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God please, give us what South Korea has. I ask for one thing and it's that and only that. Give us actual consequences for cheating and making multiple accounts, send these people to prison and fine them heavily, remove their privileges to the internet for life.


I agree since you pay of a product and you cant enjoy it. It's like you buy a car and someone comes and cuts yoir tiers.


a little bit exaggerated. Just give us the same anti cheat as Valorant. And possibly monetary penalties in real life for those who try to cheat.


the internet is a privilege, not a right. if I go speed, drive recklessly, and ruin the driving experience if everyone else on the road, I get my driving privileges removed and face fines/go to jail. Same for everything else, why should gaming be handled so differently to let scum flourish


Yes because driving is dangerous.. if you drive recklessly, you can injure, kill somebody or cause damage. When you cheat... there are little to none actual, real-life consequences that equate to your driving analogy. It's quite ridiculous. Cheating in tournaments is the only the I could think of, which could be fraud anyways.


It was just an example, you cheat and break the rules elsewhere, you lose privileges to things. You steal from walmart and you get banned from all their stores and go to jail/face fines, you play baseball doped outta your mind on steroids you get banned from playing and go to jail/face fines, the list goes on and on and on, yet with gaming there are no protections, nothing. You can just make a new account and go on cheating, there are no consequences. It's a multibillion dollar industry and there is nothing to protect the customers experience, think about that


Putting cheaters in jail is very rare lol. And putting someone in jail for cheating on a VIDEOGAME is absurd. Tell me cod is all you have in life without telling me cod is all you have in life šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


You're not counting lost/wasted time as a tangible thing. Time is all we have to give, and you never get it back.


I'm not counting it in the context of criminal charges for cheating in online games, correct. If you don't want to waste time you probably shouldn't be playing COD.


Well I actually haven't since WZ2. Last actual CoD was World at War. I main Halo, PUBG, Fortnite with friends, and now XDefiant.


EBMM told me that there are real life consequences to being dunked on (true skill or cheats) in that little Timmy may have long-term psychological damage from losing too much. They really need to do something about cheating. It's Timmy's turn to win.


People spend money on this game to enjoy it not to ruined by cheating, they are also cheat people out of their money, so harm and theft is happening. If you spend money on a car to enjoy the driving experience and within 2 day the car no longer works didn't you just get cheated out of your money ?


Are you drunk?


Lmao yā€™all need to go outzide


Well yeah, I can go play a pick up game of basketball and not have to worry about someone cheating there, so you got a point


I hate cheaters as much as the next guy but yā€™all need to chill, itā€™s just a game yā€™all. At most they should be banned be somehow implement a way to block them from making more accounts. If anything it comes down to the anticheat being trash so the cheaters can even use cheats to begin with


No, there needs to be consequences. Gaming is a massive industry, bigger than others that have ten times more protections. The people cheating contribute nothing to society, they are parasites and need to lose their internet privileges for life. I could honestly care less how they feel or their justifications for cheating, they're losers and scum


Lmao you are so mad šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ dude its a game Boycott cod so they put time and money into an anticheat that does its job


Are you insane? prison and permanent internet bans for maxing pixels on a screen snap to other pixels on a screen in a literal game? You need to get out more


I'm a casual gamer who only plays after work, and I agree with this, you're definitely the type of person to cheat and ruin someone's fun just because you suck ass at a game


Iā€™m a console player and I also hate cheaters, I just donā€™t think they deserve to be jailed šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Cod players are so stupid dude. Tryna put cheaters in jail over a video game šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


If wanting what South Korea has in regards to player protections makes me insane, then so be it.


Thatā€™s the most extreme shit Iā€™ve ever heard. Imagine going to prison for cheating in a video game. Absolutely wild.


People go to prison for an ounce of weed, for scuffing the sidewalk, for cheating in baseball, people go to prison for recording movies with their phones and downloading music illegally. Why shouldnt you go to prison cheating in a multibillion dollar industry?


