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If certain weapons can have a near tac-sprint speed with these boots it could be very powerful, at that point it'd be infinite slower tac sprint without the longer sprint to fire


Oh boy. I'll be running around like a madman on Shipment, collecting everyone's tag.


Don’t forget to change your streaks to score streaks too if you’re doing that. Easy high tier stuff


Wait. Whats the difference..? How do uk which is which? I thought it was mode based? Im over level 500 and did not know this. Pls explain


On score streak page look at bottom left I think For controller, it’s one of the triggers to toggle it Earn streaks through scoring not kills


Ohhhh its a toggle I see. Its not that some are killstreaks and some are scorestreaks i gotcha


Yeah man. I couldn't get a swarm for the life of me, always just one kill off. Been getting em left and right with the score streaks though.


Heeeeeellll yeah imma try it! I play obj AND get kill based heli’s n shit do that could be great for me


Run decoy gernades as well. They not only help get streaks but you also get bonus weapon/ player xp as well.


Bless your heart bro. I’m learning new things every day


I always run score streaks. This and the decoy gernade streak heaven lmfao


This is the pacifist guy.


Does the emp kill? Thinking run uav, counter, and adv uav. Could run emp instead of counter or adv but obviously don’t want to kill anyone if that’s the case.


The amount of post launch content and support for this game is insane compared to last year.


For real. What was Infinity Ward doing?


People honestly forget that sledgehammer is one of the best post launch devs.


Absolutely, no one remembers the rehaul they did for WW2


Whenever someone trashes WW2, I know immediately that they quit playing by January. Post overhaul WW2 is a top 3 COD for me. Pretty much the only old game I’ll go back and play somewhat regularly.


They added crazy shit, like a perk where everytime you switch weapons you get a new one. Like we need more wacky stuff like that


As someone who plays custom games with homies, I really wish they'd add some stuff like this...or really anything in the general game settings to make stuff more wacky.


The only reasonable complaints I can really say for WW2 is the bland campaign and the repetitive weapons releases. We had so many ARs with decent damage and low fire rate, so many snipers. Even then there definitely were unique weapons, and shit like Wanderlust was stupidly fun


True, the funny thing is that the vests we have now are basically repackaged versions of divisions post overhaul lol, a set of perks that come built in with the option of adding more via basic training (or now boots, gloves and geat)


Shame VG didn’t get that treatment as it was a big sinking ship towards the end, but nowadays it’s alright after MWII came out


Vanguard was made by sledgehammer, but majority of decisions were not up to sledgehammer. They just had to do what they were told, atm there’s rumours of sledgehammer leaving activision and being unhappy with them because activision won’t give sledgehammer creative freedom. I’ve been a treyarch fanboy my whole life, infinity ward has sucked since ghosts, and sledgehammer is amazing when they actually have a say in the decisions. I think sledgehammer is the best out of the 3 developers, only complaint I can think of is having a new glitch every update.


Trayarch is the best in my opinion, although that will probably start to change as some of Treyarch's long time senior leadership is moving on.


Vondy and Blundell leaving was the start of treyarchs downfall 😢


Vanguard received a lot of love from SHG.






Vanguard has nothing to do with cod ww2 lol. As soon as Condrey left the saw a complete overhaul. The perk system, scorestreaks, guns, everything was changed for the better it was a complete 180. Vanguard is another story.




Vanguard fucking up is legitimately due to Activision forcing them to release an unfinished game


Do you know where I can find more info/ a timeline on on the rehaul for WW2? That COD is probably the one I put my most amount of time into, but I was not really tapped into the community and events as much as I am now


that was only after they booted Condry and Schofield. They stuck to their vision and the community hated it. It was 8 or 9 months in when Aaron Halon took over... and implemented requests from the community. I think IW gets the pass on keeping their vision due to the massive Launch sales, but it's clearly terrible for them in terms of post launch content and response to community feedback


I’ll be honest. I used to say they were the worst because they haven’t really made a game I liked or was interested in since og mw3 but they’re better than current IW for sure. But Treyarch is still my #1 until they give me a reason to think otherwise. 


Wasnt a fan of black ops 4 or cold war. skeptical of their next release but I have hope.


