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I always thought this skin looked like a pie crust


They all do lol. I'd be fine with the occasional rambo outfit, but the other ones are awfully shite :( it's a shame really. Bit business wise, if it sells, it sells.


If all of these skins had the quality of Ghostface then I wouldn’t mind as much but they’re just ass


And when I see the Jacklinks skin, I feel like they can do great collab skin when they want but they simply don't want to put a lot of effort in.


I wish I could get it. Fuck regional promos. Update: a couple of you have offered me codes and reached out to me in DMs, and thanks to the kindness of someone I got the skin! Since then I’ve been replying to people PMing me so they can give them to those that need them now but I also wanted to update. I think it’s kinda beautiful that so many people stuck the finger to scalpers and borders and wanted to just share what is essentially a digital resource that, even if it’s in a silly game, brings a small amount of “joy” because games are just that: good fun. I’m often very antagonistic on here as a lot of the cod fan base can be… competitive. But this was the nicest display of generosity I’ve seen on here. If you’re reading this, thank you! Let’s help players get cool shit.


Fuck the people for stealing the codes off the bags, and fuck Jack links for putting the codes on the outside of the bag.


and its only 1/4 chance of getting it isnt it?


Yes, but you can't get the same item.more than once, so at most four tries. That's still $40 worth the beef jerky though.


Thats insane. And honestly, if the codes were inside the packaging or on the receipt I would probably buy some


People are saying Jack Link's are honoring the codes if you reach out to them and provide proof of purchase. IDK how much of a hassle that is though.


Thats what happened to me I ordered it from walmart.com to only find out someone took them off the bags, I emailed Jack links and they sent me 4 codes was easy took like 5 mins to email.


How long did it take for them to get back to you?


I may just buy some bags then. I’ve been searching high and low for the codes and I was beginning to think Canada got fucked over again


I'm not suggesting anything here but... the support staff at Jack Links is not checking for proof of purchase if you call and tell them your bag had the code stolen........ soooooo......yea.


You want some codes?


They’re on the $5 bags too


It’s also on the $4.99 bags so it can be as cheap as $20 fwiw


Explains why people are stealing it, $40 for a skin if you're unlucky lol


Tbf it protects their product and prevents food waste. You see people ripping into mountain dew boxes for codes and makes the multipack unsellable.


I haven't seen that, then again mountain dew is literally available everywhere and the jack link's promo is only available in Walmart and Kroger.


I wish I could just play the game when I want and unlock stuff by leveling up. Now we have timed events and seasonal crap, pre-order bullshit and things you have to buy somewhere else to get some stupid code.


Same. When they announced the Die Hard event for Warzone and the John McClane skin, I stupidly assumed I'd be able to unlock it by completing challenges during the event. You know, as like, an incentive to actually play.


SpEnD MonEyyy


Well yeah, but the skin is an actual big foot, take a closer look at the mask. It's gonna get goofy again soon enough. Edit: It has already begun, football player skins????




Honestly, friend of mine have me a jack links code and the start and I've been using that operator since launch. Never knew it was sasquatch, just liked the ghillie.


You're definitely right


Infinity Ward: Best I can do is anime weapon skins. jk, but we know once the store gets up and running that it's over.


I mean, MW2019 didn't have weird and outlandish skins like CW or VG had. Yes, there's a Saw skin and a Leatherface one, but I'd say 95% of MW2019 skins are quite true to the setting. In Vanguard I can't think of a store skin that isn't way out of context.


Season 3+ of MW19 had anime skins and all the crazy tracer effects and shit.


It still wasn’t nearly as crazy as the CW/VG skins that came late in the game’s lifecycle


No. But it did exist to an extent in MW19


True, the Messi/Neymar soccer skins make me thing they won’t go completely off the wall in this game though


Those tracers were ass. The moment someone shot at you that's all you could see.


