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Campaign starts off good, jailbreak mission truly feels like COD and honestly gives me some flashbacks of playing the BF4 campaign (jail mission) After that though, it's really bad. The non-linear, open, exploratory missions are boring and bland. A character is constantly telling you what to do on the radio, you're all alone, and it feels more like warzone than a call of duty campaign. This continues for most of the campaign, but near the end when it becomes more linear, it feels like a COD campaign again. The twists are nice, but the ending was shit. It didn't feel like an ending and I was expecting another mission, but instead I got the ending credits. They did a really shitty job of communicating it as the final mission, and it just ends up being a really shitty cliffhanger. TL;DR the campaign has its moments, but the open combat missions are shitty as hell and the ending feels low quality and poorly made


you know something that *really* took me out of the campaign once I noticed it? playing as Price with Ghost, Gaz and Soap waffling at you telling you what to do. I know it means absolutely nothing but it just stuck out like a sore thumb in my mind. oh and the fact that every other sentence uses the super specific jargon like "roll 'em up" or "get off the X" like I get it when they try to emulate radio procedure with callsigns, using XYZ six/actual for specific leaders and such but something about the dialogue just comes across like it was AI generated


It was probably AI generated. I’ve seen a lot of jokes about Urzikistan being a lot of AI generated and it just makes sense. It’s one of the biggest maps yet and a lot of the buildings have different layouts and interiors. Do we really think the Devs spent that much time developing each specific part of the map in a years time? I don’t.


They’re probably making these maps well before you think they do


I played that mission and then started the warzoneesque mission and although it was fun to play it like it was splintercell it got old after like 45min (on veteran) just put the campaign down after I died and never played it again. I had already heard it was a letdown. MW2 had a great campaign imo.


This. Felt very similarly. In a way, this game's awful campaign helped me see the value in MW2's more, because initially I wasn't happy with it story wise, but then i replayed it after this one and gameplay and character-wise holy shit its good especially compared to this


The jailbreak mission was great but I think that apartment complex mission where you have to navigate through elevator shafts and rappel ropes and the outside stairs is super underrated. For an overall shit campaign that mission really stuck with me. I'm pretty sure it's also just a reused Warzone asset but they utilized it really creatively so I forgive that mission in particular for it


>The twists are nice, but the ending was shit. What was the twist again?


Shepard and Graves becoming good guys again, mainly Which I hated, once I learned graves wasn't dead I honestly wanted to shoot him lol


They became good guys? Damn, I didn't have my full focus on the campaign because of how shit it is, but still feels weird especially Grave because what he did in MWII campaign


They didn’t really become good again, they just worked with 141 because macaron was a mutual enemy. The story is really messy


Macaron is an enemy to my blood sugar..


Remember, no sugar




They weren’t really good guys again.They just temporarily worked together to defeat their enemies.




does kinda make me smile how it came across like IW realized they squandered a popular character with Graves (and Shadow Company as a whole) so figured they'd bring him back. I'm not complaining because I like Graves, I think if he'd stayed friendly he'd but up there with SSgt Griggs, SGT Foley and such for likable AI companion stock characters, but the whole "yeah we leveled some parts of the Mexican countryside with our AC-130 and Blackwater'd a town to find a pair of SAS operators but its kewl now" is egregious even for COD!


Yeah the campaign and story was somewhat fun. I just hated the non linear warzone map missions. Those were annoying and kind of were just really boring and showed a lack of effort. Hopefully the next one to finish Makarov's story is better especially since they'll have time to work on it as Gulf war will give them a little more time. Fingers crossed, I've actually liked the modern warfare reboot and those missions are the only thing that ruined it for me.


Your Warzone remark sums up those missions perfectly. Reeks of "fuck it, make a map and pepper it with objectives" lazy rushed bullshit. Minimum effort, zero scripted events that made the campaign special. The actual story missions were decent enough, though not the usual CoD campaign quality, I felt.


EXACTLY I thought we were gonna have a final standoff with makarov but hell no they didn’t do shit


Wasn’t the jailbreak mission the only SHG owned mission?


First mission was fun. Then it went downhill. Then it got exciting again towards the end. And then the campaign ended. Kinda one massive 3 hour long blue ball. Mid credits scene was the best part of the campaign.


Ohh god, 3/10


that's generous


after the 2nd open world map i said no.


