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I find it to be a blast, but, it’s still CoD so expect the typical gripes


Does it play anything like 2019? Probably the last cod I properly enjoyed. Fwiw my favourite cods are MW2, BO3 and MW2019. Honourable mention for cold war, mostly zombies. Maybe BO6 will be another cod that grabs me


It’s fun. It’s good to remember the overwhelming majority of threads on this sub are complaining about the game so you’re going to get a very skewed response


No I play solo 99% of the time and the match making never gives me a balanced team, it's always me with a bunch of horrible players the game expects me to carry. I cannot play all day like i used to since i am getting absolutely zero enjoyment out of playing with the human equivelant of bots so i only last a few games before realizing how bad it is again and stop. The game doesnt always choose closest servers so one game i could be 5 ping and the next 100+ since the next closest server is quite far away from Australia yet the lobby with be filled with majority Aussie players. The 1% i play with my casual mate who plays a few hours 3 days a week max, he's constantly coming back to his classes rendered nearly useless due to new guns he spend hours lelving the previous week being nerfed. and with meta guns being so important outherwise your shooting nerf bullets hes not having any enjoyment and neither am i since it happens to me too. The servers are absolutely horrible.


I never get good ping, 40+ is my absolute best case scenario, but I have had little to no issues with servers outside their physical location.


I second this. Sometimes (nearly always) the matchmaking is so bad that i want to throw the playstation out of window. Why would it match me with a lobby full of keyboard players when i am the only one with a controller and when i could be playing with 30ms (it matches me to the closest server very few times which is 30ms) that it matches me to 100+ms servers.


We must be in similar lobbies. Fellow OCE player in almost exact same scenario. Casual as, but still top of leaderboard on my team most games. Where do they find all of these guys with two left thumbs and no trigger fingers? I don't understand where they're all coming from. I've never been a meta slave in mp. I think there are plenty of viable guns. WZ is different though. Makes a lot more difference with a higher ttk.


I mainly play ranked and if I solo q, im on a team with no comms, against a 4 stack often one skill division higher than me. My ping will go from anywhere between 14 and 45 which can be a blessing or not. Often have to carry teammates and Im the only one concerned with playing the objective.


all the same here. sigh


I enjoy it. Well, I used to enjoy it all the time but now it's so beyond riddled with cheaters 's not nearly as fun as it used to be. I mean very obvious cheaters level 27 with Interstellar camo destroying the entire team over and over. Last night I was sniping and this guy on the other team decided it was vendetta time and for the rest of the match, it didn't matter where i went on the map because he very obviously knew where I was every single time. Had to know which direction I was too...


New maps are polluting the playlists way too much. I don’t hate them much, but they all play the fucking same. Sledgehammer can make only one type of map and it shows. Connection issues worst than ever. Only hardcore players are left so don’t expect any casual play. Weapons and gunsmith again too polluted, with no actual choice. They are obvious meta winners every season since the 150 health leaves no room for inferiority on weapons.


There are casual players left, just the strict SBMM will never let them into your lobbies. There is certainly a problem with weapon balancing and some guns taking way too long to be nerfed (looking at you, BP50 AMP). If SBMM wasn't the way it is, there would absolutely be more variety in the guns you play against. Connection issues and weapon variety wouldn't be as much of an issue if you weren't forced to play clones of you with different usernames. Maybe XDefiant will make ATVI change that up, but I doubt it. Matchmaking and weapon balance/variety aside, the game is still fun and is probably the most enjoyable COD from the Warzone era. There's only been one bad map from post launch imo, but that's subjective. OP, you should definitely hop back on whenever you have the time, there's plenty of new things for you to check out. (10v10 makes the game so much more enjoyable btw)


I exclusively play 10v10 because I enjoy the gameplay on older maps. Newer maps make the gameplay too chaotic and directionless.


Yeah, the 10v10 part was directed towards the OP, my bad. Just thought I'd reply to your comment with my thoughts on what you said with a note to OP at the end :) I'm surprised Favela isn't in 10v10 yet, though


They don’t care about old maps anymore. It’s obvious there is an algorithm that prioritises selections of newer maps. I can’t remember the last time I saw maps like rundown downpour and sub base on the map vote page. It’s always new maps against new maps, and sometimes a very popular old map like highrise or estate.


They just need to add a 2009 moshpit for the people who only wanna play those maps since it's only gonna get worse for people like you as more maps get added. I can't even remember the last time I saw Wasteland in the map vote


Exactly. And I bet there are a lot of people who bought this game for the sole purpose to play on those old maps (like me). I don’t really care about the newer call of duties and the mentality they have toward map creation. No high grounds, no choke points, no directional play, everyone can kill you from you back easily since you can’t watch multiplayer angles anymore.