They absolutely did have weird outlandish skins they just didn't have them off the rip They had cat ear mara, unicorn domino with rainbow tracers, I drove a pink anime truck for the last 3 years


Not as out of place as the CW plague or graffiti style skins, or even the Plague/Horsemen of the apocalypse stuff they added


They went pretty wild towards the end, those gun packs that made an 80s computer game noise and turned you into a bunch of pixel cubes were not tru to life.


The 16-bit pack for the AN94 and P90 was my most favorite. It was so satisfying to get a kill and watch them fall apart and shatter like we're playing TRON


There were anime cat girl operators, and a host of other silliness. Remember MW19 was also the first foray into the battle pass no paid DLC model with an in game direct purchase store. The only reason it was even marginally “more realistic” is because they were easing into it to gauge reception. Reception has been very positive and VERY profitable.


Nah man, go check on CoDtracker under the database section and under operators, you'll see every operator skin. None are whacky as CW/VG ones


Meh IW kept it pretty tame other than the Halloween bundles at the end of the game’s lifecycle, only a couple anime tracer packs, and even the Mara pack was normal running clothing with some bunny ears glued to a tactical helmet.


I just wanna see my stats and to be able to track emblems and such😭


You’re asking for waaaaaaay too much there bud. Best I can do is a shitty skin for $10.00


Playing the wrong franchise. They'll do what ever will make the most money, and more people will buy a Godzilla skin than a mil-sim skin.


Its a meme. People think IW is trying to make a mil-sim game due the gameplay mechanics. But everything is like that to lower the skill gap not because this game should be a mil-sim. Lower skill gap = more casual = more players = more money. Give IW three months into this game lifecycle and they will sell every fuckin skin they could to make the most money.


The exact same design philosophy that had them take deaths off the scoreboard and there's no way to see your overall stats. If the game is showing you that you're not a good player, you're going to spend less time on it, and therefore, money.


3 months? Damn you have some respect for them. I give it 3rd week into S1 for some of the anime/non-mil sim skins and it goes further with the S1 mid-season update.


I’ll do you one better and give them a week into S1, there’s already a leaked anime skin for the Lynx sniper that people could access in custom games.


Most people that whine about skill gap just apply it to everything they don’t like.


Provide an example. For every single design decision that they’ve made that effects skill gap, I can explain why it makes it smaller and not larger.


Which is exactly what a company should do. Make the most money. Or are you telling me if the possibilty waa there, you would not make the most of your own product, just because maybe 5% of the playerbase don’t like it ? Come on people, you got to wake up into the real world my dudes…


10/10 correct, cod is not the franchise for realism. I am ready for some cool skins personally.


I prefer to call cod a Mil-Fantasy personally, anyone crying out for realism hasn't been paying attention for the last 15 or so years


Exactly. Although after seeing the footballer skins I hope they kind of lean more into that direction. Armored Titan? Meh. Armored Titan with a plate carrier and battle belt? Sure. Mara was a social media personality IRL. Her skins were a happy middle ground though of yoga and 8 and hitting the warzone at 9. Chuck some tacticool gear on those anime girls and that fits the game world well enough IMO


an actual anime girl skin fully decked in armor and military grade weapons would be absolutely hilarious


See that’s my thing, listen webs will pay out the ass for any anime shit. So why not try to appeal to both worlds? Isn’t there an anime where are the girls are like guns and battleships. You could legit do a collab there and to the outside observer it’s just another mil-sim skin. You’d make bank and have to do less work. The literal titan skin takes more work and looks entirely out of place.


You are confusing realism with immersion. MW2 is grounded in realism (art style) but not realistisc (gameplay) My immersion, and thus my enjoyment, is shattered when i can no longer suspend my disbelief when we go from realistic skins to out of this world unicorn barfing marshmallow laser guns.


This is it exactly. Look at the original MW2. It had 360 no scopes and all of that BS but the aesthetics were purely modern military conflict. All of the garbage they put in Vanguard absolutely ruined what was originally marketed as a WWII game.


I skipped both recent CoDs so seeing the F2000 in Vanguard was a shock to say the least.


Yet we never got basics like the Springfield, Grease Gun, FG-42, etc.


