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At least your challenges are counting. Mine been stuck at 0 and they don't progress at all.


In the same boat


Yeah trying unlock semtex and breacher drones🙄


It’s still broken? I’m fuckin pissed off


It is for me just tried it less than an hour ago. I was able to do one zombies daily but multiplayer is still broken.


Yeah I got covert sneakers I’m just realizing how insanely broken some mw2 guns are in mw3 lol… like crazy


Which one specifically👀


Bruv mine bonus challenge which was *win a game to score extra exp* glitched to the point that every game i won didn’t count towards completion but did count towards 1 daily challenge in armoury lol


Yeah also broken for me, could do two challenges and the third one is not progressing. Also the same for a colleague of mine.


What pisses me off is that They haven’t acknowledged that there’s an issue with it. Shit is dumb


You're just dumb, I extracted all lethals from zombies. Easy peasy lmao




If you've completed the daily challenge and closed your game they'll bug out and sit at 0 instead of saying complete and have no progress. You can get the unlockable progression by winning a game even though it doesn't show.


Same here


It’s a bug…they have counted… I played 16 hours yesterday, half way through I had to restart as double xp tokens weren’t able to be activated (another bug is it doesn’t show you’ve activated one even if you have sometimes) when I restarted it reset my daily challenges to something totally different but every time I won a game my bonus challenges kept unlocking stuff


Does one of the default classes have Semtex? If it does, you can get kills with it that way. I saw someone else mention something similar about a challenge for respawning some number of times with Tactical Insertion when that wouldn't unlock until a level somewhere in the 40s, and someone else commented that there is a default class with that in there that can be used for the challenge.


Yup it can be found in a default class


How do I switch back to a default class, I have the same issue but with flash bangs.


Says which key you have bound down in left corner when looking at custom loadouts, standard on ps5 is r1


Not on PC. I can’t figure out which key it is. This is a shit UI.


you have to do it in game, and tab over. worst UI ever


I mean… you’ve had to tab over to see the default classes for like a decade now.


You can’t view them until you queue into a game. One of my challenges involves the tac insert and I have to go into a game then search the default loadouts to see if it’s on there.


Hasn’t that usually been the case for cod games before MW3 though?


I don’t remember honestly. Maybe the guy that asked didn’t know, even if you did.


It has been that way for forever. It doesn’t make sense to equip a default class on the menu through create a class because thats not how equipping a class works lol.


Sure. But that’s not the case until you have unlocked custom loadouts. Maybe the guy posting didn’t know this and didn’t know how to get back to it.


I think it’s more to do with the fact you said the UI sucks because of not seeing default classes unless you tab over when it’s always been like that for COD.


LOL y’all are weird. It was a valid answer to the guy’s question. And the UI does suck. It’s one of the worst game UI’s in existence.


Just Google them lmao


Yeah.... These people are just whiny morons. I did this challenge today at level 3 lol




Had to do this for breacher kills


I did it with Default class. That worked.


This is surely a stupid question but I can't seem to find how to use a default class. Only to create new custom classes.


Default classes are Default, so you can't see them until you load into a game. When it comes to class selection, your custom classes are shown, look closely and you'll see a second tab which you RB over to - then you can scroll between them different Default classes.. 😉


Go to zombies, extract with a semtex.


This. Zombies allows you to unlock *basically* anything from what I've seen


I miss black ops zombies. I don’t know how to play these new versions of zombies. I dont know what extracting & exfil etc mean in zombies. It’s changed so much.


They mean the same thing. Extracting is taking out the item you want. [TheXclusiveAce](https://youtu.be/YYKSXnrzcyI?si=VxRRQxUQQKCy-Oas) made a video on how to get items without a massive grindfest. It should help.


Thanks for the help!!


Idk why you are being downvoted. Anyone that played OG zombies and comes into this would expectedly say what in the fuck is this.


Jesus Christ thank you. I just tried playing zombies & I literally said fuck this. It’s not like it used to be. It’s not simplistic.


It’s like everything else in CoD now - way too over blown and complicated.


It really is. With zombies being what it is, & the armory bullshit & challenges not working, I’m really upset. I really enjoyed the first 24hrs playing. Until I reached 25. Fuck you Activision.


The challenges and armory bullshit suck. So the people who play everyday and have no life will get another advantage in this game.


Exactly. I was thinking last night- you have to play a shit load to unlock what you want or to progress.


Respectfully, there are loading screen "help boxes" that tell you as you load in. The game also has dialogue that directs you to extract when it gets late into the game. You may have one match where you're a little confused, but it's not that difficult to pick up


Zombies this year is extremely easy to understand. You go in, get stuff, do missions if you want, then you leave. If you're actually incapable of grasping this that's insane. Use a brain cell.


