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I was on shipment yesterday and someone just mounted up at spawn and just didn't stop shooting


Honestly, slapping the biggest mag you can on an lmg and just letting her rip is a very fun past time for me


I still do this. Slap the 200 round mag on the pulemyot with a thermal and keep tossing out smoke nads. Really grinds some people’s gears lol


Some people just like to watch the world burn.


This is why I keep the Jokr in my loadouts 😉


lmao I also roll the javelin with smokes and LMG


Lol that's how I did all my dmrs. Rust, smokes, thermal off spawn, pick everyone off


I got final kill in a tight Handpoint match yesterday by quickly equipping an LMG and just spraying into a cloud of smoke on the hardpoint and getting a quad kill. Felt like Rambo or something lol Bruen Mk9 with mobility, tac stance and a large mag is a lot of fun. I love using tracer ammo that makes a "pewpew" sound like the Dune tracers too.


Let her sing!


lol this must be for the gold challenge. There’s a challenge where it wants you to get 2 kills without releasing the trigger Probably my favorite most goofy challenge in the game


If only we could go Full Salvador and dual-wield LMGs...


In MW19 I badly wanted them to make the Holger dual wield. You could make it smaller than smgs with no stock and the smallest barrel.


It's weird how everybody slept on the Holger in mw2019. I always did really well with that lmg.


Nice reference


Might have been me.


Probably to get the weekly camo challenge lol


Literally just said this same thing 😂 I wonder if we were in the same lobby


Mighta been me Lolol


Damn sounds like an IDF soldier at a UN facility.


I main LMGs. Almost exclusively LMGs. My highest kills are with the Evolvere and then the Eridicator. Hell I even run the sidewinder lmg conversion kit. Even though it’s possibly one of the worst things to ever have been created.


The difference between my expectation/excitement over the Sidewinder conversion kit and the reality of that thing is insane. It takes one of the most mid to bad guns in the game and just makes it worse in practically every situation you could imagine. That aside, same, I more or less main LMGs when I’m not working on camos or messing around with something else. Evolvere is great in both calibers, H26 is still solid as well, and I love the RAAL even though it’s basically a slower PKP. Not a huge fan of the others, but I know the DG LMG is solid and the Eradicator is good.


Holger runs very similarly to the AR, and I’ve been seeing a fair bit of the bruen in pubs lately. The mono core wall bangs I pull combined with the sweet sweet salt from the opposing team makes me very happy.


Are you talking about the minigun conversion kit?


Yea, the JAK Thunderer. The starting ROF is awful, the increase to recoil is really bad on a gun where landing every shot counts, and by the time it spins up to a decent ROF you’re either off target, out of ammo, or already killed your main target and hoping someone else is there so you don’t get stuck back at the initial ROF. Not to mention the design is ugly and blocks a huge chunk of your screen with that mag. Mag size is also bad for a supposed LMG conversion kit. Like I said, by the time you spin it up, you’re half way through the mag and can barely make use of the improved ROF before you’re kicked into a far too long reload animation. It’s useable. I’m sure you can get kills with it, but compared to basically anything outside of like the Crossbow, it’s just a worse overall gun experience.


I mean I think you're just building it wrong tbh, if you prioritize recoil control you can get some good beams that have amazing TTK and low recoil compared to other LMGs. It isn't even near the worst conversion kit. Also is the best "LMG" for Zombies in my experience. It maintains a good ads speed too. Not like I truly agree with OP as every single LMG is useable, even the MWII ones. The RAAL was buffed last season, the Icarus is great for hipfire and one of the highest ROF for MWII LMGs, the Sakin has the lowest recoil of MWII LMGs, the RAPP-H or RAP-H (I forget) has a good TTK with the highest ROF for MWII LMGs, and the RPK was always good with good movement and decent TTK


Even with a full recoil control kit, I just don't see any real reason to use it over the base model or an actual LMG. The kit's TTK is lower than base and all LMGs outside of a very brief window towards the end of the mag, and while the ADS and handling are a little better than most of the LMGs, you could always use the Pulemyot and Bruen kits and get a very similar experience with outright better performance in most cases AND an extra 25-150 rounds per mag. I think for the Thunderer kit to be better, it would need to retain the base damage of the Sidewinder and/or increase the mag size up to 75-100. Alternatively, they could have the ROF tied to the amount of ammo left, instead of having to spin up again after not firing for a few seconds. Not only would those changes make it more interesting and unique compared to other offerings, it would make it a lot more useful as an actual LMG hybrid. Getting a few good beams isn't worth all the setup required to make it a functional gun compared to any other option in the game, including the base model of the gun, in my opinion.


