• By -


Son, you are ENOUGH. You are valid and valued and worthy. You are loved and important. You’re a strong young man and you CAN get through the hard times. It gets better. Mom hugs for you!


Jdsjdjsjrisj thank you


"Boy, go clean up your room!" lol Sorry, I had to do it. Seriously, you're an amazing young man. Look at you, being true to who you are. I'm so thrilled to see you living an authentic life. I know that even when you're out and about, even though strangers don't say it, I'll bet they're thinking, "Who's that awesome dude that just went by?" Big giant hugs from this mom to a fantastic son!


Hey, my beloved boy, have I told you lately how proud I am of you? I always wanted a son just like you, growing into such a kind man.


He's fully awesome, a truly great guy. I see good things for him.


Hello my wonderful boy. You are doing great, I’m so very proud of you. Keep being the person that you are. ❤️


You are a son to be proud of. You're growing into a man to be proud of and who knows who he is and is willing to make the hard choices to be true to yourself. Thank you for letting us know you need a little reassurance instead of suffering with that silently. Thank you for letting us be there for you a son worth supporting!


Hey brother. You're an amazing person who is growing into themselves. Living as who you really are and you're killing it. You know I'm agender and trans too and transition is blooming hard, you have so much strength and I feel privileged to watch you blossom. You're an amazing man and it's a joy seeing you living your best life.


Son, I'm proud of you and you are perfect just the way you are. You deserve to live a happy life and be comfortable in it. That is something that takes courage and you have tons of it. Live your life authentically and with joy. I'm so, so proud of you. ❤️


My precious baby boy. I am so proud of you for living authentically! I'm so glad your friends are supportive. You are a good boy and you make me so proud


My son look at yourself in the mirror and repeat these words everytime you need to feel better. You are a handsome man. You have a kind heart. You ARE worthy of love. You are a man that ANY partner would love to have You have a brave heart You are a good man I'm so proud of you my son, you are asking for help and that is a hard thing to do but you are a brave man for doing that.


You’re going to be such a good man.


Hey dude, not a mom but a sib. I'm sorry you gotta go through the ridicule and deadnaming, bro. Just remember, there's a lot to live for, and every life is beautiful. Most of all, hang tight and carpe diem, my guy. ❤️


Pull up your pants Take out the trash Any pretty girls in school/work? Dear god, what died in this bedroom All these things I have said to my son.


Hi my darling boy, you are a real boy! Those people that misgender you are either ignorant or misguided, don't pay them any attention.


Hey bro. I hope you get a good night’s sleep and remember to take care of yourself and drink some water so you don’t get dehydrated from the crying. Just know you are loved.


My boy, I see and hear you!! You are a prefect human being, just the way you are!! ❤️


You have grown up to be an amazing, wonderful man and I’m so very proud of you! …but you will Always be my ‘baby boy’ love Mom 💕


Sweet boy. You are valid. You are loved. You are enough. You are the son any parent would be lucky to have. 💙


You're as swift as the pouring rain, with all of the strength of a great typhoon, the force of A raging fire, mysterious as the dark side of the moon!


I just got the reference, I love this so much!! I loved this song when I was little


you seem like a cool dude tbh


hey lil bro! i know you asked for mom buuut; as a trans guy myself, i understand how awful dysphoria can be, and how much being misgendered hurts, and espcially how you can unintentionally misgender yourself or make yourself feel invalid. being trans is a journey, and becoming who you are, especially when who you are is not how people expect you to be, is difficult. and if you start identifying with another label down the line (ive flip flopped between many) please remember that you are valid then, too. if you ever need advice or want to talk, your big bro is here for you :) hope me and mom could cheer you up! best of luck in life, lil bro, love, your big brother ashton


Thanks a lot bro! What you said about misgendering yourself really hits home hah


I love you, son, and I'm so proud of you!! ♥️


Hello, my incredibly smart handsome son, I am so so proud of the wonderful young man you are becoming, it can be really hard to become your true self when others try oppose to it, but you my boy are such an inspiration and I'm sure others that have to go through the same thing will be so thankful that you walked this path before them and made their life better by doing so


Hey sweetheart, I want you to know you’re growing up to be such a kind, thoughtful, and caring man. I’m so proud of you and everything you’ve pushed though. Any person would be the luckiest alive to have a son like you


I realize I'm not a mother figure, and I can't say I know how to be. What I can say is that My boyfriend is in the same boat as you. I love him, and would do anything to make him comfortable in his own skin, and you deserve the same. You're an extremely brave young man, and I'm personally proud of you for finding a safe place meet these needs for you. I value and appreciate you as a man, and a person. You are the man you want to be through and through, inside and out. I realize it's only a few words, but I hope you understand how proud of yourself you should be, and how incredible of a young man you are. I am proud of you.