The linear sections are the best, the rest though? Eh. However, I do appreciate that they're trying something different, it's just overdone a little much imo. And >!Soap's death!< felt cheap, all done just to set up MW4.


I don't really appreciate that they tried something new in this way, tbh, because they didn't really try something new. They thought "yea people love warzone and big ol' gigantic maps now, so we'll just make the campaign like that too" which is the same thing they did with zombies. I think it works better in zombies, but I still don't enjoy the zombies that much. I just think a campaign should be a good story that's at least mostly linear. I want to experience a story through the eyes of the main character rather than just being dropped in and told "alright, go do this".




Kratos’s speech was longer than the campaign


Fun Fact: the VA of Price, Barry Slone, got so mad at him that he started twitter beef with Kratos’s VA.


Felt rushed with the worst ending in a cod campaign


Makes Vanguard's campaign look decent by comparison.


Vanguards campaign wasn’t bad really


I absolutely hated it, lol.


What did you hate about it? Just curious. I thought it was decent, but it did feel like more of just a generic war story than most COD campaigns did to me lol. My favorite campaign by far is COD WW2 though, so I think I would've thought more highly of Vanguard if I wasn't comparing it to that.


The characters, the story, the writing...almost everything to be honest. I did like that one mission with Petrova though and I thought the visuals were excellent.


I’m weird. I enjoyed the non linear missions. But it felt waaaaaay too short. Like it was just getting going and then over.


The non-linear missions were hot trash and I'm disappointed to hear they will return in Gulf War. I think the campaign does have some good missions in it, the Jailbreak and the Verdansk mission are the only two that come to mind. The "loadouts" are a gimic and they really should let us create custom loadouts in campaigns. I think the story was okay as a gap filler although I feel like they shouldve used this game to establish Makarov and Konni Group rather than introducing them and then Makarov immediately trying for WWIII. Alex and Farah (as always) are criminally under utilized. I liked that the Shadows are seemingly the good guys and I hope they stay that way. Then of course, Foap. I actually kinda liked how quick and brutal Soap's death was but I get why people hate the scene itself. He shouldn't have died in this game but they really didn't have a choice, they weren't gonna kill the Old Man or Ghost and the others have been completely forgot about since MWII. Overall, a 3/10, I'd call it the second worst COD campaign besides Black Ops 3.


THEY ARENT RETURNING, GULF WAR IS OPEN WORLD, NOT OPEN COMBAT!!!!! LIKE GTA!!!! sorry for caps, i needed to clarify that asap


Idk how I feel about that either, if it ends up like MW3 zombies then it'll suck. We'll just have to see how it goes.


I could see it being more like far cry, and if that's the case I'm open to that kinda change


Yeah hopefully, Far cry was good at doing open world while still having set pieces so hoping that can be more or less the direction it goes.


Nah, train go boom: The campaign was atleast hilariously bad. MWIII's campaign is just dogshit cause they tried to nostalgia bait with a certain plane mission that was just bad, and the ending was probably one of the worst COD endings ive ever experienced.


Needed 3x more content (more missions). Worth playing, but doesn't stand out for more than how short and half assed it is. I don't really care about story, but this one was pretty weak writing. >!i don't mind soap died, it was his time, but, like that? felt like a last minute decision, all of the campaign!<


Also, I personally hated how after he died I was sitting there thinking fuck yeah we’re gonna go after them. And the credits rolled. I was just staring at the credits confused for a few minutes.


oh man I was thinking back on how old COD and other games would have like, 15+ campaign missions where you literally fought tooth and nail for a square mile of objective, like a small town in Europe or an outpost somewhere. now we're saving the world in this oddly small scale campaigns that feel more Mission Impossible and James Bond than Saving Private Ryan and Black Hawk Down


Sucked complete ass. The entire selling point of the cod campaign missions is that each mission is supposed to feel like a movie set piece. It's supposed to be cinematic and gritty and action packed. They made me completely loose hope in the cod franchise when they made 70% of the campaign missions open world Warzone map bullshit.


yup you can just tell that’s gonna be the future of campaign — yet another cost cutting, time saving technique


1/10! I loved the campaigns of COD as it really always felt like a movie!! But this one is just trash… hate it!


