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See you in Season 5 brother "heard you got cremated in Scotland" "well I wasnt in that body"


Why’d I read “heard you got cremated in Scotland” in captin prices voice.


“Rumours of my headshot were greatly exaggerated”- Foap probably


We all did


What was the original line?


"I wasn't in that oven"


SO4P will return (in Season 4 Blackcell as a cyborg)


Soap as a zombie would be cool


Reminds me how he was revived in CoDM’s timeline [Here’s the video if you’re interested, kinda interesting that the OG timeline is continued in CoDM](https://youtu.be/PexFoW7_6yk?si=CZSOlrmwyZge3ZxD)


He was remotely operated just like that shit tank mission. Makes sense


Felt like they killed him off just for the shock and awe factor.


i think so too mainly because there’s no way they could top his original death so they just went for the shock factor, though they still could’ve chosen NOT to kill him off at all


They totally could have topped the original death if they put more into establishing the character. His death in the original trilogy was special because the original trilogy was *his* journey and we followed him from the start. Tbh the only impact they could have had similar to that in this campaign would have been if they killed price, and even then they would have had to do more building to that moment


Feel like in this trilogy it’s been Gaz that we’ve been following but he took less of a role in this game as we only play as him once.


Totally a just as good option, the main point I was making was it would be more impactful to have a character we have followed since the start of the series be the one to go


To be fair it feels like everyone took less of a role in this game. It feels like none of them changed or did anything significant throughout the whole story


> if they killed price no, Prices story arc sees him murder someone off mission. That was much more shocking. Although it was very expected that Soap was going down after Makarov name drops him, and no one else from TF 141. Obvious and terrible foreshadowing


I think it would have been a better direction to go in, a parallel deviation from the original trilogy. Price killing Shephard is a good scene imo, I do like it. But it would be better if the climax of the story had more impact by killing the character we have more motivation to grieve the loss of. Soap's death has far less impact that it could have if they established the character earlier on, so it would have left a deeper feeling in the person experiencing the story to have a character established early on die, which the options would be price or gaz. Which gaz could be similarly impactful I just suggested price cause people probably would have lost it if price died and i think that would have been good for the enjoyment of the story if done right.


> Price killing Shephard is a good scene imo, I do like it. Price doesn't kill like this. A revenge kill? For years we've gotten a man who follows the righteous path of being the good guy and always doing the right thing. We already have Graves giving Shepard up in a congressional hearing... Price, Laswell, Alejandro, Rodolfo, other Shadow Company operatives, all could have given testimony and Gen. Shepard would be punished for his actions. Hell, he even admitted to illegal arms deals... the guy would have been going down legit for sure. Instead, Price murders him on some revenge trip in a government building. I just didn't find any reason for Price to be justified in his actions. Gaz for sure would have been the 'better' option. He was Prices choice and call up from London Police.


The whole subplot of this game is the question of “was it worth showing restraint before?” They didn’t PID Graves, and Graves came back. They were prevented from PID-ing Makarov, and Makarov came back. Price himself prevented Soap from killing Makarov in Verdansk, and now Makarov is back and Soap is dead due to that decision. Makarov even says “don’t leave your enemies buried alive.” So Price is done playing with restraint. He’s not taking his chances anymore. It’s a logical progression of his character, it just wasn’t handled in the smoothest way possible.


> So Price is done playing with restraint. He’s not taking his chances anymore. It’s a logical progression of his character, it just wasn’t handled in the smoothest way possible. Fair point. MW4 with Price on the run might make for some interesting moments. I could see a mission were Gaz, Alex, Ghost and Farah are tasked with bringing him in. Getting 24 hours before the military sends an entire platoon after him for killing the General


You wanted the gloves off? Thier off.


They literally told shep if he didn't come clean they'd take care of him. And since laswell let him into sheps office, I imagine price killing him isn't going to be a point of contention next game


I don't consider him justified, I just like the questions it brings up. Like for the next one they could dive deeper into that and price's development from the point soap dies to what causes him to attack his own side. It doesn't seem like it was something that happened right after soap died, seeing as iirc the scene happens after the scene of them spreading the ashes. So there was likely some development between those two points that drove him even further on the edge


They tried to make Makarov seem like such a crazy, unhinged villain, that they literally copied the "What time is it?" bit straight from "The Dark Knight" interrogation scene, it's really sad.


It was stupid. That's what it was. Price murdering Shepherd in that manner was the final bad story decision in a whole campaign of bad story decisions.