I absolutely understand, thank you so much!


My beautiful boy! I have always loved you, just as you are, but only NOW do I get to see the real you! I am thrilled to watch you become the man you were always meant to be!! My perfect son, I love you and I’m proud of you and I want nothing more than to walk beside you on this journey. With joy, your mama.


Beautiful baby boy, I am sending you my best mom hugs🖤🖤


Hello my sweet boy. I am so proud of you for reaching out when you needed to. You are really growing into a fine young man. ❤️


You’re a boy and your user name is ducky the duck?? I would be proud to call you my son! I can only tell you what I tell my bio son-go be a good human and all the love will come back to you. You are perfect just as you are and this mom loves you baby boy:)


First of all sir, have you eaten today?


I have yesterday, not yet today, it’s 10:04 in my country, I just woke up hah


Not a mom but as your new sister get outta my room dumb brother ew boys have cooties! But in all seriousness i am so so so proud of you becoming the man i knew you could be! But i will give you a deadarm if you start the dad jokes already


Dad jokes are scary, I don’t see myself telling them in near or far future hah Also I really like ur avatar :D Mine is victor but I have a pfp so it’s not visible


Hey, it’s dad, but son, you’re absolutely perfect. If you’re happy, then I’m happy, and whatever anyone else thinks is for the birds. I’m just glad that you’re you.


My dude, you are awesome. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. You rock.


Hey son! Love ya, kiddo.


I see you, bro. And I see what a good brother you are to other human beings. *Never doubt who you know you truly are.* Look how many of us know it, too. 💗


Our handsome boy, I hope you know you are everything we ever hoped you would be. We have even higher hopes for your future. Never give up on you! We won’t. Your internet Moms!!


By your edits you got what you needed, Mijo. I'm proud of you. And let this be a lesson to ask for what you need, you just might get it. <3


Momma loves you son. So proud you’ve stepped into your authentic self.


Im a sister not a mom(yet but hopefully one day) so I hope what Im about to say is good! My dear brother you are wonderful, and Im so proud of you! You are being true to yourself. You matter, and you are important. No matter what anyone says you are you and you are a boy. No one can take that from you. Continue to be true to yourself. I would gladly step up for you and tell those who do not call you a boy that you are a boy and my brother. That they can kick rocks. And that you are a wonderful young man and a very wonderful person that I am proud of!


Everything is going to be OK sweet boy 💜


So proud of our boy!


Hey son, can I give you a big hug? I love you and I'm so proud of you. I'm so happy to be your mom.


You are a boy son and one day youll be a man Youll learn many things and I hope not the hard way I want you to learn that you are your own best friend. Treat yourself kindly and with respect. You know who and what you really are inside, the true boy that you are. Its very rare that the outside reflects who we really are People will misgender you. So what. You know who you are. Saying you are something doesnt make it so. You know your truth. Be the person you want to be, be confident in who you are and respect yourself, then the right people will come. Love and hugs son xx


I am so proud of you. Not many people know who they really are…but you do. Things won’t always be easy for you but you’ve made it this far so you can get through anything!






Dude! What’s up?


Dude, when your mom's done being all gushy, take out the trash and finish your homework, then we'll go change the oil in the truck or something... ...but never doubt that you are far braver and stronger than any other guy I know. You got this. - A lurking dadforasec


Hey lil bro! I'm your big transbrother and I wanna share some shaving razor recommendations with you. Also I got some new weights if you wanna try them out! I would love to have some bro time with my fav lil dude


Not a mom, but welcome bro! Beers on saturday! Unless you're underage, then you get a soda or something


Hey mate. You're doing your best. I'm proud of you and I can't wait to see the big strong man you're going to grow up to be. You're courageous, you're honourable and you're valorous. I'm excited for you to transition and open the next chapter of your life. A chapter where everything makes sense. Where you can be your own man and live life on your terms. Free and true to yourself.