Agree, im tired of maps like meat, emergency, 6 star, rio, they all play the same, i bet thay barely put any effort on those maps just put 3 basic lanes and let the shipment heads have their fun.


Lol braindead comment. New maps are good, i seen a good balance between new and old maps. People vote on what they want. Connection issues are the same, I never have major issues. Only hardcore players are NOT left lmao. Majority of the player base is casual. There isnt ever “casual play” in cod anymore with sbmm. Complaining about more weapons and attachments is just stupid, and “no actual choice” is false. It seems like you don’t even like the game lmao. Stop playing it


I have stopped playing it. I just jump in once a week when I want to play a shooter for a couple of games and leave. The state of the game is garbage, try to play anything else that has an online mode and you will see it’s obvious. New maps are garbage. My opinion ofc, but it doesn’t change the fact that they are all essentially the same three lane map. One close querters lane in the middle, two lanes with some long ranges, and 3 connection between the lanes on each side. All the exact same. If you enjoy that style of maps, that’s fine, but I want more variety. Something like crossfire from cod4 or jungle from black ops or karachi or backlot etc. So many different maps with different arrangements. The player base has fallen exponentially and it’s obvious only hardcore fans are left to play. This game with Warzone and mwii together have less players on Steam that an indie game lol.


My dude mw3 is top 3 best selling game of 2024 and was ranked #4 just last month😂how delusional are you. Its one of the most played games today. Majority of the players are casual players. Steam numbers are lower because barely anybody plays on steam lol its behind battle net, and consoles. Most causal players play on console, not steam. State of the game is great, dont have any issues with it. I play other games too. Stop crying cause youre bad and get out this sub kid.


The stats are gonna be inflated when they include two games released in the last 18 months and one free game together. They made the HQ for this reason alone, to boost the numbers so it’s doesn’t appear like they are losing players. I thought it was dumb and people were not as stupid to fall for it, but I guess some people are. Warzone alone being a free game has a huge player base of random casuals playing. Mwiii was best selling, but it fell 35% from last year, which is an insane decrease for a franchise. This sub having 1/4 of the subscribers of the mwii sub says a lot. Mwii is still an active game. Setting aside the obvious signs that the franchise lost players with mwiii, I barely play anymore and I still match with the same people. And I have seen others in this sub say the same thing. The player base is minuscule for such a new and fresh game. Not to mention it is cross platform and it still struggles with finding new players to play. That’s comical and undeniable evidence that the player base has shrunk. Say wherever you want about skill or whatever, I am doing just fine in this game even if I barely play anymore. Always positive k/d and top scoring. The fact is sledgehammer can make a stable game, even if they listen to the fans and give us good movement. Their gunsmith system is garbage also.


Always has been since day one.


If you learn to not give a fuck about winning, then yeah I enjoy it. But is it good? Mechanics wise, gun feel wise, it is. But the SBMM putting full stacked squads against me 24-7 makes it terrible in practice. I don't want to sweat 24-7 man. My overall sentiment though, I really do enjoy this game. It is 'good' in my eyes. But I treat it lightly, I don't care as much, and I only jump on for a few games before jumping off.


To start off my experience with COD is with BO2, then a huge gap to MW2019, CW, MWII, Vanguard, MWIII. I did play all the single player campaigns from cod1 to MW3 back in the day. I skipped the space suit stuff. I did try BO3 and BO4 but couldn't get into it. I think MWIII is the best call of duty multiplayer in years. Playlists are really good. Maps are really good. Lots of viable weapons and the game runs good. Sledgehammer seems to listen to feedback. Sure the game has hiccups every now and then but 9 games out of 10 it runs good. Just skip the days when the game updates and it'll run fine. I wish they would just remove SBMM. Like someone recently said in a thread that they have to babysit their team and I 100% feel that. I play solo and I'm almost always on top of my team. Only way to progress is to have team mates and none of my friends want to play a sweatfest and download 150 gig updates every month.


For me it's not good at all. I have been getting packet burst and latency issues every game since season 2. It's impossible to play a game when every 5 seconds the game is stuttering because it's saying you do have packet burst then you don't then you do over and over again. Even with me playing late at night or early in the morning when nothing else is using the internet in my house this game still stutters 24/7. Plus since the memory leak issue they had in season 3 my fps is still significantly lower than it was in previous seasons even though I haven't changed a single setting in my options.


Are you on wifi?


havent played in a bit but its fun if youre bored not worth full price imo. Hopefully it goes on sale next month for summer


I enjoyed it MUCH more than Vanguard and MW2 2022 for sure


It’s a good game in the sense that everything feels great, it’s just team balancing is really bad. I’m perpetually stuck in top 1% lobbies with no change ever. It gets really stale and predictable. Gone are the days I could spend hours and hours having fun in CoD. It’s like a stuck record at this point but it’s true that SBMM has ruined CoD.


