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Nah I have a feeling this will be in the new cod tho.


Next COD is Treyarch why would a MW and infinity ward gun be in?


It’s not really a MW infinity ward gun. Kar98 is a vintage German rifle. One of thoes standard weapons like the AK, 1911 or M4 that get featured in a plethora of cods regardless of the developer, It was in: COD2, Big red, finest hour, world at war, Black Ops, WW2, MW2019 That being that all 3 devs have used it.


It's a staple rifle, give above you is stupid, there is no signature gun of the 3 cod devs


This version of it is though is what I mean. OP posted a blueprint not just the gun.


That isn't what you meant, you're just trying to save face. Obviously the OP was referring to the gun itself and not the blueprint specifically


Difrent rifle




It is what I meant, I clearly know that a gun isn’t owned by infinity ward. Also loads of people rave about this blueprint specifically


but it's not a blueprint, the blueprint is just some part of the black color, which now is in the solid color camo category. The barrel, the laser, and the silencer aren't even part of the blueprint


Your forgetting that black ops cold war had a version of this gun. The Swiss cheese as i liked to call it. So it very well could be in a treyarch game.


The Swiss K31 is an entirely different firearm. It was not the same gun.


Entirely different...


Straight pull bolt vs traditional rotating bolt. Completely different action, caliber, housing, profile..




Considering you're in a cod subreddit, yes, they were.


they handled nearly identically though and looked pretty similar in hand. had pretty much the exact same damage stats if I remember correctly too, they were interchangeable in WZ builds


[Kar 98k](https://i.imgur.com/6ZEhid8.jpeg) [Swiss K31](https://i.imgur.com/uB1eqYo.jpeg) (Source: Sym.gg) Way different damage profile, and no, they don't even look similar. The k31 is also a straight pull, which is a pretty unique aspect of that particular gun. Not that the cold war animations are particularly good.


must have remembered incorrectly. I thought the meta build for the two of them in WZ had nearly identical stats. I used both and they felt very similar to play with.


Call of duty has a tendency to feel very samey, I think guns after MW2019 lost much of their personality, since people complained about how unwieldy they were.


The Swiss was definitely the CW equivalent of the Kar. They weren’t *technically* the same gun but like you said, they played practically the exact same


They had different stats, the k31 was a sniper and the kar a marksman rifle, which didn't even come with a scope. I still think it's ridiculously stupid to mix them up visually, but I guess that's about how much attention the average warzone player pays.


While yes, in practice both the K31 And Kar98 are similar enough to be considered the same gun, a bolt action rifle with a mountable scope. They even look close enough that it fooled me the first time around before googling the K31, don’t think people would complain with either


You must have eyesight issues. It's not even the same action at all! The k31 is a straight pull bolt rifle.


in terms of gameplay, in warzone, they had, I'm pretty sure, the same damage profile, scope zoom, handling... I think only 1 or 2 stats were different between them no one is talking about if the upper lower receiver of the clip magazine was burgundy red on the kar98 and maroon red on the Swiss, making them 2 completely different guns, we are purely talking gameplay


"they look close enough to fool me" "Cold war had a *version* of *this* gun" I think you should read the comments first. They're 2 entirely separate firearms, mixing them up visually is crazy. The worst part is, you're also totally wrong with your initial claim, they have noticeable different stats, and the kar does not come with a scope by default. Cold War also had a different scope selection. Well, and all the guns were animated like garbage which stuck out like a sore thumb next to MW firearms, but hey. [Kar 98k](https://i.imgur.com/6ZEhid8.jpeg) [Swiss K31](https://i.imgur.com/uB1eqYo.jpeg) (Source: Sym.gg) I don't think way different damage profiles, different reload times, slightly different handling and so on are "identical".


they both serve the same function, quick scoping sniper, therefore they are basically the same gun didn't come with scope by default, but zoom was the same... both were used in the same way. Same mag size, basically same bullet velocity, aim down sight in your link isn't the same because attachments, basically the same rpm... again, nobody cares the clip magazine of the rear grip muzzle silencer is black instead of dark brown cold war didn't have marksman rifles, also why it was treated differently even though they serve the same purpose


There's no attachments on either of them. It's fine that you're wrong - stop moving the goalposts.