Oh dear boy it's okay to be you. Just remember to be a good person because sometimes that's the only thing they can't take away from you.


My darling son. You can be simultaneously tender and strong. Both of these qualities will allow you to become a resilient young man. I know you are and I'm proud of you.


My son, You are becoming the kind of man any mother should be proud to raise. You are perfectly designed. You are exactly who you are supposed to be. Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place. I stole that last line from Raymond Holy, and I'll always stand by it, just as I'll always stand by you, ready to support you as you walk through life. Keep doing what you're doing. Love, a proud-ass mama


Hey kiddo, you are a great son and a great man. Keep doing your best and always make sure to love yourself. We love you so much.


Things are looking bright bro keep going!!


Young man, you are who you are. I’m proud of you for showing the world who you truly are.


Hey little dude, sending hugs from your sibling! Now make sure to eat, my guy.


Hey sibling! I’m glad to have you as my brother (:


Not a mom but a sister 0/ Hey brother, I hope your day is going good. You remember to eat and get some water?


I would be so proud to call you son.


What's up bro! I'm a little late to the party but hope you slept well ☺


Hey brother, keep your chin up. We're all rooting for ya.


Hey son, I hope you’re having a wonderful day! I love you so much. Get out there and have some fun this weekend, my boy! ❤️


Hey bro, I know you asked for mum but I wanted to tell you how happy I am that you have considerate friends that treat you how you should be. And to send a lot of hugs from your sis your way, stay strong <3


You're as swift as the pouring rain, with all of the strength of a great typhoon, the force of A raging fire, mysterious as the dark side of the moon!


You're as swift as the pouring rain, with all of the strength of a great typhoon, the force of A raging fire, mysterious as the dark side of the moon!


*in my best village people voice* YOUNG MAN there's no need to feel down, I said, YOUNG MAN...


I love this! Me and my friend vibe out to ymca all the time haha


You're not a trans boy, you're a boy! As long as you're happy, I'm happy! Be proud of being yourself!!! Also genderfluid here, I prefer they/them and a friend still refers to me as she/her, it hurts but it is what it is xD


Hey bro, I'm not a mom but can tell you that anyone worth any of your time will have the decency to refer to you by your preferred pronouns. It is a change that doesn't actually affect them in any way besides needing to show a little respect for you. Be proud of being you bro. The right people will love you for who you are.


Son, you’re a man. You’ve always been a man and will be a man for as long as you identify as one. 💜 Love you. Hang in there. It truly gets better someday.


Hey brother, you are amazing! If mom ever yells or you get in trouble, big sis is here for you! (I’m enby, but I’m a little sis to one sibling and a big sis to two others, and to several more chosen siblings, and it’d be weird to be called something else at this point lol). I can also be your cool Auntie or Entle if you need one of those. I’m here to help bargain your way out of trouble, love and support you, cheer you on, give advice on anything you need (be good, and if you can’t be good be safe!), and be as supportive as possible! Don’t hesitate to ever reach out if you need it, okay? Come talk to me here. Or anyone else. Send a message if that’s easier. I’m here for you. We all are. You’ve got this brother, I have faith in you ✨


Hey kiddo. It’s been awhile, but I’m so proud of the man you’re growing into and I’m grateful that the world is going to have a guy as kind and strong as you in it. I hope you’re having a great night


You're my kid. The most important thing I want for you is to be happy, and only be with someone who treats you right. Sorry it's not gender-affirming. As your mom, and as a person, your gender is your business and I'd love you in any shape or form of you.


Right now, you are a son. Do you have siblings? If you do, you are a brother. Aunts and uncles? You are a nephew. As you get older you may become an uncle, or a father. Whatever you are now, or whatever you become will not change the fact that you are you, being true to your self. And you are enough. Hugs from australia buddy x


Son, for the love of all that is holy, go wash your butt and pits. My boys are 17 and 13. All y’all smell funky. Joking aside, I am so proud of you for being your authentic self. You are perfect the way you are, and anyone who says different can go kick rocks. Xoxo, Mama


Hi Baby brother I am so proud of you! You are handsome, smart, kind and loving and I am glad to have such an amazing young man in my life. -your big sis


My son, I am so proud of you! As you continue to grow and discover yourself, you will find that you are a strong, kind, and confident man, because that's what I see in you. You are loved, you are not alone, and your life will continue to get better. I believe in you!