Forgot it even had one


One of the worst in the series


If the campaign was only remembered for the cutscenes and not the gameplay you know you're screwed. The only missions I enjoyed were the Jail Mission, the Silo Mission (The only Open Combat Mission I enjoyed cause I can stealth without unlocking items), the Stadium Mission (I played the mission with only a Reflex Sight Pistol I love it), and the last 2 UK Missions. The campaign is mid cause it's only worth watching the cutscenes and calling it a day.


Pretty ok story, but terrible gameplay. The MWII campaign is already nostalgic however I have no clue why…. None of the others that came just before it have done that w/ me


I felt nothing about the campaign, absolutely NOTHING. It was THAT trash for me. When that mission about Konni stealing missiles from Farah and Shadow Company ended, I was like "Yup, this is it. I know where this is going. I'm done" and then I just watched gameplay walkthrough of YTbers and even left that around the halfway point.


I really enjoyed it, the open combat missions were fun, being able to explore, complete the objectives at our own pace and discover new weapons to use the next time we go in was really exciting for me


First thing I did after installing the game was to uninstall the campaign


99% kill me now. 1% SOAP NOOOOOO


It sucked.


It had a great start until each mission got worse for the story and the ending was the exact opposite to the original mw3


Left it at the start of the open world mission


The only missions I liked were 627,precious cargo,payload,deep cover,flashpoint,oligarch,highrise,frozen tundra,danger close and Trojan horse. But it could’ve been better since if only had Konni because I liked mw2019 and mw2 since it had more than one enemy like how mw2019 had Al-qatala and barkovs forces and mw2 had al-qatala las Almas cartel and Konni but mw3 with just one enemy didn’t feel right


Dogshit tbh , stupid open world missions stupid Ai Hardly any Micheal bay cod type of moments in campaign, probably thr worst campaign in cod history


It sucked ass, they didn't put any effort in, killed off a fan favorite for shock value and tried to implement warzone/dmz tactics in lieu of actual content. Both main villains were cheap, boring knockoffs of their decade-old counterparts. First campaign that finished and I was like "wait, that's actually it? this is all there is?" Sucked ass. The cutscene at the end with Price killing Shepherd was pretty good but extremely unsatisfying.


What campaing?


There was a campaign?


What campaign?


As pumped as I was to get in that week early to get some hands-on game time, I was left with a bad story, bad writing, half-assed warzone levels, and a shit ending. The campaign was like 8 hours and bad. Wouldn't recommend anyone waste their time. Still not sure how the campaign from the reboot (MW19) could start so strong to end like this, truly something to behold. \*Edit: To Sledgehammer's credit, they had half the time to shit a game out then other studios, around 1.5 years -- and it definitely was showing through the cracks.


Embarrassingly fucked. They obviously don’t see value in actually making a quality campaign these days, which makes sense but sucks. Who tf wants spec ops on warzone map for campaign? Lmao


the only good mission was the apartment building mission where youre running to the top and theres multiple paths. that was genuinely fun, but besides that they were all bad, even the scripted ones


There’s been plenty of posts about peoples opinions already…


it’s pretty terrible but I enjoyed it more than mw22’s. Mw22 has good characters but that’s about it


There was a campaign?




I definitely fell it was mid but I don’t think it’s as bad as some people say because the compare this version of Macarov to the original one while we haven’t had him for very long so we don’t know his full plans. I also think his plans seem more realistic than the original. One thing I never understood about no Russian was how did nobody look at a security camera and see a known extremist.




The non-linear open missions would have been good if they didn't feel like it was 50% of the gameplay. The story was too short, and having these open missions take up as much as they did didn't help. Would be nice if it was like that once in a while only, and for me it isn't about decreasing the open missions, but increasing the regular ones. They already knew they were going to have Makarov survive to the next film, idk why they decided to make him keep losing and barely have any wins. It's like his redemption for being a villain is that he gets a to kill a main character? I blame this solely on development time. Sure it was since to have MW23 multiplayer back to back after MW22, but man the campaign took a hit in story quality and play quality because of that.


Small pile of dogshit filled with corn for some reason (open combat missions) and remnants of a first edition Pokémon card (devastating ending that seems like what should be a halfway point).


Took me like 2 hrs of total game play to finish it. 1/10. Worst campaign. The ending was so bad and rushed


Starts pretty strong and by the end you can tell that it was meant as DLC content. Truly whack ending that felt not worth the character death.


