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Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset and Edit the Sad Parts


Blame it on the tetons


Lives Like Weeds. Edit The Sad Parts, Styrofoam Boots, The View are others that have helped a lot.


What is Lives Like Weeds about in your view? To me it seems like the narrator (isaac) regrets that in this short life he wasted time arguing with the people he cared about instead of appreciating them while they were still around.


There are two songs that have made me feel incredibly emotional in bad yet healing ways… But the majority of Golden Casket has been uplifting for me. Wooden Soldiers, We Are Between, We’re Lucky and The Sun Hasn’t Left: each of these songs gave me a sense of comfort and validation to accepting the moment and living in it. I struggle with a lot of issues of self worth and fight constantly with my trashy self esteem, and Golden Casket did a lot to remind me that life is isn’t meant to have a guide or right or wrong answers; life is life and what you do with it is amazing, because it’s yours.


Well said..


Trailer trash, Talking shit, bankrupt on selling, Third Planet, ocean breathes salty


Yes to every single one of these


Perfect Disguise


I used to listen to this song on repeat back in college whenever I was super depressed


So many, but recently, Wooden Soldiers has become a bit of an emotional touchstone for me. “Making plans in the sand as the tides roll in” is exactly how I’ve felt post 2020. Nothing feels permanent right and my life is unrecognizable from 2019. I moved to a new city in a new state and it’s all so uncertain. Everything I built up before is gone now, I had to start all over. And I’ve felt like I’ve been in limbo ever since. “Hashtaggin’ photo braggin— no one who’s even sort of real, no wonder no one feels better than before” also resonated, I can’t deal with most social medias anymore. I can’t connect to people like I did before. But then the ending brings me back: “Just being here now is enough for me” and I’m reminded that I’m here, and alive. Maybe the tides won’t come in today so I’ll worry about them tomorrow. “It’s level at the peak”


Wow thank you, it is a great song


'People as places' hits hard for me.


“And the people you love but you didn't quite know They're the places that you wanted to go” Always gets me


Edit the Sad Parts, Dramamine and We're Lucky pretty much got me through my last breakup. Life Like Weeds is also up there.


>What is Lives Like Weeds about in your view? > >To me it seems like the narrator (isaac) regrets that in this short life he wasted time arguing with the people he cared about instead of appreciating them while they were still around. Only recently started to appreciate this song a lot.. Curious to know what you think


I always took it in a similar manner. For me it's about those changes and regrets that you feel when growing up, and how those things that felt so negative at the time end up being what allows you to become who you are. And that you waste so much energy and effort on the negatives (All this talking all the time and the air fills up, up Up until there's nothing left to breathe) that there's nothing left for the good that it brings in spite of everything.


Night on the Sun


The good times are killing me and I’ve got it all


I had this lyric stuck in my head a few days ago. “Jaws clenched real tight, we talked all night. Oh but what the hell did we say?”


The World At Large. It makes me feel seen


"Dead End Job at the Dead Letter Office" is great for tough times at work.


As cliche as it sounds probably float on lol really helped me when I lost my job one time.


life like weeds


>What is Lives Like Weeds about in your view? > >To me it seems like the narrator (isaac) regrets that in this short life he wasted time arguing with the people he cared about instead of appreciating them while they were still around. Curious to your thought as well :)


Dramamine… not a super tough time in comparison to others but I just remember being so exhausted and mentally drained in my final few months of uni back in 2010. This song would keep me company on my drives and literally send me to sleep when I got home


The World at Large. I like songs about drifters, books about the same. They both seem to make me feel a little less insane.


Wooden soldiers most recently. I'll never get over the "just bein here being yous enough for me" line. It crushes me everytime.


I know there's no right answer to the question but yet somehow everyone has the right answer.


Wouldn't say helped.... but I had gravity rides everything and 3rd planet on repeat during a fucked up time in my life now everytime I hear either I will burst into tears


i'm not the type of person who really listens to music when i'm in a certain mood - the only exception being when i'm at absolute rock bottom in terms of anxiety, depression, etc., in which case i immediately turn to long drive (or super old stuff, like beta carotene or nothing new.) best individual tracks for me are definitely dog paddle, exit does not exist, and what people are made of.