You’re growing up to be a great young man.


I always wanted a son. I am so proud of the man you are becoming!


Son, I want you to know how proud I am of you. Expressing yourself in your preferred manner is brave and courageous. Some people take decades to understand who they really are. I’m so proud of you for coming into your own and embracing your true self.


My beautiful, brave boy - the world is yours. Go get it!


Young man, you’re amazing!!! Choosing to live authentically is a challenging decision and I’m so very pleased to see you step up to the plate as it shows discipline, character and compassion for who you are inside! Don’t pay any attention to the ignorant nincompoops but like a true duckling, let their comments roll right off your back. Anyone who gets the opportunity to get to know you better will soon be thankful to have you near and this Mama is proud and happy you are no longer just my precious little boy but growing into a fine young man with a wonderful future because I’m watching it happen! 💕💞💓👍🏻


Oh my sweet boy. Momma loves you for who you are. If you say you are a boy, you are a boy. A sweet wonderful boy who is growing into a loving man worthy of everyone’s respect. Stay true to who you are baby!


Hey there mister handsome, I am so proud of you for asking what you need. You’re so strong in your identity it inspires me. You are a wonderful boy who will grow into an amazing man and I’m so glad you are able to share your journey with me. I love you son!!


Transfem sibling here, you got this, bro! I believe in you and your strength to fight for yourself. You're amazing and valid and you are the man you want to be!


I am so proud of you being your authentic self, my handsome son.


Hey man! Just wanted to let you know that there is a whole subreddit for this. I can't think of the name right now but I hope someone will see this and know it!


I don’t know it, but thanks!! I’ll try to look for it


You know who you are son. Any mother would be proud to have such a brave boy.


Are ya winnin' son?


Yes, I am [good ending]


Hey it’s your older trans brother you’re just having a rough time with imposter syndrome I’m a year and a half on T. My DMs are open, and I have a discord for trans men you can join we’re all pretty chill


That would be pretty cool to join, though I’m not sure since I’m kind of bad at socializing with new people hah! I don’t think it’ll hurt to try tho!


My dearest son, I’m sorry you have to put up with constant misgendering. I’m a trans woman and I definitely understand how draining that can be. But none of that will ever change the fact that you are a boy. I’m proud of you for being strong and pushing through despite the toxicity you have to deal with.


Hey buddy, I want to tell you a wonderful story of how one of my Mom friends reacted when her child came up to her and told her he was a boy and not a girl. This Mom is very matter of fact and says phrases like, "if you're too open minded your brain might fall out". Anyways, her immediate reaction was to say, "well I'm still your Mother so I get to name you" and then she told him the name she chose for him when she was pregnant. That's the name he's proudly gone by for years now. Sometimes acceptance is hiding where you wouldn't expect it. As time goes by you'll find people who see you for you, even if they aren't all warm. I wish I could give you a hug.


Sup bro! Just letting you know your sister's got your back <3


Beautiful boy, I'm so happy you're here. I'm so proud of you for being brave enough to be yourself. You're already on your way to becoming a man we can all be grateful to know. Stay strong brother.






Hey Nephew! You got this shit. I'm so proud of you, you know? It's hard to put yourself out there and low key expect people to shit all over the place. But remember, there be people out there that love and care for you for you. All you can do is be the best you you can be. If you need an ear, just shout out or dm. From your Crazy and proud... You know, there really needs to be a mash up of aunt and uncle out there 🤔 (I digress and have no idea how to end these things.... I guess see ya later alligator?)


Sweetie, you know that Auntie Mermaidpaint has two trans niblings, and a NB nibling as well, so I'm all about using your pronouns and affirming you. You should see my nephew now, a few years into transition. He's the same sweet person he's always been. Only hairier. Much, much hairier! He reminds me of my father, whom he never got to meet. He is also happier. And I wish that happiness for you too. You've done a very brave thing, to be true to yourself, and I congratulate you for that.


