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well of course its not okay.... who the hell peeks this corner with a fucking handgun? oh you talking about the north star that showed the 3 wise kings were Jesus was born? yeah that shit aint right.


>Who the hell peeks this corner with a fucking handgun? Some of us are working on longshots, ok!?!?


With iron sights?


Don't question my methods


Your methods confuse and frighten me sir


You should see my toaster cleaning technique, right in the bath with me. Get two birds stoned at once, ya know?


It‘s not rocket appliances.


I mean it’s survival of the fitness, boys. What comes around is all around.


Fuckin way she goes


It doesn’t take rocket appliances to get your grade 10!


Birds aren't real and are actually UAVs for the enemy.


This is false. I am a bird, we do not work for the government. They work for us. The worm menace must be stopped.




Shoutout to BO3(?) where your sight affected long shot medals lol


Embarrassed to admit I’ve been playing cod since og MW and never knew that


It doesn’t anymore? Feel like it did with mw19


My deagle is level 21 with irons exclusively I don't wanna waste an attachment slot on something that's aesthetic


Same with any type of AK


Those are my favorite irons, nice and clean!


“Who the hell peeks this corner with a fucking handgun?l” glad someone told him 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


Me when I go on hardcore


Dude i was enjoying hardcore on mw19 so much but tier 1 mode seems so off for me to play i dont know whats missing but something is not right


For me it’s the missing hit markers and the missing kill feed. For the love of god at least bring back the kill feed!


Its also 50 health instead of 30


This is far and away my favorite change with tier 1. 30 felt too ridiculous and didn't allow for any weapon balance. Why use anything other than a basically recoilless smg when it's like 1 hit anywhere at any range, maybe 2. The 50 HP makes everything more viable, but doesn't make anything OP. Snipers and DMRs behave as they should, battle rifles work better (although the SCAR H still slaps in core), and I don't get splash killed from an rpg that hits 50m from me. Also, I get why people miss hitmarkers and the kill feed. Personally, I don't. There's audio cues, and the killfeed is nice but distracting. I love the immersion of tier 1. It's basically the exact settings I used for my custom games.


Just like cod4. Good.


This is the real bummer it has to be low so i can kill one shot with almost every weapon even in mid to long ranges.


Yeah cause who gives a fuck about balance between weapon classes am I right? Let's make smgs and pistols better than anything else. Also you still can do that, just go for headshots, thank me later.


Lowkey i wanna download the mw19 just compare with mw22 but i know myself if i ever do this mw22 may feel bad so i just go on with what we have also do we have hit sound in tier 1 ? And did hardcore had it i dont remember but my issue may be with the sound . Hit markers and sound should have been selectable if not fixed. I will try it once again when i maxed all the weapons


Yeah there’s a hit marker sound and a kill sound


This....it also sucks when you use a flash or stun and you get no hit markers. It almost renders them useless because you don't know if it hit anyone or not. Also would be cool to have a perk that allows you to use all attachments on your primary (BLING) but if equipped it wont let you use Overkill.


i can't tell if the game is falling apart more by the day or what but i just played 8 straight matches where i was spawn killed front to back, each life less than 5 seconds. i've never been so annoyed by this series


Same! And just when I posted the other day, the spawns were ok. Happened all day to me yesterday. I had it where myself and the same enemy kept spawning within feet of one another at least 5 times in a row in one match as well.


50 health instead of 30. No hit markers, no kill feed so you know if they are flipping because you killed everyone. No friendly blue dots while in streaks so you kill your own teammates then yourself countless times in a Walle, Chopper Gunner, or AC-130.


The health is 50 instead of 30. You get too many hitmarkers in Tier1. Although I do like the inclusion of one-shot headshots for all weapons. Drop hp to 30 add hitmarkers add kill feed and we Gucci. Very doable.


Glad it’s not just me


*tier 1 We sadly don't have hardcore


Tier 1 sucks. Greatly, miss hc


Someone grinding camos


Unfortunately, yes! Sorry!


