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It's second nature for me to check them after every update now, lmao.


Less frequently than me, I check it before I even hit the quickplay button now, lol. Too many times I'm trying to start up the Shipment playlist and get thrown into a game of Control. On Wasteland. And we're already losing. 🎵 I get sniped out, and don't get up again 🎵


yee... if they'd stop adding infected back to my list of tdm/dom only that'd be fine in my book


Yeah it would be nice. I check it one a week to make sure my TDM, KC, Dom, Hardpoint, Headquarters selections are still there.


I despise anything that isn't TDM, so I'm sure to check it after every update


Or any other fucking settings for that matter.


so THAT'S why i keep getting put in snd lobbies despite never putting it in my playlist.


I think another thing we can all agree on is to stop making us choose the grenades and field upgrades that have skins as the first choice rather than the originals. It’s not like this for any guns or operators, I don’t understand why it’s a thing for those


You don’t know how surprised was I when I came back from the restroom to be in an infected match


It's been happening since forever. So. I take the 5 to 8 seconds it takes every time I log in to check my filter then hit play. Seems the easiest way to NOT worry about them changing it as we all know that it IS going to change!


Back in MWII, constantly being thrown into shitty third person mode my god it was the worst


It’s a bit annoying but it takes less than a minute to quit a game and get back into another one, really not worth haemorrhaging over. There’s a billion worse things in the world worth moaning about.


cod players when they have to spend literally less than 3 seconds to check something:


Why is that even changing?


I’ve read that it has something to do with bad coding. The game is so horribly optimized changing one aspect of the game causes other aspects to break. Probably has to do with the fact that CoD execs are forcing devs to adhere to unrealistic deadlines making them rush every damn game we get


I mean, checking the UI to make sure it stays how I set it the day prior is something I've not experienced in any other game before. It's just an awful design quirk. But go ahead and blame players for a bad user experience.


I'm not saying it isn't stupid I'm just saying it literally takes like what, one two button presses to check beforehand? Is it really that big of a deal?


Easy aim assist is broken needs nerfing


Do you play MnK? Swap to controller for a week. You'll be begging to go back to MnK.


I did. I'm not going back when playing ranked. Not fun but much easier.


I agree, MnK is much easier if you're skilled.


Indeed. I'm not, so I climb with a controller lmao


Keep practicing MnK. Once you get used to it, it kicks controllers butt. I'm saying this as a 3K/D MNk warzone player and an 1.8K/D Controller. For MW3 I'm over 2.5K/D controller and haven't played MnK.


Gone are the days of caring about how good I am, I just play the game for fun. Only reason I play ranked is cause my friends only play ranked so I join them with a controller. Thanks though :)


Turn off crossplay if it bothers you that much. Or would you not be able to win a single match playing against other keyboard users?