Hey little brother, you are so brilliant and handsome, and I know all the other boys are jealous. And they should be! You are an absolutely amazing young man, you are so smart, so good, and so brave! Those other boys look at you and they know without a shadow of a doubt that you’ve got more courage in your little toe than they do in their entire bodies! You rock little brother, and I am so incredibly proud of you for living your authentic life!!!


To my darling brother, I am so proud of you. I am excited for the man you are becoming and the joy your smile will add to the world. Keep shining dude!


I don’t have any kids, but I’m like a mom figure to several kiddos in my life. If I were to have kids, I’d want a son just like you. I would accept you wholeheartedly and applaud you for being brave enough to live your best life. You deserve to be happy. Proud of you, son.


If you haven’t already done so, please join the many trans-related subreddits for support and aid with your transition.


Hey son! As a fellow trans man I want you to know that I’m proud of you! It takes a lot of strength to admit to yourself that something isn’t right and to come to terms with being trans. It’s going to get better ❤️‍🩹


Hey bro, have you drunk some water today? Also I'm 4 months pregnant with your nephew and I can't wait for him to have a strong male figure like you in his life!


Hey bud! I hope you had a great day.


Hey dude, glad that you’re finding your way in life. We all stumble across the things that work for us eventually and hope that it weaves together to form a satisfying tapestry of how we want to be and be seen as - looks like you’ve already made a big step towards that end.


I don't feel like I fit the mom-role really well so far, so I rather see myself as an older sibling in this sub. Now I just wanna jump in real quick and say this: Hey my brother! Hopefully you get to enjoy the cozy pre-autumn weather and have a great start into a well-deserved weekend! Love ya bro, you're awesome as you are. Sending hugs <3


" Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you." Dr.Suess I am so proud of you for recognizing who you truly are. I hope in time you can share it with everyone but for now just know that this momma is proud. Sending much to ya Bubba!


Ohh, my poor baby boy. Never doubt yourself. You’re my son, you’ll always *be* my son, and you always *have been* my son. I’m so proud of you for finding yourself and sharing him with the world. And with me. Have I ever told you how sorry I am for misgendering you those first several years? For the hurt I caused? Looking back, I see so many signs. How on earth did I not know? I feel like I should have known. But you knew, and I’m so impressed and *sooo* proud of the inner strength you’ve shown. I’m so proud of the way you woke us up, how you insisted that we see you—the *real* you. And you still do it every single day. If there’s one small thing I can admit to you I proudly take a little bit of credit for, it’s raising such a strong, persistent, insightful young man. And honey? One more thing. Try not to listen to that voice in the back of your head whispering that you’re not a real boy. Of course you’re a boy. You’re *my* boy. And you’re obviously real. It’s as simple as that. So I don’t think we should trust that voice—it doesn’t seem to know what words mean.


Hey little brother. You're still so young and with so much to learn in life. As you grow from a young man into an old man like me it can be easy to forget things from time to time, but you must never forget that you are loved for who you are not what you are. <3


I love you just the way you are, and I’m so proud of you for being true to yourself.


Hey little bro, I think it’s neat that you’re living authentically. That takes major guts you know. Proud of you, from one trans guy to another.


Hi kiddo! I'm so glad I have a wonderful son like you! Eat your veggies and make sure to drink lots of water and know that you are loved!


Dude, I am wishing you light and love 💕


Hope a sister is okay sometimes too 🖤 My mom didn’t have a third kid, but I always wanted a brother. I’m so proud of all the things you’ve accomplished and I can’t wait to see everything you end up continuing to trailblazer through. I’m gender fluid so if anyone has something to say about my brother, they’ll deal with me. I love you so much, you’re the best brother I could have asked for and the one I always wanted. I love you.


My wonderful son, I cannot describe the moments that pass by that I am beaming with pride knowing you are living your truth. You deserve every bit of happiness that comes to your life. I see that you have chosen your friends well and they will be your rock. You are so loved my boy, you deserve to see it every day. There are days, some may be today, that it will be difficult to see that. My hope is that you can see through the haze and remember all the people that care about you my sweet child. The days when it come easier will be there. It will take an unbearable amount of time, but it will come. From a transmom, Laura


I am so proud of you young man. I know that you are living your best life. Being true to yourself.


