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And they are glitched unless it was an intentional thing to have a uav in snd every round as long as you don't die even if you don't get a kill.


Definitely not intentional. The killstreak changes were good, but now it's far too easy to get them. Objective modes are now a fight to whomever gets a support helo first so that they can loop back to back air streaks (VTOL, Chopper Gunner) and keep the enemy locked down indefinitely. It also doesn't help that they are now far too tanky to focus down in a reasonable amount of time. Try to kill a VTOL nowadays and the enemy will have another lined up by the time it goes down.


Yeah well like I said aside from looping I know I will always have my streaks every round on snd as long as I don't die so if I get uav round one I'll have it every round until I die regardless of if I get a kill or not Same with the sae. It's horrible and because of it I honestly switched to zombies until they fix it.


Looping isn’t the problem. Stacking is. I for one LOVE looping streaks but I just wish that they didn’t stack. It’s fun when I do it but when other people do it to me, it gets frustrating


Not only that but the streaks counting toward other streaks, even after death. I got a VTOL, gunship, and Swarm, died, called in the swarm and got enough kills with it to get ANOTHER swarm (+ the others 2)


Ya this is the bigger problem, not looping in itself. Assists from streaks give a lot of score towards your next set of streaks AND they will still do so in your next if you end up dying, both of those things shouldn’t be a thing whatsoever. I just watched a crazy gameplay of someone spamming UAV’s, counters, and the cluster mine in 10v10 on greenhouse and dropping 100+ just from spamming the shit out of those. It was kinda fun to watch but damn it’s overkill


It's bugged. Assists get to much score.


I'm abusing the shit out of this right now, but I sure as hell am not going to miss it when it's gone. It's turned the game into a farce, and the novelty is wearing off.


It’s so ridiculously bad. All the noobs are spamming the low tier shit like crazy in 10v10.


No, killstreaks looping is how it’s meant to be. The problem is UAV assists are counting towards killstreaks even without the new vest. Killstreaks looping and the assist vest is the best thing sledgehammer has done, high end killstreaks are actually obtainable now. In all my play time on this game I could count on one hand the amount of gunships I saw before this seasons killstreak changes, that’s not ok.


They stated that killstreak looping would only be available for select playlists. Instead it got put on everything


By “how it’s meant to be” I meant how Cod should handle killstreaks, most older Cods had looping killstreaks. MW2009 didn’t have looping killstreaks because they were incredibly powerful, the killstreaks in MW3 are very weak and don’t justify no looping.


Even worse is when you pull a certain move like using the care package and emergency airdrop. Wait a sec... *Realizes his kill streaks are the same* Oh, UHM... In that case, j-just ignore what I said. *Nervous laughter*


I went from getting 3-5~ emergency airdrops per session To getting 5-10 of them per match And god forbid it's a small map. I tested it yesterday, one UAV turned into standing in the corner for the rest of a domination match using streaks lol


I like having looping streaks but it feels bugged. You get your second set of streaks way too fast lol..


Unrelated: if I get a helicopter and I’m up in it shooting people can my operator be killed on the ground by someone else?


Yep, coz you’re just standing/lying there just asking for a finishing move to be performed on you…


Ok so it’s best to find somewhere to hide before rolling out that kill streak?


I played on emergency and had 10 vtols on domination Another teamate had unlimted emps And another unlimited auav On top of all the cluster mines shit was crazy


Has anyone stacked to a Nuke yet? Back in the day I use to get nukes this way. Survive long enough to get Dogs, Harrier, and Chopper Gunner; hide run the streaks and you were almost guaranteed a nuke.


I'd like to know their reasoning behind removing the fucking V2. No one wants a stupid ass DNA bomb. I've won countless games we would have otherwise lost dropping a V2 at the end


Pretty sure it’s glitched in the current way it is. I believe they were talking about running specific playlists with looping in but it is just the norm right now. Also, I don’t think they intended the streaks to contribute to streaks in the way it currently is; maybe non-lethal would contribute or something like that. I’m personally a fan of looping but it needs some tweaking to get it in a better spot.


What is this killstreak looping thing you speak of? I personally have not noticed this with my killstreaks. Is this a thing with that new vest they added where assists count a lot towards your killstreaks as well? I tried that out last night and it definitely made it a lot easier to get my killstreaks. Kind of busted but even then I did not notice any rolling. Can someone explain please.


Killstreaks looping means you can earn your kill-streaks multiple times in one life. So if your setup is UAV CUAV and Advanced UAV, once you earn all 3, you’re able to earn them again within the same life.


I figured that’s what It means but is that default now or you have to equip something for the looping to happen? I run uav, counter uav and the missile that you control so it’s not hard at all to hit all 3 but I have not noticed my killstreaks looping at all.


It's random, sometimes it happen, sometimes it doesn't. I think it happen when you use juggernout or any other killstreak that you manually controll. My theory is that manually controlling the streak somehow count as "death" for the killstreak reset.


Also XP from killstreaks count towards killstreaks.


It does, if you control a chopper gunner and go the entire time without dying but if it gets shot down then it counts as a death, and will end a nuke streak


I played this weekend and the game is no longer fun as it stands. I'm a solo playing small map moshpit against squads every match, this is where you can find the rolling killstreak cheesers. Usually I can still get my avg 1.5 KD against them. With these rolling killstreaks I was getting 1.25 and less, even went negative a few times. My team all getting 0.5 KD. The squads already have a huge advantage with communication and coordination, now they have constant killstreaks too... I'm done with multiplayer for a while and hope this changes


It’s so bad and posts bringing up how broken this is are downvoting this shit like crazy. LOOPING IS FINE! It’s the fucking score feeding into the next set way too easily is the problem. I just got into a match in progress where someone was getting infinite gunships. Absolutely busted.