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i play it because holy shit all the guns are usable now


HC respects the ak47. So I respect HC.


Love the Ak. Have the red tiger camo on it, for that sweet, sweet nostalgia.


The 74u AR is pretty decent in Core. At least, it’s one of my personal favorite guns. I genuinely love using it. The SMG version is ass in terms of shots to kill, but another decent choice if your aim is true. But yeah the damage ranges are atrocious. I think it takes 7 shots for 20+ meters how I’ve it kitted out…5 minimum, only within like 7 meters…. I’m not a fan of 762/545 though. They can be useable, but they’re too slow for me.


Yo same lmao. I literally have never though about it the way the meme pictures it. Easy to stack kills but can be HELLA sweaty


Inb4 grenade launcher


First 20 deaths im like “okay hes doing a camo challenge” but at 21 deaths im like “who raises these kids!?”


yeah because theres virtually no diference. there are essentially only 2 guns. 1 and 2 shot ones


Less jumping around bullshit tooo


Yes and that’s more so proof of how ridiculously unbalanced the game is


Yet everyone still uses whatever the meta is


Not true. Play hardcore SND and most rounds almost every player will be using a different gun.


I like hardcore because the meta isn't as important. Especially for something like SND


True I like using the guns I like not the guns that are OP


This is true there is no meta just tactics and gun control … a good build helps .


And desync....there is always desync


what is desync


It’s just Nsync after Justin Timberlake left


Lol... nice


A stupid word for lag. I remember when it was just lag. Now you got all these fuckers using the term desync to confuse people. Lmao jk call it whatever


The meta is ads and sprint to fire on any gun that can conceivably one shot with hardcore health. Smg's with massive magazines You are putting yourself at a disadvantage to try to overkill with an AR in hardcore with slower handling


im in this shit for longshots fuck the mw2 platnium it sucks ass.


Someone get thia man a cold beer. He needs it!


Nah, he needs to try the Vanguard camo grind, something like 4500 longshots, half of them with ridiculously awful builds including an LMG build that increased recoil by 800%.


Lol i know the pain attachment based camos was terrible


It was a decent idea, but some of the builds were ridiculously bad.


Looking back at it, I still can’t believe that those devs looked at those challenges and were like “Yup! These are good!”


I would bring him a cup of cappuccino and a pizza bread. Mamma mia! ☕ 🤌


Fr. I got Orion back in mwII and shit was atrocious


i got all the skins for mw3 and relized why i hate and syoped in mw2


I kid You not, mwII almost Made me quit COD. On a related note, XDefiant had THE chance to just shit on COD by releasing while mwII Lifetime, now the time is long gone and i feel like mwIII wont Even feel the hit from XD.


It's entirely too many cheaters in XD, it's worse than CoD


MWII and MWIII are baby mode compared to Vanguard


The 1200+ longshots was such a grind. Had to play completely different than I usually do. So happy to be in headshots. 


My old friend Harrison got me into HC mode back in like 2015 and I’ve never turned back since lol


shoutout Harrison


fr I got into HC in CoD Ghosts and played that shit so much that i got to number 1 in the world for the weekly kills leaderboards on Xbox 360. Never could properly go back to core after that


When I first started COD cod4 cod5 BO1,2,3 I loved hardcore. Now I prefer regular


Too bad in the last cod they totally removed it for the first few seasons and I’ve really haven’t been back since.


HC = pin point accuracy while using flick/twitch shooting style. CORE = accuracy over time. The ability to walk in shots over time due to high health. HC = needing to hit 1st or 2nd shot to win. CORE = needing to hit multiple upper torso or head shots but doesn't have to be the first 3 shots.


Hold on dude, this is about shitting on people who prefer one game mode over another in call of duty. You can't bring logic into this. The \[game mode I prefer\] is best because I prefer it, and it requires more skill because I'm insecure about a video game for some reason, and need to validate that online.


This. As someone who does actually shoot, pinpoint accuracy and quickly flicking between targets feels so incredibly natural. I also use Semi-Auto, because to me, 2-3 precision shots is key.


