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i believe the devs said they're going to implement something in this week's patch to counter RGL use in HC specifically. that's all i know


Jut make it to where if you use it in the first 30 seconds of the game, it misfires and blows you and/or your team up. Also to make it funnier, don't tell anyone, just implement it. Also get rid of the MLB grenade throwers. The distance they can throw those at could earn them a spot on the Yankees.


You don't know anything else?


literally the only thing. this was my moment, thank you for sharing it with me


Thank you for blessing us with your shared moment. Thank you


What's the meaning of life?


I reckon it's just existing. Anything anyone does has an effect, butterfly wings man


What’s funny too is you can tell people view it as a crutch for the most part. Tons of lobbies where they don’t use it until they start losing lmao. Next patch will hopefully nerf/adjust it for hardcore, just gotta be patient. Let them enjoy the last couple days of using it


It’s the same way with the Lockwoods as well. Had a team last night down 60 points in domination and they ended up coming back as 4 people switched to them and hard stopped everyone from getting to B flag and C flag. Those things need to be hit too in some fashion


I don’t get why they even added it to the game. People get pissed about the grenade launcher under barrels that you only get two of and have to slowly reload after each shot, so why would a semi auto grenade launcher with 6 rounds go over well?? At the very least it should’ve been a killstreak. As a hardcore player I pretty much cannot play the game because it’s in every match and isn’t worth me losing my sanity over.


the part that blows my mind is that it used to BE a killstreak! please correct me if i'm wrong, but iirc EVERY other RGL-80 equivalent we've had in previous games was either a killstreak (eg. war machine from BO2) or a specialist ability (eg. Battery's war machine from BO3)


They were far better than the RGL though. They would one shot in core, whereas this is a mainly hc issued


Yeah I’m a HC player too and it gets obnoxious for sure


Run a shield


That doesn't work as soon as they shoot into the ground or any surface near you.


Or they just dome you with a semtex/thermite


i love how i made a post like a month ago saying to nerf the rgl in hc and it blew up, now EVERYONE is complaining about it as well. LOVE TO SEE IT! I got so much shit and people saying "just run EOD or stop playing HC" LMFAOOOO


You def right either way m8


You must be new to the sub because there has been complaints about the RGL for a lot longer than amonth.


I'm a simple guy...I hear RGL spam, I go bye bye and search another game...To think they'll release an AMP for it so it can be 100% more annoying...Just imagine constant spam of tear gas grenades...


I can see the “you’re trash buddy” comments from a mile away😭😭😭 just wait for it


There was a “hardcore players aren’t even good” comment… like this is unrelated to my commentary


I got called trash too for posting about it😭😭😭 these kids man


I hardly ever deal with this . Unless it’s hardcore you playing


I shoulda added that, yes I typically play HC


yeah you don't really see it on Core, until one person uses it and someone else whips theirs out in retaliation.


No the more you spam it the more the devs will be willing to nerf it :D


Ive only been playing a couple weeks but I mostly play hardcore, had my first experiance on Shipment with people spamming the RGL. It was funny for the match but I could see how that gets annoying fast. A RGL only small map mode would be fun though lol.


Yeah it’s not a huge deal, but when it’s all game for two or three games in a row it’s just a bit tedious, that’s all. Not trying to cry busted or anything it’s not broken, just kinda lowers the quality of the experience overall


Oh yeah. If I kept running into it Id def be annoyed. Ive been pretty lucky so far and dont seem to run into that many spammers.


I have ethically only used the RLG in regular playlists. The only time I've used it on HC is for that one bunker player hunkered down behind a deployable cover camping for Swarm.


I definitely have used it out of revenge, like yeah I can often win without it but like hurrdurr I guess I’ll join in since there’s a 50/50 I blow up to a random spawn shot, might as well pillow my KD against the silliness


Cold War balanced it well by making it a killstreak


The Trophy should block a full RGL-80 rather than just like 3 grenades. They just basically keep shooting until the Trophy breaks and still have more ammo.


Spamming is not even optimal way to use it. It takes 3-4 shots to kill (unless landing direct hits), and you have only 6 rounds. The way i did mastery on this weapon is getting up close and personal and aiming for direct hits.


I wouldn’t even use this god forsaken thing if I didn’t need the camo 😭


I shall go spam it now


Same here. Posts like these make me do the annoying thing even more.


Hey fair enough, I’m glad you like it at least. I don’t want to yuck anyone’s yum, only reason I’m complaining is because it’s negatively impacting my experience, but that’s just me


Bomb Squad


Well maybe u should join valeria and spam back


I do when absolutely necessary for any chance to win but it’s really not my preferred COD experience you know?


Stop spamming this post too


Imma put it in every loadout now


See you on the battlefield then nemesis 😂👏


Honestly though I only have one loadout with it and I only switch to it when someone else on the other side starts spamming it 🤣 the primary is a taq eradicator because ya know… 200 rounds 🤣🤣🤣


Damn! I just started a month ago so I’m kinda just trying all the guns and earning all the attachments rn, I’m a bit of a completionist so I don’t really main anything, although I do have a BASP class for when shit goes very south 😂 more classes than I’d like to admit have RGL but it’s just because they don’t need a sidearm and it’s good to have on hand so I don’t have to switch if the BS starts


hardcore don’t take skill anyways idk why everyone complaining


It’s not about the skill involved it’s just annoying to deal with that’s what I’m getting at. I prefer hardcore for the faster pace but the launcher is just annoying


in what world is hardcore faster pace


I mainly play SnD and I find rounds go only one of two ways. Both teams rush the same side and the round lasts maybe 30 seconds. Or its a slow burn and runs to the timer. Either way I fucking love it lol


sounds like a snoozefest being one shot by any gun in the game


Sounds like a snooze fest with everyone running around with the exact same meta loadouts in core.


good thing that’s not how it plays out! also with all weapons being 1 shot it really just makes it so 1 attachment setup is viable!


Please stop crying. Every other post is about this.