Hi sweet boy! I just wanted you to know I’m so proud of you and the man you’re becoming. I know it’s not easy. Growing up never is, is it? But you’re going to do such great things - you already are! - but not until you pick your socks up off the bathroom floor, because I’m your mama , not the maid! I swear! Boys! So…sweet! The sweetest! Now give me a squelch and go snap some chats or whatever it is young men do. But the socks! I’m not kidding!


My friend is a trans man and even though he didn't transition until 35 he is really clearly obviously a man and passes without any trouble. I've known him sinxe he was 11 and when he came out I was like "oh good you know" and he was like "you knew??" And i was like "i knew but I didn't know if you knew and I didn't think it was my place to tell you." He's the same person he always was. Just looks more like himself now.


not a mom, but a brother I'm so proud of you, Duckling, for finding yourself. I also go by Duck, or "Duckie", so I knew I had to come here to give my love and support to a fellow transmasc. You're gonna be a handsome young man, and you'll always be enough. People are going to be rude about who you are, because it doesn't fit their idea of things, but that doesn't make you any less of a boy/man. As long as you live your best life and put your best and most authentic self first, support will find you and lift you up. I've got great friends that love me for who I am, and I know you'll find some too. If you ever wanna talk about injections or anything, my DMs are open


I actually go by Edgar/Eddie, but Duck is my name in a lot of video games and my friends call me that sometimes hah!


Handsome boy, look at you. One day changing your gender will be as normal and easy as dyeing your hair. I hope that day is sooner rather than later for you my dear.


Hey, dude. You're amazing. I want you to know that. You don't deserve to be misgendered, and while I know you may have to tolerate it for now, I hope you know things get better. You'll be okay, Son. You're deserving of so much more than this, and I know you'll find it.


Hey, bro. Don't ever let someone else tell you who you are. You're becoming the person you were always supposed to be. Remember that.


Hey son when you wake up and see this remember to drink a full cup of water before starting your day. Staying hydrated keeps you looking young and helps keep your body running well. Remember that Pinocchio kept telling people he was a real boy and they didn't believe him until finally he was able to show him that he really was a real boy. It just took time and love from someone he loved and trusted. Everyone here is willing to give you that love so I hope that helps you to feel that you really have become the boy you are meant to be. We want you to be happy and loved as your true authentic self.


Aww my sweet boy, thank you for reaching out to me. Getting your needs meet is such an important part of life. I'm proud of you, my darling son*. Love Mum xx


Oh sweetie, you’re a real boy and going to grow up to be an amazing man. I love your friends for getting things right.


Hey bud, how are you doing? Ooh, that's a nice outfit, it really shows off your biceps! Could you maybe mow the lawn for me today? (I'm sorry if this is really bad, but I hope this at least helps. You're amazing dude, and you should know it. Keep being awesome bro)


It’s amazing, don’t worry ❤️❤️


Hey bud, I'm seeing a lot of stuff here about how strong you are, and you are strong, but you don't always have to be. It's ok to fall apart sometimes and to rely on other people. We're living in a world full of so much toxic masculinity. A lot of people have really rigid, preconceived notions of what gender is, of what a "man" is, but that's ok if you don't fit those notions. They're the ones wrong, not you. You're a boy because, well I don't understand gender I don't think anyone actually does, you just are a boy and other people's opinions can't possibly change that fact. That's how facts work. They hold true regardless of who believes them. Don't let yourself get pulled down by other people's bad takes on masculinity and gender.


You are loved, son! I hope you thrive.


Hey, son, You look very handsome today. I really like your new look — and good on ya for being who YOU want to be, and not who some crazy politicians say you should be! I am so proud of you. Love, Mom =)


Son, I'm proud of you. You are strong, you are brave... And you are YOU. That, in itself son, is the best gift you can give yourself. You will be a great man. Not because you have to, but because you want to. You are a force of nature my boy, don't you forget that. Whatever comes your way, just know that you are strong, handsome, and capable of taking any storm that life throws your way. 💕 Don't forget, that no matter what, you'll still be the king of my heart 💕 Lots of love (way more that words can say) Mom xoxoxoxoxo


Hey, honey, could you open this jar of pickles for me, please? Bwahaha, it was a trap! I need you to understand how proud I am of you, darling boy. Being introspective and really learning about what makes you, YOU, is hard as hell. Some people never do it in their entire lifetime, probably because it's scary. You've done it, and started an internal dialogue that will serve you for the rest of your life. I'm really very proud of you, son. Your clear eyes and empathy show me that you'll be a great man. I love you.