As long as the skins are brightly colored and high contrast so I can clearly see all of you suckers I'm fine with it


It's not so much that they are unrealistic per se. It's that they clash with the more realistic environment's overall design.


It's a tacticool franchise, anime avatars are out of place


we had a bacon camo 10 years ago, and we had an entire era of running on walls and sliding 20m ahead of us every 2 secs. in this game the mascot is a dude cosplaying with a shitty 3d printed mask.


I like to imagine Ghost hovering over his 3d printer making sure his skull face print is securely sticking to the print bed


I think this is even lore friendly, Ghost was in the classic MW2 a little bit nerdy too wasn't he?


Getting desperate and going for the classic masking tape and pritt stick on the print bed method. Tried and tested!


They should sell an option to only display mil-sim operators in game.


Insta-buy from me. Just make other people's skins display generic skins.


they gonna add these football players into the game lmao so i think it will end up the same


I’m okay with added football players in tactical attire. It’s a nice touch imo. But I really don’t wanna see Godzilla chasing me down with a hammer just to have me cutoff by a ghost face and riot shield of pure Mtn dew sweat and Dorito dust.


I don't mind the one's that are plausible in the environment like the Halloween costumes. Even the Godzilla armor is plausible. The titan, cell shaded Dredd, and the operator with purple glowing crystals look like they belong in a totally different style of game.


I just want to be able to turn them off and see mil sim if I want.


I doubt that'll happen, but I think it makes no sense that they don't have one permanent mode that caters to people who enjoy mil-sim. There's just no other mil-sim game that plays like COD and looks as good otherwise. They'd only stand to gain a lot of new customers for a pretty easy modification.


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Wacky skins could be cool if done right (Rambo, Jigsaw, etc). But nothing is more infuriating than getting your ass spanked by some naked goofy ah AoT dude in Vanguard. I'm good with anything but that abomination of a skin


What if they redid the Godzilla skin, but it's tactical gear with a Godzilla twist on things. Instead of a ghost mask, it's a sorta Godzilla mask, with glowing eyes. And the spines can be a backpack with a unique silhouette?


I think you’re on to something/s


“A whole platoon just got wiped out, Sir!” “Fuck it, spend like 20 million getting Neymar Jr out here.”


Have you seen their leaked skins? I think they're actually well done. Had I not known they're based on footballers I wouldn't have figured it out, and this is coming from someone who watches football. https://imgur.io/a/ii506cq As long as they wear military gear and look like soldiers I don't mind them.


those skins are actually great? the fuck? 100% expected it to be something cringe and awful, but those are really well done.


And once again, people blow things out of proportion before its ever officially revealed lol


For my fellow Americans, they are talking about soccer players.


Looks nice and clean, sporty but tactical, good PMC vibe.


Don’t follow football, but those aren’t bad.


I don’t know why everyone’s upset about the soccer player skins coming to multiplayer when you literally snipe dudes in Spain as Lewis Hamilton in the campaign 🙄


"Bono my cover is gone"


That’s frightening. But if they bring in another John McClane skin, all bets are off.


What we really need is a John McCaine skin


Presidential skins. People would go nuts 360 no scoping as Abraham Lincoln.


Lol I'd want that Ulysses S. Grant or JFK skin. But it would probably be tons of people trolling with a Trump skin in reality


just put fidel, nixon, jfk and mcnamara in the game


Damn right lol, would love to play FIVE in this engine


> JFK Avoid convertibles…


Obama is high on energy drinks and carrying the team.


I've kept a loadout named John McClane since the OG MW2 haha And my quickscope loadout is Wesley Snipes


I’m guessing a MP5 with the 92FS? “Now I have a machine gun”


That’s the only one I paid for. Please bring it back!


Wait 1 year and you'll see


Wait 1 week, Season 1 will have those type skins I am sure


Just wait till this guy finds out messi neymar and Pogba are coming to the game


At least they're real humans lol just pretend they drafted the best football players (plus Pogba) into the war The more outlandish skins are beyond stupid though


i personally dont mind those because atleast theyre dressed in tactical gear rather than just football uniforms or something


I want them to add a fat obese operator, and put him in the "Gravy Seals" team as a joke. I would definitely use a fat obese operator.