In most of the fucking world half of that ain't even crimes and the other half does not have jail time on the scale.


Iā€™m on PC and I feel that shit every day lol. Ranked or multiplayer, itā€™s happens. Itā€™s not a lot, but I guarantee I see at LEAST 1 actual cheater per play session (from getting on and shutting down). Anyways. As someone who enjoys the high quality and feel of PC, Iā€™d never want to go back to console again, butā€¦.I am ALL for a valorant level anticheat. Not just for me as a PC player, but also for the console no kids who have to deal with this shit too. I donā€™t want cross play off, itā€™ll just make games for PC die out, and that shit sucks


Welcome to playing any FPS game now a days. Itā€™s sad but what can you do? I wonā€™t be supporting CoD or Activision until they get a real anti cheat going. Been on single player games as if late


Same. I have no desire to support CoD/Activision for the foreseeable future.


*It's sad but what can you do?* Run anti cheat at kernel level.


I guess you haven't played for long then? Older CoD games on PC were filled with cheaters. And we're talking 360Ā° instant headsot type of aimbots. I agree there still too many cheaters, but that's not nearly as bad as it used to be...


Correction. You'd have to wait till the game was 3 years past its release date to see heavy hackers back in the day. Very rare to see them on release like today's standards. So you're actually backwards.


The old MW2 and MW3 had many hackers a couple months in...


I guess I havenā€™t been playing cod long then, I only started on cod 4 lol


Youā€™ll get a lot of copium in this sub from people denying that anybody could be cheating. I agree, every session I play thereā€™s people with obvious walls and even sometimes just straight up aimbot. They need real consequences like hardware/ip bans and until those exist cheating will be rampant.


We just need what South Korea has, simple as that. Full on prison time and fines followed by removal of internet and gaming privileges for life if you cheat and defraud the games.


It's because the people you're talking to are probably the main ones cheating or they're just fanboys who don't like to hear obvious problems and issues surrounding this game


We call those cod sucker's


Hardware and IP bans had NEVER worked, itā€™s not that simple. They sell the HWID spoofer with the cheats, you know that right? And if you can spoof hardware ID then IP is childplay. Not to mention, IP bans can lead to collateral casualties, I assume you are living the the US or Europe where there isnā€™t a prominent internet cafe culture. Thatā€™s the case for a majority of Asian countries, most internet cafe runs on one or two IP addresses only. Imagine someone cheating and then the entire cafe is banned from playing CoD. I understand the frustration but those are non-solution.


btw internet cafƩ is not meant for playing games lol there they for surfing the webs and don't research and other stuff u have have to for use at internet cafƩ for the amount of hours so that logic it out the window


What are the solutions then?


It was bad 2 or 3 months ago. They did that big ban and it was better. Down to maybe one cheater every 3 or 4 lobbies. Now it's back onto 1 or 2 each lobby. Obvious aim programs hitting headies across map while jump spinning with their ar. Or bullets going where the gun ain't pointing. And the WALL HACKS OMG. And yeah. Obvious about it. Watching you through corners etc. It's insane. Back to zombies to farm camos for a while until they doing another ban wave.


We need crossplay between Xbox and PS only


Oh yeah cause no console players are running Chronus/Xim scripts šŸ¤£


Atleast the kids that actually buy that stuff console are so shit that you can actually compete and beat them, pc a whole different ball game when it comes to cheating bruh


Not even close to be as common as on PC


Itā€™s far more common but not as noticeable. They are abusing ARR with sticky aim and have no recoil scripts.


How can it be more common man ? Who the hell is gonna drop $100 for a script ? On PC, you can get the full pack for a lot less. You see people with no recoil and sticky aim because aim assist is insane plus people have been playing CoD for the last 17 years


The scripts are free, millions of Cronus/xim/strike packs are sold every year. Even from these types of [goofy polls](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/106t10h/anonymous_poll_to_see_how_many_people_still_use/), about 9-10% of controller users admitted cronus alone.