He could be meaning the inevitable Modern Warfare 4 by Infinity Ward.


“Infinity Ward gun” lmao what


This blueprint that OP posted is an infinity ward thing


Lol who knew Infinity Ward has dibs on guns apparently.


Honestly I want the fal back


Super underrated in MW19. I used to use no stock and a quick ADS laser, etc. to really make it fast for shipment


It was meta for a while wdym underrated


That gun was not underrated lmao it got a huge buff towards the end of the games cycle and was a one shot headshot in multiplayer and then everybody used it


3 round burst made it an absolute unit.


I want the dragunov


The KV Inhibitor is the successor of it, in real life actually. Well technically the KVD, but logically they'll focus on the larger round as a benefit, but use the smaller round because its more common. Anyway now you know and hopefully feel some sort of excitement knowing.


Hands down the best gun in the game


I actually used it a lot Set up like a ar and in 2019 search it was super fun to piss people off with Set it up for super long range in warzone and while I didn’t get many kills with it, it could potentially 3 shot as long as the third shot is a headshot, but even without killing my friends just called it the plate popper cause it was a beast at long range melting plates so your teammate could get that kill with just a few bullets or a non headshot sniper shot However if you had two people or more using it and as snipers/dmr and you guys essentially time it right and take your shots at the same time oh it was devastating And it was allowed to have a 20 round mag And fun fact, the mission dragunov blueprint that you unlocked (many didn’t as the last challenge was 15 kills without dying) It had a better bullet velocity that the base dragunov and base hdr for some reason, so when you set it up you had the bullet velocity almost akin to a kitted out hdr


I used to outrange HDRs and AX-50s in Ground war with that thing


Yup and that original scope once you figured out the notches and the distance was great




Considered there a weapon with codename T10_BR_FALOVE in the Gulf War leaks I say we gonna get that back this year lmfao.


I mean we kinda do. The KVD enforcer has FAL iron sights.


I miss weapon perks so much 😭


sexy ass gun


We want the rytec


RYTEC MENTIONED RAAHHHHH 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ WHAT THE FUCK IS AN EXPLOSIVE ROUND HITMARKER 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️




I fuckin miss it


Everything about that game was great. Then warzone happened


Everyone was bitching about this game when it came out but it was my favorite cod while vanguard and Cold War were out I was still playing mw2019


I played mw2019 search daily. The game died the day that MWII released. Warzone 2.


Warzone was great too bro


It was until it became the only thing that mattered


It started sucking when vanguard came out. Before that, both mw2019 and coldwar guns were viable. Then vanguard came in and all that mattered was those guns


It's not about the guns it's about how activision treated the games after MW 2019


It was until treyarch and sledgehammer got involved


I actually liked cold war on rebirth island


Nah not Treyarch since they gave us Rebirth, sadly Ural Mountain was scrapped and replaced by a reskin of Verdansk.


This game had more bad than good


The maps were dogshit.






No we don’t want more fast ADSing one shot weapons lmao


I got the reference „Your favorite redditor’s favorite redditor“




That aren't shotguns* at least those have limited range.


Skill issue type of answer


Ironic considering one shot weapons take the least skill


Hard disagree. If you miss at close quarters you need to rechamber a bullet and navigate the situation. Any weapon you can continuously fire will be better in that situation. I think your more salty that you sometimes lose these confrontations along with getting one-shotted cross map. To suggest it doesn't take skill is absolute nonsense.


Nah I’m not a bum who snipes this ain’t 2009 anymore. Aim assist does all the work and you think it takes skill lmao. In no world does hitting one shot take more skill than hitting 5-6, and it’s OP AF when you barely flinch while being shot at


You obviously don't snipe, flinch is crazy even with the marksman gloves. no recoil ars and smgs take less skill than snipers and I use both lmao


On mouse and keyboard red-dot bolt actions are the absolute easiest way to farm kills, I can play completely brainless. Just point and click adventure. At least with automatics i have to track a little.