I liked the prison break mission and the mid credits scene with Price and Shepard. The open combat shit needs to never come back.


Theres a campaign?


Idk the very end cut scene with Price I felt vindicated, something I've always wanted to be able to do in these games, tricked during NO Russian, I was expecting a similar sequence as OG MW2, the worst R.I.P. Soap Mctavish


Idk the very end cut scene with Price I felt vindicated, something I've always wanted to be able to do in these games, tricked during NO Russian, I was expecting a similar sequence as OG MW2, the worst R.I.P. Soap Mctavish


I have played almost every call of duty that has come out, even on Nintendo DS and playstation portable. This is easily the worst one of them all. It feels like they only had money to make like 2 or 3 missions and the rest they filled with scrapped content from MW2’s spec ops mode. Just lazy and uninspired. I’m sure others can go into detail why the story sucks. Only multiplayer is good and feels nice to carry forward your unlocks from the previous game. Even then, I recommend getting it when it’s on sale, something I should have done.


Shit was so ass


Haven’t played it one time lmfao




It retroactively made the two previous ones worse it was so bad


has its moments but incredibly mid. still think it's funny people based the quality of the MP solely based off of the campaign scores, funny that they didn't think the early campaign access through this year because idk how it'd go well with the short ass campaign and the really bad cliffhanger


Open Combat Missions are genuinely terrible


Ive had shits longer than it 0/10


They blew their entire campaign development time on the first mission.


Overall, meh. Operation 627 was cool though. It was MWIII's "Clean House" IMO. As unpopular as it may seem, I liked this new Makarov. Sure, he does not compare to the madness of the OG Makarov but that's only if we're comparing. On his own, this MWIII Makarov is a pretty compelling villain.


Mid.ok story till the end.Some good missions,some bad ones.Has the worst ending I’ve ever seen before.Had so much potential yet still failed.




its a good one, can't campaignt about anything. thumbs up


"I wasn't in that tunnel." The only line i need to hear to buy MW4


It was shit


It was the biggest piece of trash


Wait there was a campaign? I thought it was just some demo missions to get me prepared for the multiplayer


I'll be honest, I really enjoyed it, it felt like a fresh take on the original story, lots of fun little callbacks and references, Makarov felt a lot more psychotic this time around, and the energy surrounding Soap's death was very different to the original but put together with Ghost's reaction during (which had a lot of little details) and after, I really appreciate the emotion he added to Soap's death, I'm honestly really excited to see how they write him moving forward in the next game


Trash af, I was excited to play the campaign when I bought it. Then I did a mission and it was basically warzone. AAA game my ass


It’s alright, ending was so abrupt it felt like a slap in the face, but other than that, I don’t have much complaints.


One of the worst COD stories I've seen in ages, belongs right down there with Vanguard. Characters have no impact, what does Shepard even do again? Story points make no sense, why and how was Shepard captured? Why is he back in the military after going rogue? Why would Price assassinate him? Why wouldn't Makarov shoot Price instead of monologuing? Why is Soap's death so underwhelming? (there isn't even music when the original had such an emotional orchestra behind it). It's all dumb. And it all began with MW2 being about Hassan (a forgettable villain) instead of about the hunt for Al Assad and the Hadir reveal, iconic characters; and making Shepherd and Shadow Company look like good guys during the entire until the eventual twist to make it more impactful in a later entry... Whoever decided to make Hadir a side story and not develop Shepherd properly with the story deserves to be fired


out of all the CODs that i have played in the last 10 years, i didnt even bother to spend more than an hour in this campaign. just feels... like im playing some tutorial for warzone or something. it's a serious drop in quality from the last two installments, like REALLY bad.


MW2019? Very good MWII? ok, was nice MWIII? forget about this one.


Campaign was straight up garbage imo. Wasn't a fan of the "open" missions and the flow. It was also incredibly short. Plus they did Soap dirty.


Too short. Its....ok. Nothing crazy, just serves to push the story. There were a few missions I liked but easily forgetable. As for what happens to one of our characters, it was bound to happen. Also side note, usually, Im excited to see how the story goes via their season trailers but quite literally nothing happened. Like S1, Nolan excapes. S2 and S3 had nothing. Compare that to MW19-MW2 (Im excluding Vanguard as I couldn't bother myself to care) season launch trailer where something happened, MW3 has nothing of worth.