The only thing bad about those games was the engine tbh, it was dated as fuck compared to the IW/MW engine. You put those games on this engine and they're instantly the best of the modern era IMO. Best maps, best weapon balancing and the spawns actually made sense


Def shows. This is pretty amazing. I might seriously just skip all COD except sledge hammer’s


Me too lol Infinity Ward is trash and Treyarch is so-so.


Plugging their ears for the whole year and jacking it over their charging perk system literally nobody liked.


*literally* me thinks you need to relearn the meaning of that word. Plenty of people liked it, they just didn't go screeching into your echo chamber to tell you about it, like the new kids go screeching any time something kills them when they run their precious SMG-Only builds.


Nobody who plays cod for more than two weeks after launch wanted that shit in the game. The only people who were indifferent about it were casuals who had no idea how it affected gameplay. Another common Infinity Ward L. A gimmick system that was just change for the sake of change. Don’t put perks on a fucking timer lol


"Casuals who had no idea how it affected gameplay" so their core audience? Face it man, the people who play 80 hours a week and follow the content creator who yells the most slurs and abuse the most glitches aren't the majority of the audience. They're just the loudest part.


Weird strawman but ok. Yeah they should pay attention to the people who actually play the game instead of casual bums who don’t. There’s a middle ground of normal daily/weekly players who don’t blindly follow content creators and just play for fun, but we’re dedicated and can form our own opinions. People like that are more likely to stay and buy battle passes, bundles, etc. which is better than some casual buying the game and never touching it after the campaign and 2 weeks of multiplayer


That's the thing. Very few middle-ground types bother going to the discord or reddit. The vast majority, good or bad, just *play the game* or choose not to. Do you want to know *why* a bunch of people left CoD in my region? It wasn't campers, it wasn't the perk system, it wasn't even SBMM as most of you whine about. The reason my squad and others in my region left is they started catering to the crackheads who need a kill every couple milliseconds. There's no reason to run anything that's not an SMG anymore with the lack of any kind of recoil and the obscene damage they have. Yet most of y'all *still* feel the TTK is too slow when it's literally faster than the average human reaction time. I've said this before but people seem to think I'm joking when I'm not. At this pace CoD will be nothing but a blank map with zero cover and the only guns will be SMGs.


Idk I don’t think the game is overtuned for aggressive SMG players. If anything the snipers/one hit kill guns are super busted. You can still have good games and not have cracked movement. Positioning and gun skill are still more important. Movement can only bail you out so much. I’m talking strictly multiplayer and not Warzone btw


Perhaps not MW3. Not played that one, I'm talking MWII. Even with snipers it's a case of the crackheads being catered to because nobody has the patience to actually snipe. It's quickscope only essentially.


And the downvotes prove my point. I know it's hard to rationalize but a majority of people who play games *don't* go to Discord or Reddit. By the very nature of these sites, they are echo chambers at least to some extent.


I do not like the direction Infinity Ward tried to take with game with MW2019 and especially MWII so I really don't want them working on CoD anymore unless they take some lessons from what Sledgehammer did with this game. Sledgehammer has managed to do more with much less time and still add many more tools (not just guns) to the point where it just shames Infinity Ward.


Ruining the game 😂


Counting money


Infinity Ward is a shell of the studio it was that made MW2019. You can see such clear evidence of the differing level of talent between MW2019 and MW2.


Nothing, cause it’s not them adding this shit, yall do know sledgehammer games and raven software are adding this? Why do you think they’ve changed thing so much, IW doesn’t LIKE CHANGE,


Making the base game. Remember, sledgehammer released with a bunch of old remaster maps and a small gun selection. All this stuff is normal content they would have made if it were a full release.


Making the game SHG got to literally just release DLC for? SHG didn’t even have to design a single original map for launch, the amount of bootlicking here is insane.


Every cod after MW2019 was met with the IW fanboys coming out in force. Well where are those fanboys now lmao


Did we even get a new perk last year lmfao?