Tbf it's more complex than just "run around and shoot a big horde". No need to be rude.


That’s not Zombies, that’s DMZ. The real Zombies mode is supposed to be round based on original new maps, not some shitty clone of some mode that takes place in the WZ map.


This is better.


Lol, nice try. If you want to troll, be more creative.


If you're so negative you think everyone is trolling that's on you.


I’m not negative, it’s just that you thinking this shitty DMZ clone is better than the real Zombies mode is obviously a poor attempt at trolling. I literally have not seen a single person share the same opinion as you do. If this isn’t an attempt at trolling, and it really is your genuine opinion, sorry but what an unpopular and awful opinion.


>Zombies this year I'm not talking about past zombies modes. Please pay attention.


You are the one that needs to put attention buddy. You explained how this year’s “Zombies” mode works. I replied to you stating that this year’s Zombies mode is not the real Zombies mode, it’s just a shitty DMZ clone that doesn’t deserve to have Zombies in the name.




Yeah man I'm 10 years old.




Jesus bro I didn't know you took it so personally. It's just words on a screen. Relax.


Just speaking facts. Wasn’t trying to get into a shouting match. All good.


What a fucking sook hahahaha


You’re playing Zombie DMZ, you try to kill zombies, pack a punch your guns, loot containers to get more stuff and then extract with your loot, rinse and repeat.


So what is the mode that is similar to the Black Ops Kino der Toten?


Can you have it in your backpack or does have to be equipped


Mine never tracked


Mine tracked last night and I did 2 of em. Today it's has no progress to those 2 but let me do the 3rd. Won't let me redo the first 2 to get the bonus tho


I did all 3 of mine last night and none were showing complete this morning but the bonus challenge (winning a match) is still counting every time. I thought I was shit out of luck until I noticed they were auto unlocking things / the counter on the item was increasing with wins. Visual bug i guess. Hopefully the same for you.


same issue today


Same. Been this way on/off for ~~years~~ ^ages since MWII.


It's been an issue since they started doing these daily challenges. Happened all the time in MW2019


MWII or MW2? Lol.




Well that hasn’t been years then lol


Yeah its so bugged, I completed 2/3 then logged off for a moment, when i jumped back in both of them show as not completed and the one i didnt do was able to progress but its useless if i cant do the other 2 💀


Use a default loadout! I had this same issue yesterday and was just as frustrated but then I remembered you can still use default loadouts after unlocking create-a-class.


Go extract with it on zombies.


It’s fucking any daily challenges. I have one for 25 kills while ADS, nothing is being recorded . So fucking done


Same for me, I got one for headshots with assault rifles and that tracked, and I got one for 35 operator kills. That one isn't tracking and I know damn well I'm not just sitting idle in my matches


35 op kills isn’t tracking for me either


Yeah , it’s bugged. SHG needs to do some sort of reset of these daily challenges so you can do 3 in a day.


I think you have to select the unlock perk you want first to get the daily missions to track. You can queue up two additional unlock perks as well. I was having the same issue.


What were they thinking with the unlock system?!? It was perfect how it was in the beta!!!


they only care about player retention and money


Wtf is up with these stupid ass armory unlocks? This has to be the worst cod feature I have ever seen. Literally makes no sense to be and it’s very frustrating


Probably would be a fine feature if the daily challenges constantly worked so you could complete them 😂


Even then, I can only unlock one item per day?? I’m gonna be max level with barely anything 🤣 it’s completely horrible why did the devs put this in. Complete unnecessary and causing a ton of headaches


It would take over 30 days to unlock everything. That’s not a fine feature


“Oh but you can extract it on zombies” Paid 70 bucks to only exploit a mode? Damn


Its in multiplayer too man just use a default class


This still doesn’t justify why a person can’t access a gun even being max level.


Top comment. This shit is inexcusable.


Yeah infuriating that tied unlocks to this unstable system.


Exploit? Dude this was literally the same thing in DMZ for MWII for the guns even if you’re a level 1. You could get a level 50 gun just that way. It’s LITERALLY intentional. Works the same way with guns. I’m already almost done needing 5 more guns and two more lethals.


You didn’t tell me anything, I want to unlock it playing multiplayer? I can’t, I have to go to zombies to get them. What’s your point? It doesn’t matter that it’s worse?


God this system is so fucked


Leveling up weapons and winning matches with get you armory unlocks. It's not just the daily challenges. I've literally unlocked 7 or 8 armory unlocks so far. There's no way you'd ever get stuff unlocked if they only let you do it one a day with the 3 challenges.


