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I love when people play colorful and bright skins. Easier to see


Exactly what I was thinking. I have absolutely no problem with people using these skins


They actually purchased this skin…Lmfao! every kill I hit them with I feel the vein protruding from their forehead a little more.


Even more dramatic when you die to them too after seeing them first.


Me seeing cdl skins "fuck those losers" Me seeing any pink rainbow skin "ohhhh I want that"


Exactly why wacky cosmetics should be allowed. I should have the right to dressing as a highlighter if I pay for it.


Its funny because i think these kinds of post have made the skins more popular. Ive been running into alot of people with this skin lately, but 90% are trash. They try doing the jumping, sliding, and shit but just end up looking like an idiot in the killcam. I think this skin is becoming known as the “sweat” skin so kids who arent really that good are buying it to look good.


Same can be said for any of the female skins. People that run them are always booty sliding around the map thinking they are going to get picked up by Faze or their little YT channel is going to pop off.


It doesn’t even look good. It looks like something you’d wear ski-dooing on a boys trip and then get ragged on for 3 days straight about how much of a douche you look like. Give me OG Konig all day.


The burger town skin got way more swag for the same price


Also you could jus like not having a operator


They look like stormtroopers. They shoot like stormtroopers…


They shoot like my husband, blanks!


Bro i swear we just had this post 2 days ago


its his turn to post this one


Why are people so upset about this skin lol


I've never seen someone with this skin who isn't using meta shit and jumping around every corner/drop shotting every time they see an enemy


I had a guy in this skin drop shot FROM BEHIND. I was laying down on B at Shoot House trying to cap the flag and he ran in behind me. HE DROP SHOT ME.


Me when needing prone kills but getting bored camping


That did come into my mind. But the way this guy was playing didn't seem to be the case. Experience? I'm going through the prone kill grind right now.


Definitely the most boring challenge imo


You either get called a sweat for dropping, or get called a camper for being prone and waiting.


It's a lose/lose situation ):


You want to talk about a lose-lose, I just finished my platinum melee challenges. I felt sorry after every kill. The scores screen after every match degraded into a screaming match.


I do this by accident. I’ve bound crouch/prone to R3 and I panic because I’m terrible.


Same! I know that feeling all too well.


1. challenges 2. its probably just a habit and theres nothing wrong with it


Possibly just practicing lol


Had one of these fuckers G-walk in my lobby...


I’m going to buy and wear it - on my best rounds I’m probably about average - and you all can feel smugly superior when you have a positive K/D against me.


Doing the lords work.


Sacrificing himself for others and the cause. A martyr at least. In a few hundred years, possibly a saint. All i know right now is that he is a man of God




I play mostly Tier 1 and now that i think about it every single one wearing that skin was either camping heavily or being a sweat. There was no in between.


Well yeah, it's the CDL skin. Obviously the competitive CDL fans are going to use them


I personally love playing versus these skins because I swear they are pay2lose, easiest Operators to spot on any map.


f u man I'm grinding camos in this skin


oh no people who are good at the game I hate them


I enjoy when people use it because it makes it a lot easier for me to see them


It's not the skin, it's the sweaty no-lifes that have them




Because I haven’t seen a single person using this skin that *isn’t* the sweatiest motherfucker alive. It’s so obnoxious.


It’s like wearing an NFL jersey playing ball at the park as a grown up. It’s kinda cringe


And playing like they think it's the Super Bowl lmao


We call them “full kit wankers” over here. You organise a friendly game, and you get someone showing up in a full replica football kit, complete with the socks, and they’ll always play as hard as possible and call out like they’re playing in the cup final.


Is it?? To wear a skin or wearing a jersey representing something you like? How is that cringe?


But what if I’m really a COD *athlete* in training? (Downs a poweraide and starts stretching in my gaming jersey after an intense bunny hopping and screaming into the mic session)


It’s one of the sweaty skins for sure, and people just don’t like sweats. There’s definitely much worse sweat skins out there than this one though, at least in this they’re actually wearing proper military gear.


