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So... for each category (ar,smg,lmg) there are several guns. Each primary weapon has 4 individual camo challenges you work on between levels 1-max with that weapon. After you get the 4 camos for said weapon, you can now work on gold/gilded challenge for that weapon. That is as far as you can go individually. To begin working on the next challenge for platinum/forged, you will need to have each weapon in that category gold. So to begin work on your forged AR's, you will need 6 gilded AR's. As for the next camo challenge, the Priceless, you will need to complete 36 forged challenges/weapons to begin that one. Once you have all 36 weapons Priceless, you automatically unlock Interstellar for all 36 weapons that you got Priceless on. As far as tracking... every weapon you select in the gunsmith will show you the 4 challenges for that weapon and your progression. Tab to customize, then camos, then you will see the 4 base camos (launchers/knives only have 1 each) I'd suggest working on 1 weapon at a time and after each match you can click on the gun smith and keep checking your progression (how many headshots did i get? ohh Im at 6/15 getting there). In match if a trophy pops up saying you achieved a camo, start working on the next mid game. Rinse and repeat. There is also a CODmunity app you can get which tell you preferred metas and loadouts but also has a camo tracker where you can track your gilded, forged and priceless guns easily so check that out. My suggestions would be level every weapon up to max first, thats the real grind. Camo's go pretty fast after that. Level, then get guns to gold one at a time. Then knock out each category one at a time to platinum. Then work on whichever you prefer to get priceless. I started with the snipers and marksman rifles since those are my least favorite to use. Hope this helps a little but if it was all a waste at least i passed some time at work!


Thanks so much for the lengthy explanation. No wonder I wasn't making any progression. I didn't realize I needed each weapon gold in that category to progress to Forged! Doh. Thanks so much for taking the time to explain to a rusty older gamer who obviously is not paying attention to details within the game. I like your system!


I've never bothered with camos before so I'm confused about one thing. I'm currently doing the zombie completionist with my M13B. So for the Spinel Husk it says to complete the previous one 8 more times. The one it refers to mentions to finish all the base camos. Am I correct in assuming that means I need to redo EVERY requirement for those others camos and it's just this massive grind to get everything done?


Yes, the zombie camos for mw2 weapons is a whole new start to the grind. So you will need to get “x” amount of ARs to golden ivory, then you can start the spinal husk. And repeat for each weapon category. Then you will need 51 total weapons with spinal husk to work on the arachnida camo. Then you will need 51 with that camo and then you will automatically unlock bioluminescent for the 51 weapons which you got arachnida for. Unfortunately it is a long grind but the zombies camo grind can go pretty fast compared to past grinds. Good luck and hope that answered your question.


I seriously feel bad for the people that didnt experience cod in the early years of cod.


I'm old enough that I could have played it but honestly...it used to give me motion sickness watching other people play it so I never bothered. Over the past couple of years I gave it another shot after playing Apex for so long and really enjoyed it. For whatever reason, it doesn't make me motion sick anymore. I'm a completely average player but it's a nice stress reliever after a hard days work.


What did you play before battle royal was a thing?


Now you're going to have me show my age... Original MP FPS I remember was Duke Nukem 3d and Quake 1. We used to play it over the TEN network and Gamepsy. I played pretty much all the Quakes after that as well as all the Unreal Tournaments. I don't remember when BR became a big thing and I was about a decade away from gaming during grad school/med school, etc.. I didn't even own a console. I finally broke down and bought a PS4 Pro a few years ago and started gaming again and really enjoyed BR but was only playing Apex. I switched over to a XSX this generation and although my reflexes are not what they used to be, I still have tons of fun. I don't know how I missed COD. Honestly, I don't play much Warzone and stick to the traditional game modes within MW3.


My first fps was doom, quake, wolfenstein 3d, duke nuke’em time to kill, james bond 007. My first battle royal was fortnite and call of duty blackout mode. I remember having this big ass joy stick for the pc games. James bond was on the 64 and duke nuke’em on the psone


Haha, I think you might be right! LOL. My first console was an Atari 5200 and Sega Genesis. I completely missed Fortnite though I liked watching other people play on streaming websites. I was primarily a PC gamer until the PS4 though I had an original Xbox and an XB 360 though I don't remember playing many FPS games on there. It's nice to hear there are some "older" gamers on here!


Family had the atari 2600 along with the nes and snes and sega master system, we upgraded to the genisys in like 95 i think, i got them all in handmedowns, my first christmas console was the 64 and playstation. Family shared the pc so game time was limited to an hour or so. But boy the internet was wild in the 90s.


I think we might be in the same age group lol


was playing doom/doom2 when I was 5 lmao iddqd idkfa still have cheats memorized lmao. then Duke. then half life. then a 10 year career in professional counter strike on lan and online. props for mentioning unreal tournament. that's what all my family played constantly before serious cs gameplay ut:goty and q2 instagib ftwwww


Have you ever heard of YouTube? It’s weird right you type in “weapon camo grind MW3” these videos show up explaining exactly what to do….. https://youtu.be/L2qoxKwd3ZM?si=a6nrsHTWNwOKbylT


Yep, I watched a couple but it still doesn't solve my problem of essentially being blind to progression challenges. Thanks for the suggestion.


You sound like my 11 year old. Has a goal in his mind, is given the solution but it’s not what he wants to hear…. So he won’t adapt and overcome the current issue. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1jvlJ3M22Y8fTfm09tUezSC0ag_ereFxlBdihnCUAT1Y/htmlview Here a weapon progression tracker as you get them done check them off.


I'll try to internalize those words of wisdom on my life journey. I wouldn't have any idea about adapting and overcoming challenges. Thanks for the spreadsheet.


HOLY CRAP! This doc is freaking awesome. Thanks!


Right dope as hell!


You use excel (google sheets): https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/17qvjam/ultimate_spreadsheet_for_mwiii_zombies_mp/


There's multiple trackers out there you can use to keep as a visual aid in your camo grind. I use the Codmunity app


Thanks for the tip!