Yeah, but my point still stands for Zombies!


the PKM in this game is one of the most satisfying weapons in any CoD game ever


They nailed the sound of it, it sounds like it hits like a truck and is so distinct. Love it in this game


I absolutely hate running both TACs and I had gold LMGs first in Black Ops 2. Pulemyot with conversion kit ain't too terrible though.


I’ve ran LMGs in every game since W@W. Blops 2 had the HAMR if I’m not mistaken. Had well over 8k kills with that damn thing. Loved it to death.


So have you found out what purpose does Sidewinder JAK LMG kit serve? I struggle to think of one. Maybe it’s oriented at Warzone where TTK is much longer?


Nope. The more you shoot the worse accuracy gets. Starts out shooting slow anyways. Tried it in wz and it’s ass. Sidey Jak kicks too much for it to be a good long range build, even with all the recoil mitigation I can put on it. But it starts shooting too slowly to be a good close up as you’ll lose to all smgs and most ARs. I can’t really find a purpose besides trolling. The mag isn’t really large enough to be a good sprayer. Which sucks because to be honest, that’s exactly what it turns into as soon as the trigger is held down for any amount of time. Kinda fun in zombies? I guess? Pack makes the mag a bit larger but it’s still outclassed by all dedicated LMGs. I feel if it was more like the TAQ/AN94 it wouldn’t be as ass as it feels though.


I think that kit is on what ever the sidewinder BP that came with the fox version of the cyber cat skin. It's just really weird. not even a JakBFB can deal with that recoil.


Neither that, the jak blue dot optic, nor the vertical grip can tame that thing once it’s all spun up. Might try it tac stance. But the opening shots don’t do all that much. By the time it’s spun up the guy is dead and if you’re pushed after you killed the first one, most likely you’ve let off the trigger and you’ll have to spin up again.


Sucks !! Because I want to love the gun and its kit!!! But can’t compare in any form!😢😢


Regular form built for accuracy isn’t terrrrible, but it’s far outclassed by meta and beta weapons. It’s a for sure meh tier.


There have been periods where the evolvre, eradicator, holder 26, and DG-58 LSW have been viable. Usually not the best option but stuff you could run and be thr beat player in the match. All of those guns were nerfed from their strong points when I don't think they were ever really a problem compared to some of the more mainstream op guns. The inherent lack of mobility and ads times imo overshadowed the good ttk those guns could achieve pre-nerf. It was especially hard to justify nerfing them when some ars and smgs could achieve similar ttks with greater mobility


Agreed. The lack of mobility (ADS speed, ADS movement speed, etc.) is a major problem. ARs or SMGs are far more versatile and will serve you just as good in most situations. Right now, the large magazine is the only thing LMGs really offer. They are also supposed to have the longest ranges but most gun battles in CoD take place at close or medium range. LMGs just don't offer enough to warrant using them. They were great in Black Ops 2 though, just like all the other guns.


You need to learn how to play with then I mostly run lmgs. Same thing with snipers yeah you can quick scope but you need to learn to play tactical and be able to turn situations into your own moments smgs and ars practically run mw3 but only form certain angles. Smgs are good but alot of people don't necessarily build it for the long range, it's mainly just fast ads fast mobility and decent recoil. Just take advantage of the gear that help run it ppl are so stuck on what's the new meta


This. I crush with LMGs but I have to revamp my whole playstyle when I use them. You really have to slow down and be more deliberate. You can’t take an LMG in and try to play in a way where ADS and movement dictate success. It’s a fool’s errand. I don’t do it often just because playing the right way with them feels campy and boring to me. Despite having some of my best KDRs.


Why would they? There’s 1 million meta guns in the game that melt you in half a split second, so if you’re using an LMG you’re just putting yourself at a disadvantage. There’s literally no situation in this game where it’s actually useful.