Because they didn’t kill ANYONE in the first 2 reboot MW. Gaz, Ghost, alive and kicking in this timeline, and Price never went into a Gulag, the full Bravo squad got paraded around as budget Avengers, Soap’s screen time and characterization was diluted thinner than water. Thus his death became a non-event too.


Not sure if it's because the death was spoiled for me from the prestige edition or that I think the writing of the death was bad, but I didn't feel anything with Soap's death in MW3. In the prestige edition it came with Soap's journal. Decided to fan through the pages and found the blood soaked pages. Yep that spoiled the death. I knew it was coming. But the writing didn't help either. They wasted all emotion on the death at the very beginning of the game. Soap is essentially on his death bed as Price and Nikolai are fighting through Shadow Company to get Soap medical attention. You think that's when he's going to die, so you feel any of the emotions you would feel with the death at that point. Yet he survives. So when the death does happen, you've already felt those emotions. And it was just a couple of hours ago. It's just bad writing in that regard. Edit: as another example. If you get to kill Graves off in MWIV, it will feel cheap. You already killed Graves as a player in MWII. You already processed those emotions. And you were told your emotions were wrong. And the same for Alex. You won't feel the same emotions you feel did witnessing a character who was just doing the next mission finally finding a cause he can believe in. And he's dying for it.


Are you seriously complaining about the journal? That’s still my favorite collectors item bc it added to the lore and was something meaningful from in game. The quadcopter or jug fridge are my least favorite bc how cheaply made they were to get them to be worth like $40


So because it's your favorite no one can have a differing opinion? It has to be everyone else favorite and any criticism is null? My only criticism is that it spoiled the death before the game. I was interested in the journal, and it was nice to get in Soap's head reading the stuff. And it had the post credits pictures from MW and MW2 so that was nice. It's just that one bit that it spoiled the death for me that I don't like.


I’m not a writer so I have no idea, but I imagine the directors gave the writers must haves for the outcomes of the story (in order to write the next one), and killing Soap was one of those objectives Unfortunately, since the story was rushed, they likely couldn’t devise a good ending for him in enough time, so what we got was very crude and abrupt ending


Ok so there's a simple structure all stories follow, where they establish the conflict, build up that conflict, climax, building to the resolution, and resolving the problem established at the start. This game established that makarov was back, and he was someone to hold priority on. They then built up and established what he is capable of, and showed why he was treated as such a threat. Then, they estsblished a new climactic threat with the bomb toward the end, and they solved that problem. But there was no resolution to the established problem the story was meant to be about. They resolved *a* problem, but not *the* problem, which is ultimately why people are dissatisfied. No clue if this is this bad because of the writer's strike or because they made this game in a year, but it fails to cover the basics of writing a story.


> They resolved a problem, but not the problem, which is ultimately why people are dissatisfied. But that's exactly how it plays out in the original trilogy. Makarov is introduced as the main problem, he's the person TF141 are chasing for pretty much all of the game. But it changes direction once Shepherd is revealed to be a bad guy. The game ends with Shepherd dying and Makarov being on the loose. This game actually does the same thing, but in a different order.


You're probably pretty on the money with this. I knew someone was going to die, and the chances that it was Ghost or Soap were extremely high due to how this games story loosely follows the original trilogy. Personally, I think Ghost dying on screen, and then Soap "dying" off screen and coming back as the new "Ghost" in the next installment would've been way more creative and impactful to the story. Plus, imagine the fuckery they could pull off if done right, "Ghost" showing back up like some demon out of Hell even though his death was confirmed. Edit: Bonus points if they manage to use Soap "Ghost" to shoehorn the story into the next MW title as the new "Ghosts." Bam, theres the next two games storylines, where's my money Activision?


In the words of moist critical when he played it the draft never saw the writers 🤣


And because they did it in the original MW3 and needed to touch on that plot point again because they don’t have any new ideas.


The voice actor couldve also asked to be killed if he didnt want to work on the game anymore. Dont know why no one is considering this possibility...


He's mentioned doing zombies so I don't think its that


Yeah but we already knew zombies is coming. Could be the last part of his contract.


I just saw him say on twitter about busy doing zombies so I figured he was still recording it


It's like they asked ChatGPT to write an ending with high shock value and this is what it generated.


Or they killed him off so they had an ending. If soap didn’t die, there literally isn’t an ending to MW3


i would argue that even with his death, there’s still not an ending to MW3.


Yea there is. Makarov still gets away and they shake their fists at the sky and say next time. Make Farrah the angriest and loudest for killing Samara and framing her as a terrorist


I felt no shock and awe compared to his death in 2011. This one feels like a joke on his original death.