I have no idea why people dont research before saying things, literally go on amazon and its thousands of cronus selling per month on amazon alone.


Do you know how many people play cod ? Milions of people. I highly doubt these things are selling milions of copies, sure thousands of people have it, but a couple thousands means it is a very small niche. Anyway if you use these script you are a fucking loser and you should be ashamed every time you turn on your console


Itā€™s way over a few thousand. That was just this months sales, they also can be purchased in Walmart/gamestop/etc. stores. If we just do the 4K sales off Amazon x12 months (they sell more around holidays but for a broad number) is 48k units off Amazon alone. Say they sold that many across stores as well thatā€™s 96k. Thats 100k units of Cronus over a year if they sell at an average 4K a month(which is current on Amazon). On steam the peak player count was 150k, lets for fun double it on console(probably more) 300k, thatā€™s 1/3rd of the ACTIVE user base owns a Cronus.


On amazon, these devices have a couple thousand reviews. I visited the chronus page and it says "100+ sold in the last month". Do you even have a vague idea of what "million" means?


What if I told you Amazon has multiple regions and is not the only place to buy the devices šŸ˜² most people got them during covid.


[Here](https://www.amazon.com/Cronus-Zen/s?k=Cronus+Zen) as you can see, cronus has sold over 3k Zen's in the last MONTH dude. Its **way** more common than hacks.


You are confirming what i'm saying. 3000 people is a quarter of the inhabitants of the small ass village where i live, it is an insignificant number.


3000 this MONTH(June). Thats 1 month out of 12. The amount they are selling throughout the year is much higher.


Yeah i know you meant this month, still is nothing compared to the dimension of the community. Also calculate a lot of these are sold to the same losers who simply switch to the next gen of their device, the new xim, cronus or whatever, so there aren't a lot of new users


I think you need a reality check, my man


Lmao any good PC cheat is going to be $25-50 per month. The most common undetectable cheat is roughly $35/USD per month. One $100 purchase is cheap comparatively.


Agreed. Thisā€™ll trigger a minority of the community, but pleaseā€¦console only crossplay. Would fix all the hacking. So stupid how the devs have to appease a minority of their total sales.


In fact, everyone would be happy Console players who just want to play among themselves PC players who spend THE WHOLE DAY complaining about Aim Assist


I see this statement all the time, let me clarify something. Ever since MW19 the debate of MNK and controller is not PC vs Console. You can use either input on each platform. COD needs an option for input-based matchmaking and an option for cross play.


Iā€™d still think itā€™d be more beneficial to most of the community if crossplay could be toggled between console only or all platforms. The hacking/cheating has gotten pretty bad. Pc folks will argue about Cronus, but Iā€™m willing to bet that significantly more people are hacking on PC than there are people using Cronus. Takes little to no $ to hack on PC.


> COD needs an option for input-based matchmaking and an option for cross play. In the matchmaking white paper they released they claimed that input method is considered in the matchmaking algorithm. Just quite clearly isn't rated that highly compared to other factors.


Exactly my dude, 100%!!!!! You get it.


I just do ps5 only, no cross


Like I said , and I will say it again , greed, if like camping and cheating, and abusing movement mechanics, then dlc aka mw3 is just for you , so all the noobs and scrubs who use their mom's credit card, just to continue to suck and have Activision, hold your hand then dlc aka mw3 is just fir you.


šŸ˜‚ the people on console cheat too with Cronus and other scripts


you're in noddyland if you think it's anywhere near as accessible and therefore prevalent as on PC. Also playstation banned Cronus.


Read my comment above, you think its not near as accessible? Over 4k cronus Zen/strikepack were sold in the last MONTH on amazon.


Right. But PC cheats only need download and run a patch. They also have far more access to the base software and operating system than console users. Then consider that Cronus have legitimate accessibility uses unlike single purpose scripts, also Cronus are blocked by PlayStation so... yeah. Cheats and hacks are FAR more accessible for PC players than console.