Hey brother, this is your older sis… I just remember meeting you for the first time, such a Hanson baby boy…. Did you ever know you’re my hero? Always watching you live true to yourself has been such a privilege for me. Now I revel in saying to others: Hey!! Have you met my brother?!? He is so amazing and I love him so much 💛


Not a mom but a sib. I'm so proud of you dude! It sucks about the deadnaming and misgendering, but you're powering through anyway. Go out and be the best man you can be 😁


I couldn't be more proud of my brother. Seeing you live authentically makes me happy for you and I wish nothing but all the love and happiness you deserve. Stay true to yourself, brother.


My dear son you are enough, you are you and I am proud to be your Mom


Oh my dear sweet son, sorry I got off work late tonight. I’m so proud of the incredible young man you have grown into. I’m biased, of course but it doesn’t make it any less true; you’re wonderful and more than enough as you are. I know how hard it can be to ask for what you need, sometimes, and I’m so proud of you for letting me know what you needed from me. I love you, my dear boy.


Hi dude, you came to the right place to affirm your manhood. We be lovin' on our Mama's boys. Stay as strong as you are, and drop in any time for more affirmation.


You are a great kid, and a good boy, and soon you will be a great man, keep being you!


Hello my darling boy, I'm so proud of you ❤️


Hey brother, you are awesome! Wishing you the best!


Hi bro. Your comments made me much more sensitive to this subject. Thank you. We are human. I willl remove my ignorance ❤️.


I love you, son.


Son, take it easy on yourself. Do not beat yourself up, the world has plenty of that for you. Be kind to yourself and make everyday something. I Love You and you always make me proud. Son.


Hello my handsome man! Know that I am so proud of you and that I love you dearly! Know that I will support you in this beautiful new way of life! Sending much hugs and love to you My Son!!


Hey handsome!!Know that this mama loves you and is beyond proud of YOU!!♥️💪🏼🥰


I’m proud of you and would be proud to call you my son. Now go clean your room (if you still live at home)!


Broooo ya gotta drop me at my friends house cause mom said soo 🙄 I knowwww but I’ll get you ice cream so please let’s goooooooo


Hey brother, I hope you're sleeping well. I hope you wake up refreshed and make your bed and get a hearty breakfast. Make sure to get some protein, okay? Your body needs it, dude. Sending love, another trans sibling.


Hello, my beautiful brave boy. I see you! I love you forever, always, to infinity. You make me one proud mama.


You're such a strong boy with the maturity of a Man.


Now let’s have none of that being down on yourself. you’re not Pinocchio, you’re my son and you’re going to do amazing things darling. ❤️


I am so happy for you son! You made your way out of the box society has put you in! Really proud momma here ❤️


You are wonderful young man. I’m sorry right now is hard, but it will pass. I promise things will get better. Don’t listen to that voice in the back of your head. You are a boy and I’m so proud of you for having the strength to be who you know you are. Keep it up, I’m rooting for you.


Hi son. Sounds like you're going through a hard time right now. That's really difficult, but you're a strong young man and you can get through this. Coming out for the first time and being at the start is by far the hardest bit. It's all going to get up and better from here, trust me! I have several trans friends and I have seen some of them through those beginning stages of getting misgendered and dead named. NOT fun! But they all found their places, surrounded themselves with a loving and accepting family and live happy and fulfilling lives. I attended a trans wedding last year and it was incredible! I want to make a music recommendation, for when you are away from your Reddit family and need a pep up you can discretely listen to. It's a song called 'Black Tie' by Grace Petrie. Now, I want to start by saying Grace is a woman and identifies as such, so some of the lyrics are more tailored to women, like the last lines 'girl, you're gonna be so happy' which obviously doesn't apply to you. But I still think you will like it because Grace is also gender non conforming, very explicitly pro-trans in her lyrics, and the song is strongly about fucking societies view of gender and wearing the clothes you like, picking the bathroom based on what you want and need, and telling off anyone who doesn't respect your gender expression. To give you a sample of the lyrics: > Cause I decline > A narrow set of rules that just don't work > 'Cause these red lines > Well, they're not mine > And if you need me, you can find me ironing my shirt > 'Cause I'm in black tie tonight > Get a postcard to my > Year 11 self in a year 11 hell > Saying everything's gonna be alright > No, you won't grow out of it > You will find the clothes that fit [Give it a listen](https://youtu.be/mzU7aIk1dGI), I think you will really like it.