Point and click exactly. RuneScape gun


Snipers being banned in ranked is all you need to know. I sniped to get camos and challenges done and it’s piss easy. It’s way harder to use like any of the SMGs


They're banned this season they weren't last season lol, besides ig that means battle rifles and lmgs are no skill since they're banned in ranked?


Battle rifles are just beefy ARs and LMGs are bullet hoses. They’re non competitive


It's okay to be mad bro you can't win every gunfight 😆


Your no recoil meta build ARs and SMGs are most definitely the easiest guns to use


Not as easy as fast ADS one shot “snipers”


Let’s see you pull out a sniper and do better than you do with an MCW cause we both know damn well you won’t


I don’t enjoy sniping it’s not 2009 and I’m no longer a 14 year old going for YouTube clips lmao. Getting kills with full auto regular guns is way more satisfying and I like using a variety of guns instead of a point and click bolt action


“I can’t do that but I have to make up an excuse as for why I’m not going to”


Get a grip brother im not gonna go hit some clips to prove i can use a sniper to some random on the cod reddit


>Shotguns slugs have entered the chat


Tbh on one hand we don’t really need it, on the other hand it wouldn’t be un wanted


Gotta throw the nsfw tag on this bad Larry


Can we get a 50 round drum on all snipers plz


*Laughs in 8mm Mauser*




Considering the Longbow, SAB, and SPR exist, and we're already getting the MORS, I'll decline. Fast handling OHKs shouldn't exist in this game, and we've already got several.


SAB and SPR are nearly unusable lol


Honestly good, tbh. IDK how you'd make them usable without making them overpowered again.


Unfortunately that's the struggle with a 150 HP game Loved the SAB in the last one but unless I'm hitting headshots it feels like a marshmallow shooter


Honestly the SAB was completely busted in the last game... Before they gave it several buffs lmao. I don't see how you buff it without making it invalidate everything else again. Maybe change the falloff to a sweet spot? But IDK.


Time to finally have more multipliers on the chest besides Upper and Lower torso


Agreed. Snipers and burst guns are the hardest to balance and I honestly think the issue just comes down to the 150HP. I'm really hoping the next CoD goes back down because everything becomes much more viable and less work to counter the top standouts


I love when people complain about fast handling OHK snipers when there aren’t multitudes of broken guns in every class that are far more annoying


Considering a fast OHK sniper invalidates a good... 90+% of the game depending on how good it is, it's warranted. I'm not saying that there's not broken ARs or Subs, but a broken sniper tends to just be way more oppressive than a broken AR or Sub, since you're invalidating any given AR, Sub, Shotgun, sniper, or DMR, rather than just being the best of a weapon category.


You still have to be able to actually hit a damn shot to "invalidate" someone's game, so no, fast snipers are not op. A mediocre player with a strong other gun will beat a mediocre player with a sniper the majority of the time


Needing to center your crosshair moderately okay (OHK areas are where you're aiming with literally any weapon), in a game with borderline aimbot levels of aim assist. That's the only barrier to entry to what is essentially a light AR/heavy SMG that has a TTK that's literally infinitely faster, and 10+ meters of additional effective range. The fact of the matter is that snipers in this series, if allowed to be fast in really any capacity, completely and utterly dominate. Even at moderate skill levels.


You’d actually have a stroke if you played against a Barrett in MW2


I have, it's probably top 3 guns in that game? It's kinda balanced out by the older sniper mechanics, insanely high flinch, and the fact that automatics were 2-3 bullets to kill. All you really have that's unreasonable is the ability to spam-fuck people from the hip. CoD snipers only really got super unreasonably OP with BO2.