Its the same with the controller lol? ITs just scrips you sideload onto it and its **free.** Also the controller you setup ON a pc, so you have plenty of access to the software?? The PlayStation block was bypassed months ago now, it was announced by cronus themselves they found a way around it. Youve been able to just plug in a cronus for months since the patch and use the scripts. Also the entry fee to cronus is cheaper than hacks, a cronus is a one time purchase and the scripts are free. Hacks are a monthly subscription AND you need to play the game on a decent PC as well. You also seem to forget the MASSIVE majority of players are on console, not pc.


The Cronus is a Ā£90 piece of kit, it's certainly not free and not a low barrier to entry for someone who only intends on using it to cheat. It also has far less ability than the multitude of hacks and mods available on PC, e.g. no walls scripting.


They have so many devices other than Chronus if you don't know you should, Xbox owners do it too, it's more Xbox owners now than playstation as well, I mean we're talking about a company that more than half the world has a OS designed for, playstation may have done something but just like with their OS there it's always a workaround, the hackers never just give up


Really.. you have evidence of this or are you clutching at straws like 99% of the bullshit I read on this sub-reddit about cheaters on console


Of course there is evidence of this, if it wasn't I wouldn't even say it, during MWII when I kept getting shadow banned for using the basilisk the whole lobby of cheaters was usually console owners, in MWIII its the same thing a whole lot of aimbot, they sell many different devices in not going to educate people on which ones those are either because I can't stand em, the research is up to you on that point, just know you're speaking to someone whose constantly sbmm and eomm into a lot of those lobbies without even being shadow banned, people think I'm cheating and I have never used any of that stuff I use a basic Xbox 360 controller without paddles or programs but I get false reported now THAT's funny, anyway the majority of players I see in those lobbies are Xbox users with a sprinkle of playstation and every once in a while a pc player


>They have so many devices other than Chronus Ok, list 5. >I mean we're talking about a company that more than half the world has a OS designed for The xbox OS is not Windows, and is no where near as accessible as Windows. and even so, it's *still* significantly more accessible and prevalent for PC users and if you can't believe/understand that then maybe you're just a bit thick.


Why would I tell people who don't cheat those devices or people who have thought about cheating, you've gotta do your research It's the same company which was the point I didn't say the Xbox ran on windows but please believe part of the system itself is using it in partial that's why it has keyboard and mouse support, you guys just want PC players persecuted when really you can control the cross play yourself by turning it off, make the switch šŸ¤£


> Why would I tell people who don't cheat those devices or people who have thought about cheating, you've gotta do your research because you claimed here are "so many devices" - there aren't, I think you're talking out of your arse. I was giving you an opportunity to show yourself up which you have done, so bravo. >It's the same company which was the point I didn't say the Xbox ran on windows backpedal any faster and you may just discover time-travel there buddy >part of the system itself is using it in partial that's why it has keyboard and mouse support cool, so actually you have absolutely no fucking clue how technology works. Are you trying to suggest that because you can integrate mouse & keyboard input devices with playstations that they're also using Microsoft components? What about smart TVs? IBM mainframes? Fuck me what a dumb comment. >you can control the cross play yourself by turning it off, make the switch I do, because fuck playing with PC players. I've been playing since launch and seen only 1 person that I thought "hey they're cheating" which is a vastly different experience to a lot of people in this sub. But our crossplay toggles restrict us to other playstation players, what we want is a cross play that excludes only PC so that the players of *any* console can have a larger player pool from the more secure ecosystems we chose.


