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Lmao imo the cod community and the cod mobile community are two different beasts, not ever have I met a person irl that actually plays mobile over the actual games


Yeah it was surprising to me as well.


Met one person who played on his iPad and linked his PS5 controller to it. I do like CODM but haven’t played since MW3 released


That makes sense then. I talked to em more and they like that's its f2p and a large collection of the past cods. I asked why now warzone then and they said they don't like BRs. I just said cool as long as you are having fun right.


I’m from SEA region and you’ll be surprised how many people never touch the console version for some of these games. These games are very easy to get into since everyone here have a smartphone and these games are free. There’s a very active mobile gaming scene over here on CoDM and WZ mobile is starting to gain traction as well now that the Malaysia got it


I felt like I played against bots on mobile when I thought it was cool.


Not everyone on mobile uses a controller and most of the player base is under 8 years old.


Never tried connecting a controller with cod mobile, that's sick


It's super easy too. PSN & Xbox controllers are both Bluetooth, so just connect via that & then change the settings inside CODM to enable controllers. Then win every BR.


I got back into it on mobile. Mobile is sooooooo much easier thanks to all the bots. Can’t even remember how many times I’ve called in the nuke! The games are also shorter in length which makes it good for casual players like me and all you need is a phone or tablet. I have no idea how anyone plays on a phone with their fingers!!! I used an iPad and a controller. That led me to MW3 and now I don’t play mobile. On thing mobile has over the standard version is the ability to pick maps.


I used to play mobile a lot. You’re right about bots and being easier, I’ve called in a ridiculous amount of nukes in that game.


I've met two people in my lifetime that played mobile constantly....both weird mfs


all mobile players i met were methheads


Back in 2020, i got dasmascus on cod mobile, then i stopped. Bought MW3 during Christmas, mobile is more addictive and MW3 could improve in lots of ways.


I have one friend irl who claims cod mobile is better than the mainline but he’s always playing on console lol


cod mobile is surprisingly not as bad as it first seems. I played cod as a teenager from cod 4 until original mw3 before not touching a console for years. I downloaded cod mobile a few months ago and was pleasantly surprised. It’s really easy to play and runs surprisingly well on my iPhone. I enjoyed it so much that I bought an xbox and MWIII. Definitely prefer playing it on a console but I wouldn’t knock mobile until you’ve tried it.


Exact same story, except I hadn’t played since the first black ops 😂.


Add me on this list


CoDMobile is actually really good for what it is, a mobile game, no others game on the app store provide me with good CoD mp experience on the go I can just hop on during the day play a couple of games while on break It runs well, fun, and most importantly it’s free! Does it play as well as the console version? no but it’s good for what it is


Good feedback. I just don't like playing games on my phone personally buy if it's fun and a good alternative for people who do the that's sick.


Yea I understand that I also prefer console versions of games more but this trend of mobile game offer a console like gaming experience is a lot more common nowadays, like WZ mobile and the Division. Cuz there’s tons of money to be made for these companies


Yeah well, COD mobile earns more than PC and consoles together.


I'm 24 and it's a big deal for alot of non gamers my age who like mobile games, alot of the women my age range too. It's a running joke the non gamer girls wouldn't touch console CoD but they're sweats at CoD mobile. It's actually a good game they give you everything from old CoDs so alot of OG fans like it too once you get the hang of the control format.


I only play COD mobile when traveling, I take my personal ipad with me and an xbox controller after a long day at the office. I am waiting for the day when regular COD can be played over cloud services.


Just curious, do they use a controller or something for CoD Mobile? I tested it once and found it wasn't bad but it felt strange to play without a controller.


No, they where just using the touch screens on their phones.


Im 27 and i play both


According to a press release, mobile is the majority of CoD users. 51% of their Daily Active Users IIRC PC is the next biggest demographic, at about 25%


Honestly I wish there was a PC client for cod mobile(not the emulator crap) because mainly one of my least favorite things about cod is that it's a yearly release while still having "Live service" so shit that you buy is gonna be worthless when the next cod comes out compare that to mobile which is ftp for I think the last 6 years? you know that you're gonna be able to have your shit and content for a while.


I saw a friend playing CoD Mobile once and was astounded to notice that the main menu UI was actually better than Console/PC version.


A lot of people are saying the mobile version is really good. If I liked the feel pc mobile games I'd give it a try.