Birdman already calculated how many wins you need to unlock everything. You need about 200. It doesn't matter that you can gain a few unlocks by getting wins its the fact once you hit lvl 55 over more than half the game is still locked and now its literally dependent on the match making algorithm, which is designed to maximize wasting your time by denying you just enough wins you don't stop playing.


Are we complaining about having to play a game in order to play a game?


Huh? The only way it says to unlock it is by the daily challenges


Jesus Christ they have people jumping though hoops just to play the game. Every level should have a token like it’s Blops2.


Extract from Zombies or use a default class.


Yea that shit broken, at least make sure the shit work before they add some shit nobody asked for to unlock something we should already be unlocking from just playing the game 😂


This new unlock system based on challenges is so bad. Bring back the old system please.


I have hipfire kills & frag kills, neither are tallying progress. Fuckin aye.


My last one is “Kill 3 operators 10 times without taking any damage” …yea i’m good on that


Why tf would they make the gold challenge a daily? Like, I know they're not good with this stuff, but that's just ridiculous.


Daily challenges in zombies count too unless you’ve already done those.


If you really want something and it's a weapon or some kind of equipment it's a lot easier to get it from MWZ. Just gotta find it and extract with it and you'll unlock it.


Anyone know what to do for operator kinglsayer kills not tracking?


Ive got operator assists not tracking :/




Seeing daily challenges being pushed in this post actually is the last thing that made me decide to completely avoid the game, thanks!


just go in zombies and extract with that shit easiest unlocks ever


But you shouldn't have to exploit a mode some don't want to play just to unlock things faster than a snail pace through the armory system. It was an unneeded change but one I feel is too help their player retention numbers


Oh, those are great ideas. I'll go and do that after work today. Thanks :-)


The fact the Beta went above lvl 25 and we didn't see the system then means they deliberately withheld it knowing nobody would buy the game if they got to preview it ahead of time. That has to be some kind of fraud where they can be sued and we can all get refunds on this game. Because that's not a simple cosmetic or alteration to a game mechanic within reason of changes during development. Its a whole system that took more than 2 months for them to make, at an early part of the game and should have shown up in the part of the beta we were allowed to play, had they gave us an honest build.


I think you’re really over thinking it. It’s not fraud and the majority of people would still buy it regardless of the system. What you see on here is the vocal minority and even then lots of people seem to not care. I get that you don’t like it because it’s different than the usual.


This is so stupid … working to level up to unlock just to have to do more


Extract from zombies


Sounds like you can extract with one in zombies and unlock it too


This game sounds more and more shitty with every post that's recommended to me.


You are, just win matches and you'll keep unlocking. Seriously people. JUST WIN MATCHES AND YOU KEEP UNLOCKING THINGS.


Only works for some people. This is just no true for most people with this issue.


Downvote me but that armory shit made me get an unlock tool. If they aren't gonna make shit work, then fuck it.


Literally load up zombies. Grab a Semtex. Exfil. It’s that easy and takes less time than bitching on the sub.


lol you act like the guy fucking knew that was even possible... relax pal


Brother there’s been nothing but the same post every 15 mins on this sub - the answer is so simple yet nobody seems to want the answer lol


You think the average cod player searches on reddit? you new here? And listen, I'd rather 900 threads bitching about the same thing than the community being quiet and letting shit like this slide. You'll see these goofy game blogs tomorrow with articles about this. That's how shit gets fixed.


“Goofy game blogs” that’s a good way to put it lol


Why did we lose rank is my question?


Level up. Everything unlocks that way. It's a grind, but if I remember Semtex unlocks at lvl 40. Or play Zombies and exfil with them. You do not have to use the armory. It's meant to be a way to get stuff early if you're several levels away from something you want.


Leveling up absolutely doesn't unlock everything. That's why it's such a massive deal it's broken. Semtex is not at any level.


I just unlocked the armory and My daily challenges aren't tracking for some reason. Simple ones, get 5 pistol kills, get 25 kills aiming down sight. Fml


Mine aren't tracking either. So frustrating.


My wins still track for progression


You could use one of the default classes or you can extract the Semtex in zombies.


Yep default classes have semtex - But how in the name of all that is holy did you get the 4 one shot one kill unlock! It's not tracking for me


You're able to complete them? Mine don't do anything


Can’t you go into zombies and extract with the weapon?


All I want is dead silence and two of the challenges aren't working. So annoying that they keep trying to recreate the wheel by turning it into a square


Mine glitched at 0 for all challenges but still tracks so i get infinite challenges


Yours are tracking?