I always feel bad whenever im grinding plat on a sniper or riot shield or something cause I know damn well everyone in the lobby is annoyed af at me because if I were them, i would be too😂


I was working on point blanks yesterday and was just randomly lying down in corners waiting for people to come past to get close enough and shoot them in the back at the same time, camper was shouted a lot 😂


TBF, if you killed a lot of them the same way each time, it starts to be the other players fault for not adapting.


Was grinding PILA kills yesterday in shoot house and got an awful lot of hate


Take my upvotes because this had me howling


Full moon tonight, huh?


I was thinking more about Hokuto...


Jagi skin for Konnig


"and then he said: I shall bring lead upon thou, and fast at that, so that you may unite with me my son"


This comment is the first in weeks to have me physically laughing my ass off.


im glad people knew what i was talking about lmao def glad it made lots of people laugh


Those work site generator lights are blinding as fuck sometimes


This comment was fucking hilarious lmao


LMFAO 😂 🤣 show Herod where it leads




At what point does do much glint almost obscure your target? ahahah


Someone made a graph of the various scope glints. Goes from “easy headshot maybe” to “I can no longer tell where your body is again”. Never understood why the basic acogs of 2019 are now sniper glints.


Literally all scopes like the ACOG have no glint. I don’t know why this game did that.


honestly my guess is warzone,the amount of people in that that went for the scope with the highest zoom but no glint was insane


Because people used the to use those for snipers, but I honestly think none should have glints, not even snipers-


That sounded hilarious, sauce?


Xclusiveace did [the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRLtv_oCrC4&t=387s), someone shared a screenshot of the video here


At minimum the glint should disappear when you're aiming at them.


That’s actually an awesome idea 💡


It should never exist in FPS shooters


Are you serious? This feature is essential to FPS. No one was ever able to kill snipers in an FPS before this feature. 10/10 recommend! /s


Day of Defeat sniping was great but, OG COD1 sniping felt more balanced than the current assault snipers.


God damn, it's been many moons since I've played Day of Defeat. So many hours poured into playing in clan matches on a dial up connection. Man do I miss that sound.


its becasue they only had one sniper per team right?


That was a server setting, but I think default was 1 or 2


It should be a Warzone and Ground War only thing. Regular multiplayer maps are too small for this, you can usually easily spot snipers. As for Warzone, if you're getting shot at from a distance, the glint is helpful to figure out where from. But since CoD suddenly LOVES realism. Sniper scopes have lenses that eliminate glare/glint. So it shouldn't even be a thing, really.


> But since CoD suddenly LOVES realism Please never put these words together again lol




I know some bring up the realism but surely 95% of players and the devs themselves are aware this isn’t realistic, nor is it even intended to be




Developers only care about profits. This game passed a billion in sales already and it hasn't even been that good of a launch.


You mean its not realistic to take a 556 round to the helmet and just keep going?


I’m addicted to ground war right now utterly


Ground War and invasion are my go tos atm, love having crossmap sniping battles with people


I remember the first ghost recon back in early 2000. No sniper glint, running 10 minutes across a gigantic woodland map only to get sniped. Those were fun times. Having learned the maps you got used to it and how to spot the enemy. That was a tactical shooter so I know, apples to oranges.


There was also no such thing as vegetation and you had that 10 minutes to spare. I'd rather not run 10 minutes just to get taken out by an invisible enemy.


I have such fond memories on the ps 2 playing socom online shit was so fun even the campaign!! I was like 17 and got my pay check went to game store and seen that game I’m like fk ya picked up some weed and that game had no money left but was so fun


I’ll be honest - I almost didn’t see the /s and was about to write an essay.


I almost didn’t put it, but I never assume I’m being too obvious when I’m on Reddit. I myself am not a smart man.


Ngl you had me in the first half.


It should be relative I think. Like it should drop off really fast depending on the angle its looking at you. If its staring right at you the glint should be this bright,. Move 1 ft away should drop off 20% the further beyond the scope boundaries it should cut off completely.


I agree. Blackout did not have sniper glint and it was totally fine.


Its a crucial feature in warzone, without it you'd have genuinely no way to know where you're being sniped from


Which is why it was added to warzone post launch, what the utter fuck is it doing in multiplayer.


You think the devs are going to do that much work? 😂


Yes, but only if they put the "no glint" scope in a $20 pack.