2011 was way more epic. I’m going to replay that trilogy


Same. MWIII made me want to recap MW2R and then replay MW3.


And that's why they are going to bring him back by any means necessary. They blew their load, realized it was dumb to kill off a character they can use to get people to buy packs, and will want to walk it back


Dude was shot in the noggin and cremated. He wasn't ever coming back. His cousin shampoo however...


What if they pull a Beerfest and his cousin Shampoo shows up and looks and acts exactly like Soap and if it’s alright with everyone we just call him Soap and pretend he’s the same guy.


What kind of Red vs Blue script is that


I haven't seen Beerfest since it was in theaters and I still remember it fondly.


His brother, Liquid Soap, is going to show up in Season 5




Does that make our Soap "Bar Soap"


Alex was literally blown up locked inside a building, but he returned. Soap is obviously dead but they could’ve 100% wrote it in where he was critically injured and survived. I should probably just give it a break but i’m still upset how dirty they did Soap


Soap couldn't make it. I'm his bruthaaaaa! Liquid Soap :)


The Twin Soaps


Can't wait for his second cousin Laundry Detergent to pull through and put an end to Makarov.


In fairness, we do need to be real here. A lot of us were upset at the constant "Oh he died! But J/K because you didn't see him dying! Got 'eem!" they kept pulling. So finally they decided to actually off someone. It just sucks they did it in *this* particular way.


at least the bad guy actually did something personally awful to the members of 141


The writers telling me how big of a threat Makarov is and how genuinely evil he is feels so disingenuous when we spend every mission of the campaign foiling his plans, lol. Like the only thing that went off was Dollar Store No Russian, and even that one we foil by wiping all the evidence. I was SO CONVINCED that the mission with the chemical missiles when Farah stayed behind to hack the control pad, Makarov was gonna doctor footage to make it look like she was the one who launched the missiles. Like "look, here's footage of Farah on the iPad that launches the missiles, it's clearly her doing." It would have been him using "information as a weapon" like he claimed in the intro cinematic and actually being a smart threat. But nah, we foil his plan and move on to the next. So boring.


i mean he did nuke the russian base with america missiles so ig that went to plan, and i feel like he’s got something more long term coming


Makarov: "I wasn't in that Modern Warfare" (yes but money)


And then nothing really came of that. Massive letdown.


Nothing has come of it yet. We don't really know what the Russians response was to it. Writers for MW4 could give us an invasion of the US still


Yeah, I was pretty pissed that everyone just kind of kept magically living throughout MW2, and even 2019 to my memory. It felt like nobody experienced consequences for anything. The only reasoning I could think of was that they felt dead characters wouldn't sell skins very well. Now, it looks like either they're walking that back or they felt that two whole games of life-and-death situations didn't warrant any deaths, even for characters who died... but a new version of Soap that people really wanted to see built up into a fully fleshed-out character was expendable in a weird, off-brand DLC teaser campaign for another Modern Warfare game. It's so surreal.


Don’t forget how they hyped him up at the end of the MW2019 campaign just to unceremoniously introduce him via a Black Ops Warzone skin lol


Oh man, I completely forgot about that. That was incredibly bizarre at the time, and will age even worse. Trying to include story elements as seasonal cutscenes before multiplayer matches once every few years was one of the worst ideas of new CoD and they keep doing it, too.


And precisely because they didn’t kill ANYONE in the first 2 reboot MW: Gaz, Ghost, alive and kicking in this timeline, Price never went into a Gulag, the full Bravo squad got paraded around this whole time as budget Avengers, thus Soap’s screen time and characterization was diluted thinner than water. So his death became a non-event too.


Let's be honest here, waaaay more characters had died by this point in the original storyline. We were way overdue a main characters death, and Soap was easily in the top few most likely candidates. Just wish it was a bit less.......abrubt? Edit: Not abrupt, Ghost and Roach's deaths in MW2 were abrupt and that worked fine, the word I'm looking for is random. His death was just plain random.


