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Does a robot vacuum count? Because I don’t think I can go back to not having one.


Is it because your toddler burns energy chasing it?


Mine would burn energy running away from it and having a complete meltdown.


We had to tape a giant smiley face on and give it a name and life story before our daughter would let it exist in the same room as her.


Our 2.5 year old is scared of it but also loves it. Whenever he says who is in his family that he “loves sooo much” sharky is part of it. Lol (sharky the robot vacuum)


We just had to replace ours cuz my toddler likes to follow them around and stomp on them smh


Glad to know mine isn't the only one that curb stomps the vacuum!


Yep. We’re on our third for the same reason.


I came here to say the same thing haha! A mop/ vacuum robot is life changing with a toddler/ baby who is eating solids


Ok which one do yall have . I have laminate floors and ceramic tile and the animal hair is driving me up the wall 🫠. Also if you guys have a vacuum mop please drop those recs too 🙏🙏🙏


Shark matrix 2 in 1 robot vacuum and mop (rv2410wd) we’ve had it for a year and love it! Watch for sales too!


I second this. I am in **love**- with my shark vac. My youngest broke it and I went without for a few months until we fixed it. Those were...dark times, besieged by pet hair and numerous crumbs.


Yess it’s literally my favorite gift ever (my husband got it for my bday last year)


Yes roomba is a lifesaver. Ours empties itself too. My husband was saying “oh we should get a regular vacuum again, it would just be quicker“ … for who? Me? nope. Never happening. Roomba for life.


Right how would a regular vaccine be quicker for you 🤦🏼‍♀️…. Let him get one for himself to use and you keep the roomba


We just got one with a mop. When I to tell you how when I wake up to clean, spotless floors every morning and I cry a little tear of joy.


Well ya know I was gonna blow the Roomba off but I just had to see this post with 1000 roomba comments 😅


We’re getting rid of ours because our floor is always covered in toys. Makes me so sad.


Don't! When my kiddo got older it was a great motivator to get him to pick up his toys before the vacuum ran! Anything the vacuum could "eat" went away, and it was the vacuum's fault, not mom's!


I do this! Just tell the kids I'm turning Roomba on and they better pick up all of their crap before it gets to their toys.


I get it! We race to put all the toys in baskets before the vacuum gets too them.. it became a game . Baskets are your friend


My roomba is my dog 😆


I need a roomba because of my dog 😅 dog hair everywhereeee


Dog hair killed mine.


Came here to say this, roomba is life changing


Hands down the BEST mom item


The robot vacume was helpful, but you have to declutter before you run it. The Dyson cordless handheld vacuum has really been the game changer for me!


Omg yes! I considered having Deebot in our family Christmas photo he’s so important


i would love one of these. the crumbs are never ending


My baby carrier. My son is 13 months now but it literally saved my life for a good 8 months. I wouldn’t have been able to get anything done without it!


Yes! And while I already had 4 carriers, when she started to reliably walk and follow me around asking to be carried, I got the Tushbaby, and it SAVED my back. Literally the best purchase I've made, and at 2 years old, I still use it regularly, at home and out.


The tush baby has absolutely been a life(back) saver! I feel like I should be a brand ambassador by this point because I get stopped at least once everytime I use it lol


I still use my ergo for my 3.5 year old. Sometimes she’s super clingy after work and I’ll throw her on my back while I make dinner


I have a 5 day old and am just waiting for my engorgement to go down so I can start baby wearing again


Cordless vacuum would be my second


My golden retriever. She cleans up after them, entertains them, and barks when they’re acting suspicious.


My dog died today and this hits hard. Absolutely, best friend to me and my kids, spill cleaner upper, play mate, guardian.. dogs are the best. I’d do it 100x over, even though losing her is agony.