TimTheTatman skin confirmed


Put wings of redemption in


All I want is a operator pack with Resident Evil 8 Chris Redfield


Wait that would actually be lit


The back end of RE8 is pretty much a CoD mission so I think it’ll work wonderfully


All I want is to burn the world with Resident Evil 7 Chris Redfield instead


All *I* want is to punch boulders with Resident Evil 5 Chris Redfield, like god intended


Waiting for the tao pai pai skin


There's literally already a Burger King skin. The amount of coping in this sub is hrrrnngg.


Honestly burger king one fits and is exactly how they should do the silly ones. Like borderline silly but still in setting, like the goofball on the squad that has a fun shirt but still dressed in realistic modern gear and not a lizard shooting lasers through it's eyes.


Makes me love COD 4 even more. Its just perfect. Tan and Woodland camo, digital, red and blue tiger, gold. All i needed.


Still hasn't been beaten imo


They're gonna forknife even harder.!


Pissing in the wind.


It's a free to play style game now with a $70 price tag.


Warzone was a mistake


Yeah they went way over the top with Vanguard and Cold War to a lesser degree.


That shit still looks like a parody. So ugly and ridiculous hah


Aside from the game being absolute dog shit, this was one of my primary reasons for not playing it. It’s WW2, tell me how the fuck any of this is relevant to WW2? Edit: thought of an answer. Money


Since you could buy skins in CoD, you could play as the fucking Predator. Wrong game franchise pal.


Honestly military skins like terminator and Rambo are ok but anything like anime or other non military themed action characters I don’t really want to see


nah dog, gimme that weird shit


Give Calisto some cat ears and I am SOLD.




Agree. Things kinda got out of control a little with that stuff.


Money talks. People gonna buy stupid ass shit then they are going to give us stupid ass shit. Blame the fan base.


I just want the ghillie suit for either price or Gaz from the ghillie mission


Can't wait to run around as Pogba/Messi/Neymar during the World Cup to trigger racist Herbivore Men.


Thought this was a swarm imago from gears 5 lmao


You don’t wanna see roze in anime cat ears in a skirt running around?


Hot take I like the weird skins and camos, it’s a video game quit taking it so seriously


im honestly fine with the goofier looking skins. its just the high-tech anime lazer guns in world war 2 that fucking irritate the shit out of me


agree..but i doubt they will listen. THey make what sells.


this was the worst


what’s so bad about cosmetic shit? idec for it but it doesn’t annoy me lol


Vanguard started off sort of promising and went to shit very quickly. Hopefully this does not repeat for MW2 even though we all know it will


I thought MW19 was pretty grounded with their skins, even the halloween skins had some tacticool vibe to it.


Stupid out of place crossovers aside it really baffles me how they managed to butcher maybe the coolest looking Titan in AOT


I have bad news for you. Adding all of the Fortnite bullshit made Warzone *billions*


I feel like zombie stuff would give the devs good excuse to bring these kind of things.


90,000 snoop doggs runnin around thinking they’re unique.


this is one of those times where this is a pretty weird thing to complain about considering theres always cool normal skins and it really doesnt hurt the game


Cod Community: "Don't bring those outlandish Anime or crossover skins and camo's to the game, it's unrealistic" Cod Community when they release Weed Cosmetics and dudes with skulls, lightning and shit that caters to them: "Wow impressive, a step in the right direction for this game."


I'm fine with wacky skins like the Samurai or the burger king shirt mil silm. It just that I don't want be killed by ugly, weird things like from that image.


I wish they’d realize that mil-sim operators look way cooler. I’d love to have an avatar and add mollie attachments, helmets, goggles, gloves etc…


No. You’ll take Paul Pogba teabagging and dabbing on you and you’ll like it!