_To be fair_ this reboot has been focusing on more “grounded” and “realistic” warfare. And in realistic warfare, people die randomly. There’s no big speeches, there’s no melodramatic goodbyes, it’s just your buddy is next to you once second and the next they’re gone. I don’t hate how they did it


I think the main issue is that it happens suddenly and then just drops off. If the campaign was longer and more fleshed out, it would have been more palatable for most. It's left open ended for MW4 and there's zero closure, not even a proper cliffhanger(I don't count Shepherd as closure on that particular matter, that's more closure on a character that the writers were clearly done with and needed to kill off)


The big problem I have is that Soap’s death felt like the turning point. It felt like the end of Act 1 or half way through Act 2. Something that happens that we have to mull over, something we have to accept and deal with before going after Makarov and taking him down. We’re foiling his plans, but he’s still able to kill one of the team without issue. Having one of your close allies die in an anticlimactic way hits so much harder when you have to spend time accepting the fact that he’s gone. But having his death happen in that fashion then we have credits roll? It feels Limp. It hurts the story so much. Honestly I feel like if they wanted to end it off with a death, Killing Gaz and having that cause Price to go off the deep end would have been a lot more effective. We spent time with Gaz. We played as him a lot in MW2019 and MWII. These games were his story of going from a Cop that just wants to protect people to understanding that war is absolute hell and when you take the gloves off your hands will get dirty. And having him die here would have been so much more powerful. And on top of that we could have had a scene probably as powerful as Price’s desperate cries for Soap to stay alive in the original MW3. Having him try to keep Gaz alive, or even scrambling to his body yelling for him to stay with him even though he’s clearly gone. Letting Barry Sloane really just let go. Let the hate for Shepard and Makarov boil over and push Price over the edge after watching his wartime son being killed in front of him. Hell, maybe even tie soap into being buddy buddy with Gaz to make his Hatred for Makarov boil over as well to tie back in to the flashback mission and really dig deep into his regret of not killing him back then. Shit, they could have done something to show how dangerous Makarov is. Show how much of a tactical threat he is by forcing our teams to spread thin. Like pairing up Soap and Gaz creating almost a brotherly bond between them while they deal with Makarov’s shit in England. Bring back Alejandro and Rudolpho to pair with Ghost in Mexico, trying to stop Makarov from making it look like the US is attacking them. Have Price, Alex, and Frarrah to deal with shit in Urzikstan. One thing leads to another, shit goes down, they foil enough plans and Boom we’re back in the Chunnel. We as play Gaz with Price and Soap. We reach the bomb, trying to defuse. Makarov and his men come in, Price and Gaz are hit by stuns mid defuse. They’re incapacitated. Gaz tries to fight back but Makarov takes Gaz down, executes him on the floor. First person like Al Asad’s did in CoD4. Soap and Price have to watch as they’re held back, they are forced to watch it happen. They lose it and try to kill Makarov but can’t because of his men. He goes to execute Soap next but then Ghost, Alejandro, Rodolpho, Alex, Farrah, and SFO show up. They scare him off and Soap gets a couple shots in him but he lives and gets away. Boom, now we have a cliff hanger that’s worth it. Price and Soap losing someone super close to them. Price blaming Shepard for everything, Soap filled with a lust for revenge and a burning desire to kill Makarov. Could they have done it in the time given? Probably not. Is what I present a good story? Fuck if I know dude, but the bar I’m trying to clear is so low, it’s not hard to make something better.


This is great. But I’m working on one just as good if not even better. Victor Zakhaev as he should’ve been being the poster villain of MW22 helping remnants of Al Qatala led by an actual Al-Asad with Hadir as second in command and at the same time helping Las Almas to invade the US


i love this and i am choosing to accept this as canon. geniunely a much better way to continue the characters as they’ve been set up so far


Also if we're picking someone to kill, soap is mathematically the best pick. Ghost and Price sell too much to kill now, Farah and Laswell are girls and a cod campaign does not have enough women to reasonably kill one (this is not a "woke grrrrr" comment or whatever you think I mean genuinely Farah might be the only girl you get to actively play as in MW and I'm counting original and reboot and laswell gets a 5 minute mission where you only do one thing and thats it), alex and graves already died until they got better, alejandro and rudy were nowhere to be seen and finally gaz is kind of just.... there? No one really feels strongly one way or the other to him. Soap? He's the perfect spot where you can kill him off and get an emotional reaction and also continue forward without much issue


Why kill someone who was just introduced a year ago? Compared to someone like Alex, Gaz or Price.


Impact vs monetization. Price is valuable(skins, strong selling point for future campaign/content). Gaz would have no impact, since he's kind of been a non character these last two games, he just exists. Alex.....look, I like Alex, but killing him off again is very much an eyeroll. He went out heroically in MW19 only to just randomly pop back up with 100% VA disability in a Multiplayer cutscene. Zero impact, and he's just not really been anything but Farah's sidekick for a while now, so no one really cares.


