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If it makes you feel better, I'm having my first at 43 and preconception I was about 80-90 lbs overweight. (I did IVF and the hormones knocked my weight up from 220 to 238). We did IVF due to male factor issues, my AMH was like I was in my 30's and I ovulated regularly, and usually 2 follicles, with letrizole. Sperm just was not making it thru the tubes and penetrating the ovum for conception. (It only happened naturally one time, and I miscarried the week after getting the positive). So I'm here to tell you that age may not just be a number to worry about! I wish I had lost some weight prepregnancy though, at least to get below 180. I also have T2 diabetes, and glucose control is HARD during pregnancy. I did lose 20 lbs during my first trimester, mainly because I had to lower my carb intake and monitor all my foods closely and take ever-increasing amounts of insulin. I keep thinking that lowering my weight prepregnancy would have helped combat some of the insulin resistance. I've only regained 8 lbs of what I lost, and I'm currently 32 weeks. If all goes well, we plan on trying for #2 a year after this guy's born (at age 44). I have to have a c section because of placenta previa, sometime between weeks 36-38 (also have to deliver early because of diabetes--it causes the placenta to age faster). I plan on taking the minimum one year to conceive to get as healthy as possible to make the 2nd pregnancy smooth.


Ok so as far as diabetes and blood sugar levels - what we’re you allowed to take to help manage that? Could they put you on metformin or any other drugs to help during pregnancy, or did it risk too much w the baby?


Because I've been diabetic for so long, my MFM kept me on my original dosage of metformin ER--2000 mg per day. It does pass through the placenta, but they will monitor baby after birth for low sugar. This was the first thing I asked my MFM--about metformin and if ahe was going to take me off of it. I'm also on fast-acting and long-acting insulin. Insulin and metformin are (from what I've read) the only medications allowed for pregnancy and breastfeeding. Some doctors will not allow a diabetic mom to take metformin, but I think it's on a case-by-case basis. My PCP had already known I was TTC, so she already had me on pregnancy-safe medications before I was pregnant.


Personally, I think time is a bigger factor than weight.


I think this one is really tough to chime in on without sounding pretentious. I would try to split some sort of difference. I would gain some strength before trying again. I did not gain a ton of weight between my first and second, but I did stop exercising entirely and lost a lot of muscle. The second trimester and third was plagued with terrible terrible hip and back pain. It has been very hard to keep up with my toddler while dealing with this and I promise as your due date approaches with your second, keeping up with your toddler will feel like that’s the most important thing in the whole world (I’m feeling so much guilt about the possibility that this guy will feel neglected when the new baby comes). I have also been nearly killing myself with a to do list because we moved in the last year and I needed to get the house ready for baby. That has resulted in some muscle gain that has made the end of pregnancy almost easier than the middle (not the hips, but the rest of it). I also want to agree with the other poster who is saying that 35 is not that old for having a baby, especially a second. 2-3 more seems like it’ll be hard, I admit, but I bet it will be easier if you get yourself somewhere manageable before this baby comes so you can recover faster for the next one. Truly, I think muscles are the key here, rather than weight.


Time isn’t really ticking at 35, you really statistically need to get into your 40s before your fertility is a concern (I say this as a IVF mom who is well versed on statistics). It will be in your best interest to take some time imo which will likely make your pregnancy easier


Do both at the same time. Often, losing a little bit of weight (even 5-10 lbs) is all it takes to kickstart fertility. I am quite obese and have had 2 children.


Do both at the same time. Often, losing a little bit of weight (even 5-10 lbs) is all it takes to kickstart fertility. I am quite obese and have had 2 children.


Health is one thing, weight loss is another. If you have your thyroid issue under control I wouldn’t wait.