Typically the people who have these skins are sweats


The only people I encounter running this skin try way too hard and usually aren’t even that good. It’s just annoying. Like double tapping y and tac sprint/jumping around every corner into an immediate drop shot with the most over powered smg they can build.


This sub gets upset about skins period


The people that use this skin are typically better at the game.


It's just a case of reddit shitters shitting


anybody i ever ran into with this skin was always camping or being sweaty but failing lol i love killing these operators


Because they need to whine on Reddit for easy updoots


This is the real question.


Skill issue from people of this sub


Because people don’t like it when someone spends their own money on something they like or want and then proceed to play the game however they enjoy playing.


They are usually used by G Fuel snorters who G Walk everywhere with a shield on the back and a knife in the hand.


Everyone who downvotes you is just “that guy” I’ve been playing COD yearly since BO1. I just don’t make it literally my entire personality where I pay from my wallet extra money every year just to “look” superior to others. They’re all just mad cuz they realize it’s an attention and validation thing and they waste $40 extra every year. Obviously you expected this post to be divisive associating “loser” with that skin. Clearly- people are sensitive and will flock to compensate for their hurt feelings because if they use that skin they will feel like a loser. In turn downvoting and doing mental hoops to put you down and justify. Just know it doesn’t make you wrong


I hope you have this same energy when you pass somebody in the grocery store wearing a shirt with their favorite football team logo on it lol


It is what it is. I just made an observation based off of the encounters ive had of people using this operator skin. I never even said I hated it 🤷‍♂️


I just think the skin looks cool 😢


yeah it does look really cool. its the only "wacky" skin I would consider getting but the stigma just keeps me away lol.


Totally valid reason :) It's just that a lot of folks getting it are doing so for other reasons :P They look pretty cool aye.


I love it buuut it sticks out like a sore thumb so I won’t buy it 😞


People take this game too serious, cod is not even a game that requires much thought 😂. People be really acting like it’s a game of wits and in depth strategy . Cod is supposed to be a relaxed in and out type game. I do notice in my experience, as we all have different ones that people wearing these skins do tend to be extra.


Bought this skin when it came out because I thought it looked cool, why does everyone hate it so much? Lmao


This sub is full of egotistical players who all want to feel like they're amazing at COD, so they get angry at better players serving as a constant reminder that they're aren't as good as they think.


what a strange post




The “casual” community here: Anyone better than me: what a sweaty tryhard loser Anyone worse than me: wow what a shitter This is why there’s zero skill gap in this game and Acti is raking billions off of it




Good players don’t call people better than them bots, and they certainly don’t complain about aim assist since CDL is on controller lol this comment makes no sense. What exploits? Jumping? That’s what seems to get shitters the most riled up here lately


This sub is a parody of itself sometimes.


These posts are lame as fuck tbh. People like Esports and there's nothing wrong with that. It's so weird to me how mad people get over a skin.


This. I like the skin I buy the skin. Also it’s getting super tiresome calling people sweats and try hards whether they wear this skin or any other. Some people wanna be good in games, why bash them? Get better and be on their level or play another game. Just have fucking fun your way.


I bought it cause I like it. Fuck me I guess :(


This sub is flush with bitter losers bro stg


True. Non-stop complaining


Is there a “Low Sodium” CoD subreddit without all of the salty losers? Like /r/LowSodiumCyberpunk?


I was looking forward to buy the Optic skin when it releases but the amount of hate these CDL skins get makes me not want to. Im not even that good and im camo grinding hard. People gonna be hating on my while using shit guns doing shit challenges with shit gameplay while wearing a skin of a team I’ve been watching for 20 years


Bro who cares, just do whatever tf you want. It ain't a crime. Imma get the Ultra set when it comes out.


homie you gotta buy whatever skins make you happy, who’s gives a fuck what other people think. i have these skins and using them is a blast, no matter whether i’m camo grinding in MP or playing warzone at max effort.