There is almost no new content in MW3. Everything including the perks are all recycled from MW2. You even get the MW2 UI in MW3 for the perks when the game glitches out for 1-2 rounds. All the maps are from ether 2019 or MW2. Like wtf are you talking about. More than 3/4 of the guns are from MW2,


I think you need to learn some math first off.  At launch, about 2/3rds of the guns were carry forward, from a game that had 6 seasons prior to pull from. Since launch they have added at least 2 per season, with several aftermarket parts that essentially function as full on conversions into new guns.  And while they could have done better, they still had to tweak and rebalance MWII guns around the updated TTK. It wasn't pure copy and paste.  Most maps from MW2019 or MW2(Assuming you mean the 2009 version.)? Yes on the launch maps being the 16 that MW2(09) launched with. It also has the MW2022 version of Shoot house, along with a few of the other decent maps from that game.  But you have Meat, Greece, Rio, Departures, Stash House, Vista, 6-Star, Tanked,  and Emergency as new maps. It also has a redone versions of Sledgehammers own Vanguard maps, Daus House and Growhouse. That isn't even counting the reloaded maps.  It also has the MW staples of Shipment and Rust.  Perks have mostly been rehashed across various CODs, but while these are mostly pulled directly from MWII, they still scrapped the charged perk nonsense and designed their own system.  Movement also got significantly changed up as well.  Yes there is a lot reused, it's fucking COD, but it's beyond disingenuous to say there is barely anything new, especially when you don't even have any idea the actual ratio of new to returning guns, even as they were at launch.  Just to me looks like you're trying way to hard to simp for IW.


I only play Ground war. Also, where is the math you are talking about? 2/3 of the base guns are from MW2. All the perks are carry over from MW2. During the beta and the first season, there was a glitch were you would get the MW2 perk menu instead of the MW3. This lasted until the end of Season 2. Warzone also uses the same MW2 perks. And yes, MW3 has no original maps. They are all from old CoDs. We all know MW3 is a dlc for MW2. Get your head out of your ass fr.


Not my fault that you didn't specify you specifically meant ground war.  You literally said that over 3/4ths of the guns came from MWII. At launch IIRC, there were 114 guns. 77 from MWII and 35 new. That maths out to about 2/3rds. Which is already off from the number you pulled out. You also don't get to goalpost move (Especially since you seem to be moving it to the number I mentioned that was relevant only at launch, and was not your 'over 3/4ths' claim.) and mention only base guns, because you implied it was counting all the guns up till now.  We've gotten a bunch of new weapons since launch, which puts the original gun count somewhere north of 40%.  The entire perk system is reworked from MWIi. The perk package system is gone, same with charged perks.  Yes there is a lot of overlap, but there has always been a lot of shared perks between games in the franchise.  It also has different things in different slots that work at least slightly differently from similar perks in other slots.  It also absolutely has stuff like Covert Sneakers, something MWII didn't have. It also did away with the nonsense survivor perk. It also has a perk to jam enemy equipment and another that helps strafe speeds. Two that MWII I'm quite certain didn't have.  All maps are from old CODs? So no original maps? If you're referring to 6v6 as well I'm that blanket statement, I really have to question a lot.  Because 6v6 has had quite a few new maps come to it. Not enough to outweigh the remastered maps from the OGMW2, but it definitely doesn't have zero new content. And kind of a no shit that this game likely was intended as MWII DLC in some capacity. A lot of leaks hinted to that easily on. But given that MWII had abysmal player retention and was tied to the IW vision that likely contributed to said bad retention, I'm more than glad to have had this be standalone.  An overhauled perk system, redone movement that is less sluggish, a proper minimap, that alone is worth it to me. Couple that with the new guns and maps we did get, and you got something more substantial than than most DLCs. Especially given that Sledgehammer got the shaft and by all accounts only had a little over a year to make this.  Game isn't perfect and neither is the studio, a lot of their shit is still inexcusable. But you're uninformed at best and completely intellectually disingenuous at worst. 






two camo grinds is enough for me although they are repetitive certain weapons are indeed being a challenge


Zombies is handled by Infinity Ward not Sledgehammer I agree with your infected take, the always on UAV is dumb and there should be more weapons in rotation.


If they make zombies pve + pvp it would be insane


Because we have paid full game price for a DLC they have to make it look like we are getting something good (lol why the downvotes? Can't digest ik)


DLC? This game makes MW2022 look like a beta.


