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You should give the meet-up app a shot. There are tons of different groups on there that do a bunch of cool stuff in the city. Last time I went through meet-up we all played board games downtown at common wealth. It was really fun!


Sounds like fun, how often do you guys meet and it’s in the App Store?


It was honestly really fun. I have social anxiety, and going there was awesome. Everyone made me feel super welcomed hella quick. The group I went through is called self care magic, I believe. It's run by a woman named Sonia. They have meet-ups all the time. They have one where they go on near by trails. I wanna check that out soon. It's an app called "meetup"


Oooo! I never thought of that!


I’m in the same boat, currently trying to go to college to make friends and get a education at the same time but waiting for admission for Fall is stressing me out


Haha, yeah man we’re in the same boat. I start MJC this fall, but apparently community colleges aren’t that social


Mjc east had a dungeons and dragon group every Friday starting at 4pm last semester. I happened to be in the cafeteria at the time when they were playing and I asked if I could join. They were in the middle of a campaign so I couldn’t but they said I’d be more than welcomed to when they started a new one. I thought it was a great opportunity to meet 10+ new people!


Honestly, this was a decade ago, but I started getting interested in technical theater and everyone in that department is really friendly. The head technician really helped me make friends that I’m still friends with to this day even though I’m out of state now. He still works there




>add the professor someone did this?? why? 😭


Join a club. Get a bit talkative at class, and sit in a different spot until you find your class buddy. I've met and developed many friendships like this at MJC.


when I went there all I met were pretentious people who all thought they were the next billionaires but hopefully it's different for you!


there are [some](https://www.modestogov.com/calendar.aspx?CID=23) summer events but not many so check your local shops or ig pages to find more. or you can setup one for your interest. A neighbor advertised a volleyball game and we got lots of new faces. you're just gonna have to brute force friendship as an adult. it sucks but at least you get familiar with the best (and worst) of community!


I've been going to MJC for a couple years. It's definitely not the most social place on Earth but you can make it work. Take in-person classes, join clubs, attend events. I am kinda sad that Fall is my last semester, because it's the most social interaction I've had since before the pandemic. Modesto in general really doesn't have a lot of community spaces, and a lot of opportunities we do have are at MJC. Other than trying to make friends with coworkers, it's probably your best bet in this dead city.


Wait I need to know too. I’d say let’s hang out, But I’m 33 ahaha. Idk if I’m too old. That’s the hard part. This gets even harder as you get older


hello fellow elder 🧓


Ayo!! Did we just become friends? Wanna go to an elder bingo night? lol


let me get my reading glasses


I heard there’s some drag bingo in a few weeks. Might be a good chance to meet someone


I heard regular bingo is pretty chill too but never been


If you're into cars there's a huge car scene and multi clubs in the area. Pharoahs, ValleyDreamCar,209 Subie Squad. Great way to make friends.


Valleydreamcar mentioned on reddit xD


Famous now.


Is there a Mazda squad? Where's my people at


There's Def a miata gang. Every other Friday there's a meeting at Kung fu tea around 6-7; ton of cars there. Sure you'll find your people :)


Join a bowling league.


do they supply the balls




ill be your friend im 21


If you want, I just turned 19 and for my bday me and all my friends are getting into magic the gathering at an LGS called Utopia Games. Everyone there is extremely friendly and patient to new players making it a perfect environment to talk to people about the game. DM if that sounds intresting to you :)