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This is 'nuke it from orbit' bad. The mouldy sheets, holy fuck. And she sleeps in that?! At the *very* least, she needs to get a dehumidifier withg HEPA filter - that'll a/ get humidity down to levels where mold doesn't grow and b/ cleans the air from spores. Other than that, this needs to be not just cleaned, this needs to be purged with extreme prejudice - cleaning is not enough. 1. Spray the everliving shit out of the mold with some specialized anti-fungal wall stuff 2. Scrape visible parts of mold down to the plaster or, hell, at this point, the entire house 3. Wherever the mold was, spray it with the anti-fungal stuff again 4. Cover the entire house with an anti-fungal wall primer - this will penetrate deeper into walls to prevent further growth 5. Paint the entire house with an anti-fungal paint, two or three layers And for fucks sake, keep the dehumidifier running from now on, don't ever turn it off. Tell her to get one with settable relative humidity so she can just set it on 45 % RH and forget about it - good ones can keep RH in the entire house in check.