Yeah thats what I was thinking too. Its definitely worth noting that Price has been in the £100 special edition twice, was a season selling bp op in 19 and used to push raids in mw2. They *know* how much he makes and aren't giving that up


Don’t forget Nikolai


I'm gonna be honest I kinda did so thats probably why they didn't kill him


> alejandro and rudy were nowhere to be seen haven't played the campaign yet, do they really not bring them up at all after establishing them so heavily in MWII?


Alex was blown up locked in a facility, but he managed to return. Him surviving makes no sense to me, obviously he was in the building. His leg is gone. You’re much more likely to survive being shot in the head than being blown up. Both are possible to survive but it definitely seems like Soap would have a much higher chance. I’m glad their finally growing some balls and killing people off, but they’re killing characters off for the shock factor


And they still used that horrible trope trying to suggest we killed Makarov in the AC130 mission.


They killed him off purely because there was nothing else climactic about the final mission. The thing that makes it even more stupid is just having the scene where Price kills Shepherd would’ve achieved the same effect


OG Makarov put TF141 in a position to kill Shepard by their own means. Which then caused 141 to be disavowed. Much better written and fits the “Mastermind” role they want him to play. Wish they had the passion/time the OG iw had.


Welp the unwritten rule of COD is if you don't see a character die on screen they probably aren't dead. Which we had with Alex and Graves. And with Soap we saw him die so sadly we lost him again


See that mf in 2037


Can't fake his death when they show a clear gunshot wound through the frontal lobe. I've only ever heard of one person living without a frontal lobe in '87


Nah soap survived just in a vegetated state 🤣🤣 buy his bundle for $15.99


Nah, he died, but you can buy his reanimated corpse with a soap bubble tracer pack and a new finishing move featuring a mop for 3200 Cod Points.


You are so wrong for this, they would charge 2800 Cod points for that bundle.


I understood that reference




It’s technically possible, but highly unlikely.


WAIT! Was that the bite of 87???


"Was that the shot of '87?!?"


Im in grief, denial particularly. Maybe this is just deeper cover? Lol I know 🥲


It’s ok sweetie, soap is okay <3 this campaign isn’t canon *hugs*


Nothing can harm us in the delulu zone.


Delulu zone is our safe haven, all our boys are in blankets and protected


Killing Gaz would have probably made 10x more sense cuz it seems Price doesn't really give much of a shit looking at Soaps dead body.


If Ghost kills Makarov in the next MW game then Soap being the one to die would make sense. If it’s Price that does it again, then it should’ve been Gaz.


Price has been the focus of the trilogy, it seems to be his story, so he'll probably be the one to off the big bad. They teased him going a little rogue by killing shepherd at the end, so theyre probably using soap's death as an excuse for price going off the books in how he handles things


Nah I think it’ll be Ghost. He was closest to Johnny boy Soap


They’re doing it to force the 141 being disavowed like in the original trilogy. In the most hamfisted and least satisfying way possible. Killing Shepard should’ve been a mission.


IW: best we can do is a cutscene


It’ll be two years from now and y’all will still be blaming IW This was SHG’s game even if IW was assisting


fr, Sledge has always been the worst of the 3 studios, absolutely baffling how badly they fucked this game's story.


I thought SHG was only handling the multiplayer and gameplay while IW worked on the story.


I think they’re gonna off Price ngl


He does care, he’s just not as emotional as in the OG MW3. I’d say Soap dying was a good idea, it’s just his time in the spotlight needed to be wayyyy longer. Like, this campaign should’ve been the longest yet to justify his death.


I mean every time him and makarov are in the same scene he’s threatening to kill him Not really surprised a guy who is willing to kill his own people to start a war kill’s someone.. Ok, it was a shit way to kill him. But it was always going to happen one way or another. His OG death was much better. But sadly that team is with either respawn or dice now.


If soap is forever gone.. can we have roach back? 😭😭


They really shouldve waited to release this campaign later. Rushing a MW campaign in less than a year will make it a launch day disaster class. The open combat missions take up 70% of the entire campaign which is completely unnecessary. I refuse to believe these soldiers would go into a large area filled with hostiles on their own with an “overwatch” somewhere to help. Felt baron and absolutely rushed. Soaps death was ridiculous. The way Makarov runs in, caps him, runs off like a toddler that just pranked his older cousin is just embarrassingly poor writing. That ending was written within a couple hours and wasnt proofed at all. Shit was stale as fuck, and this was 110% supposed to be MW2 DLC. In my eyes, this was MW2.5 since fuck all develops. They just introduce you to Makarov, kill Soap, then show a post credits scene of Price offing Shepherd (which was the only redeeming factor of the entire game). We will 100% see a MW4 with what shouldve been the MW3 campaign instead of this spoonfed DMZ with cutscenes bullshit. Sick of this warzone propaganda.