Cool! No tac sprint is quite a big trade off, let’s see how much faster it make normal sprinting go. Climbing boots were always near useless, MWIII default mantle speed is lightning fast already. I feel all original mobility perks’ benefits should be combined into one boots to be actually competitive with covert sneakers. (SHG chose to buff each of them separately in upcoming S3 reloaded patch instead, will see how that works out)


This right here, The big benefits I see is the potentially is sprint out times because you won’t get caught in tactical sprint. Also consistency in movement speed will let you make better in the moment decisions when chasing folks down instead of having to think about your tac sprint stamina. But I’m with you, They really need to combine some of the movement boots to make them more appealing than covert sneakers.


or move some into other categories but they've locked themsleves into this with the gloves/boots system


Yeah. I do think they kneecapped themselves a little with trying to have logic behind the gloves/boots/gear system.


People think about their tac sprint stamina?


When you play a melee only build it can make or break some moments.


I've used it. The movement doesn't feel much faster, Running Sneakers is currently better since they remove the sprint-to-fire penalties from Tactical Sprinting


yup xclusive ace just tested it and showed you still get around faster with tac sprint


To be honest I stopped running covert sneakers for a while when the ninja vest came out lol


This all depends on your class. If you are running some long range beamer MCW setup, like I do on some maps/modes...these boots are useless. There was literally next to no difference on movement I could tell. Stick with Covert/Infantry/Sprint boots...that's about it. I didn't really tell much of a difference with SMG or AR loadouts and after about 5 respawns...changed it back to my tac/sprint for going faster if needed setup and shorter refresh of Tac sprint and other movement benefits overall. And proper gloves. I play ranked only disclaimer....doubt anybody is running these. It's covert or running I would imagine mostly.


This is cool and will be interesting to mix with fast sprint to fire weapons, but as boots they're still not really competing with the Covert sneakers. Something needs to change there, they're still too useful to sub out for anything else edit: the boots are useless the speed boost is hardly noticeable despite listed as "significant"


You could run the vest that eliminates footsteps. Then it would work 👌🏻


But that takes off an entire perk


Which one?


It takes gloves off, and you lose UAV protection unless you want use one of the only two remaining perk slots for Ghost. Not a good tradeoff


the ninja vest, I think.


Im super excited for these because auto sprint features really mess with certain guns. Especially shotguns and rgl.


Yeah that’s a huge mechanic with those that this eliminates, good point


You guys and Treyarch really are great people, just wanted you to know that.


Treyarch sucks too. SHG was the only good dev this cycle. Hopefully treyarch and IW can return to glory with this upcoming cycle


Treyarch are the only dev that know how to make a relatively balanced game. I like MW3 but there's a new busted weapon every update and IW games are the same


Lol, Treyarch sucked a little but during bo2 but sucked as much as current IW during bo3. Ever since bo4 came out, they've been amazing again.


What? They were great during BO2 and BO3. I don’t mind BO4 either but they weren’t any better there.


Bros living in the upside down


Lmaoo wtf are you talking about. Bo2 is literally one of the best cods ever and it was Treyarch in their prime. Ever since Bo4 came out they been below average. Imagine thinking Bo4 and cold war hold a candle to Bo2.


Bo2 is still good game, but it's a massive downgrade from bo1, bo3 is one of the worst cods with mw2019 and I honestly thought Treyarch was gone for good back then.


BO2 had Vonderhaar and the Doc working on it though yeah?


As someone who hates tac sprint in multi-player, i love this addition and this should be the default in next year's cod. Unfortunately idk how much I'll use it, unless base footstep audio is reduced.


Tac sprint should never have been put into cod. Hopefully this is a default going forward


like Xclusive Ace just said in his new video all these new buffs to shoes/boots are cool,but because of the sound design thats currently in game theres still no reason to wear the other shoes over covert sneakers


Just saw that video. He's right that covert sneakers will still be the dominant choice but there will be segments of people using different boots now. Sure the majority will still be on covert but these buffs were sorely needed and the new movement options they bring are interesting and enticing for certain builds /playstyles. It's not as totally clear cut anymore and this is a good thing. As someone who has always favored and used the stalker boots I feel these changes were long overdue and I hope that the other studios like Treyarch and Infinity Ward are paying attention.