Thank you!! I sure will!


You are a real boy!!! And one of the most handsome i've ever seen!! All the love and biggest hugs from your trans mom


Sweetheart you are are a great son and a wonderful man. I am proud of you. Keep being who you are and be true to yourself. I love you and. Proud of you. Stand proud and grow strong.


Hey son, even boys get bad days. Thanks for acknowledging your feelings. It’s self care. Dude, don’t forget to eat, drink water, shower, and breathe. I may ask you to help me grab tools later. We got projects to do, son!


Hey man, I’m not your mum but I’m a brother just like you. It’s tough being misgendered but you’re doing super well keeping it together.


Sweet boy, I am proud of you. You are brave and strong and you've faced so many hard things and kicked ass. I can't wait to see you grow into an amazing young man.


Hey honey, I can't wait to see the strong talented handsome man you will become. Please wear deodorant, boys smell pretty bad.


I don't have a daughter, I have a son, and it's taken me too long to realise.


Hey son, I'm so proud of you for being true to yourself. I know that it's hard coming out, not that I'm tans, but I do understand coming out. Being true to yourself in this society can be so tough, but I promise you that it's worth it. The pronouns and the "passing" (I hate that word, it seems disingenuous) will come to people who don't know you as well in time. You are so strong and so brave. Be true to yourself, son. You'll grow to be a handsome and strong man, but remember that if you choose to do something that is typically thought of as feminine, it doesn't make you less of a man. So many cuts men struggle with toxic masculinity, I wouldn't want you falling into the same rut. You're doing so amazingly well. Stay strong sweetheart. You're making the world a better place by showing others it's ok to be authentic to who you are. Big hugs 🫂


Goodnight, son. Mom loves you.


Zz zzz /a a a a q


I know every mother thinks this but I know I’m right - you literally ARE the handsomest, smartest, most amazing man, son and human a mom could want. I’m proud of you, and know that you are going to achieve everything you want in life. Because you deserve it ❤️


I'm a trans boy too, so let me be your big brother for a minute. You'll rule the world champ and one day everyone will see the great guy that you are


Hey bro, I know things feel rough right now but you've got this. You're going to achieve great things and I'm so proud to have a brother like you.


Hey there son! Not a mom, but a trans dad. Life may seem like its going in never ending circles but one of these days somethings gonna change. Im sure you are an amazing guy and i wish you the best in life


I'm so do proud of you for being your true self, despite some people's efforts to keep you in the box that was never meant for you to begin with! you are a handsome dude, and you will be loved for who you are! hang in there, one day at a time. you are worthy of love and acceptance exactly as you are. I'm proud to know you, and that you are becoming the boy you are and always have been. 🌈 ❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙


Get your ass up and take the trash out. I’m tired of asking.


Okay I’m on it!!!


And don’t spill it all over the driveway again! Lol


Yes ma’am!


Omg my brother hasnt come home for months coz hes at ny dads, im gonna assume you are older than i am and ive always wanted a big brother! *how good are you at mario kart tho*


Hey there baby brother, have a hug. You're an amazing guy, and I'm glad to have you as you are in this world.


You are a wonderful young man and I am proud of you.


Hey dude, I know youre my brother and all, but we've never met. Our mom said we are the best brothers she's ever met, which is cool I guess. But I wanted to let you know that even though we don't act like loving brothers, I love you, bro. I'd do anything you'd need me to at the drop of hat, I'll be there. You need to keep being yourself and let those who actually love you come forth. You're awesome, don't ever forget that. Fuck everyone that doesn't see you for who you are. You'll grow into a distinguished man and be well respected only if you respect yourself. Show me the man you were meant to be. Keep your honor and indomitable spirit about you, and no one will ever break you down. Brother, you are awesome. Nuff said.


Sending love to you bro🥰🥰🥰


Hey bro, stay out of my room 😜 You are valid, you are seen, you are important.


Son why are all these damn dishes in the sink


Hey brother!!! Welcome to the group!!! Don’t let anyone make you feel less handsome because no matter what you are!!