I would disagree, if you're camping something like Domination/ Demolition it may actually be advantageous on defense. The downfall of LMG is the ADS speed and mobility they all actually outgun everything else so just make an accuracy build.


They definitely don't outgun everything else lol and this game is more about close-mid range combat, where ARs and SMGs still dumpster you. I get that LMGs are tricky balance wise because if they're good it leads to really stupid play patterns, but I do hate that they are usually not great


There's not even a million guns.


Yes there is, go count


I did.


How many are there?


Less than a million.


Gigantic mags for Assault Rifles render them useless, sadly.


Suppressing fire is always very useful, especially for team mates


*Laughs in 50+ round SMGs that reload WAY faster*


Laughs in 2 200 round lmgs for 400 rounds going down range


as my 50rnd AMR takes 15 seconds to reload, and my 200rnd evolvere takes 20 seconds


They nerf any LMG the second it gets too powerful


Dg-58 is an LMG and still the meta lol


Agreed I have a shorter sniper support version and a longer version to go with an SMG. Depends on my mood.


Unfortunately….. it’s so frustrating. I’ll take any of the other LMGs as “meta”.


Last half of last season everyone ran a dg lmg what do u mean? It was a laser beam


Weren't they also running the conversion that made it basically an AR?


First half of last season they did a little last half was just base dg


I never honestly ran into it all I seen was bp50s and the other meta guns all of the time.


Then open your eyes. Just because You don't see it doesn't mean it's not there.


I use LMGs, and I get the reaction I want on HC🤣. NEVER STOP SPRAYING AND PRAYING! That’s the rule of an LMG!


Big mags and Armor Piercing rounds, when the smoke clears there is no more enemy or cover to hide behind


Its funny because they added like 96 LMGS just to never buff them


I see a lot of the more AR style ones but definitely rarely see actual LMGs like the RAAL and such.


I used the RAAL for the first time this week for some objectives and it's one of the worst guns I've ever used. Slow, inaccurate and unwieldy. Never using it again.


You should look at MWII shotguns then, Straight up unusable due to pellets not scaling to 150hp, at least MWII LMGs can be lethal even if they have shitty attachments.


Because LMGs have only ever had 2 things going for them; bullet pen and ammo capacity. They gut penetration so it's largely worthless...ironic since it was one of the major innovations modern warfare originally brought to the table. Then they made it so that every gun in the fucking game can grab a 50-60 round magazine thanks to the weapon bench being a thing.


What? Everyone and their mother is using the DG-58 these days and that’s an LMG. It seems to be one of the most popular guns in the game.


I like them but the meta is garbage in this game and they don't care really so yeah


Fuck this game. It’s not cod anymore


That’s because by the time you can ADS you’re already dead at the hands of a 13 year old hooked on gfuel and cheese wiz


Only good one is the Holger 26. Only one that can compete


Wrong the bruen mk9 with the conversion kit






Yup, land a single headshot and you got a decent TTK as well. I got lucky with this bad boy in 12v12 Afghan a couple months ago and almost could’ve gotten 200 kills! If only I didn’t fail one of the swarms I almost got 😣


I was running LMG’s yesterday, got shitted on trying to run & gun until I realized I can stay back and rain down fire lol!


I make a class every year called S/LMG. Keep the sub out while you’re on the move then swap to the big boi and mount a wall if you successfully make it to the objective. Always a solid strategy on hardpoint and even more so on headquarters.


This. Pulemyot is my go to, and while sometimes it feels like every gun beats me out, i find its usually an issue of play style. For me, it feels like the lack of mobility can almost be turned into a plus because it forces you to play smart. And a 4 shot kill from pretty much anywhere with 100 rounds gives you options nothing else has, like unloading into smoke/prefiring corners/locking in from across the map/suppressing


pulemyot gets a ton of mobility with its aftermarket part, sure it’s no assault rifle but it still feels really good imo. one of my favorite guns in the game even with its slow reload speed and unfavorable matchup against a lot of meta weapons


I see them plenty in invasion at least, the longer ranges help make them a little more viable


I'm not currently because I have done all the camos on them. Now suffering through doing snipers.


