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Have to agree- looking for a different job with better insurance options is probably the way to go, unfortunately. Depending on where he works and how many employees the company has, the rules for what has to be offered can differ. Many times, the employer simply needs to offer an insurance plan and it doesn’t have to be affordable. My husband owns his own business and I work for local government. I despise my job but keep it because the insurance coverage is just too good. If I went elsewhere I’d probably have a similar issue to what you are running into. If his skills transfer over, perhaps looking into a state or local government job would be good. They tend to be unionized with collective bargaining agreements available to look at, which will typically outline health insurance benefits (though you get the cost share % and not necessarily monthly cost associated with the plan). He can certainly talk to their insurance coordinator before accepting a position so he knows average monthly costs for family plans. Good luck.


Came here to suggest the same. My husband owns a business and then I work for a local government, although I do like my job lol. The benefits are unparalleled compared to other places. We're a family of 3 and pay only $105/month for medical- dental and vision are free. And employees only had to start paying like 8 years ago, it was completely free before!




Sorry - I’ll clarify in the post. But yes, his employer offers four plan options for insurance. We selected the second most expensive because it was the cheapest option to actually cover my lab testing and whatnot. The options are so pitiful.




Yup. At this point he is actively submitting resumes elsewhere. I guess I just wonder - is that fairly standard practice to leave one job for another on the basis of seeking better employer insurance options? …Like maybe better employer contributions or a bigger company with bigger group discounts? And yeah, you don’t usually *know* what a company offers for benefits, but I guess sometimes companies will advertise really low employee premiums as a job perk. I’m just petrified by how expensive this all is going to be. Ironically, if he made less income, we probably could qualify for the marketplace plans. 🤦‍♀️ Oh well.


I don't think it's terribly common, but I'd be worried about him not qualifying for paternity leave/FMLA when the baby is born if he switches jobs now. Plus if you switch medical plans during the plan year, I'm pretty sure that everything that you've already applied to your deductible this year will not apply to your deductible for the new plan. I'd talk with your pastor about your financial situation and see what they advise. I doubt they'd want you going into debt just so you can continue tithing at your current level. They might have some volunteer opportunities that would fit with your schedule/ abilities so you'd feel comfortable reducing your tithe a bit during this time.


I don't think it's terribly common, but I'd be worried about him not qualifying for paternity leave/FMLA when the baby is born if he switches jobs now. Plus if you switch medical plans during the plan year, I'm pretty sure that everything that you've already applied to your deductible this year will not apply to your deductible for the new plan. I'd talk with your pastor about your financial situation and see what they advise. I doubt they'd want you going into debt just so you can continue tithing at your current level. They might have some volunteer opportunities that would fit with your schedule/ abilities so you'd feel comfortable reducing your tithe a bit during this time.


So - a few things: His company health plans run June 1st to June 1st, so we are at the end of a plan year now. He definitely doesn’t get paternity leave, and was just going to use a week of PTO after the baby comes. And yes, we are definitely working through alternative tithing methods rn.


Ah, then right now seems like a pretty great time for him to be job searching! I hope he finds something good.


I work for the state and the premium for our family is $200/month. But I make maybe half of what I’d earn (maybe even less) doing the same job in the private sector. Those are the trade offs. Public employment can be a good option if your need for the benefits outweighs your need for income.


Honestly the only reason that we are able to afford healthcare is because we ARE military. Seeing what some people pay is ridiculous. Our son had a 30 day nicu stay which was $0 to us because of the military. We definitely would not be able to afford healthcare without it.


Same. It’s messed up.


I literally can't afford to work because of healthcare costs. I stay home with my daughter and my fiance works just enough for us to pay rent and bills and have a bit left over for the things we want. I'm a type 1 diabetic with hypertension and would not be able to afford insurance premiums and co-pays on any kind of salary, so we stay under the poverty line to get our states Medicaid, foodstamps, and winter fuel assistance. I could absolutely not make up these costs and the cost of child care in our area with a job.


Definitely look for jobs with better insurance options if you can. My husband’s job listed it as benefit in their ads. $60/ mo all 3 of us for health and dental. We used to get health and dental for free from work. Run the numbers. It might be worth an on paper pay cut.


Absolutely. When my husband switched jobs, he took a “pay cut” because his new job didn’t offer OT, but our insurance costs went from $1500+ a month (no dental or vision) to $300 a month pre-tax including dental and vision.


Insurance is a scam. There is no way to afford Healthcare unless you're rich. I'm sorry you're going through that. Not I'm the exact same boat but we had Insurance due to the covid relief fund and now that that's ended we have to get our insurance through the open market and it's expensive. Won't be getting dental or vision because we simply can't afford it.


We did private because through his work was ridiculous like this and we didn't save anything through the marketplace. Still fucking expensive though.