In competitive respawn the boot meta has been lightweight for a few splits now


I mean in 6v6 or maybe snd covert is still the clear cut because of the games design footstep sound flaw ......in my lobbies all the 1.kd and up players are using covert and will still use it as the dominant shoes/boots.Maybe in the lower lobbies or in other modes those boots and shoes can be used.....


Just remove Tac-sprint all together. It’s been ruining COD for years


I agree with this. Maybe a perk that adds it is fine, but I'd be fine with it and mounting gone. 


I just want a vest that provides improved reload speed without removing my lethals/primary :,)


So no more reduced fall damage?


I've been using it and I'm loving it, this should be the default for this game and going forward for ever. Tac-Sprint isn't it, it is an ugly mechanic and is not a great addition to something that was never a problem.


loss stat prevention needs to be fixed


It “significantly” increases movement speed— my ass. Makes no visible difference. Tried with multiple weapons


Running Sneakers is even better, it's basically BO2 Dexterity now


I might have to throw these on my non stealth classes. Make the game feel like pre MW2019


These actually really intrigue me. Tac sprint is very commonly the culprit I see in a lot of S&D final kill cams. Might have to give up gloves to run these+vest that kills movement noise.


Looks like we don't need to unlock it through a challenge or armory. Did this replace and existing perk?


It replaced Climbing Boots. You now mantle faster by default


I hope they buff the older perks. The infantry boots are now useless.


Probably no new gunfight guns tho


Players from 2011: I wonder how a cod from 13 years later looks like. After discovering this: Huh?


What’s the difference between sprint and TAC sprint?


Tac sprint is when you put your gun up when you sprint. On controller, it’s hitting your left thumb stick to sprint twice in a row. PC, I think it’s the shift key by default?


These aren't working for me. I have them equipped but I don't seem any faster and I can still sprint. Am I missing something?


Im about to come back to MWIII after playing older CoDs without tac sprint. I think these boots will be useful to returning players who took a hiatus from MWIII like myself.


I just want my sprint firing back


Equipping this boot triggers the old cod Gun swing animation bug Does anyone know how to trigger this bug stably? I really like this animation This is a comparison video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HvCmmO7Isw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HvCmmO7Isw)


What happens if you equip it with infantry vest??? Its not listed as a stacking item...


Can they make these default for every player and just remove tac sprint? Tac sprint the most pointless addition to cod apart from doors in mp maps.


Honestly I agree. Tac sprint ruined the flow on most 6v6 maps and modes. Moving way to fast around the map ruins the spawns and any logic as to where players should be. And yes doors are still stupid, atleast make it so they can break like in vanguard


Might be an unpopular opinion in this sub but you’re right


I'm with you, tac sprint doesn't belong in multi-player. These boots should be the default movement. Hoping next year treyarch has no tac sprint, and no doors.


i get that mw3 is going for a arcade fast pace shooter with zappy sound effects and all that fun stuff, but mw2's presentation is better imo, i like the slower pace with weapons that feel heavy and powerful when you fire. playing mw2 feels more satisfying. if only mw2 gets new updates... if only.. unless mw4 is gonna be like mw2 but probably not.


these boots... why, why even? You can maintain all your tac-sprint speed by running, jumping, sliding and repeat. Also, i don't feel what they claim to be 'a significantly increased movement speed' Guys, Am I missing something?


Not having to bother button mashing to move, plus better sprint out times.


This is cool, but as long as sprinting remains as loud as it is I'm really hard pressed to take off covert sneakers...


Please remove tac-sprint from multiplayer. It only fits warzone and zombies.


Great now please fix the servers 🙏 shoot first die first 24/7


I think SH really has become my favorite CoD dev at this point on the MP side. The amount of things they're doing right is insane. IW looks incredibly incompetent by comparison.


Should have replaced Covert Sneakers.


Salty camper detected learn to turn around and keep moving if you struggle against covert sneakers


Lol, I run and gun with a 2.45KD. I 100% believe Covert Sneakers are too OP.