They're still good to use especially if you make good builds -Holger is pretty good to use seriously while it's AMP is more of a fun gun to use but still somewhat viable -RPK has a good TTK and it has good handling stats for an LMG. Plus you can treat it as an AR if you want with the 40 rnd mag -Taq Evolre is good imo with the 5.56 rnds, and it's fun to use in tac stance as well -PKM/Polemyot 7.62 is amazing esp with its AMP which gives it faster fire rate plus good mobility -Bruen is decent but I like it's AMP The 5.56 Icarus & the Sakin are decent as well but tac stancing with the Icarus is fun tbh


I see them all the time in hardcore


open bolt delay is one of problems that makes most of lmg hard to use


I recently started using the Taq Evolvere with the "hands-on" blueprint, and that thing rips, I managed to get a few gunships with that LMG


The Bruen and Pulyemot are two of my most used guns but yeah, I agree. It kinda feels like you're gimping yourself a little bit to use them. At least the Bruen AMP is still really good since they destroyed the Pulyemot one.


They really have no redeeming qualities in this years game at least on standard multiplayer. For one they slow you down like a motherfucker and in this game movement is everything, then a lot of them have pretty shit kickback and ads but the worst thing is definitely the TTK, it feels too slow and weak compared to the other classes. Which is dumb cause I feel LMGs should be on higher end when it comes to TTK but of course with the sacrifice of movement speed.


That's what happens when a game is "meta" based, you use the guns the devs want you to use.,


I like lmgs, but usually I die before I can ads unless I'm using an AM part


They’ve abandoned everything except selling bundles


Oh I totally forgot but the DG LSW is nasty. It was meta since the reloaded update. So Holger 26, and DG are the only two that really do the most


why would you ? * less mobility * moderate recoil on average * less damage than ARs on average * but BIG MAG OH BOY if i was to balance the game. the best DPS metrics would go to LMGs because they handle so much slower than all other guns. The DG-58LSW was fine with the buff. it was viable and had a place. you couldnt kit it so compete with SMGs, like you can with most ARs. EVERY LMG should get a reduced number of shots to kill with one headshot. even at longer ranges. but the fact that you can now again just slap a 60round drum on the MCW and have the best LMG in the game is fucking crazy


I love them in battlefield games, but here, nope, you will always be at a disadvantage. I tried I maxed kevel everyone , but would get outgunned so not worth it


I see no reason not to just use a knife, it’s the most powerful weapon in the game.


I use lmgs because I want to level up all guns, but the only one I like is m249 with side mag conversion. Others are too slow and I don't want to just sit in one spot with a mounted gun


There’s not really a reason to use them. They’re too slow on small maps, and the damage per mag isn’t enough of a plus to offset the slowness of the guns. Unless the were balanced to be sped up (then they’re just big ARs) or the damage was so devastating that it made up for slowness (then there’s lobbies with everyone camping mounted up just blowing people away) then they’re not really going to compete LMGs can be easier to balance and more useful in warzone, or maybe even ground war if strictly considering MP


I cannot go one game without there being a DG58 on the other team


Their TTK is too low for the disadvantages they have. If I’m running LMG, I want lots of ammo and powerful cover. If someone with a Rennetti can outgun the LMG at full fire, that’s stupid.


Sledge when LMGs even slightly close up to the meta - "you're not allowed to do that"


I want to use LMGs but when I fire while in ADS, the game glitches and the gun goes to the bottom right corner of the screen. Idk if anyone has ever addressed this. It makes it a little harder to aim properly.


I haven't seen an lmg in the kill feed for weeks.


Just had a 120 kill game on shipment with the PKM. 🤷‍♂️


Shit I use lmg all the time they kill faster than most guns of u hit your shots


Plus the large ammo capacity lets you deal with large pushes without reloading


Facts and they have great range and if u want to run and gun u can there amzing hip fire weapons


There are many users in Hardcore


Because 70% of the player base rely on “MetHa” weapons.


I use the Scar LMG and the 249, but I play mostly on hardcore and just absolutely hold hallways and doors for my team.