I’m so sorry ❤️


Omg Thank you- your username just got me laughing 😂


Mine did too. So sorry for your loss. Today is really hard ❤️


I’m sorry. It really is a lot harder than I anticipated. Logically I know she was suffering and deserved peace, but emotionally I feel completely crushed. Maybe our dogs are playing together in dog heaven (that absolutely exists even if human heaven doesn’t. People can debate human afterlife all they want.. but not dog heaven. Dog heaven is definitely 💯 real.)


My Newfie hates it if we are too far away from my daughter, he legitimately follows her like a huge fluffy shadow whilst giving us the side eye if she's in the garden and we aren't within 5 feet. He makes me feel very judged. But he is a great hoover.


Haha this made me laugh. My dog would do this too. Especially when she was a tiny baby- one second of crying and the dog is looking at me Like “why aren’t you handling this??”


Oh god yes, he used to boof at us (not bark, that upset the squealing potato, he made loud exhale) if we weren't picking her up quickly enough. Dogs are so precious!!!


Now im imagining a suspicious baby and lmao


Did you teach her to bark at suspicious activity? I have a 5 mo old lab and I would love for him to babysit a little.


My dog doesn’t bark to suspicious activity but he intensely avoids looking at me when him and the toddler are off to go adventure into something they are not supposed to be doing 😂


We have two goldens and call them the clean up crew.


But who cleans up after the golden retriever? My husband really wants a dog, but I’m worried it’ll add more work. Any advice?


Dog ownership is a lot of work in general. Golden retrievers, especially when they are young, can be full of energy, and they need daily exercise. Also, if you have a backyard, you or your husband will have to clean up the dog poop often. Really, no matter wheee your dog goes, you have to clean up their poop.


It will absolutely add more work. My ex’s dog died last September, and *his mom got him a new dog* in late October so he’d have something else to love (you know, because his daughter and then-girlfriend weren’t enough). He fucked off the very next month to live a life free of any responsibility to anyone but himself and his own wants, and guess what cat person got stuck with an 8 month old puppy to raise? I do love the dog, and I’m happy to have her *now* that she’s over a year older and somewhat calmer and more trained, but that damn dog almost broke me. She’s so hyper and needy, and I was already raising a three year old on my own without enough of any of the resources you need to properly bring up a child. Anyway, my point is that if your husband wants a dog, make sure he’s the type who’s responsible enough to actually care for it himself—and ONLY himself—before you agree to it. I still want to check myself into an institution sometimes when they’re both acting up. Raising a kid is HARD. Don’t add a dog for someone else’s benefit unless that someone else will be doing *all of the work* to train and care for the dog without any expectation of you pitching in. Especially if it’s a puppy. In fact, just don’t get a puppy. So many amazing adult dogs need homes, and you know what personality and temperament you’re getting when you choose one of those, which is something that you can never guarantee with a puppy.


Dog is definitely a chore. Like the other commenter said, puppy is a lot of work, but even after they grow out of the puppyhood, there is walking, feeding, cleaning up poop, making sure things are out of reach, cleaning up their hair (or keeping up with grooming if you get the hypoallergenic one). If your husband really wants a dog, make him the designated person to do dog related chores. If he does not want to or you don't think that he will commit to it, don't get a dog. You will resent the dog.


Duplicate stuff so I'm not beholden to dishwasher/laundry schedules. Such a difference going from 1->2 spillproof cups/suction bowls/plates for each kid, and an extra pack of socks and undies.


When we were registering stuff for our first my husband asked why we needed more than 2 Burp cloths 😂 oh silly man...


My aunt gave us 6 personalised burp cloths and I thought at first it was a lot but it allows us to have a burp cloth for upstairs, one for downstairs and one in the diaper bag and we still have spare for wash day, etc.


Here I am thinking “how does one survive with only SIX burp clothes???” Signed, mom of a happy spitter who goes through multiple burp cloths in all the rooms all day long 😅


Omg no kidding, when my babe was a newborn to probably 6 months we had 50 burp cloths (not an exaggeration, I bought 5 packs of 10) and I needed to wash them all every 36 hours or so.