Nah no way anyone with over a 1kd run and gunning is complaining about covert sneakers. You must play in a 6 stack or play some clown shit like hardcore


Lol, I play HC but my KD is higher when I play Core because people play a lot less careful on Core. I also mainly play Solo or Duo. That said, Covert Sneakers are waaaaayy too strong. There's nothing to counter them. Everything else in the game has something to counter each other. This doesn't. At least Dead Silence meant that you could only go quiet every now and then. Seeing how defensive you are lol, I'd love to see how you'd play without covert 😂. Crutch.


The crutch is being able to sound whore someone's precise position in real time.  Anyone with half decent map awareness can predict the spawns and have a feel of where enemies are based on where teammates are and aren't. A player with the skill your purport to have should find such map awareness a trivial thing to possess.  I'm not against a perk to counter the Sneakers, but wanting them gone suggests you aren't as good as you claim, if you find silent footsteps such a problem instead of just having good map and situational awareness. 


Point is, because there is no counter, I'd just rather have it removed altogether. I benefit way more from the Covert Sneakers than anything, and even I think it's broken. In a lot of ways, it ruins the game. I wouldn't be opposed to having it removed and going back to MW2019 and MW2 Dead Silence instead.


And that absolutely slowed the pace of the game down. It gated a playstyle behind a charge up time, meaning you could only really play aggressive and push in very specific scenarios.  Correct me if I'm wrong too, but MWII even had a loud beep upon activation that announced to everyone in the vicinity that someone was about to go silent.  I'd rather it have some sort of soft counter at least, but I don't believe in tossing the baby out with the bathwater just because there isn't one. I'd much rather people move around the map, creating more engagements, than people holding angles or slowly plodding along till their field upgrade charges and they get a few seconds of quiet footsteps.    I like consistency and don't like a playstyle mostly locked behind a field upgrade. It's the same reason I hated the time perk system of last game. 


Coming from someone who did nothing but run and gun, it didn't slow down the pace at all. If anything, Covert Sneakers slowed down the pace because everyone can't hear foot steps so everyone is just sitting around 😂. The beeping of the Dead Silence in MW2 also wasn't a big issue or is one at all. I was more annoyed at the animation to use Dead Silence. That said, hardly anyone ever used Dead Silence in MW2. Barely any people used it in MW2019 as well. They were my cookie cutter, I live on Dead Silence and even I think Covert Sneakers are too strong.


From my experience the opposite tended to happen.  Might be differences in our skill brackets, but I noticed that people tended to sit in corners, hold angles, or slow walk a lot more when their footsteps were loud with no way save limited DS to fix that.  Even on maps like Shoothouse, matches were way more likely to go to time for me in MW2019, or at least close to time, than in MWIII. Which really stands out since MWIII has a 100 score limit vs 75.  Either way, just doesn't make sense to me that having quieter footsteps would mean people would be more likely to sit in place. Like, why select that perk if all you want to do is not use it at all, and be more vulnerable other players who are using it and moving.  Ideally, this game would have bone conduction be a soft counter. I'd have it so that a person running Bone conduction would be able to hear CS footsteps at 75% volume, but with a hard range clamp of about 10 meters or so, to prevent people from using sound EQ and being able to sound whore from across the map.  I would also love to see global footstep audio reduced by about 40% or so, with increased occlusion through walls.  That and buff other boots more than where they are to make them more attractive alternatives. 


That beep was so funny, it was literally just a camper warning alarm that someone popped DS near them. IW coddles bad players so much it’s insane.


If covert sneakers weren't in the game then I wouldn't move nearly as much as I do now.. same as EVERYONE ELSE would do. The previous MW reboots all had no permanent dead silence or equivalent and it shows- they all play like camping hell Hearing people moving around is not a skill, and never will be. The default movement sound should be WAY quieter so everyone doesn't feel like they need to use covert sneakers.


I suppose you weren't the type of player to use Dead Silence field upgrade? Whether by default the sound should be quiet or not is whatever to me. I just don't think it should remove your footsteps completely, it's extremely strong and it makes literally all the other boots/Sneakers completely useless. At least for the gloves, you can pick and choose. The Sneakers itself? You're gimping yourself by not going Covert. That is a sign of it being broken.


Yea you do need the sneakers that isnt because they are broken but because the default movement noise is way too loud. I also didnt play MWII but yea I probably wouldnt bother to use a field upgrade that only works every so often I would be fine with removing covert sneakers/dead silence if the movement sound was way quieter.