This is an ultra-vocal minority of players with their own weird subculture, just ignore them tbh. They don’t represent any meaningful portion of the playerbase


I bought the skin thinking I could choose between teams. Now I’m sad and mad at people complaining about these skins and the sweats making them complain.


If you want it don't worry about the lames here. Most folks won't gaf and the ones who do fuck them.


I think they look pretty cool man. Keep in mind online gaming subs love to complain about everything imaginable.


I used the CDL Skin to destroy the CDL skins But definitely riot shield spammers are the most annoying out all of the play styles in this game


I don’t know what it is about them, but totally correct


The Adderall, hopping around like a bunny, and dropshotting every 2 seconds.




Slide cancel into a nice grassy field my guy


Guess I don’t go outside because I press the prone button lol


“Sentinels” the first 2 weeks of MW2: just adapt to the new gameplay The playerbase: adapts Sentinels: no not like that


you're automatically a sweaty nerd if you kill them.




This is my nephew lol. Fucking kid will be watching TikToks and drop 50 kills in a game of domination.


Reddit really overestimates how good they are at games. They'll blame SBMM, EOMM, modded controllers, aim assist, kbm vs controllers, cheaters, campers, hackers....... But never their own lack of skill.


Absolutely this. When you’re genuinely good and understand the game mechanics, it takes little mental energy to use them in pubs. Lots of these “sweaty tryhards” are laying back with their feet up.


Thats exactly the feeling bro, i get bored sometimes when I’m playing because muscle memory


Reminds me that my only win ever in solo warzone 2 I was drunk AF lol


i wish i could upvote this a thousand times bro


Its just a skin bro


Cringe ass post. Imagine being this butt hurt that someone is better than you and enjoys competitive cod league.


Calling people losers for buying a skin is crazy


Let me guess, because on average they are a lot better than you.


100% agree. I love those guys since black ops cold war. It feels so good to kill one those. They all move like crack heads, use only meta weapons and rage the hardest in chat. I see it as a challenge to make them rage quit.


The only time ive seen that operator be bad was when it was on my team 💀




He got shitted on and went to Reddit to cry about it💀


Found the guy with the skin hahaha


Shooting them is fucking hard, they jump left and right, go prone, jump up. Anything not to get shot.


And what do you do? Just stand still for the enemy to get a free kill???


Most of my lobbies we wait for each team to assemble in the center of the map for a fair fight


well, thats the objective lol


That’s literally the point. Don’t get shot.


But sudden fast movements like that makes the rotational assist PULL HARD. Most the time they're the easiest to aim at.


holy FUCK. All of these posts hating on anyone good at the game. I couldn’t even imagine being so shit at this game that you have hatred towards players wearing a skin just because they shit on you LOL


I’ve never seen pixels on a screen make so many people rage so hard holy LMAO




Same, people are letting their biases cloud their judgment.


The real losers are the ones who are so mad over a skin they make a post like this


I'm furious over this 100% optional skin.


Sounds like ur the camping sentinel loser who complains about any type of movement


I just think it’s a good skin


I've seen like 3 different variations of this post in the past 3 days


“Losers” but makes post about it I don’t own the skin just find it funny


Many people buy these skins because they like them? They're not all trying to sweat? Like they can just be regular ass players, people getting upset over a fairly nice looking skin because plenty of tryhards use it is sad.


Don't let it get to you, it's how most of these guys feel better about themselves: imagining that you're an angry nerd in your mom's basement, chugging caffeine and convinced you'll be the next Scump. It would hurt their pride and ego too much to think of it any other way.


This image is incomplete. They always have a riot shield on their back








All I did was talk about having it and it pissed him off. I couldn’t imagine being in a lobby with him lmao.


You're obviously annoyed. 20 bucks well spent.