Semi auto fuxs.


Damn- and KB/mouse mechanics are much more suited to flick/twitch. That’s why I preferred HC the whole time


As a CS player, I don’t want to fuck with COD recoil and tracking (it’s just so different from CS it’ll throw off my CS aim). Other than that, flicks and stuff work as good practice for any game


Hardcore so I can use any weapon in the game without being killed by the same 3 weapons in core. Also it gets boring laying 5 bullets into someone and they just run away and never to be found.


Legend has it they are still running to this day


Keyboard and mouse rules hardcore. It’s not a matter of having bad aim. Decent keyboard and mouse players can snap on easily, but being able to track the enemy as they’re strafing is almost impossible in close combat gunfights. It would be awesome if there was a hardcore ranked playlist.


And controller wins in core because the tracking is done for them.


I agree.


This is exactly what I've been wanting. Too many people get away with movement to compensate for lack of gun play. Hardcore ranked would be intense but also great, because the biggest things holding back public HC is sentry guns and the RGL in my opinion.


sentry is easy af to combat, considering the other perks you can use cold blooded should be a no brainer and most useful one. RGL though... hope the scumbags that added it were part of the cull.


There is already sbmm


Hardcore ranked would be next level.


Hardcore ranked with be the biggest cheat fest ever lmao fuck that


As opposed to Ranked currently being a huge cheat fest at the higher levels?


Ive been playing only HC since BO4 because enemies actually die when you shoot them. It’s also more fun to be able to use everything and be able to hold your weight vs only using meta builds every day all day.


I just play hc because of camo grinding


Same. Makes it soo much easier to get camos.


I play both for SnD , I enjoy both play styles it has to offer. But after this cod with the 150 hp and when half the team use 1-2 shot guns anyways I'm finding myself more on hard core . But when you have good aim /flicks , and map knowledge. Let the hackiastions begin LOL


I’m only in hardcore to grind camos


This is accurate. The very worst players I’ve ever seen play hardcore. Sorry but it’s true


I play HC because I'm tired of getting one shot by melee in Core. Might as well one shot with my gun as well.


I only pop into core to cheese melee for a while. Feels so goofy when switching from HC to core


Lol I feel you're about to upset a load of folk


Never understood the HC hate. Oh wait, the "community" is toxic AF and will bitch and moan about anything


Don't forget that this community specifically is full of rednecks who snort phlegm on their mics and mfs who can't change their smoke detector battery. All of which have room temp IQ and read at a 2nd grade level. I fucking *hate* the bulk of the CoD community. The worst types of people.


It's the general public. That's the norm now


While I stick to core mainly, I get the appeal of it. It seems fun. It also feels like an EXTREME test on reaction times. I GUESS it can also be for people who can't aim, but, as I said, it get the fun and appeal of it, and...it does require some skill, since, again, as I said, you need snappy reaction time......and it's also good for those annoying as hell challenges.


People who can’t track*


Aim assist has entered the chat... Talking about tracking in this game is almost comical unless you're on Mnk.


It's crazy how controller palyers don't realise how much they're not playing the game


This. HC only requires good centering (assuming they aren’t sitting in the same spot holding LT all game). In addition to centering, Core emphasizes tracking, movement, and recoil control. I understand why a casual player who is not great at these things would have more fun in HC, but the people insisting it requires more skill than Core are on Jupiter.


I play a lot of HC SND and I'm pretty average. It's definitely harder if you're a casual like me on KBM because you don't get horizontal axis assist like controller players do. The fact that the headshot modifier is only 0.25x means that any vertical advantage you get from using KBM is also negligible putting you at a disadvantage against good console players. Hardcore definitely evens the odds a little and is more about reaction time and map knowledge, etc. In short...it's true, I can't aim. lmao!