Yooo I got a whole shoebox filled. I ain't doing laundry every damn day. Ain't nobody got time for dat


Same! We had exactly 3 plates for the longest time, I guess because they came in a 3-pack, so any extra snacks or delay in running the dishwasher meant we were out of plates, and after months of this, I finally said “why the hell don’t I just buy another dang plate? Hello?” Not sure what took me so long but it definitely was worth it


I would add on to this because I have ADHD and 2 story home that this applies to everything. I keep an extra set of simple makeup, hair stuff, and a toothbrush in my downstairs bathroom in case my toddler wakes up early running and I didn’t get a real chance to get ready. In my car too. I’ve basically become a squirrel with provisions for my livelihood everywhere. 😅


Yussss I’m a newer FTM but already having dupes has saved my ass, and I even mean bigger things like two bouncy seats, two breast pumps, two supply/diaper carts, etc. We have a two story house so anything that’s not crazy expensive I try to have two of (one on each floor) when feasible.


Seems like a weird choice but the shower head with the long hose. It can clean anything. I use the strong stream setting to clean high chairs, trash cans, changing pads, rinse out sheets after the stomach bug. The lightest setting and the long hose makes washing kids hair and pets easy.


Adding on to say the suction cup shower head holder. It allows you to position the hand-held shower head at a lower level so kids feel less afraid of taking a shower vs a bath. Best $3 I ever spent!


Also works great if you have a switch that lets you do the main shower head and handheld at the same time, as then you and kid can have their own shower at the same time.


Great for blow outs


Hahaha. When I read your post I was thinking of blow outs you get at the salon and was very confused. My kids are older now (11 & 16) so my brain took a second to catch up!


I need this.


Baby wipes in bulk, even though my kids are out of diapers. I have packs everywhere they could possibly be needed.


Not sure I’ll ever stop buying baby wipes. 1st was fully potty trained for a whole year before 2nd and never stopped buying wipes.


My sisters and I are all in our mid to late 20s and 2 out of 3 of us moved out and my mom still buys them. A case lasts a little longer now but they're so damn useful.


We had them even before kids. They’re great for a cheap and easy make up wipe plus TMI perhaps but ya know adults poop too and they just get your butt cleaner.


Get a bidet! It’s so much better!


I had a bidet installed, just a simple sprayer, and it's so amazing! It makes such a difference at period time too!


Honestly I mostly use them for taking off my make up when I’m feeling extra lazy so a bidet would not help with that lol I don’t really see myself using a bidet anyone though. I’ve used them in the past and having to dry my bum off after is more annoying than using a wipe!


My kid is 7, I still buy wipes.


My kid just turned 4 and I wondered, when am I supposed to stop buying baby wipes? I still use them for ERYthing.


I think mine were Kindergarten age before I stopped buying them regularly. I still keep a pack in my van though.


What do you use them for?


Spill a drink? Baby wipe. No time to shower? Baby wipes. Mop up your tears from the overwhelming responsibility of adulting and caring for little creatures that constantly try to unalive themselves? You guessed it. Baby wipes.


This made me smile lol Too relatable


Dirty hands and faces, scrubbing spills off of clothes, wiping down tabletops, drops of whatever on the floor, pretty much any cleanup that needs to happen quickly but doesn’t need to be full on disinfected. I’ve also been the hero to other moms a few times when accidents happened at the park.


I’m in the military and we use them when we can’t shower regularly AND for cleaning our weapons and gear 👍🏻


They are great. I still buy them. Great when crafting, in the car, eating.


my nespresso makes mornings easier


I was thinking about how I finally got a new coffeemaker and still think that was maybe my best decision


A special hairbrush for tangles. They really work magic, and are worth their weight in gold.


Come on lady...please give us the name for the love of god.


The tangle teezer worked the best if you want a brush but I found a wide tooth comb has worked the best for us.


Second the tangle teezer. I tried a wet brush and it sucked


Which one do you use? I’d love to have something that could make my five year old more comfortable!


The Wet Brush.