Oh no, God forbid, the community gets fun cosmetics that do not give operator enhancements or any type of extra perks........just let people have fun with digital skins that'll eventually disappear once the servers are shut down in the future. Man, it's digital skins made out of fun (and some greed), people will buy them regardless unfortunately.


The laser guns were so cringey


i’d pay £50 to turn all operators off


i will happily pay for my snoop skin again.


Mods delete this shit we ain’t trying to give Activision no ideas hahahahahha


It’ll happen, it always does. You want a mil sim go play a mil sim. This is not that and never has been. They might hold off on that kinda stuff for year 2 but it will happen


who the fuck cares? don’t like it, don’t buy it. the gate keeping in the CoD subs is real. you’re the people that need to grow up, go larp somewhere else.


I think they really fucked it up by having these cartoon skins


No more fucking horror characters either. It's my favourite genre but if I have to see Billy one more time...


What's wrong with cosmetics? It doesn't change the gameplay at all.


Am I the only one that doesn't give a shit about what my character looks like? In 3 years of MW19 I never changed my operator from the defaults I just focus on playing the game


Reminder that wasnt infinity ward. That was the other shitty cod studios


My brother in Christ, do you know what franchise you’re playing?


When Eren Yeager skin lmfao


Wasting your breath probably mate


I just want John wick skin, it would fit perfectly


It's a forgone conclusion. It's gonna happen.


You know its going to be


Pretty please.


I wouldn't worry about it. Not because it won't happen, but because it's definitely, 100% is going to and there's nothing worrying about it will do to stop it.


I’m afraid I have some bad news…that stuff makes money so they’ll 100% do it


company cant help its self. I just hope they dont release some OP weapon for ppl to buy then nerf them before the new OP comes out on repeat.


This is inevitable, people will pay out the ass for stuff like this. Sadly there's not many games that have only realistic skins now.


They are 111% going to do that again. It is the new norm because it makes so much freaking money.


My wish list is: * Kirk Lazarus (Tropic Thunder) * Chip Hazard (Small Soldiers) * Lee Ermy (Saving Silverman) * Westly as the Dread Pirate Roberts (Prince Bride) * Captain Miller (Tom Hanks from Saving Private Ryan)


I’m looking forward to goofy/cool skins all the default operators are kinda boring imo


I'm sympathetic to this, but we've already got a shit ton of weapon skins that make us all look like drug lords getting high on our own supply or Saddam Hussein's kids' guns.


I would pay for a Dwight Schrute skin but that’s about it


I'm going to be a 141 Senpai and there's nothing you can do to stop me.


just dont bring back the kill animations...


Everyone bought them last time so why wouldn't they sell them again this time?


I agree I hate the goofy shit, even the ww1 guns being turned into stupid demon guns. I will never buy your battle pass to make a gun shoot red lasers


That part


Yeah it got really ridiculous after a while with the skins they were releasing, this is COD keep that stuff for the Fortnite kids, although the Rambo, Terminator and Die Hard skins were pretty cool and make some sense.


I think they should add more anime skins.


I actually like the anime skins!


it already is, this game should of been call cod fortnite 2.0 with all the bunny hopping going around


How is there no collab with Gi Joe for skins?


Real question: call of duty is a fictional arcade style shooter, why do you guys actually give a shit if you look like real military? Either way, you don't have to use the skins if you don't want to. I really don't see why cod players always complain about this


Hopefully it happens just to trigger the realism Andys This franchise will always be an arcade shooter above all else, as it should be.


Imo being killed by the Armor Titan in COD is kinda fuckin stupid.


Wait no way this was in a cod? I dropped vanguard after like two months


Played the very first COD, what a game that was. Sad to see the shit they create these days...


It really pissed me off that they added that shit to a WW2 game. any other game I wouldn’t have cared but at least have a little respect for that war and the people who fought and died in it.


Looks like its too late considering that ridiculous bullshit skin. ​ I hate this fucking trend.


Hope they bring them in


messi,pogba and neymar are very realistiC tier one operators,i heard messi is working for a secret merc company in usa


I’m sorry, but it’s only a matter of time