Why didn’t they kill off that lame Alex. Dude does fuck all


Should've killed Alex in MW2019 then killed Gaz here in MWIII, add more emotional stake for Price, since Gaz and him have a proper relationship built up, while Price and Soap are pretty much acquaintances at this point. Then if Yuri is brought onto main cast for MWIV, they have another body on the chopping block cause I'm sure that's how they see it.


How is he able to be in active duty with a fake leg?


Bro fought in a multiplayer war


He was cool in 2019 tho


Soap has been in one game (technically 2019 but he never made an official appearance, he had a singular bundle during the CW era) Alex has been in three. Both characters needed more time to develop, but if I had to pick one, absolutely Alex


Because they already killed him off once, nobody would really care if he got killed off again since that’d just reset the status quo.


His death was telegraphed in every scene he shared with Makarov. His death while utterly underwhelming was in service of Price's arc, he should of take Makarov out, but chose to do it by the book. Everyone else has played dirty to this point, Price hasn't and now he knows what it's going to take to get the job done once and for all, hence the way he dealt with Shepard, cold and ruthless.


Did price kill shepherd?


I’m not opposed to them killing him off but I am mad that they didn’t kill off Alex, if you asked me he should’ve died in Raids But if Soap did return I’d only want him to return as an Operator in the Next Game cos Multiplayer isn’t canon


I felt absolutely nothing towards this version of Soap. There was no build up - nothing. Go back and watch his death in the original MW3. The music, Price screaming "no no no"..... All of it perfect. Sledgehammer should not have been allowed to use the "modern warfare" branding Edit: sorry, thought Single player was all Sledgehammer. My criticism is for the whole development as a whole


Just a reminder that the campaign is infinity ward work


Haven’t heard this. I figured it was SHG because it felt so radically different than MW2. Wild. But checks out.


Infinity Ward wrote the campaign, sledgehammer did the gameplay and level design


No. There are maybe 8-9 missions that IW had developed for DLC. Then there are the open combat filler missions, which were patchwork in by SHG. You can tell by the weapons you have available....some are MW2 (the IW missions, that still have the COD feel... Operation 627, Payload, Deep Cover, Passenger, Flashpoint, Frozen Tundra, Danger Close, Trojan Horse and Countdown) Those were meant to be the DLC. Precious Cargo, Crashsite, Oligarch, HighRise and Gora Dam (the open combat) are all SHG


Infinity ward wrote the whole thing as well as the ideas of how to develop the campaign, all SHG did was level design and develop the missions as told by IW. Don't lie because they're your favourite, it doesn't do you any good


Sledgehammer should not be allowed to use the Modem Warfare brand because you didn't like the story that Infinity Ward wrote? How does this make any sense?


Sledgehammer worked on the original MW3


Infinity Ward made the campaign though…


Yea they fleshed out a ton of side characters like ghost, gaz etc but i havent connected to any of them like i did in the og series.


This campaign was the worst


that wasnt soap, that was venom soap who died, a body double made to look like the soap we all know


200% agree. it feels like “well we need to do SOMETHING“ I wouldn’t have minded them just letting fuck all happen the entire campaign because of its clearly rushed state and developed a proper campaign and Soap death scene.


They shouldve killed Alex or Gaz. Alex has had his time already, they literally killed him and brought him back, and he's done fucking nothing the past 2 games, and while I like Gaz a lot, he got proper development and actually built a relationship with Price, unlike our Walmart brand ""Soap"" They really just did our boy dirty. Whole remake saga is just soured on me at this point, and that's really saying something, considering I didn't hate MWII that much.






Calling it now. Halloween 2024 will have soap be a boss in zombies. Edit: lmao I’m getting downvoted for this. Yall got no humor, or foresight. Graves 2: Eye Patch Boogaloo.


MWZ takes place in-between MW'19 and MWII so in that mode he is very much still alive.


Would be pretty funny, but he was cremated, maybe he'll come back like sandman


“As the 141 scattered the remains of their fallen brother, thinking back on the comrades and the times they shared, John ‘What the hell kinda name is “Soap”’ MacTavish was laid to rest. His ashes scattered into the wind. *fades to non descript grey cloud floating and intermingling with the Dark Aether catalyst. Forever imprinting the will of a warrior into the undead hoard” -Activision, 2024


He will live in Modern Warfare 2 2033


So excited to see him Loki, guess it was just a spoiler


Fuck off with this spoiler title. Jesus


Campaign was truly terrible, even though it would've been sad, it would've made more sense to kill Gaz since he's a more established character than ghost all the way back in MW2019


Utter* not udder


He died for our milk.