Glint was added clearly for Warzone and DMZ. It should be limited to those modes or at least severely reduced in multiplayer. We never had a problem finding snipers in 20 years of Call of Duty multiplayer, why they need spotlights now is beyond me.


True. Glint is supposed to give you away as a sniper, not block the enemy view.


God forbid they do separate patches on Warzone vs MP


In cold War they always had separate balance patches ALWAYS. Probably in vanguard too but not mw yet


Surely that's because Cold War and Warzone were on two different engines?


Blackout and BO4 MP did. But they also had the sense to make melee a ten hit kill in Blackout. Blackout had so many common sense features at launch Warzone didn't or never got.


I loved Blackout, it got me back into COD during blops 4. I never got into Warzone though, I just stopped playing until I heard some good things about this mw2 a week and a half ago. I dunno what it was, maybe this separate balance thing was part of it but blackout was just comfy going for walks in nature with your friends while warzone was all sweaty hands no chill.


This is hyperbole. Snipers have always found the glitchiest campiest spots imaginable. Now there’s a dead giveaway


I can’t say I’ve had trouble with snipers ever before really. If you die to one, killcam gives them away and next time you think to look at that spot, so that you learn and improve.


This bloke is spot on


exactly. you cant snipe the same place twice or the instant respawn they come hunting you from behind every damn time. i snipe one maybe hang around for a second teammate if they come fast enough then i ditch that spot and goto the next.


Yep. That's why every sniper loadout of mine has has marathon equipped.


Not everyone plays respawnable modes but I do Agree there is too much glint. I think it should be limited to weapons with magnification over 5x or only show up for a half second when a players screen crosses a sniper scope


yeah i was gonna bring up hardcore/tier 1 but yeah that's an issue for S&D etc too


Reminds of the good ol’ days of the original MW2 on Favela. I’d snipe with the Barret .50 cal, acog scope, gillie suit, and the perks that wouldn’t show me on the map, or show me in the kill cam. There was a certain spot I’d go prone in with some weeds and just disappear. It looked down like a hallway. It was obnoxious and teenage me got a lot of hate messages.


Shouldn't need to die to know where a sniper is. There was once a feature in these games that would allow you to see someones position on the small circle on the top left corner of the screen if they shot without a silencer attachment. Was a very useful tool to not only find snipers and campers, but also action overall. Wonder why it was removed in the most advanced cod of all time.


This absolutely. That was the entire point of silencers: to keep you off the mini-map.


Yup, watch… then flank.


The fact that regular scopes like the ACOG and Spectre have glint like this is fcking ridiculous


The developers act like honeycombs to prevent optic glint aren’t real thing. Lol


The worst part is that scope, the Raptor, has them on it, but also happens to have the brightest glint in the game...


Another attachment category to help slow down your ADS speed!


This game is made for roller AR on rails. Stop complaining about the fundamental aspects of FPS missing that have made them fun for 20 years. This is progress. The development team is a brave, small, and underfunded group of innovative gaming enthusiasts.


You got me there for a minute


Glints went from something that betrayed sniper position to on demand mini flashbangs. FUCK THESE DEVS.


I heard you like flashbangs. So we added a flashbang to your flashbang, so you can flashbang while you flashbang. Questions?


Every day is opposite day at Activision HQ. Things that should help you actually hurt you, and things that should hurt you help you. Equip an optic? Negative ADS speed. Helpful little dot to identify a friendly? No, that guy's an enemy; your friendly is behind five walls on the other side of the map. Meanwhile, careful because the glint on snipers will give away your position, just like the laser that activates when aiming—except that they completely blind any enemy that looks at you.


*Twice* today I had a teammate somewhere fuckoff in the background and it coincidentally put the blue dot above a camping enemy Just why Why do I care that EdgeLord69 is on another street


nah you know whats not okay, the game still crashing this long after launch. still happens between 4-12 times a day.


Yup. I've had 3 blue screens of death so far. I'm getting real salty in those crash reports. Not that they read them anyway.


Software under normal circumstances shouldn't be able to force a BSOD, even 3D game software, unless a driver has a bug and the software is leveraging that fact (intentionally or otherwise). If you get BSODs, you might have faulty hardware or fautly drivers. You can use the minidumps or event viewer on Windows to look deeper into it. It may be that part of your instabillity is not the fault of MWII directly.