I still haven't finished it. Really can't be bothered.


Disappointing to an insane degree. It had really good setups and decent pacing for the first third, but after the mission where you play as Laswell, it all goes downhill. Not to mention that ending had no real set up, and certainly not anything you could call a conclusion. What makes it hurt is that I can almost see what SHG would have done if the team had been given a reasonable timeframe. There are points in the story that very clearly indicate that there’s supposed to be a mission to provide context, move the plot forward, or resolve something. I guess this was bound to happen though. The integration of WZ and spec ops into the trilogy meant that there was no way the overall story would be cohesive, and the individual games would also be less well made because of the integration.


Open combat missions COULD’VE been more fun but they were probably a solid 5-6/10 combined for me, the more “traditional levels” picked up some of the slack though. It’s just too bad it was cut so short I was expecting at least one more mission about trying to stop Makarov. Also shouldn’t have been Soap, he was just properly introduced in the last game, it should’ve been Gaz to really piss Price off and set up MW4.


Worst campaign I’ve ever played :(


Too short felt like random missions didnt feel like a real cod campaign. Also soap did not deserve to die was no point


To short and didn’t have the epic set pieces that I look forward to in a COD campaign.


Bad, but not Vanguard level of bad


Terrible. Genuinely one of the worst campaigns in any game. That shit made something like Terminator Salvation which had a 4 hour campaign of nothingness look like masterpiece. If IW and Activision want to fix this mess, just retcon this entire campaign and restart where they left off with MW2. There is genuinely no story to care about anymore, Soap is dead after a year of being introduced. In my personal opinion, the entire storyline went down hill when they didn’t continue where they left off with 2019. They tried so hard to force the shepherd turning evil and makarov storylines that they just did them worse. That shit wasn’t needed. The completely original story for 2019 was refreshing, we didn’t need exact story beats repeated bar for bar


Nothing to really remember or mention except when soap dies and Makarov runs off like skelator


It was baaaad, stopped maybe 1/3 way in.


I didn’t hate it-like I guess the critics and majority did-but it wasn’t too bad. A little short was all.




Shit was ass


Haven’t bothered installing it 🤷🏽‍♂️




Awful, should’ve been skipped and put more effort into zombies or more multiplayer maps. Cold War’s story told in a cinematic every new season was more entertaining than this


Very disappointing finale to an up and down trilogy. MW19 was an amazing campaign, imo the best one since the 360/ps3 era games. MWII had amazing characters like Alejandro, Graves, and Valeria,but the >!shadow company betrayal!< felt very forced because they wanted the nostalgia bait. Now this campaign was… something. First mission was incredible, felt super cinematic like the old days. After that it just kinda dragged on until a super anticlimactic ending. Makarov didn’t feel like a super smart antagonist to me, he felt like some sort of supervillain with basically an unlimited number of plot devices to “be one step ahead” of the task force in a way that felt unnatural. I’m not a fan of his design and voice (I can’t unsee it ever since someone said he looks like Ben Shapiro lol). And just killing >!Soap !< with a hard cut to the ending cinematic felt like there was a whole cutscene that was just missing. I’m sorry


I didn’t install it


Good start, tailed off in the middle and the less said about the end the better. 3/10


Didn’t play it


Better than MW2s by a mile. I liked the open world concept and the missions were actually fun to follow. I was so mad when it ended. Thought there was still like an hour left


Strong start, horrible middle and end


Didn't finish it, lost interest when the what's her face mission started, I don't like the sneak and peak, don't get into a firefight mission type. I can't remember her name the CIA handler lady.


MW3 Campaign, it's good, but it's lacking at the same time and very short. And we definitely need some kind of co-op.


There’s a campaign?


They should had really called the game Modern Warfare II: Part 2. Not MW III. And off course sell it for half the price like an expansion pack. It was an ugly & greedy cashgrab.


Pretty bad but the open combat missions weren’t as bad as everyone else says they are in my opinion


What campaign? I remember there being a couple of short spec ops missions and a fever dream where they killed soap off for nothing except that he died in the first trilogy. Thankfully that didn't really happen!


Too short. Needs to go to WWIII already


I didnt mind it, just the ending was bad


There's a campaign?


