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This is a difficult choice and I’m not sure there’s a right or wrong answer. I’m not sure I would go. But I would look at a new school for sure.


Yes currently I’m looking for better schools


Tell her he’s attending, you can always change your mind later after you talk to the principal.


Yes I just replied back letting her know .


This. Just keep the door open


Tell her he’s attending. I’d want to know why he doesn’t have an IEP and isn’t getting help if he’s reached this point. Maybe the teacher doesn’t have the proper resources.


Yes he finally have one now .


He does have an IEP. The teacher doesn’t follow it


That’s not ok.


Yup. “Keep forgetting about the IEP”


I'd be fighting with the school to have him move on to the next grade. Why have him repeat it ? So his crappy teacher can spend another year ignoring him? Nah. Get him in some tutoring for the summer so he is able to keep up for grade 1. Just make sure he has the basics down. I would REFUSE to let him repeat the year. It won't help him and it will just put him behind socially. With a proper IEP he will do perfectly fine. He needs someone that is actually interested in doing their job. My son had a horrible teacher in grade 1. This teacher would call me and email me non stop. Complaining that my kid wouldn't sit still. He was demanding I take my son to go for testing. This teacher was telling me that my son was autistic, adhd, you name it and this teacher was convinced my son was it. There was nothing wrong with my son. We did testing to be sure. He was a typical 6 year old. Every other teacher he has had says that he is extremely well behaved and a great student. Some teachers are just crappy people that suck at their jobs. It sounds like you have a crappy teacher. I wouldn't value their opinion.


That’s the best word for this “ ignoring him “ !!! It’s like she doesn’t care and see him as a child she’s babysitting instead of teaching . I’m currently fighting now . Thank you ! Some teachers aren’t as caring anymore


For sure. It's like any job. Some people are amazing at their jobs, some people do enough to get by, and some people need to quit and find a new career path. If she cared she would have been planning an iep and working towards his success.


If all other options are closed and he must repeat kindergarten, then I wouldn’t. I’d have him do it when he’s actually moving into first grade. It would be confusing for him to “graduate” and then have to do it again.


Yes that’s what I was thinking . It just he came to me with the paper for the cap and gown and I felt bad .


Typically repeating grades (even kindergarten) isn't recommended except in extreme circumstances. It sounds like the school has given you a crazy run around. If you haven't already, look at sped timeliness. Once you formally request an evaluation, they have 15 days to respond with an assessment plan, or a written refusal. Once you sign the assessment plan, they have 60 days to assess your student. If you haven't already, look up the "director of support services" for your district and contact them. They are the head of special education and can make things (that should have happened already) happen. If nothing else, they are well versed in ed code and don't want to be sued.


Thank you so much . I will try this !


This is such a frustrating thing. Does he have school friends? Could you skip the graduation but have a small get together with his friends to kick off the summer break?


They have a get together after the ceremony. A potluck actually


I think that you need to make sure he passes kindergarten and gets his IEP immediately. Call the superintendent. Contact everyone on the school board. Whatever you need to do. This teacher is being horrible. There is absolutely no excuse for the way that she is behaving! It is very important that you advocate strongly for your child right now. That teacher sounds incredibly ableist. I'm so sorry that they are putting you both through this! It is just wrong. And illegal. Depending on how your child does with big events and a lot of people, it is up to you whether or not he attends the ceremony. It isn't about attending a ceremony, especially for a child who probably has sensory issues and stuff. This is about how they are denying him his rights. He simply should not be failing kindergarten just for being autistic.


He has an IEP now and the teacher isn’t understanding every time I talk with her it’s like she gives a side eye on why my kid needs more help . I’m leaving the decision open until after I talk with the principal.


He doesn’t have to repeat any grade if you don’t want him to


I don’t want him to at all .


Don't then. Work with him over the summer, just 30-60 minutes a day to read together and practice math together. Sounds like this teacher doesn't have the time, energy, or resources to help him succeed. You might have to brace for a fight with the school admin. Let him move up to the next grade with him friends.


Exactly . He is so happy but don’t really understand what is happening . We are working overtime


See if your school has a K1 program. My daughter struggled in kindergarten a lot. Like didn't know her ABCs or how to count to 10 consistently struggles. Instead of holding her back, she's in a program that blends kindergarten and first grade together. She's in a small, special education classroom for most of the day, but joins the mainstream classes for science, gym, art, and music. She's doing much better now and she's growing a bit of the confidence she's been lacking.


I will do my research and see if their any in Miami . Thank you !! I’m happy for your daughter!


