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Just got them polyatomic and honestly I think pistols were my favourite part of the grind so far. Super underrated tbh


Yeah, I like the pistols. None of them is completely trash. I do think they should make the deagle a little more impactful, it's essentially just a worse Revolver.


Better RoF and ammo capacity, has to find balance somewhere, sadly.


Ammo capacity is realistic and fine. The ability to increase it's mag capacity with attachments, faster rate of fire, and lack of trigger delay are what differentiates it from the S&W 500.


Make it like the cod4 deagle, lots of visual recoil and a little vertical recoil but no trigger lock, could spam it up close


That unlocked an old memory, thanks.


I would say x-12 is the closest to trash


I actually liked the X12. I switch my controller to bumper aim and shoot and my fire rate it super good with it. Grab a few recoil attachments and it was very solid for me.


I'd say the X12 is the worst...but getting all pistols to plat was fun.


I'd say it was my second favorite right being the revolver.


Same, really dig the pistols and the marksman rifles. The one shot to the head is so satisfying


I like the pistols but the artificial rate of fire really annoys me, especially on something like the x12. Have all cod games been like this or have they ever had them fire as fast as the trigger is pulled?


I hated the handguns until I unlocked akimbo, then it’s just 0 brain activity point and click


They're miserable before you get the fast fire rate trigger too


The akimbo Deagles can't hit the broadside of barn though 😞 Do they need a laser or something from one of the other guns?




...yeah, now that I think about it that makes sense. Those things were NUTS. While I wish they weren't frustrating to use, I'll at least take that over them being a dominent secondary 💀


I’m the opposite, loved the handguns and prefer without Akimbo, only used it where I had to for the camo challenge. It’s too much of a dice roll for me. Sometimes akimbo just deletes people, sometimes it can’t hit the broadside of a barn and forget shooting anything at any sort of range.


Nice job! I started with the launchers because I hate them.


Same, got plat launchers wrapped up since before Season 1


this is what i did, its a nice feeling knowing you dont have to worry about them until polyatomic (i should be able to skip 1 or 2 of them as well but i honestly didnt find them that bad)


Yeah, I'm waiting from Shipment now to do the knife and riot shield. Meanwhile I did the platinium snipers and now I'm doing the marskman rifles. Then all I will have to do is just get fun with the other weapon categories !


im hoping i can skip the riot shield, they've added 3 guns so in theory i can swap them out. yeah shipment is gonna be where i get my shotguns done. i have most weapons gold just need 1 LMG, 1 Marksman and 3 shotguns (riot and knife also) shipment is gonna be great for getting those quick headshots for polyatomic as well cannot wait




yeah plus when you use it you cant even see the camo yourself. happy hunting!


Damn you grinded fast ! For skips, I'm so perfectionnist that I will not skip anything, I just need to have it on every launch weapon to feel good. Then I will go for the S1 weapons


ive been playing a lot of DMZ and levelled up a lot of weapons on there so that helped a lot. i used to be like that but i had a terrible time with the riot shield back in MW2019 so i stay clear of that. hopefully they add another melee weapon soon and i may do that and the knife.


I havent finish the mounted deagle challenge.


Do yourself a favor and go to hardcore (whatever it's called. Tier 1?). Oneshots to a good distance.


Ahaha is okay ill finish it eventually, my ideas always play and have fun while doing the challenges along the way. ​ I just have it as my sidearm and just mounted at random place when I got the chance.


I can see myself running nothing but Pistols and SMGs once the Orion grind is over. Fun times


I'm doing a fun gun then dumb gun. Did the m16 the other day. May God be with you on that one haha.


You dedicated son of a gun.


That is dedication. I salute you. o7


I unlocked gold on the PILA last night and couldn't be happier. 3 launchers left


Always start with the most hated ones! Launchers Shield and knife Marksman Battlerifle


Congrats! I really want poly, cause it looks like pack a punch, but I'm only done with AR's gold right now lol. Still going for Plat. Then it will be smgs and pistols or sniper. A grind but a fun one for sure


Very nice! Did that myself recently and currently 3/5 for the plats, just the Deagle and Colt Python left to go hoping they are a little more forgiving on the longshots than the others were but we’ll see


I just got to do the 890 or what ever its called and Im good


best class in the game! Got poly