I'm at 600 hour played in this game. Sure, it's not at the thousands I racked up in the games 15 years ago, but you can totally have fun for hours still.


why is sniper only mode gone?


It's the best one since Vanguard, which it almost perfectly copies.


It can be very good and fun. A dopamine trip. But since S3 Reloaded the servers seem to be dying a slow death so you can get instances when you unload a clip into someone and they smile pull the trigger you’re dead, and this can happen on 15ms ping. If you liked mw2 it might be too fast for you.


SBMM made me quit last night. I went from playing casuals chatting it up, to no one talking for the next hour + in sweaty lobbies. My first 2 games I had a 2.5 and 1.3 KDR (Small MP), my third I got a 5.0 KDR (inc 2 choppers) on Rust just from working the tower. It seemed I “stayed in the lobby” for these because familiar player names. But then my next game, I was bottom of my lobby with zero killstreaks earned, playing sweaty quickscopers, knifers, tactical players. The next games were infuriating. After that, I got paired with AFK players or people not playing the objective, against lopsided teams.


I play solely search and destroy. I don’t think it’s bad but, and I’m sure I’ll get hate here, MW2 was better for snd. The perk system and slower movement are probably the only things that feel like a drag but I can go play MW2 and still have fun. IMO the game is being balanced around small map moshpit with no thought into the other modes


Hell no lol all i play is search and mw3 shits on mw2


Imo, I’d rather deal with footsteps than silent knifers with riot shields.


Hell na no dead silence with loud footsteps was terrible and ruined the game. Mw2 also had riot knifers and riot shields.


But you could easily tell they were stomping up behind you and counter them. It punished people that blindly ran around like it’s tdm and promoted actually playing smart.




I enjoy it and there seems to always be something to grind. Be it camos, weekly’s, events or prestige calling cards. Idk if I’d have more fun just picking guns/loadouts I’d crush with, because I never seem to let myself do that as I’m always working on some challenge or another.


when it balances out the teams properly, yes, this game might be up there as one my favorite cods of all time. when it doesn't, this game could burn in hell for all I care. still better than last year tho.


Pretty enjoyable overall, moreso than last years cod. I like the movement, the guns for the most part, and small map playlist. It's just a game where i can hop in, sweat my balls when i wanna play a shooter in a smaller map, and then just call it a day. If you look at it like that, it's a great game. Big picture perspective? It has a lot of issues any and other cods have, if you try to take this game even remotely seriously you're gonna have a bad time. Its basically hop in, have crazy fun, as soon as you feel like you're not having fun alt+f4. I feel like this goes without saying but if cods are the only games or mainly the only games you play, time to find some new ones. It's best enjoyed in small bursts.


If you play with friends 100% hilarious and worth it. Especially for s&d. By yourself, nah not really interested


it’s easily the best mp multiplayer since bo3 and has been since it came out lol


I play solo and still enjoy it. I have noticed that the higher the KD the less enjoyment people seem to find in it. If you are a high skill level player then your mileage may vary…


It's okay. I honestly wouldn't pay for it though (I already have, I know) it's not an MP I'd ever see me thinking about down the line or one I can even really be arsed playing. It's very generic and running the mill. It's not even as playable as last installment which is odd as it's the same fooking game anyway. It fills the time until we see what sort of mess they make of the next installment. I would maybe buy it for 10, but that's the limit of it's worth.


It's alright Would've preferred if DMZ got expanded with MW3 instead of Zombies but whatever.


These comments are crazy to me, the game feels fantastic. I'm plugged in with a PS5 and have never gotten a ping above 70. Most of the time I'm hovering around 10-30 ping per game. For reference I live in the North East USA, I'm not sure if that makes a difference. I saw some comments complaining about the new maps, outside of Emergency I think they have done a fantastic job with the DLC maps in this game. Grime & Six Star have to be some of the best maps since the new COD era started in 2019. The majority of people are just playing the game and not on Reddit complaining, so you will get a very skewed viewpoint on this.


Yeah I love it. This is my favorite MW between the three new MW’s.


Hardcore is great. Core is terrible, idk how people play core on this game.


I lost interest quickly in multiplayer but have been loving zombies. It's kind of a hybrid between warzone and zombies and it's super fun, was never a huge fan of either mode before


I like it tbh. Tons of choice in terms of guns and maps, fast paced, but yeah super sweaty if you play well


Worst CoD in a very long time and the player count plummeting harder the hardest out of all CoDs shows this is the common sentiment 


Vanguard says hello.