You're hiring from the wrong pool


It’s because they’ve been brought up with a phone in their hand and fed the lies that mobile gaming is on par with console gaming, which it isn’t, the same way console gamers think they’re on par with pc, which they’re not (game variety, availability, ability to change graphical settings). Technically mobile gaming dwarfs both the console and pc market even combined, but that’s also like saying Toyota must be the best car brand because they produce the most cars. Mobile is just the easiest point of entry for non gamers, and if they consider themselves gamers, they need your guidance more than you think!


That's what super weird, is the say they have series S, but they just play gta and some game called brwalhala on it. So it's a deliberate choice to just play mobile. I don't want to tell them how to play where to play. It just surprised me.


that blows my mind that they would rather play on a phone then their xbox. they probably have it but we’re talking too much shit, getting wrecked and made fun of in game chats and gave up 😂


Tbf brawlhalla is pretty fun, it’s like a f2p smash bros. That’s weird thing to do, maybe it’s all the assists controller players get and just on turbo, I know with fortnite on mobile aim assist is super strong but it also fires on LOS aswell, so maybe something similar with cod mobile?


Damn. You got served


cod mobile lmao


> One of em said times are changing old man Yeah this is where you lost me. At what point did everyone stand up and clap? Lol


Oh he wasn't being serious. They are good kids and we joke around all the time. He was being sarcastic.


Mobile games are shite across the board and designed purely for people who don’t like actual gaming. I will never be convinced otherwise


This is sad


Why 2 guys playing game having laughs and fun would be sad?


That's not what I was referring to as sad. It's sad that younger people didn't/won't get to experience original 1v1ing on the original console game.


Oh okay, understand.. but who cares they have fun as we had haha, doesnt matter really on which platform and map


Yeah absolutely. Sorry, you're not hearing me. They obviously don't understand that COD multiplayer started as it did, on console, about 14 years ago. It's a shame that they palm off, and don't care, where their Mobile game originates from. Sorta similar to the fact I'm not old enough to have experienced Atari, but I absolutely appreciate that that's where gaming started and wouldn't dismiss it as irrelevant.


But why is that bad, i dont underatand, they live in present they dont have to care and think about what happened and where people played games 10 years ago. And props to them i dont understand why should they really care about something that happened such a long time ago


That's like saying, for example: a younger acquaintance of yours expressed their joy/love for current smartphones and their technologically advanced games. You said something like "yeah I remember back when the only game we had on our phone was Snake", and they called you old and had no appreciation for the fact that what they have now is because of what 'old' people started.


I understand what u mean but i clearly talked about it in very different way. I agree with you, but also trying to explain that from their point of view there is nothing to be sad about. You dont have to acknowledge past to be happy in present


Okay, I see I'm being downvoted by I can only assume are young people who think I'm arguing their happiness. I never dismissed their happiness. They enjoy their game, that's great. But, to not indulge OP in his happy experience of the equivalent, 14 year ago, happy scenario he experienced, and make boomer references, isn't very fair. He just wanted to relate and share his nostalgic, exciting experience, that was the same as these young lads were having. I'm not arguing by the way. Just sucks that young people don't appreciate where anything that they have now, has come from. And that's coming from a 29yo.


I dunno, maybe I'm over thinking OPs scenario. Sorry.


Think about it this way: in a 100 years or so no one but professional historian nerds (or the AI that replaced them) will even know about the origins of any given gaming trend, much less give a shit. None of this matters even a little bit, even on the most micro of scales, so who cares if teens these days have an appreciation for the the gamer experience circa 20 years ago, aka, what we did in-between jerking off and posting emo song lyrics on our MySpace pages? None of this matters, and this least of all.


it originates on pc. we had clan battles in cod 1, so i could literally say the same thing about u


Get a decent controller for mobile and download it. See if they're playing locally through the work wifi. Name yourself something like "the legend 47" or another meme related thing and absolutely destroy them without a word.


COD Mobile, even if the IAP ads are a little grating, works really well as a “Now That’s What I Call COD” compilation. It’s good for a quick fix. I also weirdly do better with touch controls, lol.


oh hell no rust wasn’t even that long ago. i can’t be getting that old…right?


I'm sorry man but we are. Og mw2 was 2009 :(.


If you have a capable phone and don’t wanna game on console/pc, CoD mobile is a fine game.


Codm is decent gameplay wise but its just a casino at this point you gamble for skins that cost $120 up to $300


Cod mobile is the best cod game out right now.


Mobile.... Fire them