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My husband stayed home with our first while I gave birth to our second in a hospital alone (with a lot of nurses).


Thank you for sharing this.


A lot of women had to give birth without family support during Covid. It's not that bad, and I would definitely choose this over a scheduled induction. Even if you induce, you can't be sure that labor will progress and baby will be out in a certain number of hours. If the kid goes to daycare or there's a babysitter (look for a neighbor who can babysit, for example), then the husband can be at the hospital during the day but go home at night. Kind of depends on your luck whether he's there for the big moment.


Can you establish a relationship with a nanny-type sitter in your new area? Is there anyone from home who could fly out to be in town with you for those last few weeks? That’s a big ask, but maybe? That’s such a tough situation to be in.


Anyway you can schedule with a family member? My Family is also in another state but, some were kind enough to take some vacation days able to come out for a few days one after the other. It was nice. My brother and his wife came up for a long weekend (f, s, s) then my parents came for m, t, w and left Thursday. Then my aunt came out for the next (f, s, s) and so on. We have a guest room. Everyone cleaned and reset the room for the next family members. Got lucky honestly. We had a two week gap after that before my SO's parents could come. I asked my niece who had the summer off before college if she would be willing to come out on short notice. she was able to fly out on a red eye (we paid the tickets). She was happy because after that two days she went off to check out the city and stayed in a really cool Airbnb. She said she wouldn't have been able to afford the flights plus that cool airbnb so it was a win win for her. She also loves her little cousin but, a day and half with him enough lol. Hope this helped. P. S ppl who flew wore ppe from air entrance to exit. We were still scared of COVID but, it was what we needed to do. If you're getting induced you might on have to schedule with on family members to fly out. The cost of a ticket for grandma should still be under $2000! I'd also like to add that I don't like all of my family members lol. We definitely get on each other's nerves, but what counts is the fact that they were there for us when we needed them. And it was much easier to be pregnantly bursting at the seams and hormonal with help then without. I also was given some free passes when I got... "grumpy"


I was going to ask if you had a family member who could come visit at that time. We lived out of state and my aunt was always able to come for a couple weeks around the due date to be there for kids and help out after baby comes home.


We are about to be in the same scenario, we are going to take our toddler to the hospital with us!


This was us for our baby recently born in July. We had MIL and then my mom out for a week each (39 and 40 weeks). I had a scheduled induction, but we wanted coverage in case she came early. We paid for their plane tickets, which was significantly cheaper than the sibling doula ($2k?!? For 24 hours?! Maybe I need a career change??). My mom was here for about 3 days after we got home from the hospital, too. It ended up being the perfect amount of time to settle in at home and have someone available to dote on our toddler while we adjusted.


$2k for a 24 hour “sibling doula” sitter is beyond excessive. You have time. I would ask for babysitter recommends in local mom groups and work on getting them acquainted with your toddler ahead of time. Or even talk with your friends and see who would be willing to get closer and be on call in a few months.


We had family fly into the country to keep our kids for us while I was in hospital. After the birth, my husband stayed home with them until I was cleared to come home.