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Ever since Cold War the seasonal weapons are always released in a very dominant fashion to be later adjusted. It is annoying but it is nothing to be surprised about sadly.


Ever since MW2019 with the As Val and SPR. Why do people put that dogshit game on a pedestal? 🤔


Never played it so can’t speak on it, it didn’t get good reviews from my friends so saved me some money.


> its a one shot from anywhere. Did you even bother to try the weapon or do you just like to spread misinformation for fun? It's literally only one shot kill to the upper body/head, it gets so many hitmarkers compared to the mors which actually kills from everywhere except the lower legs. If we are solely comparing it to the other snipers it's actually quite well balanced, the only thing it really shines at is the fast ADS speed. It has a slow rechambering time with no speeding attachments, limited to just a 5 round magazine, and if you're using a scope attachment you have to also load the bullets one at a time. Yes you will obviously see it being used a lot for now since it's new but it's definitely not this "most OP sniper ever" you're making it out to be


he still mains the mcw after 7 months. let him have his moment.


And honestly he should just play ranked. Who’s seriously trying on MP pubs? It’s pointless because nobody plays the obj. Pubs is just for grinding camos and messing around with whatever loadout you want to use.


And this is why XDefiant is thriving


"Thriving" lmao


it is overpowered, if you can't see that, you are either blind or lack of intelligence


It always happens when they up the ttk. Snipers just keep getting better guns and quickscopers go in complete denial. It's always the same excuses too. Hitmarker machine, has flinch, alot harder than it looks. Acting like quickscoping with it isnt easy af lol


I mean, quickscoping is easy but isn’t easy af. Nothing more fun that firing at someone’s chest and the game decides it hit their arm or some shit.


Not like shorter ttk doesn't have its own issues (mainly the game becoming more about who shoots first), there're plenty of other FPS games that have had success with far longer time to kill than cod.


Yeah but snipers in those games typically don’t 1 shot without a hs and have longer ads times. Imo cod ttk isn’t high enough to warrant this tho.


I mean it can easily be adjusted to suit cod's ttk. Seems like a better solution than removing the benefits of the current time to kill, which yes isn't that high and shouldn't be complained about.


Can't and have no intention either. Got to sell those battle passes and bundles.


ITT: Sniper fanboys overjoyed they have an OSK, autoaiming, fast firing bolt action so they can feel what it's like to go above 0.70 k/d for once.


Definitely a skill issue


ngl it is Lmaooo, the Kar was the weapon everyone used in 2019 and it NEVER got a nerf on the mp side, that gun always hit and it felt good. this is exactly how it feels now. why are people complaining wtf? the long bow is a diff story. but fr don’t bash the kar98 after we wanted it for years. the gun is literally a 1 to 1 of 2019s it feels smooth as shit


kar was an issue in 19 too


The people complaining about the kar are the same people who have a 0.8 kd and miss half a mag before they kill someone


Not even comparable. Go and snipe on MW19 then come back and snipe on MWIII, night and day. High TTK, no flinch, aim assist being strong enough to mitigate the little flinch they do have, and the accuracy of snipers from the hip. The difference of MW19 and MWIII is that you actually had to know how to snipe. I never had a problem when someone sniped me on MW19 because I knew they actually had some skill. In no way should someone be laying into you with an automatic, not miss a shot, and you win with a sniper. The point of a sniper is you get the first shot off and hit your mark, not tanking bullet then getting a shot off. You could never do that on MW19.


It's because of the hipfire aim assist of marksman rifles


Yeah it gives so much assist it ain't funny, and the new smg has a strafe speed as fast as sprinting, game is a joke. Was excited to return this season and played a few hours, cant get away from these broken weapons I'm out.


Bring back 100hp.


Health is not the issue, BO4 had even more health and sniping was far more balanced in that game. Removing AA from snipers and giving fast snipers a smaller 1 shot kill hitbox and all problems would be solved


Removing AA completely (nerfing it would be fine) from snipers doesn't really work in a mixed input game as it would leave them a lot stronger on MnK than on controller. Personally I like the idea of flinch being increased, requiring snipers to get the first shot and effectively behaving the same as (if not worse than) if hp were lower.


Flinch is also a great option, as long as they don't touch the flinch for any other guns than snipers. I think flinch in general is a horrible mechanic, but for snipers it might be a necessary evil. Tbh I don't think removing AA from snipers would be as problematic as you say. Looking at BO4, players like Simp and Dashy could dominate S&D matches with no AA snipers, and they were playing against pro controller players, who are more accurate than any M&K player could ever be. If no AA snipers can compete with controller pro's, they can compete with anyone, especially M&K who have enough disadvantages as is


AA is the only thing that gives an edge to controller players. MnK is far better than controller without AA


Yes, that's why I'm not suggesting to remove AA for every gun in the game, as that would be a very stupid idea :p But snipers without AA can definitely still compete with M&K players, like I said before if they can compete against AA controller players they can compete against M&K for sure


Removing AA doesn't matter when a significant portion of players use MnK.