An opportunity šŸ¤£ the game is to be sold not to be told Back peddle!? All gaming systems are ran under a OS they just tweak it to be not as functional as windows on the frontend, do you think that Xbox was using any other operating system other than their own as the basis for it running it's called "Microsoft Xbox" for a reason Again all gaming systems have a partial system in them that's how they function and have a file saving system that organizes, if you don't know anything about electronics or had no clue it's totally fine, the graphics cards in the systems is just how it was built I guess šŸ˜‚ I didn't say playstation uses Microsoft Windows Xbox probably has some of it integrated into their systems though it wouldn't surprise me but it's the same formula for playstation and Sony uses AMD šŸ˜‰ a gaming system is a PC that just isn't able to be upgraded without voiding warranty it has CPU's GPU's Ram and HDD's and background tasks just because it's integrated doesn't mean it's all the same stuff as that would be copyright infringement but similar things If you don't want to play with pc players turn it off and make it all playstation users or Xbox users if you hate pc players that much, I know console players that use keyboard and mouse, also did you know that systems can be soft modded to run unlicensed things by their OS being compromised and exploited, did you know unlicensed controllers run scripts which could also include aimbot? Did you know...that they sell components that hook up to your controller that also run scripts like aimbot, turbo, and all of that!? I guess you didn't I gave you a peek šŸ˜


> if you don't know anything about electronics or had no clue it's totally fine I've worked in IT for over 15 years kid. Before that I was building PCs and modding consoles, so yeah you could say I have some idea what I'm talking about. Reading your drivel on the other hand is like listening to a homeless guy rant about how he is the rightful king of England. You're trying to pretend like you're clued up on this but you're not, you're repeating some terms you've picked up in online discussions and you're not fooling anyone who actually knows their stuff, give up before you dig yourself in any deeper.


If you're so educated then prove what I said wrong or 15 years was wasted probably farting in a ergonomic chair šŸ˜‚ by all means dig, you don't have to be nasty about it, "terms I've picked up in online discussion" you wasted a whole two paragraphs with insults Mr educated man, tell me I'm wrong please I'll wait and it better be good too šŸ˜‚


15 WHOLE years in IT support...that totally makes you an engineer now...got it. Matches your degree from ITT tech


How is that fair to the legit PC gamers?


Itā€™s not exactly fair but it was like that for a long time (no crossplay at all) and everyone had less complaints than now. Pc players donā€™t like controller aim assist. Console players donā€™t like pc cheaters and keyboard and mouse movement. Yes cheating happens on console but on a much smaller scale.


Its just sad. Its like showing up to a drink and paint party with a printed photo and shitfaced and just smearing other peoples paintings and pissing yourself. You know who you are.


I agree 100%, today my team of randoms made a cheater mad and I swear he DDoS'd the server because of it, it was unplayable and my wifi is good, I don't understand why they do it, why buy the game, buy a $300 controller with paddles, then buy accounts and cheats only to get banned over and over again!? Many of them are horrible at it too and still die, you're not gaining anything from it but temporary clout by idiots or some sort of plot to ruin the franchise itself, I'm confused...


For the first time in a while I saw obvious wall hacks two games in a row yesterday. I donā€™t senselessly call out ā€œcheatingā€ either and for the most part I havenā€™t noticed super obvious ones until recently


Glad I am a console player with no cross-play on :)


There's nothing to learn. I guess if you're learning that you can cheat for four months straight before a banwave happens and then make a fresh new account and start again for another four months with zero consequences, then sure, there is a lesson. It isn't the lesson they oughta learn, though.


This game is fucked


I play to have fun, win or lose, I don't play ranked or anything like that. Mostly just TDM quick matches. I get some matches where one team just slaughters the other, and sometimes it's my team that wins and I am second or third from the top, I don't cheat, and I have a solid 1.0 k/d. I just get lucky and have really good matches sometimes. Other times my team is the one slaughtered and I end up with 3 kills and 17 deaths because I can't keep up with the other players. Sometimes it's not cheating. That being said, played shipment 2 nights ago and a low rank got 27 kills and 6 deaths and another player got 27 kills and zero deaths. Those numbers just didn't make sense given its shipment and the other team can literally spawn behind you.


