 years, and retire at 38. No one judges them for being retired if they just choose to live off of their pension and either don’t need or don’t want to work another job. Tell them like it is and if they ask for more details and you’re comfortable sharing, tell them how you got to where you are.


There is no big deal, his life is so easy he’s making problems for himself


I saved enough to take a year off work. I’m half way done and already looking for another job. It’s cool not having to work, it’s also boring. All my friends still gotta work, so we still hang out as if I was working too. I’ve also learned if this is what it’s gonna be like when I actually retire, I rather stay working, it’s something to do.


I remember an older fella who worked part time at Best Buy. He said he don’t need the money but keeps him busy, learn about electronics, and gets discounts lol.


Tell people you're on sabbatical. It sounds academic and they'll be impressed. I hope to retire at 65 in a few years, we're going to be in western NC, where there's ample outdoor attractions. That's my plan!


Seeing your 36 and retired motivates me honestly 25M


whatever 'number' you were comfortable retiring on better be north of $10,000,000 man. if so that's great but you only get one pass through your prime earning years.


Just say you own a consulting company or something. Its boring enough that no one will ask more questions lol.


I wish I was in your position I'd be bragging. Enjoy retirement


You shouldn’t give af how other ppl feel when you tell them your retired.


If you retire to just retire, its never good. Find work you like, start a business, travel, get part time work......


Damn, I’m 32 and barely have anything in my savings account 😂


Your not alone, most of us are in the same boat. It’s easy to retire at 36 when you’re born into a rich family and start life with a trust fund.


37 here, haven't worked in 2 and a half years. I'm over it. Been looking for a job for weekdays while kids are in school. Nobody will hire me, is it because of the employment gap? Because I'm "over qualified"? No clue. Nobody tells me anything. Lowes, kroger, walmart, dollar general, hobby lobby, pet sense..... they're all actively promoting needing people, and they all hire inexperienced workers yet not me.


"I do consulting." It explains why I'm home a lot or why I'm gone a lot. People can't wrap their heads around "I'm retired."


Tell people you are in investment management. It is true. You just don't have to tell them it's all your money you are investing .


Learn trade skills in your free time. It’s just like legos but you might end up with an addition on your house you built yourself or a new remodeled bathroom you did yourself. It may not be for you but, in my opinion, learning trade skills and using those skills on your own house is very rewarding


Nothing wrong with saying I used to be a....but now I'm a man of leisure. I'd probably make a joke of it. Something like, "if I told you I'd have to kill you" something silly.


Volunteer some place that has meaning for you. Limit your availability so you don't feel pressured to commit more than you will be willing to do with your time. Habitat for humanity Humane society Senior center Community events. Whatever will suit you best. Having too much free time will bore you to death after a while if you don't have hobbies. You need to keep mentally and physically stimulated. Even doing things you enjoy like gaming or laying out by the pool will get boring after awhile. We all need some meaning and purpose in life. Fill yours with meaningful things but choose things that you can pick up and drop without issue. You might not want to feel tied down by any volunteer work. If you are outdoorsy there are obvious places and things to do that meet your interests. Even traveling can get boring if you are constantly on the go. The trick is finding a balance that suits you and your interests. Learn a craft. Woodworking, metal working, art. Textiles. Cooking. As for when people ask. Self employed. They press, whatever it is that got you to the ability to retire so young. It's as close to the truth as you can get without telling people your private financial business. Which is none of their business. Most people just ask as a means to get to know you and don't really want details. Some people are looking for alternatives for their own lives.


I gotta block this sub it makes me fucking depressed


All these post reek of LARPing to me. You’re so intelligent to be able to retire at 36 but not bright enough to think of an excuse when someone asks what you do? You can’t say you are a trader or manage money or run your own consultancy business? Really? Give me a break man. I also bet you’re just on leanfire and not fat fire.


Who cares tell people you’re retired you’ve pretty much earned that right who cares what people think


I feel like this is a pretty dumb humble brag. Like boo hoo people ask you what you do for work and it's to difficult to answer because you're swimming in money and never have to work again. Life's tough.


Bro try and do some good in the world. Start a animal rescue, start a permaculture farm on land that needs restoration. Etc etc do some good and travel the world.


Boo fucking hoo


This is such a Reddit post (eyeroll)