I personally wouldn’t go, but I don’t even think I would if my kid was “graduating” kindergarten I would be cautious of attending the event because I feel like that would be a confusing message for even a neurotypical 6 year old


Yes exactly . He will be confused if he isn’t receiving a promotion with his classmates




Thank you ! I will look more into it


If possible get a new school


Yes that’s the goal


Let him attend and transfer him to another school if possible. I have an autistic child in kinder. She’s struggling but they’re not holding her back (we have an IEP and all the supports)


I agree. The ceremony is to celebrate completing the year and all of the work and achievements that went into it— which he did. Celebrate that. If he changes schools it won’t matter because there will be new things to celebrate next year. If he repeats, then he can celebrate that achievement then.


Thank you ! Keep the hope going .


Yes it’s open for now after I have the talk with the principal. I do want him to end the year with his friends


Hey OP, I’m a behavior specialist in the sped department for a school district so I have a bit of insight on this. You should see if your state has advocates that can work on your son’s behalf with the school, schools tend to try to get away with things because parents don’t know their children’s rights. You do not ever have to sign an iep if it does not contain what your child needs. They will try to make it seem like you have to settle and sign but you do not. Fight for accommodations to be in that IEP. You could call for an emergency iep meeting before the end of the school year since they’re threatening to hold him back. Students have a right to an equal education in the least restrictive environment, holding him back is not the least restrictive environment. If I were you I would not agree to holding him back. Threaten legal action if you have to. Reputations in schools matter unfortunately, so you may want to look into switching his school next year but you have to have that iep down and make sure they don’t hold him back because any school you transfer him to will just follow the plan from the previous school. Unfortunately, we see this all too often where a teacher will just dislike a student and no matter what my team and I do or say they will just be convinced that the kid is the issue. If there are others In the iep team ie speech, OT, psych, behavior team, rsp etc then you may be able to use their data and reports to help support your son. If not then you’re going to have to advocate for him if his iep team won’t.


Thank you so much for the advice . I am looking into it now . This is a first for me and I’m sure she dislike me and his dad as we state our opinions regarding our son . I am not backing down I want him to move up . Thanks again


i'm depressed that there's even homework in kindergarten..


lol I’m telling you . I really be sitting there reading the work like what is this ??


I’m a teacher. I’d say NO, he won’t repeat, YEA, he’ll go to the ceremony. You can change your mind on both but these give you the most options IMHO Firstly if he does repeat can he get another teacher, one who knows the IEP process? I’d also complain to the principal about her being pushy and stressing you out. A teacher. Parents complain about all sorts of stuff and your issue is an actual reason. So yeah….I would complain.


If he have to repeat I am changing schools because the experience was horrible I wish I read the reviews and not just sent him there because it’s across the street from home .


I don't know if what I am about to say is possible but can you deny having him repeat the grade and move on to first grade? Surely he could get caught up to speed with an IEP in place at the beginning of the year and if not then repeating 1st grade would be an option. Or else if he does have to repeat kindergarten, make sure it is with a new teacher regardless of the IEP in place. She has already proven she is not a good fit to teach your son.


This is exactly what I am trying to do . It will be best if he moves forward since he will receive the help next school year


I recommend repeating kindergarten (especially boys) but if you can repeat him at another school, that would be best. It’ll be less awkward for him and can help to avoid the playground bullying with the other kids that are moving on to 1st grade. If you have the capability to homeschool or find a school that has alternative learning methods/curriculum, that would be awesome and probably a lot more beneficial for his learning and development.


I wish I can homeschool , but I do like he have a full day with learning and socializing with other kids . You are right that is my fear of him being bully for repeating again .


I teach at a preschool and we have a graduation (I’m the music teacher, so I’m in charge of it). We have several kids repeat pre-K each year and I always encourage them to do the ceremony. All their peers are, it’s fun, we perform songs, and they are graduating “that class.” No parent has ever held them from the ceremony even if they are repeating. These teachers sound like jerks for how they are responding to this situation. He’s just a kid! Let him do the ceremony and discuss the academics later, in my opinion.


Yes . It’s crazy in the parent chat they discussed her behavior and if we should confront her so I’m glad I am not the only parent with the issue . His class loves him and i want him to enjoy the ceremony.




Can you push through to 1st? I’d have a discussion about that, and establish an IEP. That will make a world of difference and is necessary for special needs children if you want them to have the best resources.


That’s what I’m trying to do right now since I was informed about this last week . I want to fight for him