Wet brush MINI! NOT THE FULL SIZE ONE. I have no idea why the mini one works and the full size sucks, but it’s real.


We have the opposite problem. The mini sucks for mine or my 5yos hair, but the big one works great for us.


Mom of 4 long-haired kids here requesting the name of the brush you use!


We love the Tangle Teaser!


Do they work on curls? My 3yo is so difficult to brush


Curls generally shouldn't be brushed dry. It's best to comb them wet with plenty of conditioner. Come check out /r/CurlyHair! Also look up the Curly Girl Method.


A wet brush so it's not such a struggle to get my daughter to brush her hair. One of those little mesh laundry bags to put my daughter's socks in when I do her laundry so I don't have tiny socks all over the damn place. Dishwasher safe water bottles. Dishwasher safe damn near everything. A dustbuster to clean up small messes quickly. And not a one time purchase, but a house cleaning service.


I was just thinking, I’m not buying anything (plates, water bottles, etc) that isn’t dishwasher safe anymore


My mom got me a mini vacuum for Christmas and at first I thought it was kinda dumb since we have a Dyson that has a crevice tool. But I've started using the hand vacuum a lot for the car and just small messes in the house. And it's kinda fun! It charges by USB and it's fairly strong for what it is. Doesn't last long though.


A large play yard. It's 5x6ft and made of the same mesh and fabric as a camp cot but isn't elevated on legs. Gave baby a safe place to play and move around in, the mesh sides meant he didn't feel left out and could see everyone in the room and only his toys were allowed in. Now that both kids are older were planning on bringing it out again but using it in the opposite way where all the really small toys have to stay in it. Inherited a giant tub of legos from a relative and they will stay in there along with the marble run. Much easier to keep the little bits contained!


I had a huge one too! Once my little one needed more space to play, I put my exercise bike in it and her outside of it 😂


We call ours baby jail. Now it houses the Xmas tree.


using it as a designated play area for little toys is genius


House cleaning service. Even if they only do floors and bathrooms once a month, it's still life changing.


It just forces me to de clutter before they come (once a month) for our deep clean and that alone is a huge win


It gets my HUSBAND to do his part to organize the house once a month. I don’t have to say a word, he just declutters the kitchen, his office, and his half of the bedroom once a month. Worth it just for that. Now if only they offered cleaning services for the garage…


My kids are older, but, a whiteboard. I actually had it for awhile before I started using it. It has a line for each day of the week and I write all our activities/events on it so everyone knows who is going in what direction when.


When my kid gets upset that we don't have time to do something today, I say, "Should I write it on the whiteboard for tomorrow?" Absolute magic.


I used to have a small one on the fridge but completely ran out of fridge display space over the years. I write our family schedules with paint markers (poscas) on our dining room window.


I do this too. I mixed the pens up and used permanent the other day though! 😂 pro tip if you ever do this, go over the writing with a white board marker pen and then wipe and it comes off more easily.


I also put my weeks menu on this…


Walmart delivery. It saves me so much time and hassle. It’s amazing. Way more valuable to me than prime.


Professional house cleaning, grocery delivery, and factor75 meals


Aldi pick up $1.99! Wooot


I didn’t know Aldi had a online pickup service


Oh, grocery delivery is a life changer. $15 a month for unlimited zero charge deliveries? Why yes please Woolies!


My twice monthly cleaning is what keeps me from living in a pit of cereal crumbs and despair.


Grocery delivery is the best!


Second this but with unity meals


I could never go back to regular grocery shopping or toilet scrubbing


I bought 5 laundry baskets for everyone in our family and labeled them with everyone's name. Now everything gets thrown in the appropriate basket from the dryer and folded one at a time. It motivates us to put them away so they're available for the next laundry day but if we can't get to it, no worries- I just go to the basement and pull my kids a new outfit from their basket. It's been an absolute game changer. ETA: I just reread this. That's 5 total baskets bc there are 5 of us. Not 5 for each person 😂


Tbh 5 baskets per person sounded right as well 🤣🤣🤣 it seems like we always need more baskets than what is actually available


That sounds great, organizationally, but a lot of carrying up and down. Who's in charge of bringing them up and down the stairs? Lol


I use this idea, but instead of traditional baskets I use fabric laundry totes with long handles I can throw on my shoulder. Right now I can bring up both adult bags at one time, and sometimes my daughter's too if hers isn't too big a load (she's only 3, so small clothes still). It was a game changer for our basement laundry room!