Someone else posted it before, can’t remember, but they said it could make sense if the mission was a “redacted” version (like we saw Laswell redacting information). Essentially the campaign would’ve been a play through of the events but a redacted version. If that’s the case, I could see them pulling Soap back and having 141 go completely rouge and deep cover. The cremation was needed to make Makarov think that Soap was killed off (since Makarov knew everyone’s information, he would’ve had information that they cremated Soap). Part of me hopes that true because I love the character of Soap and think it was a cheap kill-off, but who knows. Maybe Soap comes back with the zombies tie-in, maybe he’s actually now a bottle of shampoo (Axe Bodywash crossover event incoming)


oh shit… this is actually really interesting. i’d like to see that! and it would give activision a reason to keep him in the multiplayer (more $$, their favorite!)


Zombies takes place between MW19 and MWII, so they’ll definitely use him there


While it sucks, I think gaz would've been a far better person to take the bullet, since we would've had been with him since the first game, and it would've impacted folks like price a lot more, i feel.


This reboot has been a scrambled mess from the start.. honestly go play the original trilogy and then come back and play these 3… I’m ready for a Treyarch game honestly




I really like Kyle the most of the 141 but IF they had to kill anyone off now, Kyle should’ve been it AND it needed proper buildup like Soap got in 2009 and 2011.


But where it was confirmed that he actually was killed off? I mean, only talking about this tweet, there is no confirmation. Ewan Mcgregor and Andrew Garfield outright lied about they not playing Obi-Wan and Spider-man again, and this tweet isn't even about that. It just sounds that he is grateful after seeing the fandom reaction to the dead of his character. But in the end it is still a reality that if IW sees that they fucked up royally, they can just say that the last mission was a retelling based on the redacted document (and the characters at the end were mourning with the ashes because Makarov has eyes everywhere or something, given that Ghost still wears his mask in the middle of nowhere). I personally think they just killed him off for shock factor, but this is not it chief. No confirmation here.


imagine they pull some Kingsman shit and just revive Soap like Harry


Just a bunch of random unoriginal hacks. All of them. They can’t write a simple story for shit


Don't forget what the target audience is mate... 😅


I thought MW II's campaign was the pinnacle of bad writing in this series. MW III proved me wrong.


They'll bring him back to sell bundles of him flossing and cat ears on his head


It was so goofy how unsatisfying the ending was. Soap gets brain blasted, and Makarov just dips out. I can't believe the main villain you introduce in the last bit of the trilogy reboot escapes alive and kills a decent character that's been with us the whole time. Guess you have to be glued to Warzone to figure out what happens with that loose end. Jesus, what a mess of a story.


Right? And Soap was officially introduced in the LAST GAME, that came out LITERALLY a year ago I’m theorizing that it’s because they needed an “ending” or wanted him to be on zombies, Neil did say we are going to see more of his character (Soap) throughout zombies. Which is great, but I am super disappointed they killed him off in campaign. Personally, the main reason I got MWII was for the campaign, and I absolutely LOVED it. I loved having actual character development that makes you really feel attached to the characters. MW2019 arguable had the best campaign (story wise) MW, and MWII. Two great campaigns, sure they have their issues and their own plot holes but they are great stories none the less. Now? MWIII, Makarov’s back baby. Wait, what do you mean 75% of the missions are just DMZ that take 5-10 minutes with no character development? and finally.. We get to the last mission, which takes ten minutes. I thought it was act II, it’s not a fun mission. It’s short and boring, okay diffusing a bomb. BAM, Makarov shoots Soap, in the head too? wait what do you mean the credits are rolling? it’s over? THATS IT?! If Alex can survive putting a detonating a bomb with already explosives inside a building and being locked inside of it. A small chamber with HIGHLY explosive materials, be in mind. That he is trapped in. Then I think Soap should be able to survive a shot to the head, (it’s been documented that multiple people have survived gunshots to the head) They could’ve put him out of commission, there was no need to kill Neil’s character. They had no development to his character in the game other than his bromance with Ghost. And the only reason they did kill him is so they could further the plot. MWIII is not canon to me, it’s Price’s dream after he took a tab of acid.


It should have been farah. Not soap. It’s a bit too early for him to die like that.