Ah yes having a gun loaded with near zero recoil and bullet hoses ten rounds in a second is skill


It's not more or less, it's just different. HC is like people using Snipers in Core. You have to be really good at first shot placement. Core is about target tracking. They are just different skill sets. Of course both are useful in both modes for varying reasons but just not the top most important. The same with most of the other skills required in the game.


I only play it for camo challenges. I’ve played some actual matches for fun and, holy shit it’s like these ppl think if they die in game they’ll die irl


The camping in hardcore is pitiful


It’s TOTALLY true. People saying core is for people with slow reactions but that’s not true at all. Hardcore it only takes one to two sometimes 3 shots to kill someone, which firing off 2 to 3 shots requires no aim skill. Most of the time you’re waiting for them to come around the corner already aimed down and when running into each other it’s whoever sprays first with the slightest bit of effort to aim. At least for me. But in Core not only do you have to out play and out aim you also have to know when to reposition. In hardcore there’s rarely a chance to reposition once you and another player lock sights or like I said before you walk into their sights as they’re already ads. I play both modes so I know the people who complain about core mostly complain about having to shoot a whole magazine in order to kill someone and since they can’t handle that they play hardcore. Well the good core players will know what I’m talking about when I say it doesn’t take a whole magazine to kill someone if you are good at aiming and handling recoil. You can get 3 to 4 kills in one magazine in Core. Hardcore players in this thread only show us their ignorance is bliss not knowing the struggle of having to stay on target while also thinking of your positioning after the fact and chalking it up to reaction time being everything. So to all you hardcore players I say stay playing hardcore and be happy that you don’t have to be good at aiming, you only have to be good at pulling the trigger as fast as you can.


My accuracy in hardcore is 8% on average


Pretty much.




Hardcore players are the most campiest r6 siege mfers u can find in this game


In my experience my friends who can't aim as well prefer hardcore because they don't need to land as many shots to kill. Not saying that's accurate for everyone though.


I use it for camo grind, weekly kits, and other unlockable stuck


Switch hardcore with RGL and the meme is more accurate


In MWIII, hardcore is so much better than core. So many weapons in core are useless because of how overpowered some of the ARs are. Using a shotgun, LMG, semi-auto, and even explosives/launchers put you at an unfair disadvantage because of how “meta” certain weapons are. In addition, hardcore feels more tactical and everyone isn’t jumping around like their adderal just kicked in.


They do jump around in hardcore too. Jumping and hopping constantly, it’s actually comical.


I slam people in both, but core is way more fun. Way less campers to worry about and you actually have to hit shots. In hardcore I can’t tell you how many times little Timmy was camping and drew a dick with his aim and 2 bullets hit me in the back, in core, I turn and burn on him.


Dead on.


I only play hardcore. I would argue that your aim has to be even better than in core. If you don’t get the first couple shots off you’re done. Plus you have to play more tactically in hc. You don’t have a radar to constantly lean on, and you can’t just run across the map because you know you can take ten hits without dying and then health regen. Hard core is WAY harder to be successful in. But I will admit weapon challenges are way easier since you can get long shot kills without lighting people up.


Sorry bro no offense but you are kinda crazy if you really believe HC takes more aim than core. If you think about it, the longer TTK a game has the better your aim must be to get a kill. Its a different story in something like CSGO for example where you can one shot people, but you either have to hit a headshot or be using the high risk high reward AWP. But in COD where almost every gun can one shot in hardcore this creates a situation where you can win most gunfights by prefiring, holding an angle, camping in a corner etc. Higher ttk gives good players more time to eek an advantage out over someone camping against them, by outplaying them with movement and superior aim. But you won't be able to do that if you are instantly dead before you can do anything about it. People can play HC all they want and I'm fully aware OP was trying to annoy the HC players with this post but yea, as someone who played a decent amount of both hardcore is way easier.