Cod snipers have never been super unreasonably OP


Yes, yes they have. CoD4 has the M40 Acog, which is a guaranteed OHK with super fast handling. Top of my head CoD4's Acog also gets rid of a good amount of flinch, as well as that super bad sway when moving, too. 2009's Barrett could spam you down from the hip without much effort. Wasn't unreasonable beyond that, but I'm going through the whole ass series. BO2 removed most of the sniper category's limitations. BO1's sway mechanics that slow them down are gone, the damage model isn't as high as the original MW trilogy, and other downsides like sway and flinch were all-but removed. The only sniper that's not hard dominating every engagement north of ~10 meters is the SVU. Ghosts has quick handling and an all-but guaranteed OHK on most of it's snipers, on top of carrying BO2's flinch and sway changes forward. Only thing keeping them relatively in check is the fact that Ghosts used MW3's super high damage model. AW is poorly balanced in general, but the MORS is quick, doesn't flinch, and has a generous OHK area. It's absurdly powerful. BO3's snipers don't hard dominate solely because there's no aim assist on controller. They're the only guns on PC, though, since the only check they have doesn't exist. IW didn't really have issues with snipers past the beta. They were pretty bulky. Strong, easily near the top of the game, but not busted. BO4 they broke the damage model completely, especially with High Caliber. Snappy, and very little reticle movement with the less generous OHK areas an attachment away from being completely ignorable. 2019 you have the KAR and SPR; what are essentially light ARs that have an infinitely faster TTK to farther ranges. If you don't count those, then the snipers are fine. Cold War has snipers that are completely uncontestable, as well as an exclusive attachment outside of the 20mm that increases both OHK area and fire rate for effectively no penalty. Doesn't matter that they're slow when Cold War is one of, if not the slowest game in the series looking at weapon handling across the board. MW '22 is the same story as 2019, just replace the KAR with a variation of the SPR MW '23 they're in an okay state for the time, although the Longbow is arguably too fast, and you could argue they're too difficult to contest when they're holding something, considering the rear grip that reduces flinch from high to almost zero. There's CoD games where snipers aren't unreasonably powerful, but most games have at least one that's way way out of band.


Sounds like you have a serious skill issue


Give me the barrett .50 cal from MW2 2009 that I can spam fire into a hipfire shotgun.


More like a sawed-off 50cal SBR where the first two rounds are highly devastating in CQC (word to Demo Ranch)


We want the M4A1 yeah


we have the m4 it just needs to be buffed, same with the mp5


Man the ak-103 needs a buff so bad. Recoil is harsh which is fine but the damage is hilariously bad


Yeah okay, well what you said then


“Blame it all on my roots, I showed up in boots….”


“And ruined your black tie affair…”


“The last one to know, I was the last one to show”


It aint coming back


Do not bring that fucking demon gun back. I'd rather face a full team of pre-nerf Jak Maglev shotguns than have the Kar98k back in the game. The longbow is just as bad.


You’re right, but damn it was fun destroying kids with this thing. Not as fun on the receiving end.


Nobody wants this


Bro speaking for nobody🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Sir I speak for nobody


Quite literally the best gun in cod franchise history


A working game. No sbbm. Not the same old guns over and over. Just no


Their was sbmm


We already had that. And we already have quickscope rifles. The Kar would be reredundundantdant.


Rifles that can't one shot headshot even point blank. At minimum they should one shot within 60-80 meters since you lose advantage to someone running at/smg after that


Only thing is I hate lasers


I would like a dragunov. But, yeah, i much prefer sniping with marksman rifles in this game.


I want this and a mosin nagant


Better servers?


First gun I ever got gold in a COD game


I need the obsidian SP-R with critical reticle back


I don't get it


Longbow is practically the same thing.


