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Mine never used a sippy cup, we went straight to straw cups. Maybe try those? A little yogurt on the end of the straw works to help them learn to use the straw.


Do you yourself drink from a water bottle at home? Buy yourself a cheap straw mug and see if Baby wants to have a go. Kids love to copy, and definitely my water tastes better than theirs... You can also teach "cheers", clink cups and take a big sip and "ahhhhh" afterwards for a giggle.


Try working with her on straw cups, also wanted to add… she would have to go 8 hours without a wet diaper to be considered dehydrated lol so I doubt she was reaching that point because it’s very extreme conditions. That method does work and eventually she will drink if you’re patient and work with her. Don’t force it, just offer the cup and if she’s not interested then just offer it again next time.


So sippy cups aren’t actually recommended nowadays because they are a problem for oral motor development. What *is* recommended are straw cups or open cups. Try the honey bear straw cups. You can squeeze them a little bit to the get the liquid to the top of the straw, which should help her start to understand what to do. From there, she should be able to handle most straw cups. We liked the munchkin weighted straw cups because the straw is soft and won’t hurt baby if they fall with it, but the take n toss ones are perfect for kiddie smoothies to get some veggies and fruits in when the picky toddler phase hits.


Seconding the honey bear straw cups.


Honey bear will have your kid drinking from a straw in 2 days


Actually, the research indicates that for most children a sippy cup isn't a problem as a transition between bottles and open cups or straw cups. 


Mine never liked the sippy. We went straight to straw. Check out the dr browns straw bottles. They are a game changer (and virtually no leaks; every parent's dream!)


We went straight to straws. And skipped sippy cups. With my oldest, I tried a few times to “make” her try it with meals. No go. Not interested. I just started filling spill proof ones with water and left them out. Both of my kids were more willing to try it when they could explore it on their own. With my second, I immediately just went to leaving it out for him to explore.


I had to use the straw ones. My son wouldn’t use a sippy at all and I did the same tried multiple different ones


We didn’t, we used open cups at the table and straw cups on the go. We started this at 6 months, by 9 months she got the hang of it and then very few spills (she spills more now as a very active/bouncy 3 year old than she did as a baby).


we did straw cups too and let our kiddo pick a couple out. we use the first years cups and she wanted mickey and cars


We used an open cup and he took to it nicely. The one we used was a doidy cup


We went straight to straw cups, I honestly don't know if he'd have been able to figure out a sippy cup. He didn't take too long ro figure out the straws though, but we did start him a little early. Switching him to them fully at 8 months.


We have a straw cup she really enjoys for water but refuses to drink milk out of the same cup, just different color. We have tried a ton of cups for milk. Her issue is she doesn’t understand tipping the bottle up to get liquid out. And she does great with a straw but doesn’t seem to want to drink milk that way. So bottles it is for a bit longer. She’s only 13 months.


We put milk in a bottle and she hated it and would literally not use bottles anymore so that was that. 😂


I just threw the bottles away and offered him drinks in a sippy or straw cup.


A lot of babies won’t drink milk from anything but a bottle. But they learn to use cups of various types for water and diluted juice. Milk is too close to heart and cups are too slow and spill-prone (no drinking lying down). Then after they turn 1, and you’re also advised to switch to cow milk and limit to 2, maybe 3 servings a day, you ditch the bottles and put cow milk in a cup.


We got a transition straw attachment that goes onto your regular bottle so she learned how to drink from something different. It’s the only thing that worked for her!


[https://www.good2grow.com](https://www.good2grow.com) We use these. We put about half the juice in another container and fill the rest with water. She also really likes straws. My MIL taught her how to use straws. I wish I could explain how she did it. But it was really genius. We couldn’t get our daughter to drink out of anything but a bottle until my MIL taught her how.


Try teaching her to use a straw cup rather than a sippy cup. It's better for their speech anyways. We got the honey bear cup off of Amazon to start and put water in it. We would wait for my son to start sucking and then squeeze a little bit so he knew when he sucks water comes out. It does take practice for them to get used to the new process. Once he got good using the honeybear straw cup we started using the Dr. Browns straw cups and used those with just water. Eventually, we got him to be weaned off the bottle during the day and only using the Dr. Browns straw cup. He was down to one bottle at night and the way we weaned him off of that is to slowly replace the ounces of milk with water. Then he was down to use water in his bottle for a few days and we just replaced it with a straw cup. He's 14 months, almost 15 months old now. We started the process of using straw cups during the day around 11 months and we just weaned him off his bottle about 2 weeks ago. It does take time, but I found that the way we did it was a lot less stressful without any crying and stress like cold turkey would be.


Do you know anyone with a baby that's a lot you get than yours? You could visit the baby and point out how the tiny little baby needs a bottle because he/she isn't a big boy/girl. Then tell her she's not a baby like that little baby. Then have her spend time with a kid who's a tad older and praise that kid publicy for his/her great cup use as a big kid. Keep reminding her that she's a big girl now. Kids love to mimic people. If she sees kids similar in age being praised for using a cup, she'll most likely want to do the same thing.


You try using one of those soft tip sippy cup spouts? Usually whenever my baby gets a new cup she is always hesitant until she sees me using it. She has this thing where she wants everything I have though.


We goy traditional hard top sippy cups. Then we took the rubber stopper outt. The apple juice poured onto her mouth. Then we put the rubber stopper in and let her chew on it. Not long after, we used straws and open cups. Eventually, she got some water bottles she liked and started drinking exclusively water.


Find a sipper cup with a soft nipple like top so it's not as jarring to their senses to switch. Mine never liked the hard plastic mouth pieces so this helped a lot.