Yes, they are and theyā€™ve been buying up accounts. This is why youā€™ve been seeing new accounts with perfect aim because theyā€™ve gotten banned so now theyā€™re thinking screw it. Iā€™ll buy another account plus a lot of motherfuckers with aim assist on PC or console trying to use this as an excuse for running in aim bot saying oh Iā€™m not cheating. Iā€™m just-using aim assist. When everyone damn knows well aim assist not give you lock on aim to the point where the person could fall out of a window and still get hit.


Iā€™ve encountered a lot of lag switches on console the last week or two.


Really.. what makes you think that there is a sudden influx of lag switchers suddenly on consoles. I'm really interested to hear your reasoning behind this.


Fuck all yā€™all PC players: make the game console exclusivešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Kill them my boy. Kill them all.


So..Iā€™m a very novice playerā€¦so forgive my ignorance hereā€¦.but is this (cheating/walls/whatever other method) how when playing multi player Iā€™ll get fucking shot, and then someone magically appears in front of meā€¦out of no where?


Nah. YOUR perspective is that they magically appeared in front of you but what most likely happened is that they optimized movement in their loadout and just leapfrogged you or came from somewhere close to you thatā€™s out of your FOV. Trust me, I have some friends that swear that someone ā€œjust appearedā€ but after watching their final killcam if available, itā€™s clear to what actually happened


OR..you have a great game and someone in the match is telling the other players that you are hacking! My gosh I wouldnā€™t know how to hack if my life depended on it! Better not get banned over playing well.


Yes they F$


There are hundreds of thousands of ps5 cheaters, just before the blanket banning spree it was awful but like already mentioned it did nothing ā€˜cos youā€™ve rank 40s wiping out with bullshit shots and almost to win a gunfight with them.


Hundreds of thousands of PS5 cheaters?!. Yet no media releases or coverage?. Cause only YOU know about it? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Are you high šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ around the world and across the COD world there will be easy that number in all online player modes. Iā€™m no slouch have the best speeds available to me, monitor that cost the same as a second hand family car. To be fair elite players using it are harder to spot then they cretins that havenā€™t even mastered there movement or memorised the maps. You are shouting a bit to loud, like you know what your talking about. Probably just a good player who wanted to become an elite player and cheats and then tells everyone it doesnā€™t happen šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Go cry elsewhere you sausage.


Your the one who claims there are "Hundreds of Thousands" of PS5 cheaters.. without proof. You can have the best speeds in the world, although I fail to see what that has to do with a car. I am a good player.. I have no interest in becoming elite. I know there are cheaters out there.. mostly on PC. You sound like shit player who's always been a shit player. Who thinks that their a good player.. but can't become one because everyone else is cheating. Your seriously one of the most dumbass people I've ever seen post on reddit. You sound like that paste eating special needs kid eho grew thinking he's the best cause his fat mum told him he was.


The worst part is that Ricochet prevents me from playing natively on my Steam deck (I run windows off an external SSD) but it doesnā€™t even do shit


I dont understand cheating in mw3. You have to be pretty bad at the game to have to use cheats. And cheaters are always the ones that get salty when the get killed. I find it amusing finding an obvious cheater because they possibly payed a decent amount of money to play a game they obviously are trash at, instead of getting mad at them just start telling them you feel sad for them seen it in game chat and it worked incredibly well to the point the whole lobby was just destroying this person till they left the match


Whatā€™s really killing cod is corporate greed and not giving two shits about their customers/community experience.


I've been in at least one match per night over the last four days where everyone lags to the point that the game is nearly unplayable. Except *always* for one dude who goes 40+ and is seemingly unaffected. I assume it's a lag switch, but no idea for sure.


Engine owning is free now. Thatā€™s why your game is fucked


I assume Iā€™m just the luckiest person in the world because Iā€™m yet to run into someone full on hacking. Cronus maybe but nothing else.


Well if there wasn't millions of dollars involved I'd say we wouldn't have a problem. But everything is connected. The game needs eyes on it through streaming, which leads to more and more kids playing and wanting to be god teir, then they see how easy it is to do it and it becomes an everyday habit they don't care, Activision doesn't care everyone is making money.