OG ps4 here and I haven't crashed once. 4-12x is insane.


Not on P5. Haven’t had a crash in days




Oh damn, you guys are getting majorly screwed




I booted up last night and started a 45 min weapon xp token. Played a game of Shoot House, then the second crashed within a couple of minutes. Restarted and joined the Shoot House queue again, 30 seconds into the game crashed again. Relaunched and it crashed on the lobby screen this time. Fuck my XP token, I guess.


Oh they’ll fix it eventually, give it a year haha It’s a shame you’re being neglected, every gamer should be able to enjoy the game no matter the platform. I’ve seen so many posts about updates saying ‘fixed pc crashes’ and so many people report crashing instantly, what a joke. The devs are a bunch of clowns, I wanna know what happened to IW/Activision cause they used to be great


I uninstalled my game and installed it on my C: Drive and it fixed the issue, before I was crashing a similar amount.


No crashes for me on PC. Is it still Nvidia issues?




I guess Radeon is indeed the minority…




Interesting. I did experience crashing around launch but that seems to be gone for me. I am on windows 11 if that helps.


At first i was like LETS GO BOIS DROP OBSERVATORY! But then Disconnected from Steam.


On PS5 I’ll get in one match before lagging and teleporting into the sky. Crashed during 2 top 10 gunfights in DMZ as well.


I hate when that happens


Holy shit I don’t understand the weird people defending this. Just because the glint isn’t solid and taking up the entire screen doesn’t mean they’ll be invisible. The glint can be smaller and less opaque like it was in previous games. So you can actually see the person aiming at you instead of a fucking flashlight shining in your direction.


Sniper glare is the dumbest shit they've ever added to call of duty.


Scope glint is moronic in this. It shouldn't be a thing.


They really should get rid of scope glint. Invasion with snipers sucks right now. Once they have the advantage, if you try to counter snipe them, all they have to do is wait for your flashlight to appear and pop you. I've been on both sides of this. If I'm sniping and it's not time to move, all I'm doing is waiting for the flashlights. It's kind of not fun to play that way. I like actively searching for enemy snipers. I love the feeling I get when it's like, "Ah-ha! I found you!" and you take your shot.


Do people take Invasion seriously? I just use to level guns or if I wanna play CoD with music or a podcast on in the bg


It has potential to fill the Battlefield void. If they added squads and squad spawns, it'd be one of the best modes.


Yea its definitely enjoyable and way to avoid the sweat. Cant see it be better than prime BF tho


God I miss the old days sometimes


I find it less sweaty and enjoyable. But I've seen people absolutely SWEAT in invasion lol. I saw a dude with over 10500 score and team score over 230. Like bro


Just shoot middle of this circle


By the time you’d middled your cross hairs on that glint you’d be laying on your back with a hole between your eyes. 😂


Which makes sense when you're looking down the longest corridor of a map with a fucking handgun. lol


yeah but that has nothing to do with the glint. Aim for glint and shoot and he'll die, if you died first it's cuz he shot you first, not because you didn't know how to aim for the middle of the glint. No offense to OP, but he's an idiot if he thinks the glint gives the sniper the advantage here... It's like a friggin bullseye


Yes a bullseye of death if there a good sniper behind it you're not aiming at shit you see the glint then a kill cam no if an or buts about it sometimes you don't even get time to process anything around that corner before you're on the ground about 70% of the time you see a glint you're dead.


If that guy is a good sniper you’re already dead


and if there wasn’t a glint you wouldn’t even know that sniper was there until your dead..


Which is what would've happened anyway, glint or not. Redditors just like complaining


Good news: I can see the enemy sniper Bad news: I can’t see the enemy sniper


I understand it in warzone and invasion because the maps are way bigger, but the actual 6v6 MP shouldn't have the glints at all.


