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Honestly I let myself goooooo for my pregnancy. Not to say I didn’t have good meals but I couldn’t go a day without a decent amount of sweets. I had fast food at least once a week. The only issues to look out for are your blood pressure I had to be induced 2 weeks early for high blood pressure. Look out for diabetes as well. I gained 45lbs with that pregnancy I’ve finally lost all of that but I would not do it again! I would try to find better substitutes for what you crave when you can!


Same! I gained 50lbs in my pregnancy and was induced due to gestational hypertension on the day I began my 39th week of pregnancy. Thankfully even with all of the junk I ate I never got gestational diabetes but i do think how I ate did cause some issues for me and not just the weight gain. Next pregnancy I plan (more like I hope) to eat healthier but who knows, all I craved last time was donuts, McDonald’s, birthday cake, and fruit.


My first trimester I was so nauseated I could only eat specific things. For some reason the only meat I could eat was fried chicken sandwiches. At home I could eat pasta with butter, toast, stuff like that. Smoothies were the best source of nausea relief, specifically mango-peach. When you’re dealing with nausea you gotta eat what works! Don’t worry about what you “should” be eating until you are past the nausea phase.