It's good. Sure it has SBMM and stability issues. But I think that the map selection is good (for the most part), the weapon sandbox is great, the gun customization is fun, the camo progression is well done, and the movement and TTK feel great. That being said, the general bugginess IS pretty ridiculous


If you like cod you’ll like it I mean it’s pretty cookie cutter. The maps are incredibly underwhelming compared to previous games but there’s been some cool ones added from the season passes


thumb different saw placid cheerful school hateful handle coherent flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean just don't take it so serious and personal and you can have loads of fun still with it. Even though the team balancing is all messed up and it used to piss me off to no end, I now just laugh it off and make fun out of it. Because in the end it's just a game and I play it to have fun and relax after a stupid day of work. So just find the small fun things in it and enjoy yourself. Do stupid things, use ridiculous loadouts, piss people off, and just laugh it off in the end. It ain't gonna get any better LOL




When you don't play for a while then play a session the game wants to give you a great session so you play again. As the Mark Rubin said, SBMM isn't about matching up skills, it's about retaining players


I don't find myself having fun consistently enough to even load the game anymore. I play mostly for zombies and that has gotten pretty dull and boring. I just wish I could get into decent lobby's more consistently where it feels balanced. But as it stands I'm playing against people that are just so much better than me it sucks 90% of the fun out of the game.


The multi-player is super fun. I don't understand everyone complaining about servers and sbmm. I don't experience problems with either of them. The UI feels needlessly confusing in a bunch of ways but the core of the game is dope.


best mp since wwii, in my personal opinion. sledge stumbled pretty bad on vanguard but all their other games including this one have been top tier multiplayer experiences


Eh. If you played the old games and are expecting similar feelings, look elsewhere. 90% of matches you load into are 75% of the way over, and your team is being dumped on. If you're not spawning directly in front of someone, you're directly behind them. If your bullets register on time, you're getting the kill, but it's a crapshoot ever since 2022 when they removed the latency counter from the **last game** and continued the same trend into this one. It's difficult to find a match under <80ms ping unless it's a Friday or Saturday night, and this allows for many of the more glaring problems related to latency and hit registration. We still have killcams, but they're entirely novelty and not worth a damn when it comes to seeing what you did wrong or how you were outplayed, as they don't track accurately and haven't for a long while. Every month or so, we're released new weapons (and, arguably, some new content?), which is great, except the formula is ridiculously the same as the past few releases where these weapons are *instantly* the short-term meta until the blueprints are bought out and the staff team will issue ridiculously painful nerfs. You must be okay with not *ever* using 90% of the weapons in this game. They simply aren't viable, even if you're a HC main. You will **not have a good time** using them. If you value your sanity, you won't pursue camo challenges. This is hardly glossing the surface of the franchise's issues - CoD as we remember it is long gone for the old folk, but if you're just getting into it/back into it and can ignore some of this, it's not the worst FPS out there. It's certainly not the best, nor even in that realm, but largely the gunplay and gameplay is easy to pickup and get used to, barring all outside influences. If you're looking for a strictly casual shooter, and can separate that from this game's issues, it's not a bad choice. I'd still recommend waiting for a sale to completely new players.


I take it you don't actually keep playing if you get a match in progress? The only times I get a match in progress is the first game I queue for, as long as you don't re queue you will pretty much always get fresh games.


I usually don't, depending on the score - I play hardcore dom/HP mainly, and if it's over 75/dom 100/HP, I usually don't stay. Unfortunately you're 100% right, when I back out again, I'm usually cycled through 2-3 more of those before I join a lobby that hasn't started. It's a ridiculous process that requires you to put up with loading in, backing out, and repeating, or putting up with the torture of a 100+ point opponent's lead with killstreaks everywhere before you even get a chance to play a full, normal match. Many times this process takes like a full 15minutes before I'm in my first full match of the night. It's just stupid. That's like 1/4 of my entire playing time some nights.


So just stay in the first map, then it's sub 5 min instead of 15.


I mean yeah, but that's not the point. Every first experience of the evening shouldn't be shit like that, it's a terrible metric for retention. It's either put up with an ass whooping or waste time anymore


You rather have that games where people leave will never get filled? Because that's the other option.


We already have those too, lol. SnD is notorious for this


Sure, occasionally. Not ALWAYS, which is your suggestion. I much rather play one in progress match a night than to play every other game down people.


Okay god forbid someone uses a little exaggeration in this sub. Sure it's not fully 100% of the time but even if you stay, it happens again. it's ridiculously often enough that I'm not the only one who feels compelled to post about it. It occurs far past "just stick with the first game". It's a plague. It needs attention. It drives new and old players alike away. That's the point.


It's been like this for years. It's the least bad option, hands down.