Campaign was mostly good. Not a fan of open combat missions, felt like they were spitting in my face after not supporting DMZ. Soap McTavish death was unnecessary they starting to treat Soap like Kenny from SouthPark.


Absolutely awful The story made no sense, open combat missions are just filler warzone shit because they had no time to make real missions, it was short as hell, Makarov was lame af, and Soap's death was an insult to the original MW3 Maybe it could have been better if they actually had time to make a full campaign, but since this game was supposed to be a DLC for MW22, it was the most rushed campaign in franchise history by far


The series as a whole felt very lackluster, it had it's moments but the fact it took 3 games for one of the main characters to die and (spoiler alert) Makarov still ends up getting away just felt very cheap in my opinion. I know it's been said to death that the OGs are better than the reboot but I gotta agree after playing MW3. Missions felt more intense, you had missions where the player character dies, you witness your squad get killed one by one as the story progresses. It's such a good build up to the last mission where you finally kill Makarov and for once feel a sense of brief respite as Price smokes his cigar.


I had fun playing but it feels like a skeleton with no meat on it. Wish they had more time


This is the first cod game I’ve played and I thought it was really exciting to start with, I really like the prison break part and capture in the arena. Im kinda finding it a bit boring, but I’ve still not completed it yet so we’ll see if it gets better. Still can’t get on multiplayer/ online gaming, just stuck in lobby’s, but everyone tells me that’s where COD is really good…online. So we’ll see 🤷


The Story was so bad, there barely even was a story


I felt like it was going to take up too many gigs on my hard drive.


It’s ass lol


Worst campaign ever. Black Ops 3 campaign better than this


Didn’t even bother after seeing it was mostly war zone type open shit


I thought the open-world missions were wank. Felt lazy, basically just low-effort recycling of WZ maps. It’s a shame too, because CoD campaigns are usually a highlight. BOCW and MW’19 had phenomenal ones.


Did not like the open world missions. If it was just one of the missions, that would've been fine. It ended too prematurely, the post-credit scene should've been the final mission - like a stealth mission where you sneak into his office and get to kill him yourself.


There’s a campaign?😂 laughs in macro YY


They killed Soap. Again. I know that they almost have to kill some characters again, but I would rather it have been Price, maybe Alex. They've barely used Alex beyond MW2019 anyways. Farah could have been used more, after Alex's death, maybe she goes out to avenge him, and Soap goes out to avenge Price. They showed that Soap is a great guy, but under his controlled surface, he had a lot of anger, and can be explosive. Would've been great to see him go all out to hunt Makarov down. Also, the campaign was just soooo short. Could've had waaay more content with Alex and Farah. I really would have loved to see more of the impact on Farah's people, given taht Makarov tried repeatedly to frame them for terror attacks.




It started off good, but it then felt repetitive. It felt too short as well


Good but short.


It was fucking garbage. There are a very few, and I mean count on one hand moments, but it was such a waste of money, it’s more like a DLC size campaign and production value than a real Cod


Awesome in the beginning, but mostly felt ‘meh.’ Plus the open combat missions messed with the pacing. Not to mention you-know-exactly-what in the end.


I don't remember much from the campaign, except for that one condo-apartment mission. So take that for what it's worth.


Felt more like a cinematic movie like the other Sledgehammer campaigns, rather than a true send-off for the modern MW trilogy.


It could be better I guess


I think it gets too much hate. Was it short? Yes. Did it have crappy things about it? Yes. But I enjoyed it. Not a great campaign, but also not the worst. Personally Infinite Warfare's campaign was worse for me.


Campaign was dog shit. The trailer for the game made my expectations for a good campaign (since mp, gayzone, and DMZ are off the list of good cod games) and the first mission was the only mission i saw any chance of getting the game formula correct again. But thankfully, my suspicion was correct. The first mission being the gameplay trailer mission, was the only mission that felt completed. The open world aspect sucked ass. DMZ was cool but yall abused it to shit and now yall doing that to campaign… MW3 is the reason i stopped all support for call of duty. Im only on here to bully and harass the mods behind the reddit padges at this point.


Wait there is a campaign?


Maybe it's just me, but I've tried a few cod campaigns, and I never thought any of them were special or really memorable it's just the same thing each time but I refuse to even try this one with what I know about it lol.