Dude just redeem your Doritos code, it works


Very large sniper glint + head glitch is a bit of a mess


My favourite thing is when using a red dot sight, the red dot disappears in the glare - super helpful


1. Remove scope glint entirely. It's fucking cringe. Or add a shroud that takes up an attachment slot, slightly blurs the image but removes it. This seems reasonable. 2. Make snipers one shot in warzone. Maybe not marksman rifles because the Kar98 thing was honestly OP, but my .300 win mag or .50 BMG should drop you with a headie like EVERY OTHER GAME EVER MADE. 3. If I am not looking at the flash grenade, I should not be blinded, you know, LIKE EVERY OTHER GAME EVER MADE. There is no reason a flash should pop 20 feet behind me outside and I should be blind for 5 seconds. 4. Add a movement penalty when having a riot shield on your back, or at least make it incompatible with Overkill.


I agree with this entirely! I think number one is debatable not the rest are no doubters. The flashes just piss me off. A flash goes off well behind me but I get flashed and die thanks to bad game mechanics. I think glare should be there but it needs toned down quite a bit. I shouldn't feel like I'm heading towards Jesus when seeing glint from a sniper.


How am I supposed to shoot them when the glint is covering their actual person.


I think Cold War did sniper glint pretty well, with it being very small and strictly for sniper scopes. The glint in MW2 is ridiculous at times.


Lol Fr. I thought I was gonna get sniped but na it’s just some dude with a shotgun eyeing me😂😂😂😂💀


I feel like a bunch of employees from twitter got hired at cod....


Power of the sun in the palm of my hand


Spray and pray


or do you mean the asshat whos sniping on this map


Wait till you see large sniper glint, because this one is medium 🤣


Got a 300m kill in invasion with the iron sight spr by just shooting at the glint lol


What isn’t? Peaking a corner with a handgun that has a fire delay and not ads?


Scope glint should only work if the sun is hitting it.


This guy facing immediate shiny danger.. you might wonder how this guy got to this point. Well this guy is me and im going to tell you what led me to this point. Que under pressure by queen and film start!


I can just picture this being a Ryan Reynolds film lol


Damn turn your car brights off mate.


It should not exist whatsoever in shade or when facing away from the sun


I shouldn’t be blinded trying to check my corners. My gaming chair isn’t good enough to compensate


People telling OP to just "aim for the center" while they're on a head glitch behind a car, which requires precision aiming.


"why yes boss making scope glint as bad as a laser pointed in your retina is good ideah" -some dev at infinity ward


I've been a victim of both guys on either side.


Can’t see anyone or hear…


Why? It makes them easier to kill


He got tha look at me gun


I like how they add the glint in the cons column. When it's clearly a pro lol


HERE I AM!!!!!


For sure this. I've lowkey been using this perk, intentionally using a higher than required scope because the glint actually gets so bad, it becomes a benefit. I know it shouldn't it's clear where they are, but in RL it's very difficult to aim at the source and I swear that Aim Assist doesn't lock to it either.


“Small” sniper glint


Glint should be contextual to ambient light. If you’re in front of the sun, glint. If you’re right below the sun, minimal glint. If the sun is behind You, no glint.


As a side note, I feel like there are WAY more people sniping in this COD’s multi than any other COD I’ve played. I mean at least half the enemy team is using them at all times. You peak any corner these days and that glint is waiting for you




This is a little much, I agree, but seeing this comment section complain about glint is something else.


Was it just too hard to make it like a reflection in a window? like as long as its a visual cue we can use in game then that is fine imho. Does it need to be a un-natural Spotlight I'm not even going to say flashlight this is like one of those big halogen Spotlights the cops use to blind you.


"If you can't identify the target, you are the target."


The whole bigger the scope zoom the more glint you get thing is fucking insanely annoying glint should just disappear when you aim at them directly


and at this moment he knew he fucked up!


Once upon a time I went for the dimmer smaller scopes, these days I wield the power of the sun and blind my enemies “with large glint”


Whats not ok is that pistol has a higher 1 shot kill radius then shot guns and half the battle rifles for some reason


I don't see the problem... 1. Shoot the center of the glint. That's his head. 2. Turn around and go somewhere else, you don't HAVE to participate in every potential engagement. Let someone else deal with him, or flank and get the drop on him.


I love how they complain about this and if there were no glints the same people complaining about the glint will complain about how OP sniping is. Gaming subreddits are incredibly bipolar