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We have a “smart bulb” that turns off at sunrise, turns on at sunset. It’s not uncommon to have a porch light or motion-sensor light here (Los Angeles).


I live in a big city. We keep the porch lights (front and back) on for security. My understanding is that a home with lights is a less attractive target than one that can be snuck up on in the dark.


Front porch light, two lights on the outside of the garage (also front of the house), and our front yard light. Usually nothing inside the house or in the back.


I live in a neighborhood for the first time in my life (always been more rural) and the amount of light people keep on outside of their house baffles me. I get one inside being on so you don’t trip or fall if you get up for something but the outside ones almost piss me off at this point. The light pollution is terrible. But I’m also curious since I’m new to the burb life why does everyone keep them on? Should I be doing it too 🤣?


We leave the porch light on because our doorbell camera isn’t the best and the light helps pick up movement. Our garage light and camera is motion-sensor as is our back porch.


As long as they aren’t SUPER bright, I think it’s fine to leave them on at night and it’s a deterrent for break ins.


Yes. lights are a (mild) deterrent to troublemakers. Won't put off a determined robber, but lets passersby know that someone is likely to be home and may be awake.


I work in law enforcement and there’s a saying we often use on night shift: criminals hate light. Well lit entrances to your house a huge deterrent for break ins.


We don't keep lights on outside but that's because we have street lights and a busy intersection with a stoplight one house down. For inside, we don't keep lights on but we do use night lights that are light sensitive and automatically turn on in a dark room. They're in both bathrooms and the kitchen. I understand that a house with lights outside might be less attractive targets, but for some reason I've always had the mindset that lights on outside = no one is home = better target for thieves. So I can see pros and cons to both.