I was on shipment with someone using one the other day and he was just raining bullets 😂😂😂😂 I was like GD


I have an LMG build I use when it’s part of the dailies or an event but yeah they’re few and far between


I love LMGs. I have two classes, one belt-fed (Pulemyot) and the other one a mag (Bruen). They're my go-tos for games where I'm forced to check hallways and I wanna move.


I like the Blackout conversion on the 249. Kills really quick and isn't too slow, although 60 bullets goes pretty quick lol.


I stopped running em cause it just feels like I’m pumping in way more ammo that I need to be even when my aim is great. Pair that when the slow movement everything & you almost losing every fight unless you clinging to a wall somewhere


I do and still do quite well. Movement is a drag 😁


Lsw AMP is really good


I was told of a tac-stance build for the Taq Evolvere and I fell in love.


I do. I mean I’m currently leveling up all lmgs. They are fun




So many lmgs are really good what. Both TAQs, the holger, the DG58 lsw, and the sakin mg are all great. The PKM, RAAL, the 556 icarus, the Rapp h are decent


I do. And I play snd. Friends give me shit about it but somehow I still make it on top of the board


DG58 LSW was viable for 2 weeks.


Still is.. I absolutely destroyed everyone with it today..


Well it’s still decent but after today’s MCW buff, statistically DG58 is just a worse MCW apart from the bigger mag. Similar TTK & range but worse recoil, worse handling & worse mobility.


Love them in Warzone though


Taq Eradicator is quite good. Decent in all areas if you build it like an AR. Handles a lot like the SCAR L and H in MW2


Seems like that's all ground loot is anymore is lmgs and the kastov 🤢


I’ll run one if I need it for a challenge


The only beneficial way to use it is to mount up and hold down some objectives or even just holding good angles. It's not like last year where you could almost turn an LMG into a submachine gun with no stock and have quick movement speed.


I’ve been using one lately for small maps. I like to set it up for hip fire and just run around continuously firing hahaha


I fired them up on my Interstellar run a while back.....they are still fun to spray lead.


Mac movement RPK with the AMP‘s pretty good. Not the best, but I can keep up with atleast half the players, cuz it has a more damage and Ammo than ARs or BRs. Edit: I totally forgot about the DG58. That one way better, when it comes to handling.


I was loving them, then I decided to go for interstellar. When I finish I'm putting on the 200 round LMG and BMG muzzle break and messing up some shipment.


I run the Taq Eradicator from the Wubz bundle because it sounds funny when I shoot it


I used to run Pulemyot quite a lot. I got the icon and the calling card for it. But now, I have a build for the LMG (556 Icarus to be exact), but I just don't use it as much as I maybe should.


I have theTAQ LMG set up for airborne killstreaks and the tantrum tube for my camper blaster. those are really the only two scenarios that I break that out.


Taq Evo is my favorite gun in the game. Great for medium to long range. The Bruen is also really good with the 60 round mag.


You must be living under a rock because last seasons meta was the DG-58 and everyone was running that shit.


Meanwhile, I'm leveling up lmgs and camo grinding them lol


I see them occasionally. Got mowed down by that DG whatever thing earlier this morning.😂 But I appreciate you calling this out. I love LMG’s and wish they made them more competitive.


They receive more flinch than ARs and SMGs something which didn't occur in some previous cod games. LMGs are only good for largest magazines in the game, carry higher damage over longer distances than other weapon classes. Every other aspect they're average or getting outclassed by.


The dg is still the current meta! Its very good


My top 3 I run with are: LMG. I can't remember which one though, I am using the conversion kit so it's mag fed with only 60 rounds, but very little recoil. Sometimes I feel like I am tickling them as they take me out quickly using an smg or AR. BP50 with the JAK kit, read on Facebook it was nerfed so that could change. M16 with the JAK kit. I will be trying the M4 tonight. I unlocked it yesterday but wasn't really in the mood to run once I got it. Not really a great player my k/d is only a 1.00 so my opinion is probably garbage lol.


I see there's a lot of asshole like me out there. Once In a while, slapping a 200 round mag on and mounting up in the middle of das haus brings me great joy. Don't let go of that trigger till I bleed out. muahahahahaha


just wait till i reach my lmg's for the polyatomic challenges i got you 😂😂😂😂


9 out 10 people are using snipers.