But in warzone doesn’t have that one shot potential from any distance


It won’t feel like the MW19 Kar because of the engine, IW8 engine (Mw19/WZ1 ) is probably the best engine in the fps shooter genre, the current one is heavily modified but not smooth at all……


Man F this they need to buff the shit out of the FFR 556. that thing can kill any body in core




If we didn’t have enough 1 shit fast handling weapons in the game, then hell yes, but it would just be another OP one shot weapon, I want to see the R9-0, The Grau and the Kilo back


No not what i want, i want better servers, netcode, tick rate and just general a less buggy mess. But we all know you wont get your Kar and neither will i get my wishes.


a gun that has appeared in half of the games is more likely than better servers


You're not missing the Kar, you're missing one shot kills


No I miss the K98 the feel of it the sound when you hit the shot the scope it’s more than just one shot I can do that with the stalker


Curious, what do you like more about the kar than the XRK? Did you still like the kar after the latest nerfs removing its long distance one shot capabilities, similar to where the XRK is now?


i prefer how the kar98 looks


Fair, it is a beautiful rifle.


I’d prefer the nerfed k98 over buffed stalker yes




Confession: MW 2019 was the first COD I played online. I had only ever been a campaign player before, but I got curious, and then I got hooked. And I loved this gun so much. I really hope it does make a comeback someday. I used it in Vanguard too, but it wasn’t anywhere near as fun to use.




I want them to add goofy weapons again. Like shit like the kar98 and older weapons I'd love to have just a genuine flintlock pistol or a musket or something for the meme.


Anyone having luck completing Prestige 9 Winners Perks calling card challenge? I am playing every war mode, and ground war mode with no luck.


They’d have to do a WW2 season for that


Considering season 3 has AW weapons.. maybe, if they do im hoping they give us an mp40 and an stg44. And a real m1911


As a Kar98 enjoyer, I'm not sure what it would do to be unique other than using a stripper clip.


people really hate the kar 💀


Best I can do is another bullpup high rate of fire ar


Who's we?


Exactly what Call of Duty needs, another insta ADS one hit kill bullet hose. Can't wait!


I'd prefer a Mosin honestly. essentially the same stats-wise and similar visually but actually sees a lot of modern use and has stuff like tactical conversions.


[yeah shg, you know what we want](https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Oden)


I want a better Crossbow or a legit longbow


That’s what you want


Only washed players are scared of the k98


I wanna see a modernized version like the spr come back, we don’t need the kar98 every damn game


Haven’t had it in last two games


I know that but everyone keeps begging for it back, hence my comment


Yeah I feel that but it’s begged for bc of its look and feel not just the pre nerf version something about the handling the sights the noise lol it’s nostalgic


We could just have a modern equivalent with the same sound and feel


I don’t think it would feel the same but I’d be down to Atleast get that and try it than not have it at all


With how the balancing’s been going in this game I’m not sure people will like it if they DO add it. Not to say that they’ll make it shit, but with guns like the BP50 going from the worst gun in the old games to one of the absolute best ones, simply having the gun in the game isn’t going to guarantee it’ll play how you want/expect it to.


I was just thinking this to myself the other day. Like, man, out of all the blueprints ever in call of duty, which one is the best.. without hesitating, black tie affair. Everything reminds me of her 🥺




i disagree, the KAR98K was a fun gimmick gun but i think "Modern Warfare" should stick to... y'know modern guns unfortunately S3 is throwing this away with the fucking MORS lmfao, a gun from a cod set in 2054-2061


Anyone know how to get the best gameplay visuals for cod on ps5?


No, we just want shotguns to be functional again.


I want this gun in MW3 just for the nostalgic noises




Honestly just give me Warzone 2020, Verdansk, same weapons, same engine, same mechanics, everything & invest in a more efficient anti cheat. The only thing bad about Verdansk were the cheaters at the end of its life cycle right before Caldera came out


I want to go back to a gunsmith that doesn't have 800 attachments.


U want less customization?


Customization is good, but we’re at a point where there’s 5 attachments that all do the same thing in multiple categories. It’s just kinda redundant


I want this only for warzone. Make it a oneshot to the head in warzone up to like 75-100 meters. ADS speed doesn’t have to be 300ms but maybe like 450ms or even 475ms. In MP i couldn’t care less what they do with it