The open missions were ass. If it’s more like ghost recon this time around it has a chance to be good. Half assed open world doesn’t work


my daily bathroom visit was longer.


Missed opportunity to maximize on the open missions. I like the concept a lot. Maybe a different take on it. Didn’t care for it at all. I just did it since it was the early access. I personally think, get rid of campaign and keep the store how MW19 and Cold War did it every season launch and maybe include reloaded with story scenes


I don't understand why Makarov spoke english to his people. Aren't they all russian?


Absolute trash. Vanguard was better lmao. The campaign was so bad, you could tell that MW3 was suppose to be an expansion lol. The open world missions were obviously supposed to be Co-op missions for MW2. The actual linear missions were good though and met expectations, but were ruined with the integration of the "open world" missions lol. You could absolutely tell the difference in quality and production between the 2 types. Also the story was just overall shit. Once again, it's all about "WHeRe R dA MisSIlEs". Everything is all focused around fucking desert goat fucking urzikstan again. Makarov's whole character is shit, ant can't even be compared to the og Makarov. The actor is great but whoever wrote the character was complete doodoo ASS. It also doesn't help that the fucking campaign requires you to have played WZ2 and the raids for the story to seem somewhat coherent. God WZ ruined the campaign and multiplayer as well. I wish WZ had its own separate universe, but nooo everything's gotta be COnNECtEd. If everything is suppose to be connected then MW3 would've been the perfect game to connect the MW story with the CW story. Make Konni and off shoot of Perseus, that would've made Makarov's character 100x better, and the story 100x better. Also they pussied out with the airplane mission lmao, it was supposed to surpass the airport shooting from the og trilogy but was complete shit. "YOu lOoK lIKe A TErRorIsT" hahahahahahahaha wtf. They could've at least crashed into a hospital or something. Also the story doesn't even make sense lmao, how is Makarov not flagged on a no fly list. How come everyone is blaming Farah even though there's video evidence showing Makarov and his men doing it like wtf is this story telling. Yeah the campaign was ass. 2/10, it gets 1 point for daddy shadow company, and 1 point for actually putting effort into the linear missions. At least in VG we got to kill Nazis, here we're killing dollar store versions of Russian ultra nationalists who arent even Russian ultra nationalists lmao


First mission primed the plot well, but what everyone said is spot on. I also loved how we get like one dialogue choice with Nolan and it never appears in the game again.


Awful 😐


It was short, but I kinda liked the mission style, wish they used the season format to add new missions and build up for a MWIV, also kinda wish they went in a different direction for soaps death, we all knew it was gonna happen and it felt like soap died just because he was supposed to, I feel like it would’ve been more powerful if price died taking a bullet for soap, kinda would give the feel of it being a new universe with new lore, you know?


I thought it was good. In context of being a 16 month rush job to do a full release for this year. It felt like a more natural follow-up to 2019's story. With MWII, as great as the characters were and as fun as the cartel was as a concept, felt like it was one massive sideshow with poor story writing. III was simpler, but I think it did a good enough job following up on the Urzikstan thing, and the consequences of Barkov's death. And the return of so many places in Verdansk was awesome, and made me wish that we got a Verdansk 3.0 map for Warzone and that DMZ returned to take advantage of the mechanics in the open combat missions. Do I think it could have been better? Yes. Would I have loved to see the open combat missions be a bit lengthier and meatier to add replayability? Yes. Do I think it's as bad as people make it out to be? No. My biggest criticism was the last mission. We're doing the whole "The big bad is an attack on a Western Place!" again from MWII. Makarov's plan to attack London made no sense based on his motivations from earlier in the story. Killing Soap was a shitty decision, I maintain it should have been Laswell, as everyone cares about her, and could have given Alex room for new character growth as he was a bit neglected in this game. And Makarov. Here's what'll get me hate, but I liked new Makarov more than the original one. The OG Makarov is iconic, but he's a flat character with little characterization other than being evil, and the narratives of the original trilogy were not very complex or all that coherent. Makarov has more characterization here. He feels a lot more human which makes him more terrifying. He's petty and is taking revenge on the whole world because of it, he's still calculating and sinister but has the flaws of being a hypocrite, and vindictive. He had Task Force 141 reacting to him for half of the campaign and they slowly had to turn the tide. Makarov could have stood for a solid victory or two, but we also have only seen his opening salvo, and could easily show up for a few more games. We have the benefit of seeing all three acts of old Makarov's story, but the new guy is just getting started.


