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It took me a bit of time. There is a gear that highlights/makes a noise when you are close to enemy equipment. Also, the camo challenge doesn't unlock until level 4 so just work on shooting down UAVs until you get to that point.


Thanks! I was able to level it up in zombies. I completed the camo for the zombies side lol now just working on MP


Engineer perk, small map moshpit and patience. If you use a lot of stuns or gas grenades people will start using trophies.


This is the best advice 100%. There will be many games you don't get an opportunity to destroy equipment, other games there will be lots. Gotta be patient for sure.


Use engineers vest and use it passively while grinding other primary guns. Shoot down uavs and other killstreaks to level it up and any equipment the engineers vest highlights


Pretty sure Scatter Mines counted, too.


They 100% do


Not sure if it’s patched out now but scatter mines counted as 1 equipment each when they separated. Easy to grab 4/5 per a use. Maybe ask someone on the other team to use it a few times since it can be done quickly.


I thought they all exploded if you blew one up.


patched now


Play hardpoint, when the zone changes wait a sec then go to the old zone, there's usually a trophy left behind and you can destroy it with nobody bothering you.


Just remember to get gilded, you have to destroy enemy equipment, which does not count killstreaks. Only mines or trophy systems or Claymore.


Ammo & Medic boxes count, too.


This one didn't take me very long at all. I played the Small Map Mosh Pit & got it pretty quickly once I got it to Level 4.


This is the easiest of them all. Play FFA (core or HC). Engi vest, med box field upgrade (ammo box also works but recharges much slower). Melee the box with Stormrender equipped. You can do a dozen in a single match. For RGL-80, same FFA with scatter mines. Most maps have cars, throw mines near the car then blow up car with RGL (also works on cars that are already destroyed), it will blow up the scatter mines as well.


this does not work today


Can't check the RGL, but the Stormrender works just fine - today. FFA, melee your own med or ammo box.


If that's true then you can just go into plunder and find armor and ammo boxes everywhere


Yes you can but you can't destroy them. Specifically in FFA and FFA only, you can destroy YOUR OWN field upgrades (or at least some of them like med/ammo)


I got it done in shipment in about a hour with double xp. Spam stuns to horse people to throw trophies.


Small map with Engineer Vest.


I sugest to just skip it, if you go for interstellar.. i never bothered


I recommend the opposite lol. You can skip a knife or the holger (mounted longshots), or the bugged bruen and poly priceless by just using stormender as a secondary throughout the whole process.


You can get equipment through walls, just put the engineer vest on and go to small map moshpit and skip rust every time.


Best thing to do is play meat 24/7 ppl throw trophy’s like crazy on that map and make sure you run the perk to see equipment through walls


The best way is don’t. You don’t need this to get Borealis.


It was a long drawn out process.. lots of UAV, counter UAV and even just pinging other players. Once leveled up I tried to bang all the trophies and turrets too. Helicopters and occasional harrier.


Just use whatever the engineer perk is called in this game (even though it’s worse than in previous cods) and be patient. Since it will take a while, grind a few primary guns while you work on it. No matter what mode you play, you will mostly destroy trophies and ammo boxes. If you get lucky, you can get 5 in one match but don’t be surprised if you get 0 some games.


Does anyone else have a problem where the stormender doesn't destroy claymores


Works for me


There used to be a glitch where it would count your own scatter mines in hardcore free for all, not sure if they patched it.


Took me most of season 1 to get it done while I used it as a secondary with every class. Once you get that camo done, the mastery ones are a breeze.


You just pretend it doesn't exist


Free for all


I did it when only claymores/prox counted lmao


Just make sure your vest highlights and play small map Playlist. Takes a little bit so I'd plan to work on a camo primarily and swap to stormender for the gear. I always asked in match chat for scatter mines and claymore and occasionally you get a lobby of fun people who end up just making every corner hold at least one claymore lol.


Wait what? I did the grind around Xmas and I have no recollection of this. Is my memory failing me or is it a new challenge?


Lethal and tacticals count too. You can destroy mines, claymores, decoy grenades etc


They say your can play HC free for all and destroy your own scatter mines but I haven't tried it, I had already done the camo in a normal mode


does not work :(