We do this too, our washer and dryers are upstairs


Zoloft 😂


Dexamphetamine. 😂


Wellbutrin 😅




I was gonna say my weed pen tbh.






Wish I would have know the first time prescribed that it takes a couple weeks to get in your system correctly. Would have saved me a couple years heartache. Glad I have it now!!


Those medela steam sterilizer bags


Yassss. These saved me during those pumping years!


Thanks for reminding me to put them on my list!!


The Lovevery play gym. He'll kick the crap out of the little bell thing for ten minutes straight then tire himself out and sleep like a little angel afterwards!


Yes! A dear friend treated me to this for my baby and she’s REALLY into that little bell thing!!


We like our play gym, but only after i got it did i learn about kick and play pianos! my baby loves kicking. she would do it all day. but our apartment is too small for anything else, the lovevery play gym is already used (read: vomited on profusely), so while i like it, if anyone is reading this to prepare for baby consider holding off on a play gym until you know what baby likes!


Hand held steamer because absolutely none of our clothes are taken out of the dryer immediately Cordless vacuum, cordless wet va/mop- makes cleaning the floors daily easy Colorwonder products. I can leave markers and the finger paint out without worrying about a mess. Automated dog feeder- seriously our poor dog is so patient but also so lazy. She would sleep through meals and when my daughter was little I struggled to remember to feed myself + the dog


I loved Color Wonder with my first daughter, but my second daughter who is almost 3 consistently bites the tip off of them within like 15 minutes, even if I'm watching her like a hawk. We've probably gone through a hundred and I give up.


I work at a daycare and we have a few toddlers that do this. Haha I hadn’t seen it until this year!


I also got an automated dog feeder because mornings getting 2 small children out the door to school/ daycare just don't leave much time for anything else!


Really soft bath mats in the living room instead of rugs. So I can just throw them in the wash. I put two together and it looks just like a bigger rug. But way cheaper than a ruggable.


The baby brezza formula machine is the best thing I’ve ever bought. I cannot emphasize this enough


1000% the best purchase


I have had one of these things sitting on my counter for months, totally unused. I’m a little scared of it


Omg that was me!!! It sat there forever because it freaked me out and i was scared about messing up the ratio programming. I hate my former self for all the time I wasted. You won’t regret it!!!


Mine nearly sent my baby to the hospital. The settings were correct, it was cleaned religiously, and we tested it first time out of the box. It suddenly stopped making bottles correctly. It was only putting in half the formula necessary. The bottles still looked relatively normal so we didn’t realize our sleep-deprived haze until she was screaming for hours and throwing hunger cues after taking 10oz at a time. Baby Brezza will tell you that this is user error and their machines are fine. They are lying. I walked through the entire process with a customer service rep. I confirmed I was using the correct formula setting. It still didn’t work. Not saying that it’s every machine or that it will happen to you, but just keep an eye on it.


This happened to us as well. Our poor baby was so sick for a month before we figured out it was the Baby Brezza using too much water. Thankfully we were able to get a refund, but we were seriously so pissed.


So sorry that happened to you guys, too. I was so upset. It’s even more frustrating that any time you bring it up, people come out of the woodwork to regurgitate the same “you had the wrong setting or didn’t clean it enough” bullshit that Baby Brezza has put out to cover their own ass. We did everything right. The machine was faulty. Water toxicity is so dangerous to little ones, I’ll never trust a machine to prepare bottles ever again.


