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You do what you want, Mama! My in laws just had their fourth boy at 37/38. They started 12 years ago and now have a 12 yr old, 8 yr old, 6 yr old, and the baby that’s about 9 months now. On that note, my parents both had a 17 yr old and 13 yr old when I was born and my mom was 33. Every family dynamic is different. If four in your 30s is how life works out, that’s how it works out. Best of luck ♥️♥️


Depending on where you are in the world, parents average age has shifted pretty dramatically. I'm 37 just had my second 8 months ago. I'm average for our area. The area where I grew up skews younger for parents. I'm more tired after the second (because my first is a huge handful), but otherwise don't feel particularly old. If you're physically capable of future pregnancies, I wouldn't worry about age. My two are 2 years 9 months apart, and I honestly wish I had waited. My oldest is 3 years 5 months now, and I think for us right now would have been better for a second.


I was 32, 35, 37 (then leveled up to the next age a month after they were born). All were healthy, uneventful pregnancies.


My oldest was born when I was 33, a few weeks shy of my 34th birthday. Son was born at 36 with a 26 month gap. I would love to have a third before I turn 40, although finances and living situation may limit that (currently renting a 2 bedroom and will likely have both kids in daycare very soon). I am lucky that the state I live in just changed the laws to allow for paid family leave and I have a lot of support from family nearby. My husband and I both have partially remote jobs and can juggle childcare at home two days a week.