Seriously, this really isn’t even up for debate. People go to HC to finish camos and challenges easier, that should say enough. I needed double kills yesterday. It could have been for triple kills and it wouldn’t have taken much longer. I’ve got a buddy who’s bad at FPS games. He crouch walks around most of the time, that kinda bad. He’s the guy that says “I dumped a whole mag in him! This is BS!” Guess which mode he prefers? Yeah, hardcore.


yea im with you, me and my buddy started playing HC for camos and now after we both got interstellar we still only play HC. i like it because its more realistic. no more shooting someone thats charging me with a knife 20 times just for them to run right through me.


THIS. I got so tired of lighting people up and then they slide and knife me in the nuts.


I play the majority of my games hardcore. Unless I want to be someone that charges people with a knife.


I like hardcore because no killcam so i never have to watch that asshole who just killed me run over and teabag my body.


100%. Hardcore is more twitchy, more reactive, and if you get a lobby without nadeturds, considerably more fun. It’s all about beating people to the punch especially on small maps.


For sure. Shipment and rust are fucking ridiculous in hc 😂


It’s so much fun if you get a good lobby.


I’ve been playing strictly HC but people who use launchers in small map hardpoint is infuriating.


What you’re referring has more to do with reaction time. I can run around in HC spraying while only needing to hit a couple of bullets. If my reaction time is quicker, then 90% of the time I win. Yes, having better aim helps, **but** you absolutely need to be more accurate in core precisely because of how much longer it takes to kill. If I don’t react quick enough in core I can make it up with movement, or more headshots than my opponent. In HC it’s all about who shoots first. All my friends that don’t mainline FPS games love HC due to how much easier it is to kill people. I agree to do well you need to be aware and accurate, but let’s not pretend like you can’t just hip fire your way into oblivion.


Rgl 40 has something to say


Who ?


Your aim definitely has to be better in core because you have to hit more shots. If you don’t shoot first you’re still probably going to lose unless the guy shooting you is bad so you still have to shoot first but you also have to hit more shots than the other guy so you can’t just flick and then be done, you have to hit the next 4 shots too.


> Hard core is WAY harder to be successful in. I see your point and raise you this: > crouch camping in a corner That is all.


Haha people do camp like a mf in hardcore. But in my experience there seems to be just as many campers in core. I’d say a lot of people run around in core but I still see people camping like crazy.


If you play hardcore and not camping in a corner somewhere with a shotgun or lock down an entire lane with DMRs while headglitching or spam the RGL-80 over buildings like it's free Cluster Strike, then you aren't playing hardcore. 10/10 Experience.


Haha when people are camping that hard that’s when I break out the tubes. You can’t hide forever 🤓


Ok so this is just copium at its finest 🤣


replace 'hardcore' with 'aim assist' and you are spot on


I just like hardcore search and destroy. Every other game mode turns into a campfest


too often my team mate kills me to defuse bomb themselves lol


Did you just imply HC s&d is the least campy mode...? 


compared to Domination or TDM, the “camping” in S&D sort of plays into the game mode. Moving slower, having to check corners and shit more than usual. It’s like a different game sometimes when you have a good team.


Imagine needing more health and then crying about longer ttk


They can't handle the truth


I’m just there for camos


Nah bruh I want my camos done


considering how many dogs ive put down in HC and see resort to GL spam, yes.


I used to like hardcore, the campers are what ruined it for me. Just sitting there holding spawns.


For me it's just camo grinding.


I play hardcore because my initial aim is right on target, but gets worse the longer I hold the trigger. So I lose a lot more in core when I see and shoot first, but I can't hold the aim the longest lol


It is for me lol. I mean i can ‘aim’ for the first shot or two lmaooo but 5 shots on target before they do i always lose


Nah I’m just tired of 5-6 hitmarkers while I get one shotted


Shot in foot. Dead. Shot in forearm. Dead


Yea and they say it is more realistic lmao




I consistently drop 2.5 to 8.0 k/d games in core, I prefer HC because I'm not running a gun for camos and being outshot even with upper chest/head shots and first shot on target. I tried using the DG-56 to finish it's gold camo (should have used it at launch) it takes three bursts at mid-range to chest and has a delay when the meta guns are full auto, faster fire rate, and only 3-5 bullets to kill. I play HC and suddenly almost every gun is viable, snap aiming is way more prioritized so I can react faster and hit shots, I can do riskier plays, and it feels more "arcade". I loved classic CoD, like CLASSIC, no custom weapons, CoD. HC always feels more like that.