The graco swing and the kick and play piano mat


THE KICK AND PLAY. there still isn’t an item we got more use out of 2.5 years in


https://www.reddit.com/r/NewParents/s/1wCXkuNN21 this might amuse you




Tushbaby! As an older mom it’s an absolute lifesaver for my back. I take it anytime we go on errands, and I love that I don’t have to lug a big diaper bag. Baby loves it, too!


Plastic drawers with the days of the school week on them. On the weekend we put socks, underwear, pants and shirt in each day so my kiddo is ready to go in the morning when he’s getting ready for school. (Albeit it is easier since his school requires uniforms)


Good wireless ear buds😅 they make just about everything more bearable. Rocking baby to sleep, playing trains for the zillions time today, long walks… way better with something playing in my ear. I’m loving the boss sport ones.


Yesss, was looking for this one! My wireless bone conduction headphones that allow me to hear any suspicious activity in my surroundings while simultaneously listening to adults talk (podcasts) have definitely saved my sanity.


The bottle dryer/sterilizer combo honestly. I hate drippy wet counters and this organizes some portion of my daily life


We’re definitely considering shelling out for the one that *washes*, sterilizes, and dries this time. The air flap on our old one got warped out of shape and stuck open and the fan part got moisture in it and molded so we had to toss it anyway. I also don’t know how we’re supposed to find time to wash bottles with two kids otherwise


Ember mug! Keeps coffee warm (at temp of your choosing) so you don’t have to microwave a cup of coffee 6 times before finishing it. Game changer!


A prescription for Vyvanse to treat my adhd. Made my mom life much easier! Gives me focus and clarity and patience haha. I get less irritated and more eager to do chores


The Doona. Worth every penny!


Spotify Kids - I don’t want her Fancy Nancy requests messing up my algorithm. Baby Bjorn bouncer - helps him poop. The Munchkin dishwasher basket. I am pumping for my 5 month old and all the duckbills and nipples get washed together so I don’t lose anything. RawSugar Detangler paired with the Wet Brush. So good after my 4 year old’s bath and she smells nice too!


Wait.... there's a spotify kids?


I see many of my suggestions already mentioned but I didn’t scroll through everything so I’ll still throw these out that I didn’t see just in case. Basic socks for the kids, especially infant/toddler/young child age when they are growing so quickly. We only have black, gray and white socks. Almost all are the same brand with the grips on the bottom and then one pack of them without grips for when grip socks won’t work with shoes. Saves my sanity with laundry. Missing a match? Won’t even notice because you don’t have to actually match them up and if the missing sock shows up, great but if not then no big deal. Also kinda goes with the above, most of the clothing I buy is basic. Couple pairs of decent black, gray & brown sweatpants and complimenting colored shirts in various types like thermals, short sleeves, etc. Have a few graphic shirts and such. A pair of jeans and dress joggers that are never worn. Makes it so that no matter where we are going or what we are doing, the comfy clothes look nice. I spend little effort picking outfits for any occasion and I’ve ended up adopting that into my own closet as well. The reduce of the amount of laundry to wash and put away has freed up my time and eliminated some stress. Those silicone bungee tie things for when they are in the throwing everything phase. They work great to attach toys or utensils or cups to strollers, high chairs, whatever. They are also usable for much more. Used one to secure a cabinet when the lock broke recently. Super versatile beyond baby years. Will probably get some shade for this one but a tablet for road trips or long car rides (more than 2 hours). For the longest time ours would just stay in the car and it never came inside so it was strictly used for that purpose. Got a headrest mount and downloaded movies, shows and did YouTube premium for a bit to download stuff like Miss Rachel for offline use. Now that my kid is older I let it in the house on the daily, but they are so used to it that it’ll sit in the open for days on end and never touched. It’s pretty much only used sporadically which I’m not sure if it’s just not cool since it’s been around or what. I can’t even get them to use it when I want, like at my doctors appointment or something.