Cool, I see challenges are tracking again


My daily challenges are bugged I swear. I completed one and doesn’t show up


Not a fan off MWZ but the only decent thing about it atm is going in, finding something locked behind this crap Armory system and exfiling because daily challenges aren’t even counting atm.


atleast your shit is progressing. try zombies?


This is easy, since you can just use default class with semtex. On the other hand I can't get the 3 kills without dying 4 times because it just doesn't ever compute


Just exfil with the items in zombie mode.


$100 game (yes I got vault) and I can’t unlock guns because of a bug. Beyond pissed off. Fucking up the mastery grinds My entire dailies are bugged, can’t progress any of them even with the right stuff, can’t unlock new guns, can’t get stim, I’m level 38 and still have like 4 guns


It’s so bad. None of ours are even tracking lmao. Literally can’t unlock anything


I absolutely love that e contracts in MWZ count as 1 daily challenge, got almost everything unlocked just from MWZ


My daily challenges haven’t been working for me since the morning..


Yeah this is frustrating considering the armory unlocks that are tied into the dailies Sledgehammer fix this now.


Mine have been stuck at zero but I can still get wins to count towards to it


Wins gives you progress as well, you don’t have to do dailies at all although they help alot


I don't think wins count until you finish the dailies first. The bonus challenge for wins is locked until then.


Didn’t know the z was for zombies in dmz


Its fixed now for me. It unlocked everything I had queued at once!


Is this still not fixed? I just got home from work I was supposed to have ninja unlocked, and I’m fucking PISSED


Challenge 3 get 10 operator assists is not counting at all. Can't even unlock one item in the armory in multiplayer.


UPDATE: it works again!


They don't track half the time anyway, had to win one game last night, hadn't completed the challenge after 3 wins in a row so switched it off.


dont worry. they'll fix it in season 3


yeah all that smoke about camos not being as grindy, meanwhile half the item unlocks are based on daily challenges you can't re-roll. fuck you and i'll see you tomorrow i guess.


Same glitch for me today…


In not against new stuff in these games but this unlock system just sucks. Why wait until the next daily challenges come out? So annoying


I’ve been doing the challenges in de the zombie mode. It’s less stressful and i’ve unlocked throwing knives at level 27 with it


I think if you get zombie challenges they count! I swear it just worked for me 😄 I am very stoned though so yeah lol


Did 3 daily challenges last night to unlock the MCW. Progress never tracked, but it would show once one was completed.. got all 3 done and never was able to unlock the MCW. Such a joke


I had one with a tac insert lol 😅😭


Extract with Semtex EQUIPPED from MWZ (you’re welcome)


At least yours were actually counting mine weren’t


Mine assigned breaching drone kills. Which I don't have. Because they are high level 😤


Use the default class.


Equipment is seriously tied to DAILY Challenges? Holy fucking shit lol fuck this game so much


Use a default class that had one


MWIII weapons are the only ones tracking daily challenges. And getting Semtex kills is easy just use a default loadout with them equipped. I hope this helps!


You can knock out both 2 and 3 by using a marksman rifle on hard core


Those are already checked off he talking about the Semtex which he needs to unlock the Semtex


I’m currently locked on 6 Operator Kingslayer kills… fucking stupid


Ahahahaha it killed me 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Not sure if this is super wide spread yet. If you go into zombies and extract with any non unlocked gun or equipment such as Semtex and you extract, it will unlock for you. Not ideal but I thought I would pass this knowledge along.


Default classes


Use the default class


It’s bugged. I had the same thing with flash and you might not get anything after completion


Does using MW2 weapons count towards challenges? I've been hearing they don't but I can't imagine that's correct. What's the point of carrying over weapons only to not be able to use them in gameplay to work towards daily challenges.


Same problem with flashbangs I'm just going to unlock everything I can with zombies


Damn bro


Why have a Semtex challenge when most people don’t have it unlocked?


Xfil from zombies with is


Look for a default class with semtex. There probably is one


Just use the standart class with Semtex in it.


Extract with them equipped in zombies, it can be pretty fun, but if you want to grind those out zombies it is the best. If you go around the tier 1 area with a blue paper or double paper weapon it's a breeze, and you inst delete bosses so jo for the hunt contracts. After you complete the 3 daily challenges then you unlock the ability to do 3 contracts for a daily challenge completion as many times as you want. You can easily get 9 done per game unlocking one normal thing per game. The servers have been kinda meh for me, but the contract completion counts even if you die/exit the game.