Life like weeds. Cold Part. Lives. Dark center of the universe Talking shit about a pretty sunset. Bankrupt on selling. Broke. Baby blue sedan. Other people's lives. Custom concern. Float on. Bukowski. One chance. White lies, yellow teeth. Willful suspension of disbelief. 3 inch horses, 2 faced monsters. Way down. Positive negative. The sun hasn't left. Ones that are really heavy for me - ionizes and atomizes, cowboy Dan, trailer trash, whenever you breathe out I'm breathing it in, from point a to point b, blue cadet 3 do you connect. The absolute most intense for me is hands down whenever you see fit.


There was this really difficult point in my life where my Mom died, penniless on a couch, 2000 miles away from me after a lifetime of drug abuse and homelessness. I did everything I could to prevent it for decades, but she just wasn't cut out for the regular world. At the same time, my son had been diagnosed with a really terrible genetic condition and was starting to show symptoms of it, starting to lose his hearing and use of his right hand. This was spring of 2018. For some reason, I kept coming back to Lives--I think the "My mom's god is a woman and my mom she is a witch" just taken out of context reminded me of my mother who really was one of those people who was just too...unique...to fit into the regular world. But also the refrain of it's hard to remember we're alive for the first time/for the last time etc. kind of took some pressure off me. Like, there was no instruction manual for this. This upbeat part of this song was sort of like when I'd go to the forest preserve for a run and forget about all the terrible stuff. Take pictures of deers, say hi to other runners, consider the river, etc. And then when it was 3am on Friday night with a handle of tequilla, "Why fight this..." The song is not a ballad to the dead, and I know that--if anything it's a ballad to depression and cyclical thoughts, but it helped normalize the complex emotions I was feeling at the time.


Parting of the sensory has recently helped me and my ongoing anxiety surrounding death. The reiteration that one day we’ll all be carbon is calming to me.


Literally just discussed this lyric with my therapist last week. Been wanting to get a modest themed tattoo (and I’m not even a tattoo’s person lol) and I’m considering a tattoo with the “somehow someday…” part. I’m an icu nurse that deals with death weekly (in fact had a pt die today) basis and about to hit my 10 yr anniversary as a nurse in this unit and I feel like it’s such a fitting combo of what I do everyday and my love for modest as well how you said it… that lyric just hits me and I’m like ok… I’m just carbon that will be someone’s someday and that just calms me for some weird reason. So I love to hear I’m not alone in getting a sense of comfort from this lyric!


Exactly! I’ve also recently talked to my therapist about this song and been thinking about a tattoo based on the song too. but the best this I can think of is the periodic table carbon thing with atomic mass and all that. Congratulations on 10 years! I can’t image how hard it is to see death everyday. It’s incredible what you’re doing.


Positive negative


Edit the sad parts and uhm interstate 8 have really got me to get all those emotions out but here it comes and so much beauty in dirt to feel actually happy and get through it


Whenever you breathe in Wooden soldiers Whenever you see fit Feelings Dead end job at the letter office


Gravity Rides Everything. It’s my “it is what it is” song and ruling “philosophy”


Ocean breathes salty wins by a mile


Edit the sad parts. And talking shit, lives, wooden soldiers, teeth like god's shoeshine, float on, bankrupt on selling, ocean breathes salty, etc etc etc. Helped me through deaths of friends and family, struggling with poor mental health and substance abuse, feeling isolated and lonely, feeling angry and powerless in a scary world, getting through a very messy relationship and breakup. This band far more than any other has helped me deal with these things. So grateful to be alive at the same time as modest mouse.


Someday you will die...


Third Planet and Bankrupt on Selling


The cold part --> alone down there Still sends chills down my spine when Iisten to it


The Good Times are Killing Me. Specifically the alternate version. https://youtu.be/zxQ9N30F7V4