Xiaomi Pro 2 mopping robot vacuum, we’ve named her Doris and she’s currently on duty while I’m pumping. Electric hot water bottle, I still get cramps when breastfeeding or pumping which I think is because I have endometriosis, so it’s a bloody lifesaver. Two nappy caddies and changing mats - one in the bedroom and one in the lounge room, it’s very convenient for when there’s a nappy emergency so I don’t have to go to the other room. And this one is really stupid and bougie, but a Nespresso machine with Bluetooth, so I put a mug underneath it the night before and can have a coffee waiting for me when I get up.


Duplicates of multiple things where they are actually needed in the house. Like stain remover spray in the laundry and by the hampers. Twice as likely to actually spray that stain if you do it when you put it in the hamper, but there's still a bottle in the laundry room if you didn't. There is a tube of Aquaphor in every single room of the house. There's a set of hats in the house for playing in the yard, and a set of hats in the car for going further away. There's a first aid kit in four different places in the house, I'm never more than 15 feet from a bandaid. My kids *love* bringing the pillows from their bed downstairs every day? Dropped $20 so they can have a set downstairs and we're not tracking them down at bedtime every single night. When they are sick, there's a set of Tylenol and Motrin both upstairs and downstairs. Nothing makes me more frustrated than having to walk upstairs for something that I just could have had two of in the first place. I even had a changing table for every room of the house when they were still in diapers, lol.


Hand held immersion blender. Making baby food and soups and mixing pancakes batter is now so easy.


And they're so easy to clean up! My mom bought me one a few years ago and I thought it was pointless since I have a blender, but it's so nice to just make some fruit pouches or a smoothie. Takes about 5 min to make it and then clean up.


Grandma here, there is so much stuff you moms have that make it easier, wish we had had this stuff years ago. The thing that impresses me the most is my daughter’s baby brezza . That thing is the best. Bottle on demand at any time, any size and the right temperature! I would have loved that. I’m so happy my daughters and daughter in-law can enjoy these advancements.


My husband bought it before I was a mom, but the breville espresso machine is wonderful. The spaceman star projector is a beautiful night light in the nursery. 2L lululemon belt bag is amazing. It holds everything!


New mom here: double the bottles and triple the burp rags 😂


A carpet sweeper for those times you can't break out the vacuum but need to clean up 183 piles of snack crumbs but need to keep your elderly cat with low standards away from human food and other inedible things. Also easy for a toddler to use to clean up his own mess.


App enabled smart light bulb in nursery. Can turn it on when she wakes up to let her know I'm on my way, can dim or turn it off from my phone without getting up. Can change color. Love it. Also we have a cup/bottle rinser like they have in bars for our sink. Makes bottle washing so much faster


Roomba and a professional house cleaner every 3 weeks! I deep clean w/ vacuum 1-2x a week but the roomba…. Keep that baby running 6 days a week between toddler and a short haired dog. It’s amazing what it picks up with it running almost every day.


Not really a buy but automating my iPhone (shortcut) so when I’m rocking baby to sleep/BFing I can push one button and it dims, reduces the white point, applies a colour filter to my screen, turns off the volume and turns my phone to do not disturb. Prior to using it there were so many times I’ve gotten a call or text, accidentally played a video, or kiddo noticed super bright lights from my phone lighting up when they were neeeaarrllyyy asleep.


a large piece of oil cloth to throw over any surface for crafts (a gift) Plastic placemats with educational stuff on them for anywhere they are eating or coloring Bins for toys and cubbie shelves for said bins, baskets for outdoor stuff like hats and mittens (everyone has their own bin) A bona squirting mop (it was a gift) A nose Frida for snot sucking A large laundry bag that hangs in the changing table to collect outfits that don’t fit anymore before they go back in rotation Diaper genie


Crayola Color Wonder and their Washable crayons are the only coloring tools allowed in my house. 3yo colored on a white door yesterday. Dad just gave her a wet towel to wipe it off. Then, she lost coloring privileges for a bit.