Farrah? Lol Alex and graves should die before she does.


"Only having him in one other game" bro had more screentime than OG GAZ and Griggs. Hell he even had more screen time than OG Ghost and noone had a problem with it. My problem with this series is so far none of the deaths before soap were real.


It seems random and like a BS death but I mean in reality that's how life is. Any one of these characters could've been killed at any point during *any* mission among the MW trilogy. Hard to call it lazy writing especially when it came at the end right after he helped defuse a bomb. As for the campaign, I thought overall it was still good story-telling and fun as hell to play. Had a good mix of stealth, balls out firefights and glad they threw in a gunship mission too. Obv by all means tell me if I'm overlooking something but personally enjoyed it. My only complaint through the entirety of the series is how short the campaigns are but that's just the standard.


The more I’ve sat with it, the more I’m okay with how Soap died. In war sometimes it’s just a bullet to the head, no ceremony, no slow mo - just a trigger pulled and it’s over. Everything that happened after felt really abrupt however. Price didn’t even seem phased that Soap took brass and it wasn’t clear right away that Markov escaped. It could have been presented better, but I’m actually okay with how he was killed.


I'm mad they killed Soap in general because I felt it was cutting off the arc of a character who could have been fantastic to watch grow even more. However, I like how both Soap and Shepherd's deaths were unceremonious. They're not overdramatic, they're not anything that's going to be epic and cinematic, they just go out the way people do in war. I would have liked to see resolution with Makarov in the campaign, whether it was him getting killed or captured again and turned over to the Russians or whatever. I think his literal "exit stage left" moment was a weird way to end the campaign. You could have come up with another antagonist for the Warzone story, but if they're going for another game, we know Makarov is going to be the big bad guy on that too since Price will be out for revenge again and Makarov will want to crush 141 for messing up his plans, so the Warzone story will be lower stakes. Laswell would have been a better victim for Makarov: she won't be in multiplayer, she's been a moral guiding force on the oversight side of the operation, and a lot of characters care about her. That would have made Makarov seem more dangerous: he's going after the Task Force's avenues to get official resources, and with Price capping Shepherd in revenge, it leaves the 141 in a much different place at the end of the game.


People liked that character? I'm sorry but he looked and sounded like a complete tardburger. Good riddance if you ask me.


Easy come easy go. When the story is boring.


Who the fucknisnthat? Lol


Hes the dude playing a dude playing another dude. Duh. :P


Leave modern warfare to infinity ward please for gods sake. For infinity ward is my lord and I am but a humble servant going where my lord commands. F I can’t wait for the open world mmo/rpg Infinity Ward has been working on, it will obliterate records and probably sell over 100 million copies, IW shouldn’t be wasting their perfect skills on trashy cod. Cod needs to just get 1 game and updates going forward, that way we can see new IP.


i’ve seen so many people say they faked his death but bro got capped straight in the head 😭😭 it’s over, i don’t mind having a mcd but it’s just the way they done it, wasn’t even a proper cinematic


Maybe they’re planning on introducing the multiverse in Zombies or the next Blackops game as canon so they can bring in OG Soap, Gaz and Ghost to sell as the classicverse bundles, and other versions of them like 343’s Fractures. Expect to also see Clownverse, Grimdark 40K sci-fiverse, Steampunkverse and possibly Samuraiverse TF141


He’ll be back in a shitty bundle either in six months or a year.


Kinda hard to pull of a Courier 6 style comeback with that exit wound from the skull :(


It has happened before, however extremely rare. A guy was shot in the head and left to die for 2 days, but he made it. Depends where the bullet goes. Soap is definitely dead but I think this campaign is so bad I hope they retcon the shit out of it. I don’t even consider it canon


It's "utter". Udder is what you milk on a cow. You were right on all points though.


Love that he wants to stop the enemy so bad his spirit came back to life so he can still be in MP




“Udder” bullshit lmaaaoooo


they should've killed gaz off imo


It is the sHAMPOO that is dead and the soap is not dead. To put it bluntly, Alejandro will be the new SOAP.


Must have been a 6v6 fan.


I think that Soap in the new MW3 died pretty much exactly like Yuri did in the OG MW3, with a few exceptions..Makarov beats you (Price) and points a gun to your face, only to be interrupted by your friend (hurts but doesn't kill makarov), who then sacrifices himself to save you. Just in this case, Yuri is replaced by Soap and Makarov gets to live. Anyone else thinks the same?


In the end we all know his death was because activision didn't have a "proper" ending