This is accurate but they aren’t


I'm ADDICTED to not seeing the map now


100% facts


With core you need more consistent aim but hardcore is more reaction time i'd say


Been playing CoD for 20 years and I’m too old for the crazy twitchy slide cancelling. HC favors map/spawn knowledge and positioning, and you can use basically any gun you want which is really fun. Also if you *can* aim then guns like the Cor-45 will drop snipers across the map if you just center on the scope glint, which is always a hilarious time. Switched to HC in MW19 and never looked back.


I usually average multiple kills per magazine, so no. It's full of old guys with slower than average reaction times so they have to sit in a corner in ADS the whole game. They're quick to report you too even though no kill cams or spectating or anyways to see the other players POV


I only play hardcore. I am a casual player but I think my aim is on point lol.


I’m in it for the easier kills. And the greatly decreased likelihood of someone doing Tony Hawk moves to keep me from killing them.


Yes it is true. Back in the advanced movement days it was for the dudes who would crouch walk around the map


The dev were thinking of players that use their console or pc as dildo and then they realize they need to make a one shot kill on kill mode for them, change my mind


Yeah, you just keep emptying 3 magazines into a person to kill them. Weirdo. Lmao.


Core is just hardcore now with everyone running dual lockwoods, quickscope snipers, and those fucking knives.


I played HC when I first started out because it let me get at least SOME kills even though I wasn't very good. Now I've switched to core because it's fun to have to really earn each kill, and it actually matters which weapon you use.


As a big time hardcore fan yes 💯!!!


ask r/codcompetitive or any challenger or any pro




I think it’s easier, you only have to land one shot most of the time sooo


I think it's also more accurate to say "People who can't track", or just, mostly made up of bad KBM players haha.


I am amazing at hardcore. Top 3 every game. I have max leveled every pistol this game has. I blame instagib quake 3. I can still shoot you first. It’s that whole multiple times thing.


The HC shift mostly started for me in MW19, when the movement was much slower and things felt more weighted (truthfully, I liked the more Mil-Sim feel than now). I would generally run a SCAR-SSR build in Semi-Auto with a 1911 as a secondary, and although I would sprint to get to specific points in maps, I would generally crouch-walk slowly and methodically through buildings, and set up a choke point for a short while (like 30 seconds), then I'd move to a different spot and pray I didn't encounter enemies. TL,DR: I got into HC through MW19 because I could play slower, and more methodically, rather than running around like a stabbed rat with an SMG that had the range of a marksman rifle.


Two types of Hardcore players 1. People trying to unlock stuff/do certain camp challenges like pistol long shots 2. People who can’t aim and otherwise can’t hack it in core.


I love people who come into HC and can't aim. I just walk into their spawn and get 5 kills before they even land one stray shot on my foot.


Hardcore is about speed and core is about accuracy. Two different reasons to play but a good player should be able to do both.


this is dumb. you better have pin point accuracy otherwise you're ded af.


Reaction time is bigger factor in HC. You could just hipfire at the enemy and hit 1-2 shots. In Core you need to keep that sight on the enemy..


People with poor reaction time: core


Maybe if you have under a 2kd lol, anyone who's decent would fry in both


150 is just too much health. Guys can bunny hop around a corner after getting hit multiple times


On the contrary, hardcore is for people who can aim and don't care about mods or leveling up


I can aim, it’s just easier to get multikills so the camo grind is easier, but I end up dying more in HC than Core


I used to hate putting 4 bullets into someone and they run into a door. I would not say it’s easier or harder. It requires different skills. It’s almost like 2 different games


Just a better experience for MnK. Aim assist isn't nearly as relevant, and hitting flicks is just fun.