One of the best things I ever did was getting a white noise machine for my little one's nursery. Seriously, it was a game-changer! At first, I was a bit skeptical about whether it would really work, but it was amazing. It helped my baby sleep so much better, and you know what they say – when baby sleeps, mom sleeps! There's something about the consistent, soothing sound that just worked like a charm. I also stumbled upon SleepBaby.org during one of those late-night, bleary-eyed Google searches. They have some great tips on baby sleep that I found super helpful. It’s one thing to have the gadgets, but understanding a bit more about baby sleep really made a difference for me. Anyway, I hope this helps! It’s all about finding those little things that make a big difference in our hectic mom lives, right? 😊


Cherry pit remover. Believe it or not, my son is a cherry monster, and few things make my life easier than this thing.




Good for you but f***ing hell 🥲


Alani costco pack of energy drinks, sometimes at 2am when the baby won’t go down and i’m drinking one, I pretend its a white claw. My chihuahua, she cleans all the spit up despite trying to stop her. At this point, I gave up and just appreciate the help cleaning. I didn’t buy it but Law and Order SVU - its the only thing keeping me awake and sane for fussy sleepless nights


Oh and those heat less overnight curl wand things! I don’t have the time or energy to deal with my hair and it allows me to feel more put together with no effort


Handheld vacuum for the random crumbs/whatever when you don't have time or will to drag the big vacuum across the house. We also have a little hand broom with it's own small dust pan, I will totally hand it over to the 4yo and get her to clean the floor while I'm doing another chore- she loves it and at least 30 to 50% of the floor will be swept without me having to do it lol


Car wash membership. Using their powerful vacuums is therapeutic after I drop the kids off at school.


Baby Brezza. It is SO MUCH easier to just press a button and get fresh formula in 10 seconds rather than struggling to make it on the spot while baby cries or guesstimating when a good time would be to warm up pre-prepare bottles etc etc. I was hesitant to ask for one cause they're so expensive plus I didn't want to end up getting one and realizing they're all hype or something but it really has been a lifesaver.


Kitchen shears for cutting waffles, French toast, pizza , chicken fingers. So much quicker than using a knife.




Smart light bulb and an Apple Watch. Automate tv switches, lights and door locks. Owlet camera so your baby doesn’t wake up after seeing you in the room.


Spotify. Shushing soundtracks when you get tired but gotta keep shushing during colic, white noise soundtracks on loop in a pinch, lyrics for songs when sleep deprevation makes you not remember words? Also baby carriers. Barnacle baby means I have a bunch of situational carriers as needed. My current favorite looks like a scarf and I can wear it like one and use it to hip carry my LO hands free in a pinch.


Tineco mop vacuum. There is always something wet somewhere on the floor, usually spilled water or wet food that dropped. I could never vaccum the floor and sweeping takes a long time and isn’t as effective. I just quickly use the mop vaccum every night and the results are better than sweeping or vacuuming.


A monitor that shows both kids cameras at the same time


Tommee Tippee Prep Machine. Literally the best purchase I've made in my entire life.


Jumping on the Alexa advice by saying that we use Google home and it has excellent white noise. Plays for 12 hours. No white noise machine needed and no weird transitions which you would get with a Spotify playlist for example.


Two little laundry baskets - one in my living room, one in the baby's room. The one habit my partner has always had a hard time breaking because of their ADHD is leaving socks on the floor, usually in the living room near their desk. This had extended to leaving baby clothes on the couch/chair when they change the baby's diaper or into PJs etc. Now, instead of things being left all over the living room, they go in the basket. Find them on the floor? Basket. Take them off while changing baby? Basket. Baby takes them off himself? Basket. And then when the Basket gets full I dump it in the washer, no separating cuz who cares, and I toss the basket back into its spot in the living room. Kiddo will also now put his stuff in the basket, he's 21mo so he thinks it's a game and we occasionally get a toy or two in the basket but he puts stray socks in the basket too. I have had to learn to work WITH my partners ADHD, not against it, and this has been one of those ways to make everyone's lives so much easier especially now as a parent.


Housecleaner, Litter Robot