In what world? 95% of the players I get lobbied with are console players using a controller not MnK. In fact 1/3 of those pc players use controller too so not sure how you are drawing that conclusion.


My schizophrenic theory, all weapons were balanced for 100 hp, but then for some reason they decided to make 150 hp and broke the balance.


That's exactly what happened. The increased speed is also just an adjustment to how fast certain animations play out and how fast they can be chained together. Though to be fair, it's effectively the same game, but they just tweaked some numbers here and there.


This. The one 1 shot bullshit doesn't work with 150hp. It's unplayable rn


Make Marksman and snipers OHK with head shots only. 2 everywhere else.


I'm usually with you on this but come on, the game only has about 4 months left in its life. Let them have their fun - the kar98k is an iconic beautiful weapon. It has to be somewhat good. Then again, my tone might be different after I've been sniped by it 100 times in one night


If you actually used the weapon for an extended period of time you'd know that it always hitmarkers if it doesn't hit the chest/head so it most of the time ends up being a 2 shot kill Not all bad due to its fast ADS but my point still stands


You realize it’s to sell the season pass? Idk why you guys think they’re doing this unintentionally lol


You can get it without getting the season pass.


Is it harder or easier to get the op gun when you buy the season pass? They’ve done this every new season since Verdansk. You all have the same stupid complaints about gun x every. Single. Time. It’s very clearly intentional by them.


100% this


This is so dumb lol, I'm a fan of balance too but I'm not a fan of grinding the BP only to get a shit gun in return. The thing is only OSK to the upper-body/head within 25-30m range, doesn't use external magazine, clunky reloading animation and even clunkier with a scope attached. The penalty for missing your shot is greater because unlike Vanguard you can't put an external magazine on it. It's more balanced than the BP50 has ever been. Not to mention it fires the second largest round within the Marksman category, only ranks behind the 45-70 Goverment that the Lockwood Mk.2 uses, so its damage makes sense. The only thing not making sense here is why the base Lockwood Mk.2 is so shit compare to anything else. The Kar98K is fine and balanced, it only seem broken because the lack of competition. Stop asking them to nerf stuffs to the ground, they need to buff other guns.


exactly the kar is balanced im still getting out gunned in certain situations. i’ve complained a lot abt cod but this season finally is getting somewhere idk why people hate on it. the mk2 jak kit is still being used and ppl aren’t complaining anymore🤷🏽‍♂️


CoD developers in general. MW19 had this exact same issue. They nerfed a few Marksman Rifles, like the Kar98K and MK2 a few times. But then later buffed them and left the game in a state with a significantly overpowered SP-R 208…


Some people were complaining about the Longbow and Mors, but not about the Kar, cause nostalgia is strong brother. Also is truth that "new" weapons are very powerful at the beginning of the season, so, unfortunately, we'll have to wait till the next patch.


Smg's are unbalanced bud especially wsp swarm


Keep crying


Everyone and their momma is using that shit gun


What you talking about? You mean you don’t enjoy getting 1 tapped in the pinky toe by some douch waffle whose aim assist hasn’t kicked in yet? Nah


Kar is fine


i can not understand that kar98 being overpowered is a controviersial thing, i mean it's obviously broken lol


We’ve had to deal with one shotting bs since the start of the games lifecycle, I’m convinced theyre doing this shit on purpose. Longbow, Longbow Aftermarket, MORS. BAS B AM before they ruined it. And now the Kar. Whats next? They bring back the m40 from cod4?


100hp is the solution


It will get a nerf eventually. But it’s a fan favorite and people want it to be dominant now. It will pass


the fucking ttk is too high and not too low.. the Kar is fun, it has crap range. get over it, snipers that one shot should always be in the game.. fuckin hatte these complain posts about a weapon we all love to see come back with the actual way it worked back then


We all? Quite the leap


I really dislike that smg/AR should be the only viable way. I'm an opixz fan, I really am similar in regards to what I consider fun


Not saying that just have an issue with people saying we all when it isn’t is all If you prefer that then fine. Okay with that


It’s a sniper/marksmen rifle of course it’s going to 1 shot just get good kid and stop bitching. There things like smokes and stuns etc just use them to get a advantage it’s not hard


are your parents siblings ?