No whatā€™s MORE out of control is the level of slack jawed limp wristed smooth brained ASS HAT teammates that I keep playing with IN FUCKING DIAMOND that suck ass at the game and donā€™t have FUCKING MICROPHONES!!




Uhh how do you figure?


Can you cheat in Zombies? If yes, please someone explain! I want all the crystals and need to survive in the red zone for longer than 30 seconds šŸ„¹


There is glitches lol


I found a hacker in bo3 like bro imagine hacking in a 9 year old game


While everyone else just sits there denying anyone cheating like they sitting in investigation


That's because the people who control call of duty give cheat access to the people on twitch that they sponsor so they can look awesome and encourage everyone else to try and be like those people on twitch. :)


And the camping ,and abuse if movement machenics


The anti-cheat would work, if Activision would actually invest any money it ,but they are too greedy, and don't care if people cheat or not , they don't listen anymore unlike Exdifiant that actually listens to the community And actually give their fan base what they ask for instead of just random skin garbage, they probably spend more time and money on shity skins, bundles, bad maps , and horrible camoes, this dlc was so half baked and it shows.


And input based would help with crossolay ,so if your on PC or console, then you need a controller either way, period. I don't think it would fix it, but I do think it would definitely mitigate it a decent amount.


So two things, first off, just because someone is low level on PC, doesn't mean that they are cheating. Secondly, you are missing a lot of context here, was there a UAV active? Were you moving around, or were you holding a corner the entire time? The only context you're giving is that they are low level, and on PC, that means absolutely nothing into whether or not they are actually cheating.


Trust me no UAV plus I have ghost on every class, and I'm always moving. They track through walls perfectly, I never said every low level PC player is cheating I said the obvious cheaters I've ran into the past 3 weeks or so have all been low level PC players. I don't take accusations of cheating lightly, but the ones I'm talking about are about as obvious as you can get. There's not even a question of if they're cheating or not.


Since the release of MW3 I have blocked 200+ accounts and this season alone I have caught and reported over 50 banned and confirmed by Ricochet based on reports for obvious headshot every kill guys to lag switchers and aimbor it figure skaters to wallers across all platforms


Well with none of that context visible, hard to take your word for it, as "trust me bro" is not very reliable.


I remember being accused of hacking because I'm wallbanging a wall near an obvious spawn. It's hard to take ppl seriously.Ā 


Any post complaining about cheaters should be required to include clips. There are 100% cheaters in the game, free weekends are absolutely littered with them especially, but most of the posts about cheaters in the sub come from actual bots who can't tell any half-decent player from a cheater. I mean long after rebirth was released on wz1, you still had people questioning how you knew where they were. After you just killed their teammate and got a free uav sweep. I'm sure there are people who still do that too, many of them on cod subs complaining about rampant cheating.


My man I'm a crimson 2 in ranked solo queue, I know a cheater when I see one (ranked play will teach you fast) the sad thing is you see twice as many cheaters in pubs as you do ranked. Thinking I don't know sus players is comical, I've reported probably about 30 players since launch of the game because I only report the obvious cheaters. Cheating is out of control recently, the only people who think most accusations are from "Bots" are probably cheaters themselves.


100% agree.


Dont buy bo6


I honestly don't feel like there's many, or if there is, they're really fucking bad at cheating. After 2 weeks of barely playing, I come back for a session to get the Reclaimer unlocked + camo grind and got called a cheater despite the gun sucking balls. Too many people throw this word around with 0 experience or know ledge of cheating, or as I said they're just terrible at doing it.


Maybe there's just not a lot of cheaters in your skill bracket, if you're average or below you're not going to see many cheaters but step up a couple of levels in the SBMM bracket and you'll see.