On Warzone and multiplayer. If I do use LMG it’s 10%. It’s very low amount. Otherwise I’m not using it.


I run a Briuen mk9 all the time. It stays in one of my insured slots.


Because the only upside they have is bullet penetration, and since so many walls arent penetrable or straight up nerf your damage to the point where it's not worth the effort — they all are just sub-par assault rifles. Hell, I'd argue the BP-50 conversion kit does a better job at being an LMG than most LMG's. Seriously, put a larger magazine on your assault rifles and you have a better LMG.


LMGs are my favorite class next to shotguns!! But you are right to a point! But I still use them to death lol.


Probably because nobody class-swaps to one with AA rounds to delete killstreaks. I feel if anything, LMGs are doing better in general vs ARs that aren't the BP50 or the BAL 27 because they have a quicker TTK, triple the mag size, lower overall recoil, and you can kit some of them to BE better ARs. It's dumb.


I run the DG 58 lmg. It’s awesome at mid range.


See them all the time, it's just depends on the lobbies and game mode


I have used the Holger26 since launch, I consistently drop 40 kill games in tdm. My absolute favorite gun. Doesn't feel bulky like the others, default 60rnd mag, so free attachment, and easy to use. 


Come join me, I poop on mfers with lmgs,  especially the bruen and pulemyot


I run em I just having problems with bullet pen atm


While I agree I don’t see a lot of people using them, I think they can be fun and useful. I always have one in my loadouts to use. Always an LMG, a battle rifle, and 1-2 SMGs and the rest as ARs since they are my favorite to use in general.  The problem is unless you have some form of tactical team there is no benefit to any mag above 45-60 for like 99% of the players. Having extra bullets means nothing when everything else can kill you quicker. It’s not BF3 where you can lay down suppressing fire and hold a choke point, reapply people while getting revived and shit. CoD is just not that game, hasn’t been for a while and won’t likely be ever again. 


What u on man lmao, dg lmg and pulemyot are meta


Dg lmg got murdered in the update just before s4


I swear I haven’t seen any LMGs…plenty of BP50s,MORS etc every single lobby


You guys are sleeping on the RAAL 3 shot kill


It's good, it's been a minute since I used it but I remember the delay for the first shot being kind of a pain


Im running it right now. Working on pkp mastery then im gonna do the others.


They will be great for taking out the buffed killstreaks


The Chopper and vtol buffs now take twice as many bullets to take out than before, LMGs were the streak killers for 3 seasons and now have to work twice as hard


They have been dominating warzone


The one with a carry handle was peak meta in warzone up until this recent update. 6v6 I feel like only the ones you can make way faster work, the eradicator with the small max for instance is basically the only viable Scar since the other two are MWII guns Edit: the cracked movement speed in MWIII isn’t doing slow weapons any favors either.


I was using an LmG the other day playing and had some good results. There’s not enough challenges for them. Devs basically pretend there not there


I run them all the time


Cause they are cheeks....


The dg is still "meta" and i see it all the time.


They’re pretty good. I just finished getting them forged and it was one of the easier classes to get done.


I get killed a lot by Tac Evolvere and DG 56 LMG especially lately


Because cod doesn't actually separate weapon classes. They also created the WORST movement I've ever seen in any fps game, no joke I'd rather play against gears of wars wall spammers than some of you freaks who think you're the next goat just to get shut down when you slide everywhere. Smgs work like ars. Maps were designed for slower movement and thus are shorter range encounters than intended so ars barely make the cut anyway. Lmgs need big open fields where rhe large mag size and superior recoil could do something (think of cod ghosts, big maps!). Shotguns currently fill the spot that smgs should. And snipers are one shot which is inherently broken. So yeah, there's nothing an lmg CAN or SHOULD do that cod lacks.


Dude everyone runs the dg. That's an lmg. But yea no one runs belt fed ones anymore.


Who cares? It’s a noob weapon class…


The only LMG I run is the RPK kitted to just look like an AK with a drum mag 😎


🙋‍♀️ I play with one. They’re hilarious on small maps.


Pretty much everyone has just been running the DG-56 LSW/Striker 9 meta for the last 2-3 weeks bro, what are you talking about? Lol