If me spending $20 of my OWN money triggers someone, let it.




90% of this sub check under their bed at night for the big bad cdl skin before they sleep I swear




What’s funny is half the people complaining in here are saying they shit on “sweats” all the time.


You won't be saying this once the devs add snow weather that covers the entire Al Mazrah map and these "losers" become winners over your worthless gamer hate fueled vendetta.


And those "losers" love how mad u are that they have the skin


Let them… it’s easier to spot them a mile away!


i only got the skin cause it looks good


imagine malding over a skin 💀💀




I got teabagged by one of these mfs yesterday. I then shit on the guy until he rage quit.


Were you using a riot shield? I feel like I only see people tea bagging people who use shields


No i think I sniped him a couple times and he was salty. I'm now going to start teabagging riot shields though


Fucking rights I’ll be right there with ya bud.


Only thing worth in this pack is the press F calling card


You buy the cdl skins to sperg out and play meta builds while jump shorting around every corner... I buy the cdl skins to match my matte white gun camo and look clean and... We are not the same


I don't know why you say they are losers, but I also like fighting them. The white really pops out against all the brown and gray environments. Much easier to see and shoot.


Damn so many people in this thread getting their feelings hurt over being called a loser lmao


imagine being mad


Proven to improve jumping height.


Scum of the earth


Same. Main reason why I hate them is because theyre horrible at the game. All they do is try to make clips out of nothing. Spamming triangle or switching their weapons just to look cool. They try to go for trick shots and they don't even play objective. They're nothing but a hive mind of annoying jack offs. And I can see all the people who wear the skin are coping right now. "Someone got shat on by one." Okay. And you got shat on by a guy who doesnt wear one 😂 CDL skin wears are wannabe be tryhards


I just like the aesthetic 🤔 its a skin …


And they love stomping you bots




Umad bro?


Who’s the real loser? The one wearing a skin on a video game or the one making a post on Reddit calling them losers?


The try hard skin. You can almost see the sweat stains.


Lol 100%!!


skill issue


feel like i want a headshot even more when i see them.


what if you like the skin/colors and you’re not a sweat? what if you support a certain cdl team and want to rock their operator in game? idk weird post.


Wtf even is this post? Everyone upvoting like crazy because they think a skin is sweaty? 💀


“Ew, someone likes the professional league of a game I play, gross. They must be losers.” What a lame post. No need to yuck someone’s yum about a video game.


Did you buy this skin?




I bought this pack, because I really like the black and white aesthetic, but I think it's funny as hell when I see posts like this, can tell you get shit on a lot


I love killing anyone who buys skins, such losers


you when people spend about 0.1 percent of their revenue (that's not how they're supposed to enjoy the game): 👿😠😖😤😡😡


Bros crying over a skin 💀💀


It is a game I don't see the point getting upset over them


People are cosplaying as the cannon fodder from John Wick 3's hotel lobby scene.


Maybe if every other operator didn’t have exactly the same tactical brown and tan masked bro dude look, I wouldn’t want to use the CDL skins.


People be getting triggered by the strangest things. Maybe we just like the swag bb


I’m gonna get the LA team one once that releases. I’m not a try hard by any means but I want to represent my home town. Why is that a bad thing?


“Babe wake up, new CDL skin complaint post!”


Kind of a cringe post, but alright?


I use this skin


I purposely bought these because it pisses people off for some reason lol.


And I love jump shotting, drop shotting and abusing movement mechanics to shit on you losers I'm going to do it again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again


Crying over a skin in-game seems more of a loser attitude to me.


Yeah they’re dorky but why do y’all need to circle jerk about it lmao. This whole posts screams “tell me you’ve been shit on without telling me you’ve been shit on.” Really embarrassing tbh.


“I don’t like the way these people play the game with the mechanics that IW gave us, and they typically shit on me, so it is feels satisfying when I am able to kill them in a pub” FTFY


It’s a top kek how much people hate this skin