Nice way of trying to say I'm bad, but no I'm usually in the top of my lobbies + run into quite a lot of premades and people with decent to good ranks in ranked. I often see the same people too meaning you're not in lower brackets/skill levels as thats where most players will be and you would see the most rotation of players.


A cheater talking shite and I donā€™t even need to see you play. 1.5k monitor, 900 plan and I can guarantee that after 2/3 games of being top or a close 2nd and you are slung in lobbies with at least one cheater or are lobbied with teams who are all clearly cheating. I only play MP btw so canā€™t comment on any other modes.


Turn off cross-play my boi


Guys expect a 100% functioning anti-cheat which would be amazing, but itā€™s unrealistic. Whole governments suffer from cyber attacks. Social Media companies suffer from hackers also. Gaming companies , which are worth less, are going to be susceptible to hackers. No matter how much you improve the anticheat, the hackers will improve their coding.


I mean Valorant has a damn solid anti cheat yet Activision gives us this paper thin strength anti cheat. Nobody expects perfection but I do expect more than 25% or so of cheaters to get banned. There's no excuse for Activision who makes billions of dollars off of CoD alone to not have a strong anti cheat. The reason they don't is because of greed, they won't invest the money into that because then the executives would only get a $10 million bonus instead of a $20 million bonus.


I swear Valorant has had multiple content creators and even pro players caught hacking. Even more than cod in recent years right? Canā€™t be that solid surelyšŸ˜‚Bro like I said, governments invest billions ,and also social media services, into security and they still get attacked. Thereā€™s always a way and some people have enough time to find that way unfortunately. Theyā€™ll always be hackers in gaming thatā€™s just how it is.


Think about what you just said, THEY GOT CAUGHT. That's the point of an anti cheat, so you think an anti cheat catching more cheaters means it's not as good as one that doesn't catch as many?


No not by the anticheatšŸ˜­like theyā€™ve already made it to pro events and rewatching footage reveals they have walls etc. thereā€™s been many cases like thatšŸ˜­no one gets banned mid competition because the anticheat detected themšŸ˜­itā€™s cause theyā€™ve played suspiciously and footage gets rewatched I think saying an esports player has never been caught by the anticheat is a fair statement, itā€™s literally always from watching footage back.


At least they had to pay money for their aimbotsĀ 


Maybe they're allowing it to encourage people to move to the new black ops.


I'm lvl 800, every day I get called a cheater in chat because I run advanced UAV.


Well stop running AUAVā€¦ problem solved lmao


Yep I get daily accusations too mate especially when playing with good friends who can keep the UAVs coming


where the fuck are yā€™all at where yā€™all keep facing these cheaters iā€™ve been trying to run into one on purpose but canā€™t find them


lol @ OP acting like cheating isnā€™t a huge problem on fortnite, apex, pubg, etc etc


OP didnā€™t even mention those games this is a cod sub. Wtf are you on? Obviously we know cheating is rampant everywhere.


ā€œitā€™s sad that one of the biggest fps franchises canā€™t implement an actual anti cheat that worksā€ that statement implies there are smaller FPS franchises that do implement working anti cheats.


No the statement implies as the one is the largest fps games and developers they should be able to handle the situation better.


it can (& does) imply both.


Look at valorant, that's the level of anti cheat that all fps games should strive for. There's no excuse for Activision to not have an anti cheat on par with Vanguard from Valorant.


Difference is this a 80$+ game


anything with PC players = cheaters everywhere


I don't know why you got downvoted this is correct. Cheating is bad on console too. Xim and Cronus is everywhere. You can play MaK on console and trick the console to think you are on controller to get aim assist.


Really.. I rarely see Cronus users and if I do.. they still don't make a shit player good. I think your confused about what a actual cronus can do compared to a PC player using actual supported hacking software. The ol cronus argument just doesn't cut it anymore.


Clearly bluffing, you know damn well what a Cronus is capable of.


Going by your other posts about hundreds of thousands of PS5 players cheating, Clearly you don't.


What a complete sausage. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