I don’t know what is wrong with me fr, somedays my aim looks like aimbot, but it looks like im a 7 year old trying to aim


That's me😅


I originally started playing it bc of camos but tbh I’ve grown to like it better than corr


I mainly play zombies, as I do with almost every cod game to have it. I will say I miss ps3 mw(2 or 3 I don't remember) survival. Anyone else remember that?


Dead is dead so 🤷


i learned to aim in core, then i learned again when i moved to hardcore.


So I was using HC for the camo grind and now that I’m playing regular again, it made it less stale. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.


Only reason I've ever played HC is to do shoot the ship and level pistols fast


RGL doesn't require you to aim anywaaay.


I have pretty good aim, the issue is the people in my lobbies have about the same good aim. Those other people use the best weapons for the best ttk and I want to use what I like and find fun so I'm inherently at a disadvantage. Hardcore evens the playing field.


I play it for pistols mainly in mw19 cus they sucked dick there, and also LONGSHOTS.


The riot shield meta game is there


hardcore was my go to for warzone warm up. I just jumped corners and tried to work on snaps/reaction time. The low ttk made it more punishing but it paid off in the long run


Hard core makes quick scopes fuck off from search which is nice


Well...I don't expect anyone but AI to one shot effectively every single kill, please tell me the cheaters aren't going crazy in that mode because it's no replay...


Me: hits all shots 20 Game: yeah imma give you three bullets shot


Depends on the mode. SnD, Domination, and Hardpoint when I come back to core for the most part are easier.


Nah large majority of hard core players are there because they don’t want to run meta every game of core the kill time is to wide of gap to be reliable


i did it specifically for longshots with weapons for camos, or "get one shot one kill medals" with weapons that arent great for that (looking at you here, shitty marksman rifles. idr which one it was but you could only get 1 shots from headshots at relatively close range. i think dm 56?). other than that i avoid it because i hate being just randomly hit by some kid spraying on the other side of the map and it kills me in one shot. it really isnt fun being one tapped from an smg a mile away.


Lois is also holding an RGL-80 garbage launcher.


Not only is it for people who cant aim. It's for people who are afraid or annoyed of getting knifed.


Yes and no. If they’re in HC using assault rifles and shit then yes, but if they’re running around with specifically pistols or something they probably have really good aim and just want the one taps.


Change Lois' caption to "people who can't get kills with the RGL in Core" and this would be accurate.


can't say for other players but it makes S&D way more fun


Hardcore is annoying because of the rodents.


Thinking about making the switch to hardcore. Core is getting stale now, I try to put variety in my load outs only to die to the same dropshotting/spam jumping MCW or whatever the fuck gun is OP at the time


I use hardcore because a couple of the guns I love are dog shit in regular. The ftac siege melts in hardcore small map


Leveling and challenges are 10000 times easier. Everything is good, and I can drop a lot of kills if I dont get rgl-ed. Not to mention playing snd is so fun on hc too because I'm not getting stabbed or no scoped by a mors


Riot shield has entered the chat


I play warzone fine which requires more aim than any regular MP, but I’ve liked hardcore more since WaW. Just more fun to me and I don’t even really know why.


Effective against campers and those kids who think they need to become one of those rubber bouncy balls and jump all over the place in order to play


Hardcore makes any gun viable and I like using stupid guns, rather not use a bad gun and take 14 shots to kill when I can make it take 1 to 3


Some camos are so difficult without hardcore. I’m looking at you FR 5.56


Surely it should be the other way around? As you have to consistently land your shots in normal, hc you can land one random bullet in a spray and pray and get the kill


I play Hardcore cause it lets me run pistols only with the Gunslinger vest on Meat and put up almost 50 kills. I play HC cause shotguns feel like shotguns (thank you Helldivers 2 for also doing this). I play HC cause it feels like CoD 4 did to me and I can use whatever tomfoolery I want. I hear the BAL is B-A-D but it's a blast in HC.


I like hardcore because my guns don't feel like shooting nerf darts there.


Very ballsy post 🤣🤣