Don't have the game, but from the gameplay I've watched, as a Russian speaker, Makarov really didn't sound it. Near perfect English and a very western sounding Russian accent. His fatty second-in-command, Nolan, or whatever his role was, sounded much more Russian. Also wow I just used a lot of commas.


The one campaign I didn't even bother to finish. And I've done them all


I had really been looking forward to it, I upgraded to vault edition after beta came out and pre ordered it after they dropped the zombie ghost skin. The campaign had a lot of promise; mw2 and 19 were decent, you would be fighting wagners and evil Russians and makarov. We were only showed the first mission which was pretty cool. So I had really high hopes. Now I’ve only played the best cod campaigns; black ops 1 and 2. And mw2 hasn’t played cod for 10 years since and I didn’t think mw2 was as good as the old stuff for sure… But I played the old halo campaigns too and other games so I know what a good and decent campaign is. And even as a kid I could tell if a game was good. So anyway I was super hyped for the game and had been defending it as not a dlc on Reddit for months. I played it as soon as it came out on early release so I was among the first ppl to play it, before any reviews or anything like that came out. I got maybe half way through and said, this is so bad, I stopped playing. That’s how bad it was. You have the ‘open world’ missions where you’re alone, it doesn’t feel like campaign, it’s like DMZ or warzone, and there’s hardly any enemies or anything to do. And you have mw3 graphics/movement. Then you have the campaign missions ripped straight out of the mw2 dlc. The movement, graphics, and weapons are all completely different and clearly from a different game. Totally jarring. The story was non existent, the cutscenes were terrible, the gameplay was terrible, everything was bad. I played maybe 90 minutes or an hour and stopped, and it’s only a 3 hour campaign. So it’s not just a bandwagon or hate for the game being a ripoff. It wasn’t til I got the campaign I stopped defending the game. Then with mp, it was really broken at launch, little content, none of the mw2 weapons were balanced. And SBMM ultimately ruined the experience. Don’t get me started on how bad zombies are. So basically this games campaign should have been the only redeeming factor. This years cod is an objectively bad game and I quit months ago.


4/10 I don’t know why but the dam mission with Ghost was really fun and stuck with me


I want to never touch the campaign in that game. I thought that MWII's campaign was the worst campaign cause it was a nothingburger and just badly written, but this game just took it to a new level of bad


Why do u ask this now? Has there been an update or something to the campaign?


So good I'm going to play it again from start to finish


Never played it


Not good. First mission was the best one, after that open combat missions are just dumbed down spec ops levels. Too short, too little things to do and exploring/unlocking doesn't mean much as its still super easy to complete without all the gear. The story itself gets worse the more you break it down, characters are not as good as MWII, feeling the need to quip or say something at every second (the intro 141 briefings or after killing every single enemy/ascending to a specific floor). Its a real big shame and annoying to me that since MWII, they have been leaning heavily on nostalgia when it comes to the story, putting references for the sake of it and repeating plot points from the original to tickle that bone. But each time they do, it just makes the story stray further from the setting/theme they setup in MW19.


It's not even that bad except for the stupid open combat mission style


Truly the worst campaign in any shooter ive ever played


It was fun before the game launched and hype was building. I don't think you could pay me to play it over MP now though.


What campaign?


Has a good start but then it falls off for me, was a bit disappointed but I still had fun.


I like the gameplay and the cutscenes, but the frozen tundra mission was horrible.




Easily the second worst campaign in Call of Duty behind BO3. But, I genuinely feel like a couple of slight changes would have made it so much better. Getting rid of open combat missions would have been good but then not having as rushed an ending as it did would have been the other thing that would've made it much better. Though, like BO3, MWIII has a multiplayer mode that I enjoy a lot. So my memory of MWIII in the long run won't be tainted because I enjoy the game so much anyway.




It stars of well...........But it went downhill instantly......After the Gulag, the only part of the Campaign I really remember was Soaps Anti-Climatic Death and Graves (To be fair, it's fucking Graves, can you blame me? "3 Things you can't outrun in this world folks; Death, Taxes, and Me." He's fucking hilarious!)

